The Acolytes Protection Agency Wrestling Topic

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From a European toy convention (yesterday?):






(who the hell is this guy?)



Those are some awesome tag teams to add to the collection. I may have to get several of them.
[quote name='Bathory']wut the fuk?!?...who let these clowns get a damn wrestling contract anywayz...seriously!!...[/quote]

you gotta be fucking kidding me.....
[quote name='mykevermin']Don't forget, TNA is on tonight.[/QUOTE]

Except TNA is up against 24 for the first hour.

Oh, and RAW is on in Canada tonight. I'll post anything noteworthy that happens.
[quote name='mykevermin']I have no idea what Steiner said in his promo during the pre-show, but it was his single greatest promo ever. I like the animosity b/w him and Tomko.

Steiner made less sense than ever in that promo, and ends the whole thing while walking off camera, screaming "I'M HUNGRY!" :rofl:[/quote]

hahha just saw it... that was funny..

and wtf they had the tna girls dancing in cages again?
Okay RAW just started...

8 man tag match just hyped up with stars from Smackdown and RAW.

Piper is on tonight.

Vince coming out now. OMFG!!!! DONALD TRUMP!!!!
[quote name='ahmedmalik']TNA is really slaughtering these matches. Does WSX do all these edits as well?[/QUOTE]

It is almost unwatchable. The edits are freaking horrible and the shots they use in the edits look way different than what the actual match looks like.

I probably would have watched this, but it is annoying and most of the matches that they are showing are matches I don't really care to see.
Full RAW results now up.

Match semi announced for Mania. Who's wrestling is NOT known but its Hair vs Hair Vince McMahon vs Donald Trump. Each will have a representative wrestling for them.

Nitro and Melina defeated Super Crazy and Mickie James.

Highlights from last week's RAW main event of HBK winning the triple threat.

Hype again for the main event tonight:

Cena, Taker, HBK, and Batistia vs Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Edge, and Orton.

Great Khali just squashed Eugene.... okay, Khali's theme just hit but you know Eugene has no hope.

HBK interview up next. Piper appearance later tonight.

HBK on cellphone talking to someone then plugs the DX DVD "coming out this Tuesday." HBK is then asked about Wrestlemania. He says this is the fifth time wrestling the main event at Wrestlemania. He then talks about his previous four times then says that he is the Main Event and that Mr. Wrestlemania has arrived.

Ric Flair interview on now. Highlights from Flair's amazing berating to Carlito shown. Todd begins to ask Flair what he was upset about when Carlito walked up and demanded for an appology. Carlito says he is wrong. Flair tells Carlito that he has everything going except he has no heart or passion. Carlito says he'll show Flair he has heart and passion. He then challenges Flair to a match tonight. Flair accepts the challenge.

Jeff Hardy defeats Chris Masters in a non-title match. JR did his Skittles thing before Master's intro.

Jerry Lawler introduced Roddy Piper. Piper comes out to a BIG ovation. After a moment Piper says "its nice to be home." He then thanks the fans for all the cards and wishes to get well. He says Portland, Oregon is a place of class. He also thanks every wrestler back there for all the support. He then moves onto Wrestlemania. He then says the first person to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame this year is.... DUSTY RHOADS!!!! After a video package on Dusty is shown then Piper introduces Dusty. The crowd is really on their feet for Dusty. After a good long moment Dusty says he is humble to be in the ring with Dusty. Dusty gets a few more words in before Umaga and Estrada cut him off. Umaga stares down Piper for a moment before Piper walks away. Dusty and Umaga then start to brawl. Umaga then nails Dusty in his throat then shoves him into the corner. Umaga then rams into the corner. Piper tries to nail Umaga with a chair but Umaga knocks the chair away. Umaga then gives Piper the Samoan Spike then gives one to Dusty. Umaga then screams a few times then walks away as Piper and Dusty lie in the ring.

Recap is shown of what happened moments ago when we come back from commercials and yet another PA warning from The Score.

Flair defeated Carlito. Carlito then dragged Flair back into the ring and then shook Flair's hand.

