The Bill Goldberg Wrestling Thread - William Regal - New King of The Ring!

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I'm a huge Regal mark (to the point where I paid $40 for the UK release of his book, just so I could have it in hardcover and before it was released here, although actually at the time, I didn't know if it'd be released here anyway) so I love it when they have RAW in England, as he always gets a well deserved big pop. The "LET'S GO REGAL" chants were awesome as well. I remember when the England fans went absolutely apeshit when Regal and Eugene won the tag belts.
[quote name='Matt Young']

List of competitors in the KOTR next week.

CM Punk
Big Show
Triple H

as per

MVP seems to be the most logical choice, since Punk won MitB.[/quote]

wow, i wouldve gone with alot more mid-carders to at least make it interesting. i wouldve preferred guys like matt hardy, john morrison, kennedy, and carlito replacing all the main eventers. i mean seriously "king kennedy" the promos wouldve been gold. but without those guys im picking either umaga or mvp to win... heres to anyone but triple h

EDIT: those guys listed above are just the pictures shown, the article mentions punk (whos pictures on the promo) but also kennedy and finlay by name, so, who knows
[quote name='guyver2077']you muther fuckers

4 years and i still didnt get this honor..

thats it.. im done with wrestling[/quote]

Word life!
Yea, where's Kennedy and Matt Hardy in there? HBK, Batista, and Triple H won't win, so why even put them in there? I mean, sure it adds to it, but I'd rather see it be people who actually make you curious as to who will win. Oh well this IS vote goes to MVP vs Punk with Matt screwing over MVP.
[quote name='Matt Young']Guys, I just got a text message from Guyver. It's kind of odd.

5:53 P.M.- "My physical address is 2351 NE 192nd St, Miami, FL 33180. The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open."[/quote]

Well, that was classless.
[quote name='Sporadic']Jericho needs it IMO.[/quote]Are you serious? Jericho could have a legitimate title challenge and subsequent run any day of any week. This is a competition designed to build and make a Superstar's career.

[quote name='Shmitty']what is gained by winning the king of the ring? like really? i haven't ever seen the pay-per-view, and when i asked a friend, he simply said "a soda pop." now while i'd enjoy a wrestler coming out every week and treating a bottle of soda like a title, anyone who could shed actual light on this would be appreciated.[/quote]If I'm not mistaken, some of the biggest names in the business were able to use the KOTR as a launching pad to get in the spotlight and become industry icons.

Off the top of my head, there are Bret and Owen Hart, Steve Austin (the beginning of the Stone Cold days started with his KOTR victory), HHH and Brock Lesnar. These are people that Vince had decided would be big and this tournament brought attention to them.
[quote name='beane316']Don't forget Billy Gunn and Viscera! YEAH! Oh yea, Edge won as well, as did Kurt Angle[/quote]True. But Billy Gunn and Viscera didn't become big after that. And Kurt was arguably already an industry name by then. But you may have something with Edge though. Edge definitely is becoming a name that will last.
But all the people just listed won it when it was a big deal ppv. Now it's just a tournament with 0 qualifying matches and the audience has been given a week's notice.

This is a sham KOTR!
id really like to see kennedy win, it would help him regain momentum he has desperately lacked, i understand he tore his bicep which cost him a title run, then fucked himself out of the vince/son thing. but he NEEDS this to regain credibility...
[quote name='MorPhiend']Are you serious? Jericho could have a legitimate title challenge and subsequent run any day of any week. This is a competition designed to build and make a Superstar's career.

If I'm not mistaken, some of the biggest names in the business were able to use the KOTR as a launching pad to get in the spotlight and become industry icons.

Off the top of my head, there are Bret and Owen Hart, Steve Austin (the beginning of the Stone Cold days started with his KOTR victory), HHH and Brock Lesnar. These are people that Vince had decided would be big and this tournament brought attention to them.[/quote]

Jericho needed to stay retired or keep his long hair, and does not need a King of the Ring accomplishment.

