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Some new Observer notes -
Bodog Fight wants to sign Brock to a huge money deal... but wants him to fight either Fedor or Roger Gracie, which would likely end up being a disaster for Lesnar as he doesn't have the experience to competitively fight with them yet.
Edge and Orton don't have concrete plans for 'Mania, but will likely be kept as a strong unit until the summer for a big-money Rated RKO vs. DX feud.
Raw got a 5.8 million viewer high on 2/5 - its highest number since Hogan came out to team with Cena and HBK.
WSX debut show was the youngest-skewing wrestling show possibly ever - with a 21 year old average.
Hermie Sadler's UWF will start using less TNA talent and more WSX talent.
Joe being pulled from ROH is likely due to him being planned to win the NWA title at Destination X. When he lost the iron man, the plan became to have him win the title before Kurt, then having Angle chase him for the belt.
TNA-contract talent isn't expected to last the rest of the year in ROH, although TNA has only pulled Joe thus far. TNA is also instituting a policy where their guys can work indies, but they don't want them losing to local indy guys.
"Elevation X" is the new match type set to debut at Destination X, and will be a scaffold-type match using X division wrestlers.
Morale is low among the undercard talent, and the pay is so bad for the lower-tier guys that they're staying six to a room.
There were so many skits on the tapings that a "We want wrestling!" chant broke out.
Brother Ray complained about Konnan because he was cheered during his promo.
Kip and BG are both in hot water, as Kip's controversial statements in an interview did him no favors, while BG said he'd take a WWE offer in a heartbeat because he's driving a beat-up car and is late on his house payment. BG also said that even though he's got a few years left on his deal, there are always ways out of wrestling contracts, which Dave responds to by saying that WWE is leery about taking guys under conctract elsewhere due to the potential legal trouble.

BG also said that he didn't mean anything he said in the anti-WWE skits, and that they were just done to stir controversy and draw ratings. He never expected WWE to respond to the skits, stating "the first place team ain't gonna look back at the second place team.". BG also said that he didn't want to leave TNA because he's friends with Jeff Jarrett.
TNA sent out a memo that if any talent gave an unauthorized media interview, they'd be fined one PPV payoff. There's also heat on Joe for saying he was tripping over bad TNA booking at an ROH show.

On TNA listing Brock and Goldberg as possible advisors - "Why stop there? Why not Hulk Hogan, the Rock, Lou Thesz, Bruno Sammartino or Steve Austin? Why not Tiger Woods? Why not Kurt Angle? After all, how unbelievable would that be that Angle is so crazy that's he's the consultant for the guy he's wrestling. And the best thing is, nobody would ever expect it. Please don't ask how any of this is supposed to get people interested in buying a TNA PPV event... Neither Goldberg nor Lesner were happy with their names being used."

Brock's Hero's opponent is slated to be Choi-Hong-Man, with the fight being on 5/19.
Piper finished his radiation treatment and is now working on an MTV movie.
WWE is trying to sign Mistico, Shocker, and Perro Aguayo Jr. in an attempt to further build its hispanic fanbase. They expect to get Shocker, but Mistico is a question mark, as he's set to be a living legend in Mexico, and going to WWE has a higher chance of hurting his drawing power than it does of turning him into another Eddy Guerrero or Rey Mysterio. When they made the Juniors division, it was going to be centered around Mistico since SD's viewing audience is so heavily hispanic. Aguayo Jr. is a longshot.

RVD's deal is this - he gave his notice last week because if he didn't, his contract would have instantly rolled over, and by giving notice, he has the option to leave, and they have to negotiate a new deal to keep him.
WWE is also more conscious than ever before about having good PPVs to try and reclaim their top spot in that field.

WWE building up ECW angles on Raw is due to WSX. Super Crazy's push is due to Brian Gerwitz recently seeing Nacho Libre and realizing they had a chunk luchadore on the roster. Crazy got the win over Nitro because of that and because Nitro is in the doghouse due to Melina. Flair's promo on Carlito was something of a shoot, because WWE believes that both he and Shelton have the potential to be superstars, but are content to just work at acceptable levels and draw big salaries. Agents have tried to take him aside and motivate him, but he doesn't respond to it.

