Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

[quote name='ITDEFX']HOLY SHIT :hot:

JH has been downloaded into Cormarite body!!

This show is starting to get really get good.[/QUOTE]

You couldn't have been THAT surprised, I did call it- (Spoilered in case anyone hasn't seen this week's episode yet)
[quote name='keithp']Just watched the episode. I bet Weaver and her team are going to put her company's neural net/AI into Cromartie's body and bring him back to life, so to speak. This show is definitely the best series on TV.[/QUOTE]

I didn't think this episode was that good, at least compared to the others. Riley is alot more interesting now though. Her emo act was making me wanna choke the bitch!
So is Jesse a machine? I could've sworn that after the first time Jesse & Derek had sex after she arrived in the "past", they showed a POV from her perspective and she had a HUD like the machines.
Damn this show is getting better and better. I think some of the slow or boring episode was justing building up for moments like this. Epic!

Terminator is way better than Heroes! I don't know what the hell happen to Heroes...
I am just thinking why download JH into the terminator's body? Unless the T-1001 knows that the T-888 models have some sort of back up chip that has some basic commands such as "Terminate John Connor" or even a basic coding for the Skynet AI that JH needs to obsorb before becoming the new skynet.

As for the other company, well who knows what AI they are setting up.

The scene where Ellison questions Henry was well done, especially the music in that scene.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I am just thinking why download JH into the terminator's body? [/quote]

If JH looks like a human, he may be treated like a human or learn to act more like a human.

The Terminator body gives JH to best way to interact with other humans.

Stick a wireless receiver in JH's head and you have the ability for JH to literally bump into John Connor and crew.

Want a twist?

Let's say Connor and crew kill the Cromartie body again while JH is controlling it.

Wouldn't that give JH the reason to terminate John Connor?

Then, how about John Connor causing Judgment Day because it wouldn't submit to the JH for punishment or vengeance?

The show could definitely go in a lot of directions.
[quote name='blueweltall']So does Ellison knows that Cameron is a Terminator?

I also laughed when Cameron told him to go back to bed.[/quote]

I don't think he has explicit proof such seeing the metal under her skin, but getting tossed around a room by somebody half your size not using super duper karate would be implicit proof.
Ahh I see your point FoC. Yes this show can lead into so many directions. The Connor's have no clue what's going on behind the scenes.
I'm just wondering where the 1001 got a chip to put JH onto and into Cromartie. Also no Jesse is not a machine. I like the Riley character a little more now. Atleast now like someone else said it adds more to her and she isn't just emo. At least now when she talks about a bear killing a fish in a picture we know why she is talking about it and where she is coming from. I thought they would have more to do with her and that chances are she is from the future. One thing I do not like is the future John Connor. You never hear about him listening to a machine and now in the tv show they are making it like he does. You would think the people he sends back would have the stones to tell him how he is fucking up in the future so he knows not to do it. Instead they just ask him if his mind is in the right place and to stay on track or some other bull shit. Also have they ever said why Derrek is there? We know he wanted to know about Kyle but that was not why he went back.
rewatch the last scene online and watch the background computer behind Cromartie. If you look carefully on the floor there is a cable running from them to the back of Cromartie. So he's wired for now. Makes sense for two reasons. The AI is still too big to fit on a chip(as proven with all those servers) and second to transmit so much data, so fast is beyond current technology can provide. My guess is that Weaver will get a hold of the Takara (sp?) technology to build a chip that can hold the AI. It's all a matter of time. There are three parts to this, Weaver, the Takara and another part.
Now that Cromarite has been given to Weaver, what purpose does Ellison have? Weaver could kill him off. I don't know if Ellison is up to the task of teaching the machine that killed so many people.

