The Acolytes Protection Agency Wrestling Topic

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[quote name='Demolition Man']Well excuuuuuuse me Princess for being human and mistyping a name. Like gosh you have never done THAT before. ;)[/quote]

On a side note, I got the Zelda Cartoon dvds, but have yet to watch them :lol:
After reading the TNA spoilers, they need to get Impact up to par with the lineup they have for their PPV's. Destination X looks like it could be a really great PPV, but I wonder if it will disappoint like the previous ones have (or at least reviews I have read have stated this) and lack the wrestling. Russo knows how to pair the correct guys, he just burns through his fueds too quickly and doesn't focus enough on wrestling.
[quote name='mykevermin'][spoilers]There's talk of bringing Heyman in to lead the originals, but who knows if that may be the case?[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
I hope not. I think McMahon's strung that guy along far enough.

Sabu's contract ends soon. (I think it ends this month.) He signed a year-long contract... make me wonder if some of the other ECW originals did, too. Hope so. And I hope they don't stick around.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']D2D's buyrate is hilariously God-awful. And just think - they're running that show again next year. Wonderful.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it's bad that they're running the show again; if they repeat the same mistakes (waste 5 months of TV time and end up with two PPV matches ahead of time, use every known member of that brand in those matches - or one of them, and ensure that the remainder of the matches will involve known losers or those you couldn't care about), then it's a bad idea. The show's just a name and time, anyway, just like any PPV. How it's sculpted is up to the promotion. They can build up to the next PPV starting the day after ONS, or they can wait until the third week of November. That's their mistake to make.

What follows a dismal PPV in D2D is stagnant and moderately declining ratings of ECW on SciFi. Lashley is an unadulterated failure as a champ. He's a better strongman than Batista, but he has a terrible look, a feminine voice, and no fucking charisma whatsoever. Batista, for all his faults, *exudes* a superstar attitude and demeanor that shows he should be in the top of the card (he's better at cockiness than Orton, IMO). Lashley, to me, comes off as "aww, shucks, guys, let's go have some ginger snaps and sing christmas carols while I knit you a sweater." He's just too fuckin' squeaky clean to me, and his military background seems unspectacular enough that it ain't doing anything for his character. He can't and doesn't connect with the crowd at all. Nevertheless, with D2D being the greatest WWE bomb since the XFL, and ECW ratings hovering about .3-.5 above TNA, somehow Vince thinks that in order to do better business, he need to push Lashley harder. In his mind, he is absolutely convinced that Lashley is the next big star, and he won't stop telling us how awesome Lashley is until we start agreeing.

That reminds me, the main event tonight is Lashley vs. Holly in an "extreme rules" match. Maybe we can get another countout finish. :rofl: I may bitch about WSX, but it's because I know, without fail, that most of these guys are very good wrestlers and I hate seeing them in three minute spotfests - with Lashley and Holly, I know nothing good can come of it no matter if it's 30 seconds or 30 minutes. I'll be playing FFV Advance tonight instead.
Hmm, what Vince is doing with Lashley sounds familiar... didn't he try that with that Cena guy?

I hate to admit it, but Cena bothers me less and less each week, while Batista bothers me more and more. Watching some old DVDs and seeing a heel Batista, makes me wonder why they ever turned him face to begin with. I know it was basically to feud with HHH, but what was really the long-term plan here? Given Batista's age, wrestling in-eptness and attitude, why push this guy as the top face on SD?

I suppose if you go further back to Vince forcing a wrestler down our throats, you'll notice he did the same with The Rock and Brock Lesnar. The only difference was The Rock had unbelievable charisma and Lesnar was so solid in the ring and so damn big, that he was very believable as a monster heel.
I knew someone would bring up Cena, and that's a charge that I don't have a response to. That said, ultimately Lashley only possesses one thing that would give him a push - a fantastic physique. His in-ring skills are bad to average, his charisma is in the negative, his ability to bring a crowd into a match is absent, he can't tell a story, he can't sell a move...and his head looks like a ninja turtle. The only thing pushing him is his body.