Flair has been pushing for one last heel title run, and his match with Jeff might've been the start of it. Dave compared the Finlay-Benoit SD match to "an art house film and then in the final scene, it was two guys pissing on each other". WWE is floating around the idea of inducting Bruno into the Hall of Fame, but he's still against it. WWE is planning on an '07 DVD release for Curt Hennig. WWE's History of World Class DVD is in production, and is expected to be a two disc set, with the real history of the promotion getting an extensive rewrite. It's expected to be the Michael Hayes version of history, with he and Kevin Von Erich being the main speakers, and that Hayes will come off as the man behind the company's boom, not the Von Erichs.

The Finlay-Boogeyman feud is Finlay's project to improve Boogeyman, to which Dave said after reporting on their poor house show bouts - "Clearly, Finlay's going to have to put some time into this project.".
Does anyone else go to They're like YouTube, but better, for wrestling anyway. They have pretty much every Raw, SD, Impact, and PPV up a day or two after they happen, along with Ring of Honor and other stuff. I'm watching TNA Final Resolution 2007 right now.
[quote name='Matt Young']Does anyone else go to They're like YouTube, but better, for wrestling anyway. They have pretty much every Raw, SD, Impact, and PPV up a day or two after they happen, along with Ring of Honor and other stuff. I'm watching TNA Final Resolution 2007 right

Dailmotion is a great website.Vidlife is pretty good because people upload tna and roh matches.
Watching Orton make an idiot of himself and seeing Bob Holly get dropped on his head by BRRRRRRRRRROCK LESSSSSSSSSSNARRRRRRR never gets old
[quote name='mykevermin']Thanks for that link, Scorch. Any way to download and save dailymotion videos?[/QUOTE]

I don't believe so, unfortunately.
:rofl: Way to go Test, you got yourself suspended:

Apparently, Andrew "Test" Martin has been suspended. Test has been pulled off the road due to violating The WWE Wellness policy. This is the first WWE Wellness policy violation since September, at least that we know of.
The policy calls for talent to be suspended for 30 days should they fail a drug test. Also, some of the talent have a way of getting around the program. If the person tests positive for steroids or some other substance in violation of the policy, the person can still get around the suspension if the individual's next test shows a decreased usage of whatever substance he or she is using because it shows that he or she is trying to improve him or herself. But if the test shows no marked improvement, the individual will more than likely get suspended.
Vince McMahon had recently given up on pushing Test as a top headliner in ECW. That's why he was squashed in all of his encounters with Bobby Lashley.
Thanks Guile! Shame that my ipod lcd screen cracked today (!?!?!), so videos are moot. 'least it's under warranty.

As for Test, jesus christ...could they make it any more obvious? He gets suspended within a week of being pulled from the main event slot in ECW. fuckin' hell, what a crock. Did someone in the WWE finally see videotape of Test from anytime ever that he's been in the WWE since late last year and decide to suspend him? $20 Snitsky won't be suspended until his program has run its course too. :roll:

Did anyone read the interview with Raven recently, where he offered up his ECW theory (why it sucks)? In short, he argues that it's intentionally been run to suck from the start, b/c Vince was sick and tired of hearing ECW chants at shows. By ruining everything about ECW, people won't want to ever chant "E-C-DUB" again. I'm not sure that I really believe it, however, knowing Vince's vindictiveness and ego, I wouldn't write it off entirely either. A rather expensive project to get people to stop a particular chant, at any rate.

Went to OVW last night. Didn't bring my camera, which is a shame b/c Deuce and Domino (and Cherry) worked the main event. A fun show overall, and only $5.

Harry Smith wrestled. He's alright, though I can't figure out why he was with Kofi Kingston (Jamaican gimmick) and not tagged with Steve Lewington.

Vladimir Kozlov wrestled. Although I've read terrible reviews of his in-ring work, I was expecting bad stuff. Truth be told, he's a bit of a clod, but for someone his size, can really work a convincing shoot-style match. I expected nothing and was really impressed with him. I take back my grouching about why he is brought to WWE and not Alexiev. Both are good, but Kozlov has the size advantage (good GOD he's a big dude).

Mike Kruel is a great bad guy, and he looks a lil' bland (reminds me of Sammartino in his prime, truth be told). I think the whole "Bad Kompany" group is great, and though no Shaun Osbourne tonight, Kruel kept some great heat.