MVP, on the other hand, does. Mor is right, it's a launching pad, like today's "Money in the Bank" match/title shot. However, I think the King of the Ring looks a bit more legit, considering they wrestle a lot during the night. Again, MVP needs it. He is the future of WWE, and this could set up him quite nicely. However, he shouldn't abuse the "King" title. I do not want another King Booker scenario.
[quote name='neocisco']Well, that was classless.[/QUOTE]

Oh, come on. Were you really offended by that? Class, or the lack thereof, had nothing to do with it.
[quote name='guyver2077']you muther fuckers

4 years and i still didnt get this honor..

thats it.. im done with wrestling[/quote]

[quote name='Ugamer_X']fuckin' Regal almost broke Orton's neck -- twice.[/quote]

'Tis a shame he didn't. :whistle2:#

Randy Orton is this generation's Paul Roma.
Orton is five billion times better than Roma, who did nothing but flex, do three back breakers, and manage to do a swan dive without ever mussing up his mullet.

Regal's Regalplex tonight was a shocker, but I don't expect to ever see it again, and given that he might've seriously injured the WWE Champion tonight, that might be for the best.

Today's AWA show was tremendous - it had a Red Bastien-Ray Stevens match in clipped form from '73, a fun Brody and Barbarian squash, and an excellent Rotundo-Sommers match that saw Rotundo suffer a sick cut over his right eye, and Sommers seemingly shit his tights, as he had a very noticeable dark stain on the back of his trunks for half the match. Aside from that, I was surprised to hear Gagne actually mention Rotundo being a WWF tag champ, leading to Larry mentioning that he and Barry came here to face the best competition, which was an excellent way to bring up the bigger company while making the AWA seem like the better one...and it was nearly killed by Rotundo took 20 seconds to name any other teams in the company. That was a fine moment.