It's also quite telling about Cena that you say he "bothers you less and less." I agree with that completely, but I can't say anything about a title match or feud he was involved in that I remember or cared about. His legacy won't be very much unless he changes for the better; that's possible. I don't think anyone will ever look back and say "aww, man, Cena and Edge! I loved that feud and those matches!" the way they would remember Macho Man and Hogan, or Hogan/Warrior, or Bret and Shawn, or Triple H and Austin. It's just not even close.
[quote name='mykevermin']I knew someone would bring up Cena, and that's a charge that I don't have a response to. That said, ultimately Lashley only possesses one thing that would give him a push - a fantastic physique. His in-ring skills are bad to average, his charisma is in the negative, his ability to bring a crowd into a match is absent, he can't tell a story, he can't sell a move...and his head looks like a ninja turtle. The only thing pushing him is his body.

It's also quite telling about Cena that you say he "bothers you less and less." I agree with that completely, but I can't say anything about a title match or feud he was involved in that I remember or cared about. His legacy won't be very much unless he changes for the better; that's possible. I don't think anyone will ever look back and say "aww, man, Cena and Edge! I loved that feud and those matches!" the way they would remember Macho Man and Hogan, or Hogan/Warrior, or Bret and Shawn, or Triple H and Austin. It's just not even close.[/QUOTE]

I think the failure of Cena/Edge has as much to do with Edge as it does with Cena. And Cena may not be a great wrestler, but he has a lot of charisma and sells a ton of merch. Also the reason Cena doesn't irk me as much as he used to is that he at least tries. I know he will never be a skilled wrestler, but he plays to his strengths and tries to put on a decent match.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I think the failure of Cena/Edge has as much to do with Edge as it does with Cena. And Cena may not be a great wrestler, but he has a lot of charisma and sells a ton of merch. Also the reason Cena doesn't irk me as much as he used to is that he at least tries. I know he will never be a skilled wrestler, but he plays to his strengths and tries to put on a decent match.[/QUOTE]

Edge had a moment where he was really hot after he destroyed Matt Hardy (man was he hated then!), and never really capitalized on it. His interviews can sometimes be top notch, while other times are just really wooden and unbelievable. I hate to say it (b/c I can't stand the woman), but he really seems exposed without Lita.

Cena does try - he wants to earn the right to be the top guy. Nevertheless, it doesn't change that he was the top guy when he didn't deserve it. Batista seems to believe that he's King Shit, so his reign as champ would be better if he were made a heel.

I'm revising a paper (on wrestling) and watching WMIV at the moment. Between this and some of WMVI yesterday, it's obvious that wrestling ain't what it once was. When Koko B Ware vs. Rick "The Model" Martel looks like a five-star classic compared to stuff on TV today, you know something's wrong. I think TNA is going in the wrong direction in trying to be different from the WWE. Wrestling is trying to become *more* extreme, *more* violent, *more* fast-paced...and it needs to go back and be more simple. Have a 7 minute match that isn't all flipping. Learn to wrestle old-school style.
Watching the DVD of One Night Stand (the non-WWE release, because it's the only way to watch it). How could they go from ONS to D2D? Not since the transition from Metallica's Black Album to "Load" and "Reload" has there been such a contrast from greatness to garbage.

Man, that finish in the Jericho/Storm match was *hot*.
[quote name='Brak']:lol:

I love that he kept the skull face paint after they parted ways -- more so that money grubbin' Only tried suing his ass.

Vampiro and Michale Graves are working on a music project together. Not interested, by any means... but I want to add that, in my opinion, the only good thing about the 2000 Misfits was Graves' vocals.[/QUOTE]
Doyle and Graves are the shit...Graves' solo stuff is pretty cool, it's basically the Misfits with a little more broad scope.

"The Misfits" were fine, Jerry Only is the fucking cancer. I wouldn't care if that piece of shit vanished tomorrow. It's no coincidence that Danzig & Doyle (Jerry's BROTHER, for christsake) were playing shows together doing Misfits songs while Jerry toiled away on releasing his newest Misfits lunchbox or panties or whatever.

[quote name='mykevermin']Watching the DVD of One Night Stand (the non-WWE release, because it's the only way to watch it). How could they go from ONS to D2D? Not since the transition from Metallica's Black Album to "Load" and "Reload" has there been such a contrast from greatness to garbage.[/QUOTE]

Load and Reload are fine. They're just not "Metallica."

St. a different story.

In honor of all this music stuff, the next thread should be "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea's Wrestling Topic!"