Also .... has the fbi finished it's investigation of the incident!?!?! or has weaver/t-1001 made it so Ellison was telling the truth?
I think weaver just made it so every thing looked like ellison was telling the truth. Also this might not end up being skynet and ellison might end up trying to teach it tha tkilling is wrong. I really don't see how this could end up being skynet.
Weaver probably thinks that the current skynet will lead the machines race into extinction and the only way for the machine race to survive is with a different AI, one that can learn how to co-exist with humans. She probably knows that the machines race can't win the war with the humans and that they must make peace or face total extinction.
I agree, I'm guessing that either Weaver is from a different Skynet faction that wants to change things or during her time in the past she's changed her option about certain things, like how Cromartie decided it would be best not to kill and replace Ellison.
Has anyone ever thought that maybe Weaver is from some sort of alternate reality? One where skynet wasn't evil and didn't try to exterminate the human race. Sounds crazy, but think about what we're talking about here.

If there is a season 3, lets hope that it won't be the connor's jumping around time to protect their ancestors cause that will get old quick.
Thing I never knew is why doesnt skynet just send a machine back in time that looks like Sara or even John to kill John.
[quote name='sendme']Thing I never knew is why doesnt skynet just send a machine back in time that looks like Sara or even John to kill John.[/quote]

That makes no sense.

It's like saying, why doesn't skynet send agents make and detonate a nuke in the general city they live in since Skynet knows the general city they were in before the bombs fell.
[quote name='JolietJake']They'd know, the terminators don't have much personality.[/quote]

It won't be the first time a human was fooled.
[quote name='sendme']Thing I never knew is why doesnt skynet just send a machine back in time that looks like Sara or even John to kill John.[/QUOTE]

T2 anyone, that's the trick the T-1000 used near the end, and on the phone.

T-1000 was pretty damn adaptable, I don't see how a T-800 would do much better. Cameron can tell them apart, and the familiy uses cues to identify each other.

Best they could do is fuck with them, like the Ellison cyborg. Then again, the Conner's aren't on the grid to be identified by local police/FBI.
[quote name='blueweltall']It won't be the first time a human was fooled.[/quote]
I think John would notice if Sarah had been replaced by a terminator.
I know it this is not TSCC related however it is Terminator related but I never knew Nikki Cox was in T2. I was watching it again today and saw her name in the credits. I looked her up on imdb.com and sure as shit they have her listed in it.

I guess it is the tv show that is causing me to watch the first 2 movies more. Only movie that I have ever been able to watch over and over was Clerks. Now the first two Terminator movies are getting up there.

Also in the first 2 did they ever say what happend to Sarah in the future? I know in 3 they say she dies of cancer. I read some where that they had said she gets killed trying to save John before he brakes free and starts the uprising. However I don't ever remember hearing them say what happens to her in the first two movies. Atleast nothing other then her being the mother of John Connor.
[quote name='sendme']I know it this is not TSCC related however it is Terminator related but I never knew Nikki Cox was in T2. I was watching it again today and saw her name in the credits. I looked her up on imdb.com and sure as shit they have her listed in it.

I guess it is the tv show that is causing me to watch the first 2 movies more. Only movie that I have ever been able to watch over and over was Clerks. Now the first two Terminator movies are getting up there.

Also in the first 2 did they ever say what happend to Sarah in the future? I know in 3 they say she dies of cancer. I read some where that they had said she gets killed trying to save John before he brakes free and starts the uprising. However I don't ever remember hearing them say what happens to her in the first two movies. Atleast nothing other then her being the mother of John Connor.[/quote]

In T2 on the special disc features, one of the deleted scene was that Sarah grows old and judgement day never happens. I don't think they really mention anything else on the real endings of 1 & 2 though.
[quote name='blueweltall']In T2 on the special disc features, one of the deleted scene was that Sarah grows old and judgement day never happens. I don't think they really mention anything else on the real endings of 1 & 2 though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I knew about that. I think I posted that ending in this thread. You can or at one time could find it on youtube. Seeing how Cameron never made another Terminator movie that is the better ending of the 2 and the one I think they should have went with.


[quote name='blueweltall']We're all going to die!!!


Should have seen this coming. I don't like the idea and I picture everything ending up like in Terminator. Well all but the time travle. However one thing does bother me about the article.

Some are concerned that it will be impossible to devise robots that avoid mistakes, conjuring up visions of machines killing indiscriminately when they malfunction, like the robot in the film Robocop.

I didn't think the robot in Robocop killed indiscriminately. I some what remember him being taken over by the bad guys and made to do things against his will. They started off comparing it to Terminator then went to Robocop.