Quotes -
Greg Gagne - I don’t blame ya one bit, Larry.
Gagne - Sheik’s a freak - that drives him nuts!
Gagne - The Commissioner stopped the match here at the Showboat - head to the ringpost, instant disqualification.
Nelson - On his way to the ring, the coach of the United States Olympic Team…(fan boos) BRAD RHEIGNANS!
Nelson - The action is on between Brad Rheignans and “Apache” Pistol Pete!
Greg Gagne - When Brad works out, he uses a 250 pound log. He works out by throwing it around and practicing his suplex.
Nelson - You and I have talked about this a bit, but sometimes, Brad looks like the Crusher with some of his moves!
Gagne - You’re right - and of course, Crusher’s from Milwaukee.
Nelson - Brad is the total package - speed, power, excellent coaching background.
Gagne - First coach to win the gold for the U.S. Greco Roman team.
Gagne - What kinda boots is Pistol Pete wearing? They’re a different…set…
Nelson - Not sure, but he calls himself Apache Pistol Pete, perhaps it’s a Moccasin-type.
Gagne - Perhaps it is.
Nelson - He’s got a nerve hold on, and I’ve gotta admit, I don’t know what the thing’s called.
Gagne - I think it’s a choke, Larry, the referee is checking it…no Larry, you’re right, it’s a nerve hold, I’m sorry.
Gagne - Did you hear that boot?! Hello Pistol Pete!(fans chant boring numerous times during the match)
Nelson - The victory for Brad Rheigans! Bradley, where are you!?
Rheigans - Larry, I underestimated my opponent tonight, and I usually don’t do that, but I only have one man on my mind - Boris Zhukov. You’ve been running around, spreading your crap in this country, about how you did a number on me on ESPN about how you put me out of wrestling, but you didn’t do it for good! When I get done with you, they’re gonna need more than hospitals to put you back together.
Nelson - I noticed that you were favoring the knee a bit tonight, how’s it doing?
Rheigans - The knee is just about 100%, Larry. The only thing I’m worried about is the Sheik - he seems to be paying everyone off. You don’t get to the top doing that, you do it by wrestling, wrestling the best in the world. I’m coming to take you out of wrestling.
Larry Z - I’ve had some litigation with my attorney, so now I’m back with MY corner, and I’ve been getting tons of mail from the teeny boppers around America - they write in big print, and they love the Midnight Rockers, and out of the goodness of my heart, I’m going to interview them. Now let’s run a video so maybe you all will grow up.
Marty - We’re looking forward to taking on the best in the AWA, and becoming champions.
Nelson - So the problem with Rose and Sommers…
Marty - We’ll go through anyone we
Larry Z - I see two young punks…wrestlers, and I’m listening to the dreams and desires of the youth of America. I see a spoiled rich kid, who went to the good school, and I see Marty here, very fast, very quick moves, but there’s gonna be a point in your lives when you face me and you can’t handle it. You’re the first rung at the ladder and you see a guy at the top of ladder like Zbysko and um…Bockwinkel, and I can understand where you are, because I’ve been there before. Ladies, in a couple years, they’re gonna be ugly, they’re gonna have scars. Shawn’s dad’s gonna realize that Shawn can’t handle the responsibility. The 13 year old fans don’t make the money - guys like Hansen and myself do, we’re tough!
Shawn - My dad slapped me around every day, and we’re gonna…
Larry Z - The man slapped you, and that’s why you’re hiding with a partner.
Marty - I don’t need a partner, and you might’ve had 12 GLORIOUS YEARS, but find a partner and we’ll face you.
Larry Z - If you wanna wrestle, I’ll give you a lesson. I’ll answer the questions - here are some crayons. You’re the Midnight Rockers hanging out with the teeny boppers!
Nelson - Well, Mr. Zbysko has forgotten how to TALK! That is obvious!
Ray Stevens - Larry, right before this, Nick Bockwinkel and I had just beaten Red Bastien and Hercules Cortez or the world heavyweight tag team championships.
Nelson - Is there any town that you haven’t sold out?
Stevens - Yeah, there are some, but I still sell out some big places.
Nelson - Of course, you still do that every now and then.
Stevens - Yeah, but I don’t wrestle as much as I used to. I made life difficult for promoters, so this is my payback.
Nelson - I can’t think of anyone that compares to you, but who compares to Bastien?
Stevens - Curt Hennig, Shawn and Marty - Bastien was quick.
Nelson - Yes, we just saw some quick moves from him that remind me of the Rockers.
Nelson - Let’s see, ‘73, about a year later, Bockwinkel won the heavyweight title.
Stevens - Yes, he held the singles world title, we held the world tag titles, and my career was going in a different direction then. I was happy for him.
Nelson - Of course, you were U.S. champion numerous times.
Stevens - Yes, seven times.
Stevens - Chicago knows their good wrestlers and their… not so good wrestlers.
Nelson - Now here you throw him to the floor towards the end of the match, why do people do that?
Stevens - Well, when they hit the cement floor, it takes the air out of their sails, and you gotta do whatever you can to beat ‘em by the time limit.
Gagne - Mike Rotunda, first appearance in the AWA - former tag champion in the WWF, which he held with Barry Windham.
Nelson - I talked to Rotunda earlier, and he knows that he’s in there with the stiffest competition here in the AWA.
Gagne - Rotunda just finished a tour of Japan - four weeks, he did very well.
Nelson - Rotundo is a great, good-looking athlete - I wonder what they feed them down in Tampa Florida - Hall’s from there, too.
Gagne - Good veteran, he follows up on all his moves. Let’s watch and see if he keeps doing that throughout the evening.
Gagne - Now from our TV angle, we saw Sommers pull the trunks - LeDoux didn’t call it because the referees in the AWA are instructed to only call what they see. It’s like holding in football - if ya don’t see it, it doesn’t count.
Gagne - Now Sommers just went over the top, and people will say that that should be a DQ, but for it to be one, the man hasn’t to be intentionally thrown over the top.
Gagne - LeDoux’s fought eight former world boxing champs - Ali, Holmes among them. He’s never been knocked off his feet.
Gagne - Had Sommers hit the knee drop off the top, that would’ve been a disqualification. When you hit a prone opponent off the top, it’s a DQ.
Gagne - Rotunda’s got a reverse side headlock from the back… does that make sense?
Nelson - I don’t know… don’t ask me things like that! Haha
Gagne - I’ll take your word for it.
Gagne - Sommers with a shot to the… lower stomach.
(after a two count for Sommers)Gagne - A lot of times, Larry, you’re in the position and you feel your man to make sure he’s limp.
Nelson - Sommers is yelling over at us, and I hope he’s doing it towards you and not me!
Gagne - If Sommers isn’t careful, LeDoux will knock him on his butt!
Gagne - That has no business in wrestling!
Nelson - A BIG WIN FOR MIKE ROTUNDO! That’s one ugly cut.
Rotunda - It’s said that nothing lost, nothing gained. This Is what we gotta go through here. They have some great talent here in the AWA… um… Hennig and Hall, Rose and Sommers. We’re gonna take our dues and our lumps every month.
Nelson - Barry Windham, how long til he’s out with ya?
Rotundo - About 3 or 4 days - we’re coming to the dome with everything we’ve got!