The stip they announced for the Trump/Vince angle is pretty amusing, even if it makes the outcome obvious. I won't spoil it, but they do reveal it on Raw for Thursday. But for fuck's sake, I hope they don't bring Lashley into this angle in another futile attempt to get him over. I'm not hell-bent on seeing Hogan, but I'll take Hogan a thousand times over "Soft spoken! Hard hitting!" Lashley.

[quote name='mykevermin']I knew someone would bring up Cena, and that's a charge that I don't have a response to.[/QUOTE]
Cena has charisma and has had it from day one when he walked out to challenge Angle. Lashley looks like a deer in headlights every time he goes out there. Batista is a decent example of a roided up freak that you'd want as your top guy (even if he's in a downward spiral now). At least he looks comfortable when he's put in a situation where he's not going "ARRGURRUGRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

No, most of US won't be saying "Cena/Edge was awesome!" like we'd think about Hogan/Savage, but that's due more to our age - there's likely nothing that will be nostalgic about it since most of us are already well out of our teens. The only reason Hogan/Savage was any better than Edge/Cena is because Hogan and Savage had a better buildup and featured insane and compelling promos. Edge/Cena in-ring meets or surpasses anything done in ring between Hogan and Savage.

And I guarantee that the crowd reaction during the most heated Cena/Edge match was more noticeable than any Hogan/Savage match, including Wrestlemania 5.
I never knew popular UK wrestler "Big Daddy" killed a man in the ring (doing newswire research ATM).

From August 25, 1987:
A wrestler known as King Kong Kirk was crushed and killed in the ring when his 336-pound opponent, television star Big Daddy, threw his full weight on him in a "splashdown" maneuver.

Emergency medical workers tried to revive the 350-pound Kirk at the Hippodrome Circus in Great Yarmouth after the accident on Sunday, but he was dead on arrival at James Paget Hospital in Gorleston.

Police later identified the dead man as Malcolm Kirk, of Featherstone.

Les Rose, the Hippodrome's manager, said Big Daddy, whose real name is Shirley Crabtree, did the "splashdown," a specialty of his, 15 minutes into the match.

Great Yarmouth police issued a statement on Monday saying: "Big Daddy and King Kong Kirk were in the ring wrestling and during the bout King Kong Kirk was held to the floor by Big Daddy for the statutory count of three. Big Daddy got to his feet but after a few moments it was realized that King Kong Kirk was not moving."

Big Daddy watched horrified in the ring as attempts were made to revive his opponent, reported the domestic news agency Press Association.

It took eight men to lift Kirk's stretcher into the ambulance, Rose said.

The police said they were investigating the incident.

Big Daddy's next scheduled match on Sept. 6 will go ahead as planned, Rose said.
[quote name='ZForce']if they really wanted to bring people in, it would have just been two hours of Samoa Joe kicking ass and AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels doing awesome stuff[/QUOTE]

And Paparazzi videos. :D
[quote name='mykevermin']Not since the transition from Metallica's Black Album to "Load" and "Reload" "St. Anger" has there been such a contrast from greatness to garbage.[/QUOTE]

Sorry myke but I have to correct you. "Load" and "Reload" do have their good moments. "St. Anger" is just a LOT of noise that is hyper compressed volume wise that is very unlistenable period.
[quote name='mykevermin']I never knew popular UK wrestler "Big Daddy" killed a man in the ring (doing newswire research ATM).

From August 25, 1987:[/quote]

If this guy can still wrestle, he needs to fight Mark Henry. I'd wonder which guy would injure the other first?
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, Black Album to St. Anger is about 14 or so years, isn't it? Kinda ruins the analogy. Let's not get bogged down by taste.[/QUOTE]

At least I'm comparing greatness to real pure garbage. ;)

In either case..... myke... you looking forward to that Police reunion tour now. ;)
[quote name='RawisJericho']If this guy can still wrestle, he needs to fight Mark Henry. I'd wonder which guy would injure the other first?[/QUOTE]

Big Daddy died in 1997.
I just watched the first two hours of the Heroes of World Class, and it's been phenomenal so far. Outside of a typo ("feud" as "fued"), and some rough editing (unbalanced voice audio, having low volume audio play over footage), it's looked very professional. I've learned a lot about World Class's history from it, and it helped to understand how revolutionary the programming was from the people who edited and made it that way - things like zooming in to show off the belts or the physiques of the wrestlers were pioneered by World Class.