The OVW Divas certainly got some great attention. A woman I've never seen before was being razzed by some dudes for having a weave. Ironically enough, she wrestled Maryse, who had her very own weave (!) yanked out during the match. :lol:

I noticed that Paul Birchall shaves his chest hair to make it look like he has a six-pack of abs. Ye gods.

I'm still crabby that "Fearless" Jack Bull is gone, but for $5? I'm on it. Much much bigger crowd this time (~200, I'd say). Shame they're coming back on 3/17, as I'll be celebrating my Irish ancestry by partaking in drunken slovenly stereotypes instead of watching wrestling.
[quote name='mykevermin']In short, he argues that it's intentionally been run to suck from the start, b/c Vince was sick and tired of hearing ECW chants at shows. By ruining everything about ECW, people won't want to ever chant "E-C-DUB" again. I'm not sure that I really believe it, however, knowing Vince's vindictiveness and ego, I wouldn't write it off entirely either. A rather expensive project to get people to stop a particular chant, at any rate.[/QUOTE]

As a friend of mine who writes for MAD said (and as I've quoted in these threads in the past)....

"It must be fun to piss away millions of dollars to make a point that only matters to you."
[quote name='mykevermin']A rather expensive project to get people to stop a particular chant, at any rate.[/QUOTE]
So was the purchase of WCW, with the intent of making them look like fools.
[quote name='KaneRobot']As a friend of mine who writes for MAD said (and as I've quoted in these threads in the past)....

"It must be fun to piss away millions of dollars to make a point that only matters to you."[/quote]

Awesome quote.
I have no idea what Steiner said in his promo during the pre-show, but it was his single greatest promo ever. I like the animosity b/w him and Tomko.

Steiner made less sense than ever in that promo, and ends the whole thing while walking off camera, screaming "I'M HUNGRY!" :rofl:
[quote name='mykevermin']I have no idea what Steiner said in his promo during the pre-show, but it was his single greatest promo ever. I like the animosity b/w him and Tomko.

Steiner made less sense than ever in that promo, and ends the whole thing while walking off camera, screaming "I'M HUNGRY!" :rofl:[/quote]

I would pay MONEY to hear Steiner and Iron Shiek have a live debate about anything...

Iron Sheik: "I fuck your ass and make you humble!"

Steiner: "Hah? I'm hungry and I'm your booty daddy!"

Big Poppa Pump your hook-up! And the next heavyweight championship on the world!
Petey and Gail Kim lose, but Chris Harris returns and runs off Jackie and James Storm! Prison Yard match next.

Hmm... I get the feeling I'm talking to myself here.
Christian wins with a 3rd Unprettier after a lead pipe shot! YES!

I mean, I want Angle to win the belt, but not until Christian has a decent reign.
[quote name='mykevermin']As for Test, jesus christ...could they make it any more obvious? He gets suspended within a week of being pulled from the main event slot in ECW. fuckin' hell, what a crock. Did someone in the WWE finally see videotape of Test from anytime ever that he's been in the WWE since late last year and decide to suspend him? $20 Snitsky won't be suspended until his program has run its course too. :roll:

Did anyone read the interview with Raven recently, where he offered up his ECW theory (why it sucks)? In short, he argues that it's intentionally been run to suck from the start, b/c Vince was sick and tired of hearing ECW chants at shows. By ruining everything about ECW, people won't want to ever chant "E-C-DUB" again. I'm not sure that I really believe it, however, knowing Vince's vindictiveness and ego, I wouldn't write it off entirely either. A rather expensive project to get people to stop a particular chant, at any rate.[/quote]

Very convenient about Test, isn't it? Not that the wellness plan isn't a total joke already, but using it to keep wrestlers off TV that Vince has given up on is ridiculous and a slap in the face of Eddie Guerrero, whose death was the driving force behind the creation of this "program".

I think Raven IS half-right. Vince probably saw the reformation of ECW as a win-win situation for himself. He gets to milk the ECW name for every last cent he can, that was obviously the real reason for the ECW reformation. Remember ECW had their own house shows for awhile. Then if ECW was a success, great, more money for Vince, and if not, great, Vince gets to bury ECW once and for all the way he wants to. Now fans that never got to see the original ECW won't be so quick to join the E-C-W chants at Vince's shows.