Nitro and Melina backstage. Melina says she is facing Mickie James for the Women's Championship next week. Todd is interviewing Ashley. The Playboy cover will be revealed on Smackdown this Friday. Promo package hyping Ashley's photo shoot is then shown. Todd talks like an idiot then ask how the shoot was. Ron Simmons then walks in, hugs Ashley, then looks at her for a moment then says DAMN! He then hugs her again while looking down her cleveage area. DAMN indeed. :D

MVP and Kennedy are backstage talking then Rated RKO walks in. Edge talks about the match tonight declairing the match tonight is "a match of the haves vs have nots." Edge then says anything can happen.

The main event according to JR is next.

Highlights of the Donald/Vince stuff from the opening of the show is being shown. JR and King then discuss the Hair vs Hair match before going to plug No Way Out.

Cena, Taker, HBK, and Batistia defeated Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Edge, and Orton after HBK super kicked Orton. Afterwards Taker and Orton beat down HBK and Cena. JR says there is No Way Out for HBK and Cena as the show ends.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Okay RAW just started...

8 man tag match just hyped up with stars from Smackdown and RAW.

Piper is on tonight.

Vince coming out now. OMFG!!!! DONALD TRUMP!!!![/quote]

Raw is on?
Raw isn't on in the U.S. - it's on everywhere else. These "TNA Films" renditions of matches are horrid. That different footage looks terrible compared to the actual match footage. The Hollywood Blondes figures rule - I'll have to snag those, and the Backlund one looks bad, but I wasn't going to buy it anyway, so it's no big deal. This special has been pretty funny so far - Jarrett and Sting lie on the mat as Tenay says "THIS IS TNA!", and Rhino and Christian do a front facelock and he says "THERE'S ONLY ONE PLACE TO SEE THIS! TNA!", "Who else gives you the DREAM MATCH OF THE DECADE ON FREE TV? ONLY TNA!".
Yeah the "TNA Films" edits are just aweful since the spliced in footage looks absolutely out of place.

I'll keep updating my RAW spoilers for those who are interested in wanting to know what's going on.
Sometimes it's worked and looked really good, but most of the time, it's just been jarring and has taken me right out of the match since it looks so different. I like seeing them try something new like this - it's kind of like an alternate angle version of a movie. "It's not about the multi-million dollar contracts, because TNA doesn't have any." - Yet another funny moment from TNA tonight. Tenay confirming Elevation X AFTER the video package confirmed it ruled too.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']

Bob Backland?[/quote]

I don't know if they've been posted yet, but I noticed Demolition in the background. Might be a 3 pack....
I find it pretty damned funny that the same people bitching about TNA's edits are the same folks who think WSX is the bee's knees, and praise it unapologetically.

So far as I could tell, the matches weren't really cut down for time (though Angle/Joe sure was). I also thought the "film" aspect was neat, and didn't distract from the product; nevertheless, I couldn't figure out what purpose it served. I'd rather have Tenay and West tell me why TNA is so different. Strangely enough, the one thing they often exalt as showing why they're different, the X-Division, was completely absent from the show tonight.

The LAX/Styles & Daniels cage match was great fun to watch, IMO, and a helluva match. Hernandez doesn't get enough credit for rockin', as all the smart marks love Homicide instead (though I like him too, he doesn't deserve all the credit).

Too much Sting and Jarrett, IMO, especially considering they're trying to show the product to new viewers, and two of five matches tonight involved a guy who's been off of TV for 3 months or more. Egads.

Moreover, the King of the Mountain match is the very epitome of an overcooked match. That, gauntlets, reverse battle royals...I know TNA wants to be innovative, but fucking hell, they really do some weird shit with matches sometimes. Unfortunately, it becomes meaningless in the end because there's always another gimmick match around the corner (8 mile street fight? Prison Yard Match? Little Italy Streetfight? Judy Bagwell's Viagra on a Pole?).

