The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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[quote name='DerClaw']I mean, it took me 45 minutes to compile a list of 20-25 games worth flipping if I go out tomorrow. If you can't put in 45 minutes of looking, then what are you going to do tomorrow: Walk into BBV with your list, flop on the floor, and yell "somebody find me these games and carry me to best buy!"

It's annoying not be spoon-fed the flips, for sure, but by spoon-feeding you end up with people that can't search threads at all (i.e., the once per page "does bb sell amazon kindle cards with a bb GC?" question in the bb tiv thread).[/QUOTE]

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
[quote name='DerClaw']I mean, it took me 45 minutes to compile a list of 20-25 games worth flipping if I go out tomorrow. If you can't put in 45 minutes of looking, then what are you going to do tomorrow: Walk into BBV with your list, flop on the floor, and yell "somebody find me these games and carry me to best buy!"

It's annoying not be spoon-fed the flips, for sure, but by spoon-feeding you end up with people that can't search threads at all (i.e., the once per page "does bb sell amazon kindle cards with a bb GC?" question in the bb tiv thread).[/QUOTE]

Very true. As the saying goes, give a man a fish....etc. Also, given that Amazon, Best Buy, Goozex and Gazelle all have sites that let you check on the values, it just seems like doing the homework is part of being a flipper.
[quote name='JKSonic']That's very true, and I can't argue with it at all. I'll just point out though, that you can still do one of two things. Either just make sure to get there day 1 yourself and flip it all right away... Or just announce that you'll share as soon as you flip and get back home to post.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. I think we are agreeing in principle.

I will note, that in my opinion no flip is ever dead until the price of the game for sale or the trade price has changed. At that point it's like saying, "I will announce my flips after the prices have changed". Different people go to different extents, and I think in some cases you can find people who you can share your knowledge with if it's mutually beneficial. I'm not saying I've never shared that level of information with anyone, but I do not do so freely.
[quote name='bgame2']Very true. As the saying goes, give a man a fish....etc. Also, given that Amazon, Best Buy, Goozex and Gazelle all have sites that let you check on the values, it just seems like doing the homework is part of being a flipper.[/QUOTE]

Let me ask again though... Is there an updated list of the cheaper games (especially 14.99 and under) floating around here someplace? If so I'm not seeing it, I know many times for these sales the OP will be updated with a "since the last sale" update.

I just have to say too, that again, I do get how people want to keep their lists to themselves. They are afraid TiV's will plummet and they're afraid people will pick off the games they want. Plus I think on some level they just don't want to give out their hard work for free. Problem is if everybody had that mentality this site wouldn't exist at all. It's funny to see where people draw the line. Sharing Target clearance, sharing BBV price drops, Sears clearance, Amazon TiV deals (has it's own thread) and Best Buy TiV's individually when not associated with a BBV sale...all that and then some is ok. But sharing flip lists? THAT is where the line is drawn.
[quote name='PhoenixAZ']Fair enough. I think we are agreeing in principle.

I will note, that in my opinion no flip is ever dead until the price of the game for sale or the trade price has changed. At that point it's like saying, "I will announce my flips after the prices have changed". Different people go to different extents, and I think in some cases you can find people who you can share your knowledge with if it's mutually beneficial. I'm not saying I've never shared that level of information with anyone, but I do not do so freely.[/QUOTE]

True too, but most places limit your flips now... in fact doesn't just about every major place except for Gamestop? Plus if you get into that "extreme" territory you're talking about flipping to an extend which is even frowned upon here.

I'm really just the kind of flipper who only does so if I'm making quite a bit back and if I need to put it towards other things. For instance I have two young kids (8m and 18m) so I'll flip so I don't have to take money away from them to game (not literally away from them, you know what I mean). Or sometimes I'll even do the Best Buy to Amazon credit thing and buy stuff for them with what I flip. I'm also not a flipper to the point where I go to every place limiting out my trades as some do.
[quote name='shajek']What are the odds that an Online Pass code for an EA game is still valid? Bulletstorm, DS2, etc.[/QUOTE]

Better than 50%, probably better than 75%.
[quote name='thenurseryan']:rofl:So Any Good Flip Tips? :rofl:[/QUOTE]

I have mouths to feed with that flip money... NO FLIPS FOR YOU!!!!!!!! :bouncy:

Not to play the saint, but as far as I could tell I broke that whole Two Worlds 2 TiV at Best Buy a few months back and freely shared that every chance I got. I don't know, I just think differently I guess (and no I don't have a flip list yet, not sure if I will this time or fact most of the time I don't flip at these anyway, I do so just on random deals here and there, BBV is usually reserved for adding to my backlog).
So I went into blockbuster today and saw the signs for the buy one get one sale, the signs said buy one game 14.99 and under get one of equal or lesser value free... now does this mean that 19.99 games don't count. Also the lady at the counter rang the sale up manually so I got Prototype and Blood Stone for only 14.88, guess she did the transaction wrong. I tried to get Assassins Creed Brotherhood but she said it did not qualify. What gives? Will it qualify tommorrow?