Screens -

WWF mention in graphic...and Rotundo seemingly flips the bird

Well, given Regal is only an authoritative personality in non-UK places, I suspect we won't see Regal lace-up his boots again for a while. Oh, Regal. I miss you so.

Orton is similar to Roma as they both were given changes in status they did not deserve. I remember some people complaining about Benoit's "lack of personality" and how he didn't deserve the World title because of this supposed "lack of personality." Orton has less personality than Chris Benoit. "Oh, I'm Randy Orton, I look like a goblin, and possess an emotive ability reminiscent to stone gargoyles and the mentally-handicapped. Woo!" At very least, Benoit was passionate and emotive. Randy Orton should have been given Lance Storm's (undeserved) "boring" gimmick.
[quote name='Matt Young']Randy Orton is about 477,296 times more talented than Paul Roma ever was.[/QUOTE]
Which makes him...oh, about 1/10000 the wrestler Viscera is.

I'm with Jay - London sold the Backstabber like a million bucks. Good to see someone selling finishers.
[quote name='JJSP']Which makes him...oh, about 1/10000 the wrestler Viscera is.

I'm with Jay - London sold the Backstabber like a million bucks. Good to see someone selling finishers.[/quote]

Van Dam gave London a riotous ovation for that sell.

It's a shame WWE doesn't have competition (TNA doesn't count, as they aren't competition; can't offer comparable pay). If WCW hadn't floundered, I suspect some wrestlers would have preferred WCW. At least junior heavyweights would be given better exposure in WCW. WWE has degraded them to jobbers.
[quote name='chasemurata']Van Dam gave London a riotous ovation for that sell.

It's a shame WWE doesn't have competition (TNA doesn't count, as they aren't competition; can't offer comparable pay). If WCW hadn't floundered, I suspect some wrestlers would have preferred WCW. At least junior heavyweights would be given better exposure in WCW. WWE has degraded them to jobbers.[/QUOTE]
If WCW was still around, I'd bet we'd see the ROH guys (Sabin, Shelley, Rave, London, etc) wrestling 10 minute cruiserweight matches instead of 3 minute TV bouts. If nothing else, WCW did wonderful things with the cruiserweight division and always put on an entertaining midcard match with those guys.

Man, I miss WCW.
[quote name='chasemurata']Well, given Regal is only an authoritative personality in non-UK places, I suspect we won't see Regal lace-up his boots again for a while. Oh, Regal. I miss you so.

Orton is similar to Roma as they both were given changes in status they did not deserve. I remember some people complaining about Benoit's "lack of personality" and how he didn't deserve the World title because of this supposed "lack of personality." Orton has less personality than Chris Benoit. "Oh, I'm Randy Orton, I look like a goblin, and possess an emotive ability reminiscent to stone gargoyles and the mentally-handicapped. Woo!" At very least, Benoit was passionate and emotive. Randy Orton should have been given Lance Storm's (undeserved) "boring" gimmick.[/quote]

You're being far too hard on Orton. Randy might have been undeserving in the past but the guy has stepped up. There seems to be some kind of fire under his ass ever since Rated RKO where he seems destined to prove himself and thus far his reign has been anything but a fluke. I mean when was the last time you saw a WWE Champion take something like a Regal-plex? It's been damn near forever.

