The 2013-14 NFL Thread

Wow. What a first drive. Lions carve up the Packers defense only to cough it up near the goal. Ouch.

Of course, the Pack can't do anything without RODGERS! so they get creamed anyway.

Interesting game in Dallas. The Cowboys get outplayed for most of the game so far, with Oakland looking competant.

BTW, WTF is Selena Gomez wearing?
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Wow. What a first drive. Lions carve up the Packers defense only to cough it up near the goal. Ouch.

Of course, the Pack can't do anything without RODGERS! so they get creamed anyway.

Interesting game in Dallas. The Cowboys get outplayed for most of the game so far, with Oakland looking competant.

BTW, WTF is Selena Gomez wearing?
She looked terrible. They should have just let Mary j run the whole thing.
I was the only one in the bar doing the O chant. People looked at me funny.

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Do you think Murray can stay healthy for the rest of the season?

I would be surprised if he does, but it would be nice. If he stays healthy it is probably because Garrett decided the Cowboys needed to abandon the running game.

The Cowboys actually running the ball was the best thing about yesterday. I really wish Garrett would do it more often because he would have a better record if he ran the ball more.

Pats/Texans almost turned out well, but Texans couldn't pull it out. Though how he refs missed both holding AND a facemask on the same guy on that one play late in the game boggles the mind.

Geno finally gets benched and...the Jets still suck horribly.
Ouch on the Vernon Davis tackle that just happened. The DB pulled him down with One arm wrapped around his leg and the other tugging on Davis' dick.
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Ouch on the Vernon Davis tackle that just happened. The DB pulled him down with One arm wrapped around his leg and the other tugging on Davis' dick.

This entire article on it is hilarious. Some good tweets too.

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I don't mind that Tomlin got fined $100,000. Fair. However, a draft pick being taken away, especially anything higher than a 7th, is a bit much. At first I figured it was a subtle threat that Goodell "leaked" to Schefter, but now it seems I was wrong...
I agree - draft picks shouldn't be taken away for something like that.  How about a rule where you award the TD in the game based on the refs' judgement?

Giants to be one game out (6-7) following this weekend!  Lions over Eagles; Bears over Cowboys and Giants over Chargers.  Still technically 2 behind since they lose all tie-breakers with Dallas but whatever.  Their only shot is to win out and have the Eagles and Cowboys finish 1-3 or worse (to end up 8-8).  They play each other in Week 17 so they need to both go 0-3 at that point or if one of them goes 1-2, the other team needs to win that game.  Never gonna happen.  LOL.

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Actually, that's already a rule. If the officials feel a "palpably unfair act" denied a team the chance to score, they can use their judgement and award a touchdown. The officials should have, at the very least, flagged Tomlin. From what I read, that crew is gonna take a hit in their grading for that game.

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Actually, that's already a rule. If the officials feel a "palpably unfair act" denied a team the chance to score, they can use their judgement and award a touchdown. The officials should have, at the very least, flagged Tomlin. From what I read, that crew is gonna take a hit in their grading for that game.
I read that but I think they should specifically define it to include someone who is not one of the 11 members of the team on the field at the start of the play in question who interferes with an opposing player during the play in question. "Palpably unfair act" is way too loose. I wonder if it has ever even been called...

Directly from

Touchdown Awarded (Palpably Unfair Act)

  1. When Referee determines a palpably unfair act deprived a team of a touchdown. (Example: Player comes off bench and tackles runner apparently en route to touchdown.)

This is why most people blew off Flacco's remarks during the Super Bowl, telling his teammates to run on the field if the 49ers broke a return. It wouldn't have mattered.

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Steelers are lucky Tomlin didn't get suspended. Also they should fine the officials for not calling anything on the play.

I figure we will see a lot more flags for this now after the officials who didn't flag him are getting some changes in their reviews which I'm sure affects their placements and pay. I didn't see that they had taken the draft pick yet, just that they are still discussing it. This is definitely a shot from the league telling everyone to watch where you are from now on.

I don't think you can say that Jones would have definitely scored without Tomlin's actions. He may have been run down by the 20 or so. Giving a TD there isn't the right move. A penalty on Tomlin certainly is, though.

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That was a really nasty hit on Rob Gronkowski's knees/legs to take him out of the game. I wish the NFL's new concussion rules didn't force more defenders to take those sorts of leg shots in order to get receivers down, but that's what they've created.

It's not really saying much, but Josh Gordon is easily the best WR in the entire history of the Browns. He's been breaking team and NFL records over the last four games. If he can keep his head on straight off the field, he can easily break more of them.