Bill Mercer and Gary Hart have been the biggest parts of this documentary so far, so I'll be sad if WWE doesn't at least use them at times in their version, because they've added a lot to it. I'm glad that Big Vision licensed the original music used in the unlicensed version of the documentary, because it's made the documentary even more emotional. Right now, I've just finished up the long section on Gino Hernandez, along with the toxic shock syndrome and subsequent zombified return of Mike Von Erich that was scary to even look at.
[quote name='mykevermin']Big Daddy died in 1997.[/quote]


Okay guys....

Ready for some BIG news....

I mean BIG BIG news.......

Okay its not so big news but here's a photo courtesy of of what Elevation X looks like from last night's tapings.

[quote name='Demolition Man']Okay guys....

Ready for some BIG news....

I mean BIG BIG news.......

Okay its not so big news but here's a photo courtesy of of what Elevation X looks like from last night's tapings.


That looks really cool. Its basically a scaffold match in the shape of an "X" right?
Yeah, that seems to be what Elevation X is, and I saw that image yesterday. It looks too much like an ultimate X just with lighting rigs instead of wires, and I'm concerned because it was reported that Rhino had to jump off of it mid-way through his promo because it couldn't even support his weight. Hopefully they iron out that problem, or better yet, just cancel the match and spare us a death-defying AJ match that probably won't even be good.

I've got that XWF set - it's okay enough, but not really great. The set looks nice, but none of the matches are spectacular. It's an okay buy if you're curious about seeing the fed, or what might've been the first major company to push AJ Styles, but it's not a quality wrestling release by any means.
[quote name='Genocidal']ECW this week was actually a solid show that was ruined by a few key botches.[/QUOTE]

I ff'd through everything during a WSX commercial break, and only caught the very very end. Elijah Burke fucked up the finish, and then awkwardly pinned Sabu. Of course, this means Sabu will be fired for fucking up the match.

So, all the "new" ECW guys won, huh? No surprise there.

T-minus 6 weeks until Snitsky takes a forced vacation.

Anyone notice the obvious right-at 10:30 "HEY 20-SOMETHINGS! KEEP WATCHING ECW!" promo, with "CM Punk in action NEXT!" :lol: Fightin' fuckin' Mike Knox. I'll blow everybody on the ECW roster if they can prove to me they spend more than 8 minutes writing this shit.

WSX was fun tonight. I hate a lot of the show (and what I hate, I *HATE* - I want to beat the ring announcer with a fuckin' Buick, man), but the matches were fun and had some better editing. Teddy Hart sure doesn't know how to sell for fuck-all for a guy who's been wrestling for almost a decade and thinks so highly of himself. El Pochos Guapos are a poor man's Los Guerreros; they're hispanic, but they seem to not even be able to act like they are. Jack Evans is always a treat to watch, and seeing a promo for Mat Classic was nice.
[quote name='Genocidal']ECW this week was actually a solid WWE show that was ruined by a few key botches.[/QUOTE]
Fix'd. ;)
[quote name='mykevermin']I knew someone would bring up Cena, and that's a charge that I don't have a response to. That said, ultimately Lashley only possesses one thing that would give him a push - a fantastic physique. His in-ring skills are bad to average, his charisma is in the negative, his ability to bring a crowd into a match is absent, he can't tell a story, he can't sell a move...and his head looks like a ninja turtle. The only thing pushing him is his body.

It's also quite telling about Cena that you say he "bothers you less and less." I agree with that completely, but I can't say anything about a title match or feud he was involved in that I remember or cared about. His legacy won't be very much unless he changes for the better; that's possible. I don't think anyone will ever look back and say "aww, man, Cena and Edge! I loved that feud and those matches!" the way they would remember Macho Man and Hogan, or Hogan/Warrior, or Bret and Shawn, or Triple H and Austin. It's just not even close.[/quote]

Don't think I brought up Cena to attempt to prove you wrong. By all accounts I think Cena is a failure as WWE's champion. Sure he moves some merchandise, but has he really helped increase buyrates like any of the other superstars you mentioned? Of course not, nor has he drawn in new viewers. Correct me if I'm wrong, but his movie flopped in theaters, showing again how little drawing power John Cena has.