Anyway I dont like this and hope it never happens.
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[quote name='blueweltall']We're all going to die!!!


It's not WHEN we check out...but HOW we check out that counts!!

Remember that!!
if there was a good part of this episode it was what Cameron just did and said.

Cameron picks him up
Wheelchair dude: Your really strong..

Cameron: I work out.
Yeah this one just seemed like a filler episode. It has no point other then them trying to find the 3 dots. Hell you could say the 3 dots could be the way the terminators find out what day and year it is when they arrive. They both looked at 3 stars that were both in the same spots as the 3 dots always have been. I couldn't even tell what was going on in next weeks episode. They put to much into the preview and all I can get is it seems something big is going to happen.
So what do you think happened to the wheelchair dude?

-Took time off to get check for cancer?

-Got fired for Cameron breaking into the room?

-Shot himself?

So this other terminator...got sent to the wrong time line?? That's weird. Why was it so important to try to kill that mayor in 2010? It would have been very interesting if this terminator laid the foundation to what would become the Zera Corporation (weaver's company) or even the building itself, but it wasn't that building :(
I would say the guy killed himself. As for the mayor who knows. He doesn't really seem to important to me. However not he wont die. Maybe he is a big part of the resistance or does something to make the take over of skynet take longer.

Like I said in my last post this just seemed like a filler episode to make it so they would have 22 episodes. All it did was show what Cameron does when the others are asleep. So another terminator could kill them if skynet knew what was going on. I'm just wondering what happens next week and if by the end of the season if they will end the series or make a 3rd season.
It did seem more like a filler episode, but I liked the whole "mystery" vibe and how Cameron and the wheelchair guy pieced together what happened with the T-888 in the 1920's. The only thing that bugs me is why it was important for the Governor to die in 2010. I hope the writers do some explaining in a future episode, otherwise this episode will really stink. I mean, it was important enough for the T-888 to hole himself up in a wall for 80 years! And I was thinking the wheelchair guy probably quit that job after what Cameron did to him, or he died from his cancer. She said the tumor was still small though, so I'm thinking he just quit.
I actually really enjoyed this episode, I thought it was one of the best of the season. I loved it when the Terminator was robbing banks.
[quote name='keithp']It did seem more like a filler episode, but I liked the whole "mystery" vibe and how Cameron and the wheelchair guy pieced together what happened with the T-888 in the 1920's. The only thing that bugs me is why it was important for the Governor to die in 2010. I hope the writers do some explaining in a future episode, otherwise this episode will really stink. I mean, it was important enough for the T-888 to hole himself up in a wall for 80 years! And I was thinking the wheelchair guy probably quit that job after what Cameron did to him, or he died from his cancer. She said the tumor was still small though, so I'm thinking he just quit.[/quote]

I would guess that the Governor had to die at that time so the Lieutenant Governor or an someone else in an election could take power (and for some reason Skynet deemed it necessary for this other person to take power, maybe they were replaced by a Terminator?).

Killing the Governor while he was a kid or something like that could have serious unpredictable side effects. Since the terminator had a time and place to kill the Governor and he accidentally killed the architect of the building he did everything he could to recreate the circumstances of the governors death (and he seemed to have succeeded).
This brings up the possiblity of what if a terminator with a certain termination mission does go back to the wrong time, what will it do?

The expression on it's face was like "OH fuck!! NOW WHAT!!?!?!?"
When it found out it was in the wrong timeframe.
I finally caught back up. I was 3 or 4 episodes behind for a while. :)

This was an interesting episode. Definitely not my favorite, but an interesting one.

The episode got a bit boring in places, but the T-888 behind the brick wall with a Tommy gun was a huge payoff. That was just cool.

Like others mentioned, the episode had a definite mystery feel to it, which I liked. However, they still need to explain a few things, otherwise by the end of the season (or series?!) they'll have numerous plot holes. Still, the episode definitely had some original ideas.