It's not really saying much, but Josh Gordon is easily the best WR in the entire history of the Browns. He's been breaking team and NFL records over the last four games. If he can keep his head on straight off the field, he can easily break more of them.
With a better quarterback, the sky is the limit for him. The biggest tragedy will be if they don't find one.

It's insane how well the offense can run when they use Josh Gordon and Jordan Cameron frequently, but that hasn't been in the Browns gameplan since their first two wins of the season. If all goes well, they can make the Pats eat up too much of the clock so they can't overcome this 12 point defecit.

Wow...the Broncos just had an apparent TD taken off the board twice thanks to reviews where the officials overturned them and made the right call. Then, on 3rd and goal, Demaryius Thomas ran the wrong route and Peyton went apeshit, lol. Nice to see Denver not being given gimme calls though.

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How did the Patriots win that game?  They were down 12 with like 2 minutes left when CBS cut away and I just saw the final.  WTF?

How did the Patriots win that game? They were down 12 with like 2 minutes left when CBS cut away and I just saw the final. WTF?
There was a bad unnecessary roughness on an attempted tackle of the TD catch (shoulder to shoulder hit by the safety) that gave them a shorter field to work with on the onside kick and then there was a really bad PI call on the potential go ahead TD catch where the WR was barely touched to give them the lead. Cleveland managed to stop the 2 pt conversion and got to the point where they could take a 58 yard field for the win, but it fell short. The refs made it pretty easy for them to win.

It's bad enough that the Patriots came back and took the lead, but then the Browns couldn't just go 3 and out to end the misery. They had to give the fans some false hope by driving into FG range before missing the kick.

Ugh.  I actually like the Browns this year.  Seems like they are a decent QB away from making some noise.

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:lol: I'm not talking about not trying to win. I'm just saying Browns fans have to suffer through the most shit.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Lake Erie is God's shitter. No teams in the history of sports have probably endured more heartbreak than the Browns and Bills. The misery just never ends.

Matt Prater just hit a 64 yard field goal. New Record. insane. Check that ball for helium, lol.

He shares the record with Bernard Pollard for being a fucking thug and even allowing Denver to get that close with hardly any time left in the half. S-M-R-T, Pollard.

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Wow...the Broncos just had an apparent TD taken off the board twice thanks to reviews where the officials overturned them and made the right call. Then, on 3rd and goal, Demaryius Thomas ran the wrong route and Brady went apeshit, lol. Nice to see Denver not being given gimme calls though.
since when does Tom Brady play for the Broncos?

Patriots win another insane game. I think the interference call was bad, but officiating as a whole is in the shitter this year. Seems fair enough that the Pats get one bad call to go their way this season.

since when does Tom Brady play for the Broncos?

Patriots win another insane game. I think the interference call was bad, but officiating as a whole is in the shitter this year. Seems fair enough that the Pats get one bad call to go their way this season., good catch. Freudian slip there, I guess. Life of being a dad. No time to proof-read anymore. :oops:

Also came back in here to post that I just saw the reports that apparently the Titans are going to clean house after this season. Munchak has lost his damn mind, and is clearly willing to do anything to save his job, regardless of whether it's the right move. They're allegedly going to cut Chris Johnson and go after Jay Cutler to be the new starting QB.

These moves REEK of trying to cover up your own mistakes. You're all Hall of Fame offensive lineman, with Bruce Matthews on your coaching staff, your team invested huge money and two draft picks to shore up the offensive line, and they still give up sacks, see CJ blown up in the backfield, and get called for several holding penalties every game.

I understand people questioning Johnson's motivation, but if he has to make somebody miss before he gets back to the line of scrimmage, it's not his fault. Watching the Lions vs Packers game on Thanksgiving day, I couldn't believe the holes that Reggie Bush had to run through. A high school RB could have ran for 150 yards with that kind of blocking. Put CJ in there and there's no way he somehow does worse than Reggie Bush.

Secondly, signing Cutler. WTF? Sooo...Jake Locker's time is up? Oh, you mean because Munchak rushed him back from injury and got him injured again. Totally Locker's fault. He's just a bum and didn't pan out. Let's get rid of all the signs of Munchak doing a shitty job. Then, clearly, everything will be better. fucking ridiculous.

The story I read on Yahoo about the Titans dropping Johnson, the writer used the word "mediocrity" at least twice referring to Johnson. I guess consistently putting up 1,000+ yard seasons is "mediocre". I'm sure just about any team in the NFL would love to have a mediocre back like that.

We'll take the mediocre Chris Johnson over Willis "Two Yards Per Carry" McGahee any day. Then again, they did cut Bobby Rainey after the Trent Richardson trade.

bread's done