The British Bulldogs' wrestling topic

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I'm ready for a wrestling orgy on Wrestlemania weekend:

ROH on Friday, general admission tix

ROH on Saturday, 2nd row tix

Wrestlemania on Sunday, mid level

What's sad is I don't even have someone to go with to the ROH shows. I just bought the tickets anyway.
World Premiere Of The Midway / TNA Video Game TrailerNews December 8th, 2006 12:36Synopsis: Tune into the SpikeTV "Video Game Awards" this Wednesday night at 10pm ET for the world premiere of the Midway/TNA video game trailer! TNA star Kurt Angle will be on hand introduce the first-look at the anticipated video game release! The event will be hosted by Samuel L. Jackson and will also feature performances by Tenacious D and 50 Cent! Voting for the awards show is currently open at!

[quote name='guyver2077']World Premiere Of The Midway / TNA Video Game TrailerNews December 8th, 2006 12:36Synopsis: Tune into the SpikeTV "Video Game Awards" this Wednesday night at 10pm ET for the world premiere of the Midway/TNA video game trailer! TNA star Kurt Angle will be on hand introduce the first-look at the anticipated video game release! The event will be hosted by Samuel L. Jackson and will also feature performances by Tenacious D and 50 Cent! Voting for the awards show is currently open at!


Great news. Here's hoping it looks good (and, more importantly, plays good).
JBL's been calling Miz the Red Rooster for months now, and I loved the first hour of Smackdown. The second hour was mostly boring outside of the commentary and Helms' awesome suit. I'm excited about the TNA game FINALLY being shown, but I doubt I'll sit through the whole awards show to watch it.

Lance Storm did a Figure 4 Daily show today and lambasted Impact for not featuring enough wrestling on it. He also stated that Christian is frustrated because they put PPV-level matches on free TV, and that they won't increase their PPV buys until they create compelling TV. Bryan gets on TNA's case for wasting time on VKM skits when it won't build to VKM-DX matches, and that time could be used for something that'll actually be on the show. Bryan then says that if they're using Impact as a promotional vehicle for the PPV, with the idea that the PPV will have more action, how is just having 3 minute matches supposed to sell people on the shows? Lance said that doing the All-star match was a waste since it should have felt like a big deal, and instead they just delivered a five minute angle without any substance or body.

Bryan cites UFC as a recent success with a one hour show, since they made great use of it, and were able to get far more people to buy their PPVs based on these shows than TNA has been. Lance Storm was also angered by the Serotonin videos, since they were already on TV, and beaten up, and why should anyone care about them? Bryan brought up a reader stating "why was BG in the theater when the movie wasn't even playing?", and Bryan said that wasn't even on his list of things wrong with the show.

Lance says that Pillman was an inspiration to him since Pillman was in WCW doing what he (Lance) wanted to do. He praised the DVD's biography portion, and mentioned that it was obvious they just used Animal (and guys like him who weren't the best choices to interview) simply so they could throw them some extra royalty money. So if you're wondering why Lombardi shows up on all of them, there ya go.

Lombardi is the man in charge of assembling the roster of guys to interview, and he then tells a funny (and somewhat sad) story of Brawler going up to him while he was assembling the list for the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD and Lance asking him "So, am I on the list?" and Lombardi shooting back "No, were you there?". Lance had to go through a bunch of hoops to even get on the documentary, and he never saw a dime from it. He brought up that Jericho was on the DVD despite only having a handful of matches there, while he was there for two and a half years and was even assistant booker, and was basically excluded from it. He said this kind of thing was fairly common, and cites Dave Lagana fixing up the cage match set, which was originally handled by a guy who was just randomly putting cage matches on it without being a fan, so he went through with him and chose historic bouts that actually meant something to wrestling history. Lance then says "You look through the history of steel cages matches and you see Bret Hart vs. Isaac Yankem and go "why?" as an example of one of the clueless guy's picks for the set. Lance says that it's fairly sad that the DVDs tend to be assembled by guys who really shouldn't be doing that.