I enjoyed some of tonight's product, but the show and promotion on the whole has some systemic problems with overdoing it. Wrestling's fucking simple, man, it always has been; anyone who fails to realize that didn't watch the kind of shit WCW was doing in its last year. Truth be told, TNA reminds me of that very very much. I hate to pinpoint one guy, but the show absolutely *stinks* of Vince Russo. I think that he can write some good feuds (LAX/3D), but the matches and booking, whoever is doing that, needs to be replaced very very soon. Moreover, someone needs to keep an eye on Russo, and ensure that at least 25 of the 44 minutes of airtime each week is matches in the ring. 3 minutes for entrances to the matches, and 16 for promos, video clips, and interviews. They can add a quick 4 minutes by cuting out that dumbass "Adrenaline Rush" recap at the end of the show, having interviews get to the fucking point, and keeping segments brief and targeted.
Well said myke overall. I will say however from what I did see of the TNA special the editing done looked disjointed to me compared to, say, the WSX editing. Not that I think WSX is that great but its a fun train wreck to watch.

My recap of RAW is now up a page back or so for those who badly need to know what to look forward to this Thursday. For those just wanting to know if its worth watching I will say its a decent show overall with a pretty fun main event even if its a bit too much of a cluterfuck at times.
I just watched the first match on WSX from the rerun tonight and the cuts are horrible compared to what TNA showed tonight. I didn't think the TNA cuts were bad at all, and I agree with myke, I thought the alternate shots was neat.

I just find it odd that they unveiled a new match type tonight which is an X-Division match, yet they had no X-Division match on the show. If anyone watched TNA for the first time tonight, they would have no idea what an X-Division match is like. Sure they showed some short clips here and there, but that wasn't good enough IMO.

I did enjoy the show though and also the clips of Eric Young with the dogs was a nice touch.
I enjoyed the TNA special... I don't think the match line-up was really stellar, though. Still, I enjoyed it.
[quote name='Scorch']You missed a lot of pictures of the other figures!

here is a ton of pics[/QUOTE]

That's a useful link. I didn't want to overload the page with pics, so I cherrypicked most of the characters I haven't seen before, but missed a few (Mean Gene, Rick "The Model" Martel, Sherri, and the LJN style Stone Cold).

I'm gonna be the one guy who just doesn't care for WSX on here, I guess. Demoman says that the editing was worse than WSX, but every match I've seen on WSX is spot, crowd shot, spot, crowd shot. One guy gets hit with a super duper spinning cruiseweight smart mark maneuver, and then they cut to a crowd shot, and then the other guy is suddenly standing and getting ready to do his super spinny maneuver. WSX could be good, but there's no substance to it, IMO. It looks more like a highlight reel than a wrestling match.
I don't want to pull a "ME, TOO!!!", but I don't really care for WSX.

(Which is sad, because I like Vampiro.)
I dig Vampiro too. Anyone who pisses off those moneygrubbing jokes that call themselves The Misfits is kosher by my standards. I think he has a great look and a solid gimick.

That said, WSX is caught in a bind - little TV time or no TV time? The answer is obvious. To me, if I had a 1 hour or 30 minute wrestling show, I'd be cool with that. It would be a reason to slow things down a notch. TNA doesn't need monthly PPVs, and they exhausted the Joe/Angle feud in three months. Why do that? The word, dear friends, is anticipation. WSX could focus on two matches each program, easily. They just choose to pare them down to nothing but the highlights. TNA simply, at this point, lacks wrestling. They're trying to move at the pace of the WWE (who has 5+ hours of TV per week) when they have 10-20% of that airtime. It's a fool's errand. It's not the time they are alotted that is bad. It's how they choose to use it.
[quote name='mykevermin']I dig Vampiro too. Anyone who pisses off those moneygrubbing jokes that call themselves The Misfits is kosher by my standards. I think he has a great look and a solid gimick.[/QUOTE]

I love that he kept the skull face paint after they parted ways -- more so that money grubbin' Only tried suing his ass.

Vampiro and Michale Graves are working on a music project together. Not interested, by any means... but I want to add that, in my opinion, the only good thing about the 2000 Misfits was Graves' vocals.

I really wish Vampiro would go back to TNA.
Went to watch RAW with my girl, first time I've watched wrestling in forever (she's a big WWF / WWE fan, watched it for years and years with her pops), and was disappointed to see it was the dog show.

No big deal, I remember TNA is also running some kind of 2 hour long special show. I didn't know what to expect, but I expected a two hour long show that would rival RAW and really sell us on TNA (since she only seen it a few times).