They never sent us new signs about how the sale runs so they told us to use the old signs and inform customers on how it works. It is buy ANY priced game and get a $14.99 and under free. Lower priced game is free. If they tell you otherwise ask them to call another store.
[quote name='shajek']What are the odds that an Online Pass code for an EA game is still valid? Bulletstorm, DS2, etc.[/QUOTE]

The last time I rented a game there, they put the game in the actual case with the manual and stuff. I think it will be more likely used than not.
Phew, happy I checked CAG before heading out. Had a quick lunch and wanted to hit up 3-4 BBV before my next class starts. Guess it's good I didn't go. Only bad part about it starting tomorrow is I can't leave until 3 pm :(
For those asking about game prices, I personally saw Tron:Evolution (both), Lego Harry Potter (PS3), Splatterhouse (360), Mindjack (both), N3:II (360) all at 14.99. Also saw Aliens vs Predators (360) for $9.99. I know there were more so I post them as I remember what I saw in the huge box my local Blockbuster had.
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Wasn't ringing up correctly at my store, they had to over ride it, said it wasn't supposed to start till this weekend. However, did pretty well.

Also, NBA Jam's price was wrong in their system, was labeled 9.99, ringing up 19.99, wouldn't honor the price, was a nice flip, however.
[quote name='HakurenKyo06']Wasn't ringing up correctly at my store, they had to over ride it, said it wasn't supposed to start till this weekend. However, did pretty well.

Also, NBA Jam's price was wrong in their system, was labeled 9.99, ringing up 19.99, wouldn't honor the price, was a nice flip, however.[/QUOTE]

NBA jam ring up $19.99?
Maybe the price isnt updated?
[quote name='The Punisher']NBA jam ring up $19.99?
Maybe the price isnt updated?[/QUOTE]

Exactly, and this is what I was posting about earlier. As HB mentioned, the stores now have to accept the price updates. So perhaps the silver lining to this sale starting a day late is found in the fact stores will have a day to update the prices whereas if we strolled in at 10:00 a.m. this morning, we would have had to ask them to update for sure.
[quote name='JKSonic']Let me ask again though... Is there an updated list of the cheaper games (especially 14.99 and under) floating around here someplace? If so I'm not seeing it, I know many times for these sales the OP will be updated with a "since the last sale" update.[/QUOTE]

I have not seen a list. When I get time I was going to go through HB's previous posts since he always posts weekly drops. That would give the best recap of what's changed since July.
[quote name='salty tbone']I have not seen a list. When I get time I was going to go through HB's previous posts since he always posts weekly drops. That would give the best recap of what's changed since July.[/QUOTE]

:ps3: Dating back to 7/25 drops

assassins creed brotherhood $19.99
blur $14.99
Brink $39.99
bulletstorm $19.99
Crysis 2 $29.99
Dead space 2 $19.99
disney's g force $6.99
Dragon age 2 $29.99 7/25
Enslaved $14.99 7/25
FIFA 11 $19.99
Fight night champion $29.99
F1 2010 $24.99 7/25
Gran turismo 5 $39.99 7/25
guitar hero warriors $14.99
Guitar hero van halen $6.99 7/25
Homefront $29.99
James bond bloodstone $14.99 7/25
Killzone 3 $29.99
L.A. Noire $29.99
lego star wars III $29.99
Madden 11 $19.99 7/25
Medal of honor $9.99 7/25
Mindjack $14.99 7/25
MLB 11 the show $39.99 7/25
MVC 3 $24.99
ncaa football 11 $14.99
Red faction Armageddon $44.99
Test drive unlimited 2 $19.99 7/25
Tron evolution $14.99
two worlds 2 $19.99
UFC undisputed 2010 $9.99
Wwe smackdown vs raw 2011 $24.99 7/25
move start the party $19.99 7/25
Move the fight lights out $19.99 7/25
Move the shoot $14.99