They spent some time blasting the Bischoff book, and Lance says that Bret and Jericho's books will be out next year. He calls Helms the best worker in WWE today since his work is always enjoyable to Lance. Bryan picked Regal as the best worker in the company. Bryan asks him if he could go onto a spaceship, what match would he bring with him, and Lance says that he thought he would ask who he would put on it, and he would've sent Russo, and only if it was a one-way trip. He said that he'd pick his match with Edge at Summerslam '01, since it was the biggest one-on-one match of his career.
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']Crowbar?!


Is he a full time guy on their roster, or pay-per appearance dealie?[/quote]

Didn't see him listed on the website and I only caught the last bit of his promo. Can't say for sure.

Man, I wonder what Daffney is doing? Or is she even still in the business?

The Iron Sheik on Michael Richards.
2:41 and the next 10-15 sec are pure gold.
I think Zenithian Legend posted this already. Still awesome though.

Hey, someone needs to do a transcript of Iron Shiek. I get most of it, but not all.

The applause at the end made me :lol:.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I think Zenithian Legend posted this already. Still awesome though.

Hey, someone needs to do a transcript of Iron Shiek. I get most of it, but not all.

The applause at the end made me :lol:.[/quote]Really? My bad if he did.
I'm not a wrestling fan, so I don't read this thread, but I just had to post this.
It wouldn't work in TNA. I'd rather see him on one of those VH1 reality tv shows. Just follow the guy around with a camera for 24 hours and make it a show. I'd watch every episode, and eventually others would too for the comedy. Or just put him on that Celebrity version of Real World for awhile, that'd be great.
you wont believe this but my bro called me last night and told me that we had won vip tickets to monday night raw on january 1st.

vip tickets include ringside seats and lunch with a wwe superstar!!!

hope everything works out!!!
Congrats guyver! I hope that you have to have lunch with Rob Conway, and he makes you pay for it.

Be sure to represent CAG at the show, of course.

Oh, the 1/1 show is being headlined by Cena/K-Fed, right?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
[quote name='guyver2077']World Premiere Of The Midway / TNA Video Game TrailerNews December 8th, 2006 12:36Synopsis: Tune into the SpikeTV "Video Game Awards" this Wednesday night at 10pm ET for the world premiere of the Midway/TNA video game trailer! TNA star Kurt Angle will be on hand introduce the first-look at the anticipated video game release! The event will be hosted by Samuel L. Jackson and will also feature performances by Tenacious D and 50 Cent! Voting for the awards show is currently open at!


So.. did anyone actually see this?
[quote name='guyver2077']you wont believe this but my bro called me last night and told me that we had won vip tickets to monday night raw on january 1st.

vip tickets include ringside seats and lunch with a wwe superstar!!!

hope everything works out!!![/quote]

It'll probably be Cryme Tyme, or Eugene... in character.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Here is to hoping you get to have lunch with the Masterpiece.[/quote]

i was thinking the same thing! lol maybe k fed lol

well i hope i am able to secure those tix... have to talk to bro later
So, with three weeks left in 2006, and little to no chance of anything really changing, what are your favorite matches of this year?

Personally, I can only think of one match that blew me away, and everything else (*everything else*) is way behind it, was the No Way Out title match between Kurt Angle and The Undertaker. Simply amazing. Other than that, nothing really jumps out to me this year, honestly.
The only other two I can think that have come close would be the Daniels/ Joe and the Christian/ Rhyno matches that took place on the impact specials. That NWO match really was a classic.
[quote name='mykevermin']So, with three weeks left in 2006, and little to no chance of anything really changing, what are your favorite matches of this year?

Personally, I can only think of one match that blew me away, and everything else (*everything else*) is way behind it, was the No Way Out title match between Kurt Angle and The Undertaker. Simply amazing. Other than that, nothing really jumps out to me this year, honestly.[/quote]

Joe/Styles. Matches with Daniels were good too but Joe/Styles was my favorite.. I believe it was the one where Joe had black/white trunks and Styles had blue.
Joe-Steiner might just be my favorite match of the year, followed by Finlay-Benoit from SD in May, and then Regal-Kendrick from SD a couple weeks ago. Taker-Angle was probably the most surprising match of the year, since I expected nothing from it, but I enjoyed these matches more. Oh, and TNA has a PPV tonight, which might just be their coldest show yet since Angle-Joe II has no buzz.