This has been a wonderful heel title run. Much better than ANY of Triple H's forced fed title runs in the past. I never want to see Hunter with a title again in my life.

And Orton does have more charisma and personality than Benoit.
[quote name='Zen Davis']You're being far too hard on Orton. Randy might have been undeserving in the past but the guy has stepped up. There seems to be some kind of fire under his ass ever since Rated RKO where he seems destined to prove himself and thus far his reign has been anything but a fluke. I mean when was the last time you saw a WWE Champion take something like a Regal-plex? It's been damn near forever.

This has been a wonderful heel title run. Much better than ANY of Triple H's forced fed title runs in the past. I never want to see Hunter with a title again in my life.

And Orton does have more charisma and personality than Benoit.[/quote]

Well, he is now more than just that ridiculous snotty pose he used to do upon entrance. He has progressed as an athlete-telling-stories-through-athletic-theater (pro-wrestler), but his personality still lacks. For me, at least. It's much in the same way I regard Candice Michelle: a polished turd is still a turd. He's still a turd. Ten years from now, of this generation I will remember Triple H's dominance, Michaels and Undertaker still being able to perform at a very high level, and a many other things. The only way I'll remember Randy Orton is with disdain (see: road reports). I just don't like him, and don't see the appeal. Had he not been an Orton, and subsequently coddled and nurtured like a little baby goblin, his WWE career would have gone the way of Shane Douglas.

[quote name='JJSP']If WCW was still around, I'd bet we'd see the ROH guys (Sabin, Shelley, Rave, London, etc) wrestling 10 minute cruiserweight matches instead of 3 minute TV bouts. If nothing else, WCW did wonderful things with the cruiserweight division and always put on an entertaining midcard match with those guys.

Man, I miss WCW.[/quote]

JJSP, you speak the truth. :applause: I too miss WCW.

WWE fails in that they spend so much time servicing their main event talent that it has ruined everything else. WWE's tag team division is essentially now nonexistent. Most of their midcard, the few that remain, is jobbed out to the point where none of them can be built up believably. Cruiserweights in WWE now equate to jobbers. The women's division is once again on the backburner. Basically, if you're not in the upper tier, you're neglected. Hell, even the Intercontinental title is neglected, and I regard it as the second most important championship in WWE history. It's just gotten ridiculous.
[quote name='JJSP']If WCW was still around, I'd bet we'd see the ROH guys (Sabin, Shelley, Rave, London, etc) wrestling 10 minute cruiserweight matches instead of 3 minute TV bouts. If nothing else, WCW did wonderful things with the cruiserweight division and always put on an entertaining midcard match with those guys.

Man, I miss WCW.[/quote]

JJSP, you speak the truth. :applause: I too miss WCW.

WWE fails in that they spend so much time servicing their main event talent that it has ruined everything else. WWE's tag team division is basically now nonexistent. Most of their midcard, the few that remain, is jobbed out to the point where none of them can be built up believably. Cruiserweights in WWE now equate to jobbers. The women's division is once again on the backburner. Basically, if you're not in the upper tier, you're neglected. Hell, even the Intercontinental title is neglected, and I regard it as the second most important championship in WWE history. It's just gotten ridiculous.
I appreciate nostalgia as much as anyone but you guys are really overstating how good WCW was. Yes, it had some good matches with cruiserweights but do you all remember the constant...

"Sting drops from the ceiling and beats up the nWo in the ring." finishes to so many Nitros?

Tony Schiavone being possibly the worst play-by-play guy in the business, shilling EVERY match and EVERY Nitro as "The biggest thing ever!!!"?

The ridiculous stipulations created post-match that rendered, in particular, Sting's 1997 Starrcade win over Hogan moot?

