Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

Soo. Riley & Robot Jesse are trying to keep John from falling in love with Cameron?

[quote name='blueweltall']

Is that
Kyle Reese?

Yep, most likely from a different time though.
I have the feeling that Neo might be right. These past 2-3 episodes where mediocre at best.

-So is Riley really dead!?!?

-Where the fuck was Derek?

-Sara is starting to lose it.

-Yes that drone looked like an Aerial HK

-I don't think the biker guy was a terminator. He was too sloppy, so my guess is Government assassin.

-The government has recovered future tech and is reverse engineering it.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I have the feeling that Neo might be right. These past 2-3 episodes where mediocre at best.

-So is Riley really dead!?!? We can only hope.

-Where the fuck was Derek? Shooting a 90210 episode.

-Sara is starting to lose it. About time.

-Yes that drone looked like an Aerial HK. Agreed.

-I don't think the biker guy was a terminator. He was too sloppy, so my guess is Government assassin. Of course.

-The government has recovered future tech and is reverse engineering it. Looks like it.

This show is doomed.
[quote name='Bezerker']Soo. Riley & Robot Jesse are trying to keep John from falling in love with Cameron?

Yep, most likely from a different time though.[/quote]

That scene with Sarah and Kyle look exactly look like the deleted scene of T2 where Sarah met Kyle again in the Hospital. Sarah and Kyle is even wearing the same outfit.
[quote name='blueweltall']
That scene with Sarah and Kyle look exactly look like the deleted scene of T2 where Sarah met Kyle again in the Hospital. Sarah and Kyle is even wearing the same outfit.

The only really way this might work is if
it's a near death hallucination
[quote name='ITDEFX']The only really way this might work is if
it's a near death hallucination

Yeah, I do really hope that its just a dream scene. Two Kyle Reese from two different time periods, thats too freaking out there.
[quote name='neocisco']I think this will be the last season. Between the meandering storylines, slow moving subplots, low ratings and the upcoming move to Friday I don't see it getting renewed.

Plus, it comes back on...Friday the 13th! It's doomed! Doomed![/quote]

They also keep on introducing and spending too much time on characters that we don't care about. They should focus more on Cameron, John, and maybe Sarah.

I hate to say this but I think this might be the last season as well, that's unless if Terminator Salavation become a huge hit. I think if the movie become a huge sucess, people would naturally want to see the shows to get their Terminator fix afterward.

Also about Riley
The bitch is dead.:cool:
[quote name='neocisco']Does anybody else's sound keep rising and falling?[/QUOTE]

Thought it was just mine at first but glad to see others had the same issue.

[quote name='JolietJake']That had to be a hallucination at the end.[/QUOTE]

I really don't think so. I think it was what they were building at the warehouse and was landing.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Solid episode. Good end to the fall season. Sucks it's going to Friday's in February. I'll have to watch most eps on line the next day since I tend to go out on Fridays.[/QUOTE]

Same with me. Unless no one is doing anything firday night or I can watch this and still go out. Have they said what the time slot is or is it going to stay the same time just a new day.

[quote name='blueweltall']Anybody see the previews for the other half of the season as the end?

Is that
Kyle Reese?

I have been wondering if this show can even make it a third season. It may only make it two however I have hoped for it to make it till T4 comes out. Then maybe more people will watch this. If they do what I fear that they may be going to do as much as I want to like this show and have I may end up no longer watching it.

[quote name='ITDEFX']I have the feeling that Neo might be right. These past 2-3 episodes where mediocre at best.

-So is Riley really dead!?!?

-Where the fuck was Derek?

-Sara is starting to lose it.

-Yes that drone looked like an Aerial HK

-I don't think the biker guy was a terminator. He was too sloppy, so my guess is Government assassin.

-The government has recovered future tech and is reverse engineering it.

Who knows about Riley. They said someone this season will die and at the start it was Charlies wife. I don't think when they said someone will die they were talking about a minor character. I also don't think they were talking about Cromartie. So it would have to be her. She has a large enough role in the series I think and if she does not die then the writers to me were just full of shit when they said that.

It does make me think of an Aerial HK however I thought they looked different. I guess maybe you could say that due to the changes they made it looks different however I'm going to say it has to do with some of the rights.

The biker could not have been a terminator. Like you said to sloppy and a terminator would have not ran. No matter how much Sara shot at it, it would have kept shooting. My guess is the biker is the guy that Sara killed in the warehouse.

[quote name='blueweltall']They also keep on introducing and spending too much time on characters that we don't care about. They should focus more on Cameron, John, and maybe Sarah.

