The Bill Goldberg Wrestling Thread - William Regal - New King of The Ring!

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[quote name='chasemurata']Yep. I thought it was pretty much common knowledge that Head Cheese and his Cheese Horde forced Styles into a more color commentary position and less play-by-play (which WWE doesn't do anymore). JR mentioned that Styles "adopted" storytelling as opposed to calling every move. In non-WWE employee speak, he meant Styles had no choice but to bend over to WWE's wishes.

Here's hoping Styles goes to TNA, as I hate Don West. That change alone would compel me to watch TNA more often.[/quote]

Why did they hire him in the first place then? I was out of wrestling when he came to WWE.
I think they hired him because he was on the original American Gladiators, where he was horrible, and he's been considered horrible at every other broadcasting job he's had as well. WWE is of course spending $300,000 a year on him, which I guess they'll get back with him being on ECW, and of course, with's viewership going down, they can blame that on Joey down the road as well.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Adamle was, tonight, a pleasant change of pace, although I was irked by him calling the show "the ECW".[/quote]

You are a kind and generous man.

I recorded, watched it, and, good gravy, I laughed, but only because of his mediocrity. I actually felt sorry for him, as he sounded so out-of-place. It was like laughing during the Special Olympics, it just felt wrong to laugh at him. :whistle2:#
[quote name='mykevermin']Eh, I disagree to an extent. In hindsight, it's totally unsurprising, sure.

But looking forward, and listening to the way the brand split is discussed and so often framed by those within the WWE as having "separate identities," I am still waiting on seeing that translate into something meaningful on the tv screen.

The shows use different colorschemes and have different rosters, yet:
1) they use the same set now
2) the format of the shows are largely similar in terms of:
2a) promos
2b) comedy
2c) match length
2d) match content
3) the weighting of the main event to the detriment of the undercard is consistent from show to show
4) tag teams are useless and meaningless on both shows
5) overemphasis on long and drawn out entrance themes and poses (one of these days I'm gonna use a stopwatch to time all the entrances on the show and then all the actual in-ring action, and buy all of you puppies if the latter is longer than the former)
6) the production techniques
7) camera angles
8) interview styles
9) the 'flow' of the show (e.g., you can always guarantee the 'bathroom match' 1:35 into Raw or Smackdown, or 0:35 into ECW, you can always expect the main event to start at 1:52-1:55 of Raw/SD and 0:55 of ECW

They use the same production teams on the show; it makes *total* sense financially (much like putting together the ECW/SD tours so they save on travel costs). But it translates into a WWE programming that, when added all up, is far too formulaic. WWE programming is like watching someone fill out the same "Mad Libs" three times a week every week.[/QUOTE]You're dead-on with that analysis. I've ranted before about how they need to commit to keeping the wrestlers separated, but making each show actually "feel" different would be even better. What I would love for them to do - and it would never happen because of the short-term financial hit - would be to take Raw out of the arena and into the "streets." And by "streets" I just mean venues like the Manhattan Center, and small clubs like the first few episodes of Shotgun Saturday Night (they would air live from Webster Hall and places like that). Keep Smackdown as the more polished, big-time "arena" show and make it more old-school and family friendly.

Again, they'd lose a ton of money on ticket sales and merchandise doing small venues, but the idealist in me feels that the long term benefits of simply having a more entertaining product would translate to some big money eventually.
Maybe I'm missing something obvious but I can't figure out how to watch ECW on The links are just sending me in circles. Insight, anyone?
[quote name='BustaUppa']Maybe I'm missing something obvious but I can't figure out how to watch ECW on The links are just sending me in circles. Insight, anyone?[/QUOTE]

The show is put up sometime on Wednesday. I just went to watch it myself, but it's not up yet. The link is as follows:

As for your response to my earlier post, Busta, I thought you had been wrestling for 4-5 years. You have inspired me, now that I know you're 26. I tried wrestling when I was younger but I was in terrible shape. Now I'm in good shape, and I was worried that I'd be too old (23 now; 24 in July).