By the way, after seeing the past couple of episodes, I have a theory that Allison is John's wife in the future. It could be like someone else suggested earlier in the thread, where Cameron is actually John's wife. But I think the writers might be suggesting that Cameron is starting to assume Allison's identity. Anyway, they're definitely implying something along those lines.
[quote name='keithp']It did seem more like a filler episode, but I liked the whole "mystery" vibe and how Cameron and the wheelchair guy pieced together what happened with the T-888 in the 1920's. The only thing that bugs me is why it was important for the Governor to die in 2010. I hope the writers do some explaining in a future episode, otherwise this episode will really stink. I mean, it was important enough for the T-888 to hole himself up in a wall for 80 years! And I was thinking the wheelchair guy probably quit that job after what Cameron did to him, or he died from his cancer. She said the tumor was still small though, so I'm thinking he just quit.[/quote]

I really like this episode too, for the same mystery vibe it give off. It made me thinking the whole time and wondering what the hell is going to happen next.

I bet next week we'll see why this event was so important. By than this episode won't feel so much like a filler episode but an episode that's paving the road to an epic......... HOLY SHIT!!!
Filler episode, yes.

Pieces to the puzzle, definitely yes.

The three dots suggest a star date. Perhaps that is the star date for Judgment Day.

I usually do not like one episode characters. However, I think they pull off this one very well by giving him a wide back story and making him sound like a downright pleasant employer.

Also, the episode fleshes out Cameron some more. The rest of the family thinks she has the personality of a power tool, but she is turning out to be very manipulative.

The wheelchair guy? Recurring cancer diagnosed by a hot girl who comes calling at night. Yeah, I think I would find a different job or focus on treatment than studying.

I'm disappointed by John. He easily committed third degree assault on that momma's boy. I expect the cops talking to Riley to get to John. That and Riley returned to being a blonde flake.

I'm glad to hear ratings are steadily improving. If it starts beating Chuck, maybe they won't move the show.
I at least know that Terminator is better than Heroes. I've only watched one episode of Chuck so I can't really make comparsion between those two.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']
The three dots suggest a star date. Perhaps that is the star date for Judgment Day.[/quote]

That's a really good theory! I noticed that when the T-888 and Cameron checked the stars, they highlighted the position of...three stars, which made a similar sort of triangle to the three dots. But I hadn't considered the dots being the stardate for Judgment Day. It probably is the date for that, or for something else similarly important.

Also, the episode fleshes out Cameron some more. The rest of the family thinks she has the personality of a power tool, but she is turning out to be very manipulative.
Yeah, I like how she's slowly becoming more capable of holding a normal conversation. Of course, the writers contrasted this with her doing stupid stuff resulting in the wheelchair-bound guy wigging out.

The wheelchair guy? Recurring cancer diagnosed by a hot girl who comes calling at night. Yeah, I think I would find a different job or focus on treatment than studying.
By the way, something's been bugging me since I watched this episode. Where the heck does this guy work? Is the place him and Cameron investigated in a university? An archive? A freakin' public library?! What is it?! I demand answers!

I'm disappointed by John. He easily committed third degree assault on that momma's boy. I expect the cops talking to Riley to get to John. That and Riley returned to being a blonde flake.
Yeah, I forgot to mention that I disliked the John and Riley portion of this episode. A few episodes ago, when they were riding in the car together, I got why John would like Riley: she's normal. Or at least, she's as close to normal as John's been around; she's sort of quaint. But now she goes on and on about how she's some sort of outcast and how she and John can be misfits together, or something like that.

I think a terminator should bump off Riley. Now there's some motivation for John.
The tommy gun was cool. I think I pointed it out about that with alison at one point. Well it was her or cameron that I said it about. Anyway it is nice that the rating went back up. One would think that the machines would get it right when sending one back in time. Also I wonder what one would actually do if it killed someone that it needed alive. Would it try to do what that person was going to do or would it just go some place and shut down.
[quote name='blueweltall']I at least know that Terminator is better than Heroes. I've only watched one episode of Chuck so I can't really make comparsion between those two.[/quote]

At this point THIS is better than Heroes.

GOD DAMN!! You nerds get your act together. Yes this show is better than Chuck and Heroes. Heck this is better than Jericho!!!
I still want answers: what did that guy do for a living? Sit on his paralyzed butt and fire handguns with strange women in the middle of the night?

I want that job.
bread's done