The Fighting Game Thread - 7th edition

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[quote name='2poor']yamazaki.
and cervantes is d-1337. hes a freakin zombie pirate![/QUOTE]

I heard he sucks a mean dick. Link told me. :lol:

I make myself laugh.
[quote name='The VGM']I heard he sucks a mean dick. Link told me. :lol:

I make myself laugh.[/QUOTE]

was this during the buttsecks or oral? :D
and yet, I still don't understand why Talim has an obviouse Camel Toe and Taki does not...? does Taki even wear anything under that thing? It's either that or it's always cold where she is.
i didnt even know talim had a camel toe. what are you guys doing looking between a 12 year olds legs? i expected this from subbs, but not you man. :D
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']and yet, I still don't understand why Talim has an obviouse Camel Toe and Taki does not...? does Taki even wear anything under that thing? It's either that or it's always cold where she is.[/QUOTE]

I never noticed that ... I usually use the blue & white costume though.

I almost never use Taki, but when I do I use the white/black.
I try to limit the number of times I do Cervantes' Psyhco Crusher move, I feel it's kinda cheap. But he's the most bad ass character in the game. Like 2poor said "a freakin zombie pirate." Link's a dork with crappy moves, worst character in the game.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Link's a dork with crappy moves, worst character in the game.[/QUOTE]

Well, I was fine with playing talim, until I was screwing around in Museum mode just having fun enjoying the graphics, until the camera was in a bad position and I noticed this... I wished I hadn't, but I guess it's my curse. If ur wondering, it's in her 1P costume.

I personally don't theink Cervantes' 'Psycho Crusher' moves is that cheap, just sidestep it... it's not hard to see it comming since Cervy has to go into stance to start it anyway. The only move that pisses me off that he does is the damn move where he stabs you super fast about 50 times... forgot what it was... oh, and supposedly in SCIII he now has a projectile attack where he shoots from one of his "gun-swords"... just as long as it's not cheap I'm fine. I heard Raphael is cheap as hell now, but I don't think he will be that bad (unless he is exploited up the ass like Steve in Tekken 5). Charade is making a comeback and Sword Master (random style character like Edge Master) is an unlockable job class for created characters as well as Pirate.

So far I plan to make a monk type character that uses no weapons and make him look like Kazuya... fomr there on I want to make some original stuff.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']... oh, and supposedly in SCIII he now has a projectile attack where he shoots from one of his "gun-swords"... [/QUOTE]

Interesting. He's had a counter that used his guns but I haven't heard anything about this.
[quote name='2poor']i always thought necrid was the worst character in the game. threw off the balance.[/QUOTE]

I ment Link's the most worthless. Only idiot's use Link.
I'll be using Yoshimitsu and Asta... saw some gameplay vids of Yoshi in action... looks really fun... I hope his 1A series is the same lol... I know Asta has an airthrow that can ring out now.... YESSS...
Looking forward to Zasalamel... reminds me of SC version of Raven (not fighting style, just character design). I like his power so far, but I'll have to see how he plays.

Plus, Tira is one hot crazy bitch, so even if I hate playing with her I'll still like her...

I like the fact that Nightmare and Sigfried play differently now.

The cervantes gun thing is not confermed, but I think I heard it from someone who got to play it in Poland last week. It's out on the 26th for anyone wondering...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']What about Yunsung and Maxi?[/QUOTE]
I don't use Yunsung, but Maxi's okay, I can use him pretty good.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']and yet, I still don't understand why Talim has an obviouse Camel Toe and Taki does not...? does Taki even wear anything under that thing? It's either that or it's always cold where she is.[/QUOTE]

And I thought I was the only one who noticed the peanut smuggling...:whistle2:#

... note to self: do not get on CAG while in the middle of a windy ass hurricane... it's freakin the hell outa me, but I don't feel too scared since I know my home is pretty tough. Oh well, at least CAG keeps me distracted.

In fact, I even spent some time playing shadow of the colossus in the middle of this damn hurricane. It helps. Or just watchign the cars in the parking lot shake around is fun also ><

well, back to just getting bored as hell.

Anyone know if Rumble Fish is ever getting a possible US release?
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']:lol:

... note to self: do not get on CAG while in the middle of a windy ass hurricane... it's freakin the hell outa me, but I don't feel too scared since I know my home is pretty tough. Oh well, at least CAG keeps me distracted.

In fact, I even spent some time playing shadow of the colossus in the middle of this damn hurricane. It helps. Or just watchign the cars in the parking lot shake around is fun also ><

well, back to just getting bored as hell.