I hate to say this but I think this might be the last season as well, that's unless if Terminator Salavation become a huge hit. I think if the movie become a huge sucess, people would naturally want to see the shows to get their Terminator fix afterward.

Also about Riley
The bitch is dead.:cool:

I like some of the characters they intorduce. However I think they should make them play a more important role and not intorduce as many. The ones I like more are the ones that have to do with the future because they will chances are show more of the future and the war. Like in last weeks episode. I would also like to find out more as to what happend to allison because I really dont think cameron killed her.

As for Salvation I dont see it being a big hit but the week it comes out I see it being at least number 2 in the box office. I hope this show can last long enough and DVD sales help keep it going till Salvation comes out and then maybe Fox order another season. If they end this I really want to see them end it and no rushed final episode that they had to pull out of their asses but an actual ending.
Bear McCreary also does the soundtracks for BSG. The best TV soundtracks I've heard were Alias season 1 & season 2, both by Michael Giacchino.
Well some good news or bad however you want to take it for Terminator fans is that T5 is in the works. Also the Terminatorfiles.

Speaking of Terminator collectables does anyone have the Endoskeleton Arm 1:1 scale, T-800 Endoskeleton Combat Version, or the T-800 Endoskeleton non combat version? I'm wondering what you think of them? I'm thinking about trying to get the arm and the combat verson of the endoskeleton bust at some point off eBay. It sucks that this stuff only comes out in runs of 1000 or so and go fast.
I read this the other day and thinking hmm, the studio must like what McG is doing.

Anyways after the last episode, I am starting to think Sara does have brain cancer and it's affecting her mind. I am willing to bet that the show will continue into season 3, but it might turn into the John Connor Chronicles after sara dies.
Yeah I think the show can carry on without Sarah. I'm more interested in John and Cameron storyline than Sarah.

That's crazy money that your spending on right there sendme.
[quote name='blueweltall']Yeah I think the show can carry on without Sarah. I'm more interested in John and Cameron storyline than Sarah.

That's crazy money that your spending on right there sendme.[/QUOTE]

I have yet to buy one. Also them are sold out so I would have to get one from ebay and they are about 200 bucks more then on there. I was just wondering if anyone on here had one and what they thought of it. Hell them are not even much at all check out the 60 inch HK replica. I would like to have some of this stuff but lack 2 things. The first is the room and the second is the money. If I had both then I would get them however if I had the money I would only get them if I had about 5 grand saved up and all my bills were payed.
I hear yeah! If I have that kind of money I'll probably get the Batman suit from The Dark Knight, Iron Man suit, and an life size Endoskeleton Terminator. :D
[quote name='VipFREAK']Welp, that's the last time I watch this show. lol

Although, I'd love to see the Asian and Blonde get it on.[/quote]

That's why you got freak in your name dude ;)

So why do you think she killed herself?

Jessy had NOTHING on Riley. She could have told John the truth. She has fallen in love with John. To kill herself will only hurt John more.
Riley was unstable. She was chances a a child of post J-Day and this pre J-Day world was to much for her. Also the fact that she was hiding so much from John and the way she thought about him and who he was after J-Day. This I think was to much on her so she kills herself. Also if she was not born after Judgment Day then maybe she was a kid when it happend and remembers that day and does not want to live it again and for all we know Judgment day could be soon. Hell it could be at the end of the season when it starts back up.
[quote name='sendme']Riley was unstable. She was chances a a child of post J-Day and this pre J-Day world was to much for her. Also the fact that she was hiding so much from John and the way she thought about him and who he was after J-Day. This I think was to much on her so she kills herself. Also if she was not born after Judgment Day then maybe she was a kid when it happend and remembers that day and does not want to live it again and for all we know Judgment day could be soon. Hell it could be at the end of the season when it starts back up.[/quote]

I don't think JD will start any time soon..and still on track for 2011. The Turk AI is not the one that starts judgment day. It will be something else...I am still betting it will be a military project and nothing from a civilian project. Also thinking that the T-1001 (Weaver) is a re-programmed unit by the resistance to develop another AI to help fight skynet. A nuclear exchange does not have to happen to have the machines take over.

Poor Riley.

I have no idea what Derek is going to do once judgment days hits. He can't make contact with his future self or it will cause some disruption of the space time continuum.. He does have to protect his past self though cause if anything happens to him or Kyle, everything gets fucked up big time.
I don't think Skynet was ever made from a civilian project. It has always had some government funding. Atleast I thought it did in T2 however I could be wrong and chances are high that I am.