While it will cost a lot more than what I was paying New Midwest Wrestling, a damn good promotion in their own right, I hope to resume my training in the near future, this time at Jesse Hernandez's School of Hard Knocks in San Bernardino.

Myke- Midway Gamer's Day is tomorrow. There should be lots of info on the TNA game then. Just do everyone a favor and get your news from somewhere other than gaming Ring. Those baby raping sons of bitches stole all my hard work on their news site, and didn't bother to notify me until 2 weeks ago (after begging me to help them out and make sure I had tomorrow and Friday off work so I could go to Vegas) that "my services weren't needed".

Actually, they didn't notify so much as I had to pry the info out of them, and the co-webmaster made me sit through a phone call because "they don't discuss business over chat clients." BULLSHIT. You fat fucks discussed plenty of business with me over AIM before. You just didn't want to leave me proof that I could share with the forum members you're lying to. All this, after I've known the main webmaster online for 8 years. Suck my fat cock, Mike Regan and Charles Shane, you self-important, inbred, googly eyed motherfuckers.
[quote name='Matt Young']As for your response to my earlier post, Busta, I thought you had been wrestling for 4-5 years. You have inspired me, now that I know you're 26. I tried wrestling when I was younger but I was in terrible shape. Now I'm in good shape, and I was worried that I'd be too old (23 now; 24 in July).

While it will cost a lot more than what I was paying New Midwest Wrestling, a damn good promotion in their own right, I hope to resume my training in the near future, this time at Jesse Hernandez's School of Hard Knocks in San Bernardino.[/QUOTE]Oh sweet, glad I could provide some inspiration there! I like to say that I was both the oldest and youngest student in the school when I started training. "Oldest" because I was the most advanced in age (23 at the time, how 'bout that ;)), and "youngest" because all the other students already had a year or so on me in terms of training and match experience. I wasn't a porker but I wasn't exactly in great shape either. Now I'm unquestionably in the best shape of my life... your body really doesn't have much of a choice when you keep up with the training, haha.

If you really want it you should definitely give it a shot! Starting younger gives you an advantage, sure, but I'll be the first to tell you that 23 ain't too late! Oh and thanks for the ECW replay tip, I'll just try it later...
Delaying the TNA game might actually do them some good - let it come out in the fall where it can provide an alternative to the Smackdown game. If it gives them some time to polish up the gameplay and tweak things to get it right, I'm all for it. It looks interesting enough to warrant at least a rental.
[quote name='JJSP']Delaying the TNA game might actually do them some good - let it come out in the fall where it can provide an alternative to the Smackdown game.[/quote]

Whoa, didn't think about that for some reason but it makes sense

Just last year, Skate came out and as far as I know, it dominated the latest Tony Hawk in terms of popularity (not sure about sales :roll:)

Hopefully Thq brings their A-game to SvR09 (same with devs of tna's game) as having some actual competition among wrestling games would only be for the better...good thing they are totally different companies too (no roster buy-outs, ;))
[quote name='Foo228']Whoa, didn't think about that for some reason but it makes sense

Just last year, Skate came out and as far as I know, it dominated the latest Tony Hawk in terms of popularity (not sure about sales :roll:)

Hopefully Thq brings their A-game to SvR09 (same with devs of tna's game) as having some actual competition among wrestling games would only be for the better...good thing they are totally different companies too (no roster buy-outs, ;))[/quote]
According to the Skate wiki and a Joystiq article (, Skate outsold Tony Hawk's Proving Ground 2:1 on the next-gen consoles, selling over 700,000 copies. It could be interesting if TNA's game puts up a solid fight against the better-known Smackdown.
Thing is, SvR09 is going to have one of the most requested features ever this year: Create-a-Finisher.

I don't know how TNA can compete with that alone, unless the gameplay really sells people on it.