Anyone know if Rumble Fish is ever getting a possible US release?[/QUOTE]

Just stay safe man. That is the most important thing.

I haven't heard a thing about Rumble Fish.
Man I gotta get some more fighting game time, I've been slipping lately! Well I did just order the SF Anniversary guide, which I've heard nothing but good things about. So I'll be studying some SFIII techniques soon.

I was playing some DOA Ultimate recently, trying to unlock all the costumes with that survival mode. I got the first set of items, now I gotta beat 50 people in a row to get a trophy so I can start collecting the rest. So far I'm liking Ein's kick moves, the CPU seems to fall for them alot. Any suggestions on who would be good to use? Apossum??

Oh and I don't expect anyone to care, but I managed to completely set someone up this weekend so we could play Mortal Kombat Trilogy online. I'm always glad to increase the population of online MK players.
[quote name='BustaUppa']I was playing some DOA Ultimate recently, trying to unlock all the costumes with that survival mode. I got the first set of items, now I gotta beat 50 people in a row to get a trophy so I can start collecting the rest. So far I'm liking Ein's kick moves, the CPU seems to fall for them alot. Any suggestions on who would be good to use? Apossum??[/QUOTE]

Jann Lee is pretty easy to get it with. But then so is Ein, he just doesn't have the priority.
Any suggestions on who would be good to use?

gotta run, so this will be fast, but i'll be back on later if you have any more questions--
anyone would be good to use--but I would steer clear of Gen Fu, Lei Fang, or any of the more technical players. just get really good at a tag team combo or 2-- where you launch with one person, switch, then juggle with a second person. if you wanna do max damage, learn one that let's you launch>switch>juggle>switch again>finish the combo.) I know some really easy ones with Kasumi/Hitomi, but there are a ton of possibilities. hang out in sparring for a few minutes and you'll find some good ones.

once you get some tag combos down--- set the survival difficulty to Easy, do tag survival, and start spamming the shit out of your combos! You have to stay on the computer the whole time-- don't give it a second to breathe. play as cheap and aggressively as possible.
Oh wow I hadn't even thought about using Tag Team mode. That's sweet if I can use tag teams to get the same items. Thanks for the tips!

heh heh, btw I just noticed that it looks like Hitomi has a hand coming out of her pants in your sig
[quote name='The VGM']Cervantes is teh gay. That Yamakazi dude is not.

How do you spell his name again?[/QUOTE]
There arent many more characters that i hate more than Yamazaki and Billy Kane
[quote name='BustaUppa']Oh wow I hadn't even thought about using Tag Team mode. That's sweet if I can use tag teams to get the same items. Thanks for the tips!

heh heh, btw I just noticed that it looks like Hitomi has a hand coming out of her pants in your sig[/QUOTE]

I never even tried in tag team, I just prefer the normal mode.

[quote name='gigan54']haha that's awesome! you should sig that B:L[/QUOTE]

Nah, Rolento should sig it. :lol:
HOW WELL do u KNOW your 3RD STRIKE?!?!

check out the CONTEST!

u gotta DL the video and look what is wrong w/ the things they are doing, system wise.

the very first one is EASY!

the rest tho... it's hard if u dont kno the characters well.

I use alex so that one was easy,

I also use Q but havent figured his one out yet

(I only watched the vid once tho)
[quote name='JEKKI']HOW WELL do u KNOW your 3RD STRIKE?!?![/QUOTE]

i kno it prety gud

i dun kno if im rdy 4 a contezz tho!
[quote name='BustaUppa']Oh wow I hadn't even thought about using Tag Team mode. That's sweet if I can use tag teams to get the same items. Thanks for the tips!

heh heh, btw I just noticed that it looks like Hitomi has a hand coming out of her pants in your sig[/QUOTE]

no problem. yep, that's my hand. ;-)
Well, SCII got an 8.2 from GS, and an 8.5 from IGN. Apparently, they thought the extra modes weren't all that great. But, if the fighting is as fun as other SC games, the extra modes CAN'T be that bad.
I have a semi off topic question. Well, its not about SCIII anyway...

Ive been playing the hell out of CVS2 lately, cos I got that new Tekken 5 Hori stick... and Im trying to beat the Boss Mode and Im getting my ass handed to me.

Anyone have any tips for Boss mode? Im not even sure how many bosses you need to fight in a row, but Ive never gotten past the 5th one. It's pretty much a mix of Evil Ryu, Bison, Rugal, Geese, Iori, and Akuma.