:360: Dating back to 7/25 drops

Brink $39.99
bulletstorm $19.99
Crysis $29.99
Dead space 2 $19.99
Dragon age 2 $29.99 (7/25)
Fable III $19.99
Guitar hero van halen $6.99 (7/25)
guitar hero warriors $14.99 (8/8)
Halo reach $24.99
Homefront $29.99
James bond bloodstone $14.99 (7/25)
L.A. Noire $29.99
legend of the guardians $14.99 (8/8)
madden 11 $14.99
megamind $9.99 (8/8)
Mindjack $14.99 (7/25)
MVC $24.99
NBA jam $9.99
ncaa football 11 $14.99
need for speed hot pursuit $24.99 (8/8)
Red faction Armageddon $44.99
shift 2 unleashed $24.99 (8/8)
splatterhouse $14.99 (8/8)
Tron evolution $14.99 (7/25)
Wwe smackdown vs raw 2011 $24.99 (7/25)
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[quote name='The Punisher']NBA jam ring up $19.99?
Maybe the price isnt updated?[/QUOTE]

Yeah thats what Im guessing, it was labeled 9.99, for both consoles, but it rang up the prices before the drop, PS3 version didn't drop according to HB's post, but all were labeled 9.99, so figured I would give it a shot, I still did pretty well, spent 30+tax, got $65.
I stopped by mine to check out the games. The employee walks over to me and whispers "Just so you know, there's a B1G1 that starts tomorrow so I wouldn't buy any games today if I were you." I was like, "Oh, awesome, thanks for the heads up!"

What a cool dude.
My neighborhood BBV had a pretty good selection of games and while reading the thread earlier i saw that sometimes they can turn rentals into for i got a call from BBV saying that i turned in a movie case with no movie and the rep who called is a cool dude so i asked him about the conversion process and he said its cool and to let him know what games i lovin BBV...well on my way to check 2 distant BBV's and hopefully they have some goodies! Cant wait for tomorrow.
nothing at my bbv but 2 sw fu2's and a medal of honor. fail. i was hoping for stacks of games. oh wells, im gonna sit this one out ;) peace all and happy hunting
I went today and no BOGO but i picked up Splatterhouse. Do you guys think if i go tommorow with a receipt showing i purchased it today will they give me a free game?I need a Answer by today please.
So I'm so confused now...sorry. When exactly does this thing start? I've seen it was supposed to start today but got postponed until tomorrow. Then I see other people saying that they're being told it's not starting until this weekend. Yet I see a lot of these same people going today and saying that they got the deal anyway via override.

One very, very confused CAG here...

[quote name='bgame2']:ps3: Dating back to 7/25 drops

assassins creed brotherhood $19.99
blur $14.99
Brink $39.99
bulletstorm $19.99
Crysis 2 $29.99
Dead space 2 $19.99
disney's g force $6.99
Dragon age 2 $29.99 7/25
Enslaved $14.99 7/25
FIFA 11 $19.99
Fight night champion $29.99
F1 2010 $24.99 7/25
Gran turismo 5 $39.99 7/25
guitar hero warriors $14.99
Guitar hero van halen $6.99 7/25
Homefront $29.99
James bond bloodstone $14.99 7/25
Killzone 3 $29.99
L.A. Noire $29.99
lego star wars III $29.99
Madden 11 $19.99 7/25
Medal of honor $9.99 7/25
Mindjack $14.99 7/25
MLB 11 the show $39.99 7/25
MVC 3 $24.99
ncaa football 11 $14.99
Red faction Armageddon $44.99
Test drive unlimited 2 $19.99 7/25
Tron evolution $14.99
two worlds 2 $19.99
UFC undisputed 2010 $9.99
Wwe smackdown vs raw 2011 $24.99 7/25
move start the party $19.99 7/25
Move the fight lights out $19.99 7/25
Move the shoot $14.99

:360: Dating back to 7/25 drops

Brink $39.99
bulletstorm $19.99
Crysis $29.99
Dead space 2 $19.99
Dragon age 2 $29.99 (7/25)
Fable III $19.99
Guitar hero van halen $6.99 (7/25)
guitar hero warriors $14.99 (8/8)
Halo reach $24.99
Homefront $29.99
James bond bloodstone $14.99 (7/25)
L.A. Noire $29.99
legend of the guardians $14.99 (8/8)
madden 11 $14.99
megamind $9.99 (8/8)
Mindjack $14.99 (7/25)
MVC $24.99
NBA jam $9.99
ncaa football 11 $14.99
need for speed hot pursuit $24.99 (8/8)
Red faction Armageddon $44.99
shift 2 unleashed $24.99 (8/8)
splatterhouse $14.99 (8/8)
Tron evolution $14.99 (7/25)
Wwe smackdown vs raw 2011 $24.99 (7/25)

Thanks! That gives us an idea at least. I, unfortunately, rarely have the time to go back and do stuff like that.