I don't think Weaver is a reprogrammed T-1001 for the resistance. Nothing was ever said how the T-1000's programming was stored that I remember. It would have had to be one hell of a fight to capture the T-1001 and a pain in the ass to reprogram it if it even has a chip. Also the fact that a terminator the was sent back to the past by the resistance has never killed some one. Uncle Bob only shot them in the leg and stabbed them in the back but never killed someone. When we first saw that Weaver was a T-1001 it killed someone. I think it might be rogue and have a different agenda. Maybe it wants to speed up the progress of Skynet and upload it to its chip. I just don't see Weaver having to do with the resistance, little to nothing to do with Skynet and nothing to do with the ones that want peace.

As for Derek the same goes for the rest that come from the future, they have to die. You never hear in the tv show about two of them being in the future and if this is just one big circle then you would have 2 in the future. I see Derek and Jesse being killed by the time the last bomb drops. Also if you go by the theory mater can not come in contact with the same mater or they can not occupy the same space that says they have to die. Nothing will happen to him or Kyle because they both live long enough to go back into the past for their mission. The machines have no clue that they go into the past. The future John never tells anyone who his father is other then the fact that his father dies before the war. John knew when he sent Kyle into the past to protect his mother that he was sending him so he could be born and at the same time killing his father.
How would future John know who's his father? Isn't John older than Kyle? Also isn't Sarah way older than the present day Kyle?

I don't think John ever knew who's his real father, I think he's destine to be borned no matter what. Just like judgement Day it's destine to happen no matter what.

Ah, this time travel and continuation thing is making my head hurt.
[quote name='blueweltall']How would future John know who's his father? Isn't John older than Kyle? Also isn't Sarah way older than the present day Kyle?

I don't think John ever knew who's his real father, I think he's destine to be borned no matter what. Just like judgement Day it's destine to happen no matter what.

Ah, this time travel and continuation thing is making my head hurt.[/quote]

Go back to the last part of the first movie... Sarah makes those tapes and mentions that he (John) HAS to send Kyle back. I hope they release a series bible to this show. Yea I agree all this time travel talk makes my head hurt.
John Henry is advancing faster than predicted if it has already understood how to manipulate a T-888's body (hand motions, eye movement, verbal communications). However I still think that it's using the Cromartie shell as a motherboard while the main CPU is running thru that cable attached to Cromartie's head. I would think a faster connection (much faster than today's standards) would be required for such inputs to be processed.

Something tells me that the original plan was to kill off the actor who played Cromartie, but fans liked him so much than they kept him on and decided to use him as a host for John Henry in order to keep the actor on board.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Go back to the last part of the first movie... Sarah makes those tapes and mentions that he (John) HAS to send Kyle back. I hope they release a series bible to this show. Yea I agree all this time travel talk makes my head hurt.[/QUOTE]

That and in T2 John tells Uncle Bob about Kyle only he never says his name.

[quote name='ITDEFX']John Henry is advancing faster than predicted if it has already understood how to manipulate a T-888's body (hand motions, eye movement, verbal communications). However I still think that it's using the Cromartie shell as a motherboard while the main CPU is running thru that cable attached to Cromartie's head. I would think a faster connection (much faster than today's standards) would be required for such inputs to be processed.

Something tells me that the original plan was to kill off the actor who played Cromartie, but fans liked him so much than they kept him on and decided to use him as a host for John Henry in order to keep the actor on board.[/QUOTE]

I think they always intended for him to be JH. Atleast after they were given more episods. The one where Cromartie dies just seems like it could have ended the season or series. I'm thinking the writers didn't want that character to die and rewrote him for the part of JH.
[quote name='sendme']That and in T2 John tells Uncle Bob about Kyle only he never says his name.

I think they always intended for him to be JH. Atleast after they were given more episods. The one where Cromartie dies just seems like it could have ended the season or series. I'm thinking the writers didn't want that character to die and rewrote him for the part of JH.[/quote]

Yea Cromartie's death episode seemed like what would have been good for a series finale/season finale. My guess it was penned that way and ready to stand on it's own if FOX said the show would be terminated mid season, but it got renewed for a full season so that's why it was dumped there. Sarah's crying scene would have been a good ending as it showed at last that they were free from Cromartie, but the hunt for skynet was still on.

Who knows what Cromartie does once James takes him outside the building to explore the real world...will he pull a Johnny 5 from SC2? "INPUT!!!!!"