On yesterday's Bryan and Vinny show, they made some hilarious points about TNA, with Bryan saying this about the AMW-LAX fight - "I know when I'm in a fight with street thugs, I do fuckING LUCHA! NOT EVEN LUCHA GUYS DO THAT SHIT!". On the EY-Traci bikini contest - "WHERE'S MY CREDIT CARD?! I'VE GOTTA BUY THIS PPV!". "They made a flag match for the PPV, and since it's Russo, there are now POLES INVOLVED!". On the Sting save of Abyss - "Don West said this is just a glimpse of what you'll see at the Pay-Per-View. Again, why would I want to see more? This wasn't any good. It was short, and it was bullshit. Why would I want to pay to see more shit?". The audio Impact reviews are worth the $7 a month subscription fee.
[quote name='mykevermin']So, with three weeks left in 2006, and little to no chance of anything really changing, what are your favorite matches of this year?[/quote]

My favorite match this year was probably Yago/Miyawaki vs. Kudo/MIKAMI from night 2 (I think) of this year's CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix. Danielson/Nigel from Unified was awesome as well.

Most of my favorite WWE TV stuff involved Regal or Finlay in some manner. The one match that really pops out is Regal/Kendrick from SD a few weeks back. Not a classic or anything, but just a really fun match that I had a blast watching. 'Mania is the only PPV I buy at this point, so I've not had a chance to see the NWO match people raved about.

Nothing from TNA stands out at all, save for maybe Steiner/Joe. Haven't been much of a fan of the TNA product since the weekly PPV days, really.
[quote name='2Fast']Edge vs. Ric Flair ladder match in February I think.[/QUOTE]

That was in Jan. It was a great match live, but I couldn't see some of the spots. Watching the reaction of Flair's kid was great though.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Joe-Steiner might just be my favorite match of the year, followed by Finlay-Benoit from SD in May, and then Regal-Kendrick from SD a couple weeks ago. Taker-Angle was probably the most surprising match of the year, since I expected nothing from it, but I enjoyed these matches more. Oh, and TNA has a PPV tonight, which might just be their coldest show yet since Angle-Joe II has no buzz.

On yesterday's Bryan and Vinny show, they made some hilarious points about TNA, with Bryan saying this about the AMW-LAX fight - "I know when I'm in a fight with street thugs, I do fuckING LUCHA! NOT EVEN LUCHA GUYS DO THAT SHIT!". On the EY-Traci bikini contest - "WHERE'S MY CREDIT CARD?! I'VE GOTTA BUY THIS PPV!". "They made a flag match for the PPV, and since it's Russo, there are now POLES INVOLVED!". On the Sting save of Abyss - "Don West said this is just a glimpse of what you'll see at the Pay-Per-View. Again, why would I want to see more? This wasn't any good. It was short, and it was bullshit. Why would I want to pay to see more shit?". The audio Impact reviews are worth the $7 a month subscription fee.[/QUOTE]

Hey, it's MGFanJay from GamingRing! What's up, man? Good to see you.
Knowing Russo, I smell a Jerry Lynn swerve tonight to help Sabin win the belt. Yech.

Started the PPV half an hour late only to see the first thing I get to watch is the bikini contest. Crap.
[quote name='mykevermin']Started the PPV half an hour late only to see the first thing I get to watch is the bikini contest. Crap.[/QUOTE]

The opening match (the start of the PCS tournament) was very good. Catch it on the replay.
The Rhino/AJ match was great fun. The finish was kind of a letdown and deflated some great, great brawling, but seeing as how not every feud should resolve itself fully at a PPV, it's fine. I look forward to seeing them fight again.

I knew the AJ knee injury was a work, but was kinda hoping they would go the route of showing Rhino's brutality by having him work over AJ's knee to the point of being DQ'ed (that would kill AJ as a heel and Rhino as a face, however)
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