I don't think Cena is a total wash, but I really think Vince needs to give up on Cena being the next Rock, Austin, Hogan, etc. Someone else will come along, I promise you that, maybe the won't be as good as Hogan or Austin, but someone will eventually appear and right the ship. In the mean time I'd find Cena that much more tolerable if Vince wouldn't shove him down our throats like he intends to with Bobby Lashley. Sadly, Lashley's success is another ill effect of the brand split.
PPV was ok.. not as good as the stuff they usually put out. AJ/Rhyno was great. The pre-show match was decent (Dutt/Lethal vs. Seratonin). Sting/Abyss and Christian/Angle were ok as well...

This is TNA! bored me.
I'd say AJ Styles is one of the top five athletes in wrestling.
Cena has very little mainstream drawing power, but he is a solid merchandise seller, a decent ticket seller, and buyrates have usually gone up with him as champion. His movie is also the #1 rental of the week, which counts for something, although it certainly doesn't make up for its lackluster box office performance. Once they stop treating him as "the next X" and play to his strengths, he'll be in much better shape as a draw.

These things made THIS IS TNA! awesome -
"It's not about the multi-million dollar contracts, because TNA doesn't have any."
- Tenay confirming Elevation X AFTER the video package confirmed it... on a pre-taped show. Awesome.
- Jarrett and Sting lie on the mat as Tenay says "THIS IS TNA!"
-Rhino and Christian do a front facelock and Tenay says "THERE'S ONLY ONE PLACE TO SEE THIS! TNA!"
- "Who else gives you the DREAM MATCH OF THE DECADE ON FREE TV? ONLY TNA!".
[quote name='mykevermin']
I'm revising a paper (on wrestling) and watching WMIV at the moment. Between this and some of WMVI yesterday, it's obvious that wrestling ain't what it once was. When Koko B Ware vs. Rick "The Model" Martel looks like a five-star classic compared to stuff on TV today, you know something's wrong. I think TNA is going in the wrong direction in trying to be different from the WWE. Wrestling is trying to become *more* extreme, *more* violent, *more* fast-paced...and it needs to go back and be more simple. Have a 7 minute match that isn't all flipping. Learn to wrestle old-school style.[/QUOTE]

Thats ironic, just the other day i too was watching WWVI and thought the same thing. I was even telling a friend of mine to watch the match just to see how perfectly everything flowed in it.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Don't think I brought up Cena to attempt to prove you wrong. By all accounts I think Cena is a failure as WWE's champion. Sure he moves some merchandise, but has he really helped increase buyrates like any of the other superstars you mentioned? Of course not, nor has he drawn in new viewers. Correct me if I'm wrong, but his movie flopped in theaters, showing again how little drawing power John Cena has.

There are few real draws that have ever graced the ring. I mean people that even non-wrestling fans would want to see with true mainstream appeal (IMO that will not include guys like HBK, Bret Hart, Savage, HHH, Big Show, Warrior, Lesnar, Taker, Sting, Flair)...


That's really it.
[quote name='onetrackmind']Thats ironic, just the other day i too was watching WWVI and thought the same thing. I was even telling a friend of mine to watch the match just to see how perfectly everything flowed in it.[/QUOTE]

Koko and Martel?

Insert hihg-quality Keanu Reeves "woah!" here.
[quote name='mykevermin']Koko and Martel?

Insert hihg-quality Keanu Reeves "woah!" here.[/QUOTE]

Yep, nothing is "incredible" or anything but every move was done to perfection and had a certain smoothness to it. It had good pacing and looked like two guys were working that knew how to work.
[quote name='themoor666']LOL @ Quicksilver's WSX gimmick: El Hombre Blanco Enmascarado[/QUOTE]
I marked out when they announced him as PWG Tag Team Champion. Very cool.

Too bad WSX couldn't get El Generico.
WSX is by far my favorite wrestling show on TV right now.

And that doesnt even mean I like it or think its particularly good.

Any NYC area Cags going to the RoH show Friday? The big match is Joe vs. Morishima. Im def going, for $20 its totally worth it imo.
[quote name='onetrackmind']Yep, nothing is "incredible" or anything but every move was done to perfection and had a certain smoothness to it. It had good pacing and looked like two guys were working that knew how to work.[/QUOTE]

I'm a longtime wrestling watcher too, and I love the old stuff. But, are you being completely fair here? You are compariing a Mania match to a television match of today. They don't show the goofs on the videos of back then, they show you the best matches (and wrestlers try to bring their A game to Mania).