Despite knowing most of the wrestlers, she was bored, hell, I got bored, because it felt just like one giant commercial with a match here and a match there. When we saw Sting and Jarrett going at it again, near the one hour mark, we just turned it off to go do something else.

Sorry, but I was *really* disappointed, I guess because I went into this expecting a *real* show and not a best of / clip show. Like Myke said, Jarrett was featured so heavily and he's not even playing a big part in TNA right now IIRC.
[quote name='Roufuss']Sorry, but I was *really* disappointed, I guess because I went into this expecting a *real* show and not a best of / clip show. Like Myke said, Jarrett was featured so heavily and he's not even playing a big part in TNA right now IIRC.[/QUOTE]

If anything all they did tonight was to remind us fans that Jeff Jarrett is still around in TNA and can return at any given moment.

Oh.. and pics of the girlfriend? ;)
[quote name='Demolition Man']Dusty Rhoads is the first announced person for induction into the HOF this year.[/quote]

Dusty Rhodes is going to be pissed that he got skipped over.
The cutting was a mix of good and bad tonight, while with WSX, it's almost always bad, but it isn't as jarring as using two totally different film stocks for one match throughout the show - it would go from looking really professional to looking like amateur hour depending on what version of the footage they were using. It was a nice experiment, but it didn't work well for me tonight.
[quote name='Scorch']Dusty Rhodes is going to be pissed that he got skipped over.[/QUOTE]

Well excuuuuuuse me Princess for being human and mistyping a name. Like gosh you have never done THAT before. ;)
They used some really shitty matches to show off what TNA is all about. Had they gone with an original card, they would have won over a lot more fans.

Austin Starr vs. Senshi
Samoa Joe vs. Alex Shelly
Abyss vs. Hernandez (with Homicide)
Kurt Angle vs. Homicide (with Hernandez)
Sting vs. Christian Cage (Championship Submission Match)
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']The cutting was a mix of good and bad tonight, while with WSX, it's almost always bad, but it isn't as jarring as using two totally different film stocks for one match throughout the show - it would go from looking really professional to looking like amateur hour depending on what version of the footage they were using. It was a nice experiment, but it didn't work well for me tonight.[/QUOTE]

Yea... I didn't really know what that was all about, and it was pretty jarring to see it, so I definitely agree with you.

I still think an original card would have been awesome.. the only thing I could think of while watching the show is that TNA dropped the ball again.
if they really wanted to bring people in, it would have just been two hours of Samoa Joe kicking ass and AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels doing awesome stuff
I gotta say, Eric Young and the dogs at the very beginning was really funny.

Why TNA kept hyping the Unbreakable 3-way with Joe, AJ, and Daniels but didn't show it is beyond me. Mike Tenay called it "one of the greatest matches in TNA history" and they didn't show it? Put that in place of the King Of The Mountain Match, and they'd have been better off. They do have some DAMN awesome video packages though - the cage match video was insane.

Here's how correct Vince McMahon is about "his vision" of ECW.

ECW One Night Stand 2006, with little to no tv promotion whatsoever, the push of Rob Van Dam to a title match, and the inclusion of actual ECW wrestlers in a show with a genuine ECW feel and atmosphere? 300,000+ pay per view buys.

ECW December to Dismember, which happened 5-6 months after the ECW tv show debuted, had two matches announced in advance (one of which involved NO ECW stars at all, old or new), and was clearly going to be molded in the "new" style of ECW, both in characters, match style, and finishes? 90,000 pay per view buys.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If the same number of people bought D2D as bought ONS, there would be an additional 210,000 buys. At $40 per, that's $8.4million MORE that ONS grossed than D2D. Oh, but *WE* are the fans who are wrong about ECW. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

fucker just lost $8 million because of his ego. That's GOT to hurt. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: one more for good measure. :rofl:
I mean, all Vince had to do was keep the same format he did with ONS. It was obvious people wanted it just like that. He should have given Heyman a blank book and told him to do whatever he wants.
But Vince is a classic case of a micromanager (I empathize, b/c I can be too). Asking him to defer to another person is like asking Jesus to worship the devil.

There's talk of bringing Heyman in to lead the originals, but who knows if that may be the case?

EDIT: Sorry 'bout that.
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