[quote name='sendme']Is James going to take JH outside in the last half of the season?[/quote]

I am thinking it might be to the point where JH gets curious about God and James takes it to Church.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Go back to the last part of the first movie... Sarah makes those tapes and mentions that he (John) HAS to send Kyle back. I hope they release a series bible to this show. Yea I agree all this time travel talk makes my head hurt.[/quote]

Oh I guess that would make sense. So Kyle was meant to travel back in time and knock-up Sarah no matter what. :lol:

I hope next half of the season we'll learn more about Cameron.
Yeah like what happend to Allison and more about future John would be nice too. I want to know what makes him different then this one. Remember Cameron said she takes orders from John but not this one not yet. However now it seems like she does.
The Soundtrack just came in from LaLaLand records!! :whee:
Just in time as if I had waited until this, there would have been no way it would have been here before Jan 5, 2009!!!

Hmm...the Turk has it's own theme! I recognized the music from the questioning scene with James a few episodes back. wow.
[quote name='blueweltall']Here's a small clip for the new episode in February.

Possible spoiler.

Sara lives, and that must be Kyle. The scene makes it sound like Derek is dead.

Either Verizon has throttled my internet speed (because of all that heavy Netflix usage) or that site must have connection problems because it was buffering it every 3 seconds ;(
I really hope that is not Kyle. This show would have really jumped the shark then. How can Kyle go back twice. Also if that is not Kyle then I really hope it is not another uncle.
I was wondering if it was all in her head also but something tells me it is not. If I was not as big of a fan of Terminator and this show that I am if that is Kyle and it is not some dream or somthing else I would stop watching this show.
[quote name='ITDEFX']The Turk AI is not the one that starts judgment day.[/QUOTE]

If you'd assert that John Henry, or some future variant, starts J-day, then it is all based off the Turk. Remember that it was Weaver who bought the Turk at the beginning of this season.

[quote name='sendme']Also the fact that a terminator the was sent back to the past by the resistance has never killed some one. Uncle Bob only shot them in the leg and stabbed them in the back but never killed someone. When we first saw that Weaver was a T-1001 it killed someone.[/QUOTE]

While I don't believe that Weaver is for the resistance, your reasoning is faulty. Uncle Bob did not kill anyone in Terminator 2 because of a direct order of the present-day John Connor - future John Connor neither reprogrammed the Terminator not to kill nor did he switch its CPU from read-only to read-write and enable learning.

In comparison, Cameron seems capable of learning (RW CPU) and has stated in early episodes of the series that her orders all came from future John Connor and not the current John. She has killed plenty.
Still other then Cameron I'm correct because one sent back by the resistance has never killed someone. Also future John may have not told it to not kill or changed it to read-write because he know he would do it in the past.

I just thought back in the first episode Cromartie took a gun out of his leg. Why would have have done that when he could have hid it some other way. Makes me wonder if he came back with it because then it would have something living around it and he would be able to take it back in time. It would work the same as the endoskeleton being able to go back. So why not take back a better gun if a smaller one was around.
[quote name='sendme']Yeah like what happend to Allison and more about future John would be nice too. I want to know what makes him different then this one. Remember Cameron said she takes orders from John but not this one not yet. However now it seems like she does.[/quote]

Well, Riley committing suicide might be what changes him into "Future John." Riley was John's last tie to life as a normal teenager. He probably thought of her as being a normal, almost quaint girl. Riley killing herself in a very obvious way (slitting your wrists is pretty hard to dismiss as anything other than suicide) might harden his heart and possibly make him resign himself to his fate.

As for Kyle....

I'm thinking that Sarah goes into a coma or something and starts dreaming. The writers made too big a point of Sarah's "No, that's not true," comment. Of course, I could be wrong. At the moment, I think the show is poised to either pick up immensely from the slight slump it's been in these past few episodes, or plummet dramatically into the land of camp. I thought that the cliffhanger was kind of mixed. The exposition with Riley and her subsequent emo culmination was pretty good. However, Sarah's part was rather...not good. I think if Sarah goes nuts or has a (well-written) dream sequence the show could be very interesting. If that really is Kyle, and he really did go back in time, the show is boned.
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One week till this show comes back. First new episode will be next friday at 8/7c. Such a shame this is on fridays now but would rather have it mondays then not at all.
it's cause that fucktard show called american idiol which usually dominates the ratings earlier in the week. There is no way they are going to put it at 8 on Thursdays because they KNOW that smallville will rock it hard.
I would like to see it on a different day but I'm not sure what day would work. I wish people would stop watching that amarican idiol.
[quote name='sendme']I would like to see it on a different day but I'm not sure what day would work. I wish people would stop watching that amarican idiol.[/quote]

I wish people would stop having AI watch parties or watching this crap in sports bars or having my local news having coverage of people watching AI in bars and so on.

Sunday would seem to be a good day. I am surprised that Friday worked for BSG.

Anyways only a few more days people!
bread's done