The other thing I can see happening is people buying both games because they want to have everyone from both companies.
[quote name='JJSP']According to the Skate wiki and a Joystiq article (, Skate outsold Tony Hawk's Proving Ground 2:1 on the next-gen consoles, selling over 700,000 copies. It could be interesting if TNA's game puts up a solid fight against the better-known Smackdown.[/quote]

Good for Skate, I for one like it when smaller IPs rise up and (hopefully) force the older ones to do something new...sorta like big business vs. small business

[quote name='bornrunnin31']The other thing I can see happening is people buying both games because they want to have everyone from both companies.[/quote]

Yet another point I completely overlooked...since the latest SvR was slighted against for it's smaller roster, I just wonder what people (critics included ;)) will think of the 25man roster in Tna's game...doesn't make too much sense to me, unless of course their gameplay delivers amazingly (but I can't see that topping the newly implemented Create a Finisher mode that you mentioned)
[quote name='bornrunnin31']Thing is, SvR09 is going to have one of the most requested features ever this year: Create-a-Finisher.[/quote]
I'd argue that the most requested feature in Smackdown this year is a decent story mode, but that's just me. ;)

Create A Finisher sounds really interesting and ambitious, but I can't help but think it'll end up either really jerky and canned or ridiculously unrealistic when people start creating gorilla press chokeslams.

I wanna like Smackdown this year - we're due for something good out of the series, but I'd be lying if the TNA game doesn't pull my interest from SD slightly.
TNA Impact will not even sell 1/5th of what Smackdown will sell. SvR 2008 has sold over 3.5 million copies already since being released in November. TNA's game might be better, but it won't compete as far as sales go.

As far as the 25 man roster goes, there are only 35 men listed on's roster page. Add in Abyss, and that makes 36.

From those 36, subtract Elix Skipper because, well, he's Elix Skipper. 35.

Rellik came in too late. 34.

Jimmy Rave and Lance Hoyt were nothing at the time the roster was finalized. 32.

Matt Morgan just started actually wrestling for the company. 31.

Johnny Devine wasn't even active when the roster was finalized. 30.

No Kip or BG James? Who gives a fuck? 28.

The only noteworthy names not listed amongst the 22 confirmed are Kaz, Kevin Nash, and Team 3D, and they'll likely be in. So the roster is just fine.
[quote name='JJSP']I'd argue that the most requested feature in Smackdown this year is a decent story mode, but that's just me. ;)

Create A Finisher sounds really interesting and ambitious, but I can't help but think it'll end up either really jerky and canned or ridiculously unrealistic when people start creating gorilla press chokeslams.

I wanna like Smackdown this year - we're due for something good out of the series, but I'd be lying if the TNA game doesn't pull my interest from SD slightly.[/quote]

Gorilla press chokeslams, that's the whole point of having CAF!

The demo of it they showed when they announced the game made it look pretty simple, or at least easier then the old create-a-taunt.

But, some of the animations also looked a little off where there were transitions between positions/movements, so it all depends how fluid and attractive they can make it (as you said).

I thought SvR08 was total rubbish, I played a grand total of 3 matches before I got rid of it, but they always find a way to keep you paying attention and hold out hope that this year is the one.

The TNA Game, I just don't know. I'm liking the faster pace, but it just looks a little second-rate to me. Sure the graphics are fancy, but I just don't have a good feeling about it. Probably most due to it being their first attempt.

The best way I can think about it is like comparing WWE to TNA in terms of everything. TNA is smaller, where WWE has all the money and biggest names.
[quote name='bornrunnin31']Thing is, SvR09 is going to have one of the most requested features ever this year: Create-a-Finisher.[/quote]

Maybe one of us can create an finisher for Cena that doesn't suck. :lol:

The other thing I can see happening is people buying both games because they want to have everyone from both companies.

Why do that when one can easily just grab whatever CAW information there is online to add in the people they want into the game? I wouldn't be surprised that the TNA game will even let you insert your own music on the 360/PS3 version....

Is that "Burning In My Light" I'm hearing in the Impact Zone? ;)
All of the shit about Greenberg in the OP and first few pages is fuckin' gold.