Does anybody know if Dead Rising 2 dropped further or has it been stuck in limbo?
[quote name='JKSonic']So I'm so confused now...sorry. When exactly does this thing start? I've seen it was supposed to start today but got postponed until tomorrow. Then I see other people saying that they're being told it's not starting until this weekend. Yet I see a lot of these same people going today and saying that they got the deal anyway via override.

One very, very confused CAG here...

Thanks! That gives us an idea at least. I, unfortunately, rarely have the time to go back and do stuff like that.

Does anybody know if Dead Rising 2 dropped further or has it been stuck in limbo?[/QUOTE]

I Saw Dead Rising 2 today for $20
[quote name='MetalMegaGio']I Saw Dead Rising 2 today for $20[/QUOTE]

Thanks, that would be stuck in limbo then. It's been that since around the last sale. I had it briefly and actually flipped it because I was hoarding some Amazon credit. I'd like to pick it up again but $20 is a hard sell when the CE is new for $29.
[quote name='MetalMegaGio']I went today and no BOGO but i picked up Splatterhouse. Do you guys think if i go tommorow with a receipt showing i purchased it today will they give me a free game?I need a Answer by today please.[/QUOTE]

Nope your out of luck. No returns on used games so you cant even return and rebuy
[quote name='Skulles']Nope your out of luck. No returns on used games so you cant even return and rebuy[/QUOTE]

Really? I swear there was a 30 day warranty if they do not play. That is not the same as a straight return but I think you could at least get your money back if you found it at another Block.
[quote name='Tsel']There were stacks and stacks of Force Unleashed II still at mine. I guess my area is hoarder free.[/QUOTE]

After the last sale I stopped by a BBV that I didn't know existed and there were something like 20+ copies of FUII for each system there. I don't even know if I would want to mess with that many. Would be fun though.

EDIT: and nobody gets to complain about the fact that I'd consider flipping 20 copies of FUII, since if there is somebody out there that wants that game and hasn't figured out how to get it on the cheap, then I don't know what is wrong with them. they've been giving this game out like kleenex for months.
[quote name='Velo214']nothing at my bbv but 2 sw fu2's and a medal of honor. fail. i was hoping for stacks of games. oh wells, im gonna sit this one out ;) peace all and happy hunting[/QUOTE]

Can you be my trading escort, then, since you seem to have the hassle-free aura :)
Haven't been to my BBV in months went today and they are closing in 10 days! I thought sweet closeout! BS they had Killzone 3 and Socom 4 used for $30! Damn!
[quote name='cancerman1120']Really? I swear there was a 30 day warranty if they do not play. That is not the same as a straight return but I think you could at least get your money back if you found it at another Block.[/QUOTE]

No, it's 30 days if it's broken, they're replace it with the same title. Unless you get an employee that's willing to break the rules, you're screwed.
[quote name='DerClaw']After the last sale I stopped by a BBV that I didn't know existed and there were something like 20+ copies of FUII for each system there. I don't even know if I would want to mess with that many. Would be fun though.[/QUOTE]

The temptation would be strong. Easily one of the better ones. I am trying a few myself.
[quote name='JaylisJayP']No, it's 30 days if it's broken, they're replace it with the same title. Unless you get an employee that's willing to break the rules, you're screwed.[/QUOTE]
OK but what if there is not another title? They just say we sold you a bad with it? Store Credit?
[quote name='Skulles']Nope your out of luck. No returns on used games so you cant even return and rebuy[/QUOTE]

Alright Thanks i guess ill stay with Splatterhouse and besides my BBV only had Star wars Force Unleashed 2 and Fallout New Vega they had like 30 copies for each game.
I saw a copy of Shattered Dimensions I kind of wanted there but no 15$ games to pair it with. The only games I found worth buying were Kane & Lynch 2 and Alan Wake for 10$ for the pair. Kind of disappointed when I was told the sale was tomorrow. It's a good 15 mile drive out of my way and through a heavily trafficy road, even in midday.

Are these 2 games for 10$ worth going all the way back there tomorrow or should I just wait for the next BOGO? VERY slim pickings at my store. Unless they restock for tomorrow or something there's really no other reason to go back there..