The complete burying of Ric Flair because he didn't see eye to eye with Hogan and Bischoff?

Alex Wright?

The viagra on a pole match?

"That 70s Guy" Mike Awesome?

David Arquette as WCW World Heavyweight Champion?

I could go on for hours. I will grant that most Nitros had at least one good, long midcard match between guys that could wrestle but those matches were buried within 3 hours of some of the worst shit I've ever sat through. I sort of wish WCW had endured simply because it made the WWE look better by comparison but for me, it was always a distant third in terms of promotions I enjoyed watching (with the original ECW being #1 by a mile).
[quote name='Halo05']I appreciate nostalgia as much as anyone but you guys are really overstating how good WCW was. Yes, it had some good matches with cruiserweights but do you all remember the constant...

Alex Wright?

Whoa, whoa whoa. Are you saying Alex Wright is a bad thing?

I still do his dance -
[quote name='Halo05']I appreciate nostalgia as much as anyone but you guys are really overstating how good WCW was. Yes, it had some good matches with cruiserweights but do you all remember the constant...

"Sting drops from the ceiling and beats up the nWo in the ring." finishes to so many Nitros?

Tony Schiavone being possibly the worst play-by-play guy in the business, shilling EVERY match and EVERY Nitro as "The biggest thing ever!!!"?

The ridiculous stipulations created post-match that rendered, in particular, Sting's 1997 Starrcade win over Hogan moot?

The complete burying of Ric Flair because he didn't see eye to eye with Hogan and Bischoff?

Alex Wright?

The viagra on a pole match?

"That 70s Guy" Mike Awesome?

David Arquette as WCW World Heavyweight Champion?

I could go on for hours. I will grant that most Nitros had at least one good, long midcard match between guys that could wrestle but those matches were buried within 3 hours of some of the worst shit I've ever sat through. I sort of wish WCW had endured simply because it made the WWE look better by comparison but for me, it was always a distant third in terms of promotions I enjoyed watching (with the original ECW being #1 by a mile).[/quote]
Come on now. Most of that was '99 and beyond. You can't say that WCW was defined by '99-'01. That's not fair. That's after Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff were both out of the picture. That is not the company that they built.
WCW was also fantastic in '92 and '94 (before Hogan came in and brought a bunch of WWF has-beens in, killing the pushes of a ton of homegrown talent in favor of pushing "superstars"...sound familiar?).

TNA is definitely offering guys comparable pay to WWE as far as their main eventers go - heck, they've given Sting a better deal than he likely ever would have gotten in WWE, and Angle makes more money per match in TNA than he did in WWE. They also compete with WWE (and utterly fail) with their CDs and PPVs, and they'll compete with WWE's next video game when Impact finally drops. They're competition, but usually they're so inept that they're basically not competition, as they'll never overthrow WWE barring the immediate deaths of all of the McMahons and possibly 50% of the main event roster. has taken down the graphic with the 8 guys listed last night, its been replaced with a shot of the throne on the raw stage last night.
[quote name='chasemurata']Well, he is now more than just that ridiculous snotty pose he used to do upon entrance. He has progressed as an athlete-telling-stories-through-athletic-theater (pro-wrestler), but his personality still lacks. For me, at least. It's much in the same way I regard Candice Michelle: a polished turd is still a turd. He's still a turd. Ten years from now, of this generation I will remember Triple H's dominance, Michaels and Undertaker still being able to perform at a very high level, and a many other things. The only way I'll remember Randy Orton is with disdain (see: road reports). I just don't like him, and don't see the appeal. Had he not been an Orton, and subsequently coddled and nurtured like a little baby goblin, his WWE career would have gone the way of Shane Douglas.[/quote]

I think you're wrong. In ten years from now, Orton will be remembered as a legend of the business. You may not remember it because you hated the guy to begin for all your smarky reasons, but the guy is basically at the level HBK was at prior to getting the powerbombs from Sid. Maybe on a similar level to HBK circa Royal Rumble 95.