I'mma give everybody a gorilla press chokeslam. Or a gorilla press powerbomb. Actually, I'd like a gorilla press Go To Sleep, using both knees.
Ring of Honor Hammerstein Card:

GHC Title Match
The Necro Butcher vs. Takeshi Morishima


FIP Triple Threat Title Match
Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens vs. Go Shiozaki


Special Challenge Match

"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. Naomichi Marufuji


[quote name='Demolition Man']Maybe one of us can create an finisher for Cena that doesn't suck. :lol:

THQ tried already, and the failed.

[quote name='Demolition Man']Maybe one of us can create an finisher for Cena that doesn't suck. :lol:
Only if he can shoot lightning like Taker. Maybe Cena shoots lasers?
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I'mma give everybody a gorilla press chokeslam. Or a gorilla press powerbomb. Actually, I'd like a gorilla press Go To Sleep, using both knees.[/QUOTE]

It's all about the moonsault tombstone into humping face pin animation :cool:
[quote name='Genocidal']The same way All-Pro destroyed Madden, I'd imagine.[/QUOTE]

Well it did in the gameplay department, but it absolutely failed in every single other aspect.
[quote name='neocisco']Danielson/Marufuji! That sounds like a must-see.[/quote]

I agree. The Necro Butcher/Morishima sounds like it's going to be a mess.

I think TNA Impact will be okay, but forgettable. I dislike the Smackdown control scheme, but they can change/improve that in production before its release. Create-a-Move sold the game for me. It just looks great in what I've seen of its execution.
[quote name='Matt Young']From those 36, subtract Elix Skipper because, well, he's Elix Skipper. 35.[/quote]

First, that's hilarious. Also, considering Elix seemingly invented one of the worst finishing moves in the history of pro-wrestling, I think he should not only be blacklisted from all future video games, but erased from time itself.

Here's what I think of the ridiculous, atrocious, terrible Play of the Day:


I actually have always had an affinity for Elix since his Team Canada days (big Lance Storm fan here, and his line on the TC bus, "This is MY bus; I built this bus!" made me a fan for life). I liked XXX and Diamonds in the Rough. I even remember Elix as the WCW jobber (and terrible pun) Skip Over. But the point stands.
[quote name='chasemurata']I agree. The Necro Butcher/Morishima sounds like it's going to be a mess.[/quote]

Morishima/Necro could be a squash match since Morishima is indeed the GHC Champion. In fact I personally expect it to be the same match Morishima has been wrestling ever since he came into Ring of Honor and I expect Necro to carry the match. Nevertheless, it must be said that the match has potential to be very good.
Impact spoilers for upcoming shows
TNA strips the tag belts from Styles & Tomko, and declares them vacant at Impact. The following week, we get a "Deuces Wild" tournament similar to the old NWA Crockett Cup with random teams.

The TNA Knockouts come to the ring. Jim Cornette announces a "Makeover Battle Royal" for the Sacrifice PPV. The last two competitors will compete right then in a Ladder Match. The winner is the person who grabs a Knockouts title shot contract from above the Ring. The loser will have their head shaved in a "Britney Spears Makeover."

It'll be a three way dance at Sacrifice after Scott Steiner interfered in the Joe/Angle rematch.

Does anyone else get the feeling that TNA booking meetings are full of half-written ideas that always end in a stipulation or screwy finish? It's amazing that a company that supposedly books only clean finishes for house shows can't do the same when people are actually watching their product.
If I had to pin it down, that's my biggest problem with TNA. Nearly every single feud builds to a gimmick match, sometimes with gimmick matches along the way.

It's like they don't trust the audience enough to tune in and just see, I don't know, just wrestle one on one.

After a while, they aren't special anymore. They keep trying to come up with ones that are new and different, but they've just become ridiculous now. To me, gimmick matches need to be special and used sparingly. Though it's been years, look at how unexciting Hell in the Cell is now. That one is a combination of overuse and time, but still.

Point is... TNA has Lockdown, which is nothing but gimmick matches. Maybe they should try having a PPV that's all NON-gimmick matches. I can't even imagine how many times the word 'stipulation' gets thrown around in TNA creative meetings.
What's with these "let's have a gimmick match, in order to have a gimmick match with an ending stipulation" matches?