I think your problem today (with Cena and Lashley) is that you don't have that major draw right now. The major cross over stars don't come up every year. You had the Rock and Austin at once. You just don't have that all the time.

Honestly, if you cut wrestling back to 4 hours a week and brought the brands together (like it was during the Rock and Austin's era), you would have much better tv. But, it would make Vince less money, so it isn't likely to happen.

One thought. I remember when they split the brands, someone compared it to NBC taking Friends, and putting 3 of them on one show and 3 on a different show, so you could have 2 shows as opposed to one, and how that wouldn't work. It sounds rediculous, but it's pretty much what the WWE did here.
[quote name='mykevermin']I ff'd through everything during a WSX commercial break, and only caught the very very end. Elijah Burke fucked up the finish, and then awkwardly pinned Sabu. Of course, this means Sabu will be fired for fucking up the match.

So, all the "new" ECW guys won, huh? No surprise there.

T-minus 6 weeks until Snitsky takes a forced vacation.

Anyone notice the obvious right-at 10:30 "HEY 20-SOMETHINGS! KEEP WATCHING ECW!" promo, with "CM Punk in action NEXT!" :lol: Fightin' fuckin' Mike Knox. I'll blow everybody on the ECW roster if they can prove to me they spend more than 8 minutes writing this shit.

WSX was fun tonight. I hate a lot of the show (and what I hate, I *HATE* - I want to beat the ring announcer with a fuckin' Buick, man), but the matches were fun and had some better editing. Teddy Hart sure doesn't know how to sell for fuck-all for a guy who's been wrestling for almost a decade and thinks so highly of himself. El Pochos Guapos are a poor man's Los Guerreros; they're hispanic, but they seem to not even be able to act like they are. Jack Evans is always a treat to watch, and seeing a promo for Mat Classic was nice.[/QUOTE]

Personally I dug the Mike Knox/CM Punk match though Snitsky running out put a huge damper on it. The match had a good back and forth and for the most part was entertaining. If they are going to build an ECW around new guys, Punk and Knox would be the guys I would like to see lead the charge instead of Lashley, Test, and Holly. That said, it was the only part of ECW I watched last night and the CM Punk promo is what made me watch. I changed the channel during the title match, the expose, and didn't bother to watch the main event.
Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling has announced that a Gauntlet Match will take place at this week’s “Thursday Night iMPACT!” on SpikeTV at 9pm ET. The winner of the bout will earn a title shot at NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage at the “Destination X” Pay-Per-View in March.

All of TNA’s top stars will compete to determine a true number one contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Two TNA stars will start the bout, with a new entrant every two minutes. Competitors are eliminated when they are thrown over the top rope. The final two participants remaining will compete in a one-fall singles bout to determine who advances to the Pay-Per-View to get the World Title shot!

Anyone else think it's strange that TNA is having a mini-Royal Rumble on Impact? Oh well... Looking forward to it because I still have memories of what TNA used to be (I almost sound like a WWE fan boy... hmm)
Matt Classic may wind up being one of my favorites in a very short amount of time. God damn.

Screw Colt Cabana, this is his money gimmick.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']You will definately be happy with who wins the match. I know I was when I read the spoilers.[/quote]


Wow what a comment... You definitely just hyped up tomorrow's show for me. I hope it's not an obvious pick. I have a feeling it's gonna be Joe :(
[quote name='PhrostByte']

Wow what a comment... You definitely just hyped up tomorrow's show for me. I hope it's not an obvious pick. I have a feeling it's gonna be Joe :([/QUOTE]

Your feeling is correct. It is Joe.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']
Your feeling is correct. It is Joe.

Sorry bro but unlike Peeps, I'm not addicted to spoilers...


And I'm not clicking that button no matter WHAT.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Sorry bro but unlike Peeps, I'm not addicted to spoilers...


And I'm not clicking that button no matter WHAT.[/QUOTE]

Good for you. I wish I had not read the spoilers because it would have been a mark out moment for me (it will still be one, but not to the degree it would have been).
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