2008 is going to be Orton's breakout year. The guy has been taking bumps like he is the ultra babyface. Watch Matt Hardy/Orton and look at how Orton sells. Watch Regal/Orton from last night. Triple H or Cena didn't even take those kind of bumps on PPV, let alone on free TV. It's become clear that Orton is taking this title reign seriously and he has decided that he is going to make his mark. And I will guarantee that barring any injuries or scandals, he will win the 2009 Royal Rumble and main event Mania 25. On top of that, most likely by the end of the year, Orton will be a huge babyface and Cena a huge heel.

And wow. Guyver really didn't come back.
Yeah, I was wrong about those being the 8 guys for the tournament, thank God.

My wish list:

John Morrison
Shelton Benjamin
Paul Burchill
The Miz

From the ECW preview, it seems that Kane and Undertaker will take on Morrison and Miz, and Chavo's bodyguard's name is Bam Neely. BAM NEELY.

Like with Kenny Dykstra, they've ripped off another former sports star's name.
[quote name='Matt Young']Yeah, I was wrong about those being the 8 guys for the tournament, thank God.

My wish list:

John Morrison
Shelton Benjamin
Paul Burchill
The Miz

From the ECW preview, it seems that Kane and Undertaker will take on Morrison and Miz, and Chavo's bodyguard's name is Bam Neely. BAM NEELY.

Like with Kenny Dykstra, they've ripped off another former sports star's name.[/quote]

You need some main eventers in there to give the tournament some credibility. So what if Santino defeats The Miz to become the King of the Ring? See my point?


My guess for the new KOTR, Jericho. I can just see them trying to ditch the Y2J gimmick for his new heel turn as "King Jericho". I just hope they don't over do it like they did with Booker T.
[quote name='Halo05']I appreciate nostalgia as much as anyone but you guys are really overstating how good WCW was. Yes, it had some good matches with cruiserweights but do you all remember the constant...

"Sting drops from the ceiling and beats up the nWo in the ring." finishes to so many Nitros?

Tony Schiavone being possibly the worst play-by-play guy in the business, shilling EVERY match and EVERY Nitro as "The biggest thing ever!!!"?

The ridiculous stipulations created post-match that rendered, in particular, Sting's 1997 Starrcade win over Hogan moot?

The complete burying of Ric Flair because he didn't see eye to eye with Hogan and Bischoff?

Alex Wright?

The viagra on a pole match?

"That 70s Guy" Mike Awesome?

David Arquette as WCW World Heavyweight Champion?

I could go on for hours. I will grant that most Nitros had at least one good, long midcard match between guys that could wrestle but those matches were buried within 3 hours of some of the worst shit I've ever sat through. I sort of wish WCW had endured simply because it made the WWE look better by comparison but for me, it was always a distant third in terms of promotions I enjoyed watching (with the original ECW being #1 by a mile).[/QUOTE]

Everything looks bad if you start picking stuff out from after its peak. You're looking at late 90's, when it started to go downhill.

From Nitro's debut through Starrcade '97, WCW was fucking fantastic. Although I won't say we'd still be getting 1 live Raw per month and Mantaur vs. HBK-esque "main events" if it were not for WCW, there would be a lot of things different today if WCW hadn't kicked the industry in the ass.

Oh, and Goldberg was ok.

That is all.
From PWinsider:

It was just announced at today's Smackdown/ECW Taping in London, England that Mike Adamle is the new announcer for ECW. He is set to call tonight's entire broadcast.

The word going around backstage at the show is that Joey Styles will be moved to another area within the company

I really hope this is incorrect.
[quote name='MorPhiend']Are you serious? Jericho could have a legitimate title challenge and subsequent run any day of any week. This is a competition designed to build and make a Superstar's career.

If I'm not mistaken, some of the biggest names in the business were able to use the KOTR as a launching pad to get in the spotlight and become industry icons.