If anyone knows how to pour as many stips as possible onto a match, its TNA.
I bet Necro winds up legitamately knocked out in his title match.

If it wouldn't cost me ~100 in gas to get to NYC from my house, I'd probably go. I'm the world's biggest Necro fan that hasn't seen him in person.
[quote name='Halo05']I bet Necro winds up legitamately knocked out in his title match.

If it wouldn't cost me ~100 in gas to get to NYC from my house, I'd probably go. I'm the world's biggest Necro fan that hasn't seen him in person.[/quote]

DO IT. Find friends to split the cost of gas with you and DO IT. The show will be...

Okay. You know what. I'm not going to lie to you. This seems like it will be a hot show but it's going to be a run of the mill card for Ring of Honor. If you wanna' come down, I've got three 3rd row seats I'll sell to you for face value.


Zen question for you, being as i havent watched much ROH, do you think that the "stars of honor" dvd would be a good place for me to start since it would have guys i already know? if not, throw out the suggestions brother, gimme some help im in desperate need of good/new wrestling.
Hmmm... I live in SW Virginia, sort of near VA Tech if anyone's familiar with the area. If I was very clever I could possibly hit up the May 9th Manassas, VA show, stay at a friend's house in Herndon, VA that night then go with him up to New York the next morning...

To add to my temptation, both those dates occur during my brief semester break. It's almost like the pro-wrestling gods are demanding that I attend.

I've got to make some calls tonight.
[quote name='007']Though it's been years, look at how unexciting Hell in the Cell is now. That one is a combination of overuse and time, but still.[/QUOTE]In my opinion, another thing that really hurt the Cell Match was the fact that the first two were SO over the top. Imagine if they had been doing cell matches for years, and THEN they had a match where the participants ESCAPE the cage for the first time. What a moment! I mean, it was a hell of a moment when 'Taker and HBK did it... but by doing it in the first ever cell match they set the bar way too high. And after that jaw-dropping match, the Mankind/Taker match absolutely spoiled us.

So two matches into the history of this gimmick, and they've already backed themselves into a corner where it'll be considered a disappointment if everyone stays inside the cage. So then every match needs a contrived spot where they get out of the cage somehow, and it starts to get kind of silly (the worst offender would have to be that time Vince drove a truck to the ring to pull the door off).

Eventually they seemed to realize, for the sake of safety/believability, that they couldn't keep doing an "escape" spot in EVERY cell match. After the Jericho/HHH match, every match has stayed INSIDE the cell. This progression would inevitably take some of the luster off of the Cell Match. Now it's hard for even a good cell match to really stand out. :whistle2:(
[quote name='cdubb1605']Zen question for you, being as i havent watched much ROH, do you think that the "stars of honor" dvd would be a good place for me to start since it would have guys i already know? if not, throw out the suggestions brother, gimme some help im in desperate need of good/new wrestling.[/quote]

I would say go with both Stars of Honor and Bloodstained Honor.

There are another couple of ROH discs in the work that don't come out until July.

Greatest Rivalries and Best In The World.

If you want want something actually from the Ring of Honor store so you can actually keep up with the storylines, I would tell you to go with...

ROH Respect is Earned - 1st PPV
ROH Driven - 2nd PPV
ROH Manhattan Mayhem 2
ROH Man Up - 3rd PPV
ROH Undeniable - 4th PPV
ROH Rising Above - 5th PPV
ROH 6th Anniversary Show
ROH Dragon Gate Challenge 2
ROH Supercard of Honor 3

In that order.

[quote name='Halo05']Hmmm... I live in SW Virginia, sort of near VA Tech if anyone's familiar with the area. If I was very clever I could possibly hit up the May 9th Manassas, VA show, stay at a friend's house in Herndon, VA that night then go with him up to New York the next morning...

To add to my temptation, both those dates occur during my brief semester break. It's almost like the pro-wrestling gods are demanding that I attend.

I've got to make some calls tonight.[/quote]

There is supposed to be a big announcement on 4/20.

I wonder if the date has any significance.