From what I've read, ECW is indeed on its last legs, Vince has contractual commitments to Sci-Fi, and that could keep ECW going through the end of the year, but after that I'd say the plug will be pulled. Sure the current new breed vs ECW originals feud has promise, but who do you expect to go over in the end? Especially when you figure Sabu, RVD & Sandman won't be with the company for much longer, while Dreamer re-joins the behind the scenes crew.

Apparently Vince currently views ECW as nothing more than a way to push Bobby Lashley and get him over before bringing him up to Raw or back to SD. Keeping that in mind, I'd say ECW's outlook after the contract with Sci-fi is up looks dismal at best. Even if the ratings stay high enough that Sci-Fi still wants to keep them around, and they continue as this Velocity/Heat-style show, this is hardy the ECW anyone was hoping for.
I would take a WWE Classic show on Sci-Fi. Hour long of classic matches with a bit of background on each.

Random Idea...have those pop-up video people do it for WWE Classic matches.
Spoilerized for those who don't want to know what TNA is showing on the two hour special...

Tonight, Total Nonstop Action will present the two-hour “This Is TNA” special on SpikeTV starting at 9pm ET! Don’t miss TNA’s first-ever Monday night broadcast! The below is the complete lineup of what fans will see on the program:


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match – Career vs. Title
Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting

NWA World Tag Team Title Match – Six Sides Of Steel
AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs. The Latin American Xchange

Eight-Mile Street Fight
Christian Cage vs. “The War Machine” Rhino


King of the Mountain Match For The NWA World Heavyweight Title
Christian Cage vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting vs. Abyss vs. The Truth


Dream Match Of The Decade
Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle vs. “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe

In addition, all matches on the two-hour special will be enhanced by TNA Film, giving viewers a unique perspective with never-before-seen footage!


- A Countdown to the top five moments in TNA Wrestling history

- The unveiling of TNA’s newest innovative concept match set to debut at March’s “Destination X” Pay-Per-View!

- A music video from Chris Jericho’s band “Fozzy”

- A look back at the some of the legends and celebrities that have appeared in TNA Wrestling

- Highlights of some of the most bloody and gruesome moments in TNA history

- An extensive look at TNA’s X Division and the high-flying Ultimate X Match


And just announced on

Winner to get World Title shot at March’s “Destination X” Pay-Per-View

Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling has announced that a Gauntlet Match will take place at this week’s “Thursday Night iMPACT!” on SpikeTV at 9pm ET. The winner of the bout will earn a title shot at NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage at the “Destination X” Pay-Per-View in March.

All of TNA’s top stars will compete to determine a true number one contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Two TNA stars will start the bout, with a new entrant every two minutes. Competitors are eliminated when they are thrown over the top rope. The final two participants remaining will compete in a one-fall singles bout to determine who advances to the Pay-Per-View to get the World Title shot!

TNA Wrestling management has announced the following names to compete in the huge Gauntlet match:

AJ Styles
BG James
Chris Sabin
Eric Young
James Storm
Kip James
Kurt Angle
Robert Roode
Samoa Joe
Scott Steiner

All this and much more this Thursday night on Spike TV – witness the aftermath of the “Against All Odds” Pay-Per-View as TNA begins the road to March’s “Destination X” epic event!
Holy crap, TNA is showing Jarrett-Sting on a BEST of TNA show... hopefully it's clipped to entrances and the match ending. I'm shocked that they'd show the king of the mountain match instead of Steiner-Joe as well, as that (like Jarrett-Sting) was far from a "best of" TNA match. If you want to download Dailymotion videos, just go here -
[quote name='Psykoboy2']I would take a WWE Classic show on Sci-Fi. Hour long of classic matches with a bit of background on each.

Random Idea...have those pop-up video people do it for WWE Classic matches.[/QUOTE]

I agree, but they would be undercutting their own profit if they did this. Why pay for 24/7 if they have a classic show available?

There *is* (or *was,* I dunno if it's still around) a "Best of WWE from Madison Square Garden" show on the MSG network every week. I think it started last summer. But that could be okay b/c MSGN doesn't have wide circulation.

Great news on Deuce and Domino; that makes the most sense, after all, since they beat the champs two weeks straight.
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