Off the top of my head, there are Bret and Owen Hart, Steve Austin (the beginning of the Stone Cold days started with his KOTR victory), HHH and Brock Lesnar. These are people that Vince had decided would be big and this tournament brought attention to them.[/QUOTE]

This will give Jericho the desperate push he needs to turn into a tweener. Since he's been back, he's had no real achievement/accomplishment. This will give him something else to bring up besides beating Rock/Austin in the same night back in 2001.

It will light the fire to bring back cocky as hell Jericho and make him a legitimate threat from the world title (which he currently isn't)

[quote name='Zen Davis']I think you're wrong. In ten years from now, Orton will be remembered as a legend of the business. You may not remember it because you hated the guy to begin for all your smarky reasons, but the guy is basically at the level HBK was at prior to getting the powerbombs from Sid. Maybe on a similar level to HBK circa Royal Rumble 95.

2008 is going to be Orton's breakout year. The guy has been taking bumps like he is the ultra babyface. Watch Matt Hardy/Orton and look at how Orton sells. Watch Regal/Orton from last night. Triple H or Cena didn't even take those kind of bumps on PPV, let alone on free TV. It's become clear that Orton is taking this title reign seriously and he has decided that he is going to make his mark. And I will guarantee that barring any injuries or scandals, he will win the 2009 Royal Rumble and main event Mania 25. On top of that, most likely by the end of the year, Orton will be a huge babyface and Cena a huge heel.[/QUOTE]

Really, he's finally starting to catch on in the promos/mic department and it's the only thing holding him back from being one of the greatest. He's a fantastic pure heel and one of the best sellers in the business.

- edit About that last part, no just no, Orton sucks as a babyface. Turning him would be one of the worst decisions they could make.
Does Adamle know anything about wresting? His interview/announcement segments so far have fallen flat, I don't know how he could carry an entire broadcast by himself.
a 1-night King of the Ring sounds like good fun! Supposedly the last few King of the Ring PPV's did really bad business, so doing it all on TV makes sense. The problem of not being able to properly "build up" the later tournament matches won't even apply to a TV broadcast, where the matches aren't usually hyped in advance anyway. Actually the effect is probably opposite when they do the tourney on free TV, since I'm sure there will be a few people who go out of their way not to miss this episode.

btw, Matt Young, I kinda borrowed the concept of your sig for my new one. :p Wasn't planning it when I originally took the picture, but then I looked at it and thought "hmmm..."
[quote name='MorPhiend']Come on now. Most of that was '99 and beyond. You can't say that WCW was defined by '99-'01. That's not fair. That's after Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff were both out of the picture. That is not the company that they built.[/quote]


"WWE fails in that they spend so much time servicing their main event talent that it has ruined everything else. WWE's tag team division is essentially now nonexistent. Most of their midcard, the few that remain, is jobbed out to the point where none of them can be built up believably. Cruiserweights in WWE now equate to jobbers. The women's division is once again on the backburner. Basically, if you're not in the upper tier, you're neglected. Hell, even the Intercontinental title is neglected, and I regard it as the second most important championship in WWE history. It's just gotten ridiculous."

I stand by that statement.

[quote name='Zen Davis']I think you're wrong. In ten years from now, Orton will be remembered as a legend of the business. You may not remember it because you hated the guy to begin for all your smarky reasons, but the guy is basically at the level HBK was at prior to getting the powerbombs from Sid. Maybe on a similar level to HBK circa Royal Rumble 95.

2008 is going to be Orton's breakout year. The guy has been taking bumps like he is the ultra babyface. Watch Matt Hardy/Orton and look at how Orton sells. Watch Regal/Orton from last night. Triple H or Cena didn't even take those kind of bumps on PPV, let alone on free TV. It's become clear that Orton is taking this title reign seriously and he has decided that he is going to make his mark. And I will guarantee that barring any injuries or scandals, he will win the 2009 Royal Rumble and main event Mania 25. On top of that, most likely by the end of the year, Orton will be a huge babyface and Cena a huge heel.

And wow. Guyver really didn't come back.[/quote]

Sucks about Guyver, as I liked him.

And what you said is fair. Taste is subjective, after all.
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