Does anyone know if the store carries games for sale that are not up on shelves? I know they keep a drawer full of games but are those to sell? I could consider going back tomorrow if it means getting a bigger selection of games to choose from.
[quote name='IronZombie']I saw a copy of Shattered Dimensions I kind of wanted there but no 15$ games to pair it with. The only games I found worth buying were Kane & Lynch 2 and Alan Wake for 10$ for the pair. Kind of disappointed when I was told the sale was tomorrow. It's a good 15 mile drive out of my way and through a heavily trafficy road, even in midday.

Are these 2 games for 10$ worth going all the way back there tomorrow or should I just wait for the next BOGO? VERY slim pickings at my store. Unless they restock for tomorrow or something there's really no other reason to go back there..

Does anyone know if the store carries games for sale that are not up on shelves? I know they keep a drawer full of games but are those to sell? I could consider going back tomorrow if it means getting a bigger selection of games to choose from.[/QUOTE]

Alan wake yes, K&L not so much
[quote name='Brother Daz']Alan wake yes, K&L not so much[/QUOTE]
Eh.. it was the only 10$ game there I would consider playing. Like I said.. slim pickings at my store. I'm not sure I even want to go back tomorrow unless I know for a fact there would be new games on the shelves or at least a chance to look through their drawer or at a list or something.. literally nothing else to choose from.
[quote name='IronZombie']I saw a copy of Shattered Dimensions I kind of wanted there but no 15$ games to pair it with. The only games I found worth buying were Kane & Lynch 2 and Alan Wake for 10$ for the pair. Kind of disappointed when I was told the sale was tomorrow. It's a good 15 mile drive out of my way and through a heavily trafficy road, even in midday.

Are these 2 games for 10$ worth going all the way back there tomorrow or should I just wait for the next BOGO? VERY slim pickings at my store. Unless they restock for tomorrow or something there's really no other reason to go back there..

Does anyone know if the store carries games for sale that are not up on shelves? I know they keep a drawer full of games but are those to sell? I could consider going back tomorrow if it means getting a bigger selection of games to choose from.[/QUOTE]

Its YMMV, but last time i got fallout new vegas and kirby Superstar for $16. The kirby game was a rental, but the manager sold it anyway.
[quote name='DerClaw']After the last sale I stopped by a BBV that I didn't know existed and there were something like 20+ copies of FUII for each system there. I don't even know if I would want to mess with that many. Would be fun though.

EDIT: and nobody gets to complain about the fact that I'd consider flipping 20 copies of FUII, since if there is somebody out there that wants that game and hasn't figured out how to get it on the cheap, then I don't know what is wrong with them. they've been giving this game out like kleenex for months.[/QUOTE]

Do 20 copies if you can ;) Not really worth flipping 20 copies to me, just don't see it being worthwhile. Maxed out my PS3 limit at BB. Going to grab some xbox copies though.
[quote name='IronZombie']Eh.. it was the only 10$ game there I would consider playing. Like I said.. slim pickings at my store. I'm not sure I even want to go back tomorrow unless I know for a fact there would be new games on the shelves or at least a chance to look through their drawer or at a list or something.. literally nothing else to choose from.[/QUOTE]

For $5 I guess its really not that bad of a game, I actually enjoyed it more than the first one.

[quote name='scblueeyedguy']Do 20 copies if you can ;) Not really worth flipping 20 copies to me, just don't see it being worthwhile. Maxed out my PS3 limit at BB. Going to grab some xbox copies though.[/QUOTE]
PS3 limit? please explain. I've just started trading in to BB recently
[quote name='newbslice']Anyone care to share the best games at blockbuster to flip If you don't mind I'm in fl[/QUOTE]

El Hoardo says all copies of Force Unleashed 2 belong to him.
[quote name='Brother Daz']For $5 I guess its really not that bad of a game, I actually enjoyed it more than the first one.

PS3 limit? please explain. I've just started trading in to BB recently[/QUOTE]

There is supposed to be a limit of 3 games/title/system. Their online system will only take 3, but when you contact the online system they say that the stores are allowed to take however many games they want. Most stores put this in practice by taking no more than 3 per "encounter", so you can theoretically trade in infinite amounts. Some people have had managers ban them, though, for trading in over the limit.

BB definitely needs to figure this out, and there are some that say that once they do, they will ban everyone that's traded in more than 3 of any particular game.
[quote name='IronZombie']Are these 2 games for 10$ worth going all the way back there tomorrow or should I just wait for the next BOGO? VERY slim pickings at my store. Unless they restock for tomorrow or something there's really no other reason to go back there..[/QUOTE]

Alan Wake is amazing. It's sorta like a love child between RE4/5 (combat wise) and Deadly Premonition (story wise... sorta).
bread's done