Im playing as Ken, who is my best character, and I have it set to one round, so I dont have to beat each boss in best 2 of 3. The order of the bosses is random, but its usally the 3rd or 4th one that kills me, its clear that no matter what you set the difficulty on, the bosses get harder and cheaper as you go thru them... I got pretty frustrated last night and had to go play counterstrike and kill some people to calm down. ;) Just wondering if anyone had any tips for beating these cheap ass bosses.
[quote name='ryosnk']Hello, don't know if this has been posted but enjoy KOF 11 movie mms://

If sega is publishing this game, they should of added a few of their eternal champion characters to the roster. :).[/QUOTE]
Sega isnt publishing, SNK is. Its on the Atomiswave which is the Sammy/Sega arcade machination.
[quote name='Puffa469']I have a semi off topic question. Well, its not about SCIII anyway...

Ive been playing the hell out of CVS2 lately, cos I got that new Tekken 5 Hori stick... and Im trying to beat the Boss Mode and Im getting my ass handed to me.

Anyone have any tips for Boss mode? Im not even sure how many bosses you need to fight in a row, but Ive never gotten past the 5th one. It's pretty much a mix of Evil Ryu, Bison, Rugal, Geese, Iori, and Akuma.

Im playing as Ken, who is my best character, and I have it set to one round, so I dont have to beat each boss in best 2 of 3. The order of the bosses is random, but its usally the 3rd or 4th one that kills me, its clear that no matter what you set the difficulty on, the bosses get harder and cheaper as you go thru them... I got pretty frustrated last night and had to go play counterstrike and kill some people to calm down. ;) Just wondering if anyone had any tips for beating these cheap ass bosses.[/QUOTE]

Get a game genie. those bosses SUCK!! Shin Akuma is a bastard.
KOF 11 looks like the best one yet. They better not do some stupid shit and release it on Xbox360. I will be mad.
[quote name='The VGM']KOF 11 looks like the best one yet. They better not do some stupid shit and release it on Xbox360. I will be mad.[/QUOTE]

haha it's all but confirmed that it'll be on 360. all the other snk games are. it'll most likely get a japanese ps2 release and your best bet will be to import it.
[quote name='gigan54']haha it's all but confirmed that it'll be on 360. all the other snk games are. it'll most likely get a japanese ps2 release and your best bet will be to import it.[/QUOTE]

Gay. fuck you, you stupid $400 piece of shit.

EDIT: Someone drink mountain dew for me.
[quote name='The VGM']KOF 11 looks like the best one yet. They better not do some stupid shit and release it on Xbox360. I will be mad.[/QUOTE]

yeah, wouldn't want live play or anything. Kaillera is so much better.
[quote name='Apossum']yeah, wouldn't want live play or anything. Kaillera is so much better.[/QUOTE]

Live is the worst online play service ever, ESPECIALLY for fighters. Too many douchebags like you on there.
[quote name='The VGM']Live is the worst online play service ever, ESPECIALLY for fighters. Too many douchebags like you on there.[/QUOTE]

yeah, all the people on Kaillera are so cool.

T3H_H4X0R420: hey i just pwned wit shin akuma and pre-set speshul moves. u u suk hah
Apossum: go fuck yourself
T3H_H4X0R420: wad u say bicth? my uncle is a crip so stfu. im so high rite now
Apossum: no you're not.
T3H_H4X0R420: wtf i jus smoaked liek a quarter pound blunt bitsh im ripped bro. ho;ld up, my lag swich jsut caught on fire
I can see why. when they do, they usually embarass themselves.
sometimes you run into someone nice on kaillera. but it's all the douchebags who think they're the best at everything that keep me from playing much... that and i'm BARELY playing through final fantasy IX.
well, i'll try to contribute something positive for a change ;-) -- anyone pick up SC3 yet? debating whether i should pick it up or not...been a while since a good fighter came out. (besides kof, but i'm not into snk games much)
I picked up SC3 from tru (with TH:AW and Fire emblem) and so far it's pretty kick ass. I've only played the normal arcade style mode but what I played was fun and challenging (tho i was using a character i had no knowledge of.) My only real gripe is the load times but that comes with the territory when you get this kind of graphics on ps2.
[quote name='Apossum']well, i'll try to contribute something positive for a change ;-) -- anyone pick up SC3 yet? debating whether i should pick it up or not...been a while since a good fighter came out. (besides kof, but i'm not into snk games much)[/QUOTE]
I'd easily recommend it. I picked it up at TRU along with Budokai Tenkaichi, another good fighter from last week, and I'm really enjoying it. Character creation is very cool and the Soul Arena mode is pretty fun.
[quote name='The VGM']Live is the worst online play service ever, ESPECIALLY for fighters. Too many douchebags like you on there.[/QUOTE]

Well its pretty muxh that or nothing
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