But seriously, it'll probably that Hammerstein is a PPV.
As much as I'm a diehard Foley mark, I still think the best Cell match ever (and one of my top 5 favorite matches ever) was Undertaker vs. Lesnar Hell in a Cell in 2002. They stayed in the cage and fucking killed each other.

[quote name='BustaUppa']In my opinion, another thing that really hurt the Cell Match was the fact that the first two were SO over the top. Imagine if they had been doing cell matches for years, and THEN they had a match where the participants ESCAPE the cage for the first time. What a moment! I mean, it was a hell of a moment when 'Taker and HBK did it... but by doing it in the first ever cell match they set the bar way too high. And after that jaw-dropping match, the Mankind/Taker match absolutely spoiled us.

So two matches into the history of this gimmick, and they've already backed themselves into a corner where it'll be considered a disappointment if everyone stays inside the cage. So then every match needs a contrived spot where they get out of the cage somehow, and it starts to get kind of silly (the worst offender would have to be that time Vince drove a truck to the ring to pull the door off).

Eventually they seemed to realize, for the sake of safety/believability, that they couldn't keep doing an "escape" spot in EVERY cell match. After the Jericho/HHH match, every match has stayed INSIDE the cell. This progression would inevitably take some of the luster off of the Cell Match. Now it's hard for even a good cell match to really stand out. :whistle2:([/quote]
[quote name='BustaUppa']In my opinion, another thing that really hurt the Cell Match was the fact that the first two were SO over the top. Imagine if they had been doing cell matches for years, and THEN they had a match where the participants ESCAPE the cage for the first time. What a moment! I mean, it was a hell of a moment when 'Taker and HBK did it... but by doing it in the first ever cell match they set the bar way too high. And after that jaw-dropping match, the Mankind/Taker match absolutely spoiled us.

So two matches into the history of this gimmick, and they've already backed themselves into a corner where it'll be considered a disappointment if everyone stays inside the cage. So then every match needs a contrived spot where they get out of the cage somehow, and it starts to get kind of silly (the worst offender would have to be that time Vince drove a truck to the ring to pull the door off).

Eventually they seemed to realize, for the sake of safety/believability, that they couldn't keep doing an "escape" spot in EVERY cell match. After the Jericho/HHH match, every match has stayed INSIDE the cell. This progression would inevitably take some of the luster off of the Cell Match. Now it's hard for even a good cell match to really stand out. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

Well said all around. For me, the moment when HIAC stopped being an awesome match was when (1) Foley took the flagrantly gimmicked drop through the cage when wrestling Triple H (No Way Out 2000? - it was the PPV match following their AWESOME AWESOME street fight at Royal Rumble 2000). That drop was groan inducingly obvious and it really killed the spontaneity of the match and the cell itself. The gimmick trap door was much safer for all involved (very good), but it was like watching a budget horror movie: you get the idea, but you can't help but either simply enjoy it for how tremendously corny it is, or just roll your eyes and say "this is fuckin' *stoopid*."

All this talk of TNA and gimmicks has made me wonder if the TNA booking committee is comprised of people who used to be car salesmen. Simply because they can't leave well enough alone, and appear to try to "upsell" goddamn EVERYTHING that comes their way.

Seriously, they're like those dudes who talk to you like "how about a moonroof? heated seats? faux mahogany shifter knob? The ladies go wild for italian leather floormats!" when all you're saying is "I want this car over there exactly as it is."

"Hey, can we just have a wrestling match between these guys?"
"What about the manager of the one wrestler being the uncle of the babyface? And the uncle has sole possession of the babyface's late parent's inheritance, which is rightfully the babyface? And then we can have a 37 person reverse battle royal for the inheritance, but in the battle royal, if you get pinned, you have to sit in the dunk tank while So Cal Val throws baseballs at the target, and you can't reenter the match until she hits the target. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Don West will sing the national anthem while drinking gatorade and eating cheetos. If he eats all the cheetos before the dunk tank is aligned with the moon during mercury phase on the 12th night of the seventh dawn, then that wrestler is disqualified."
"So, what's the finish?"
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