The Fighting Game Thread - 7th edition

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[quote name='cyrix`']Doesn't that ruin your system's reading laser or something. (over time)[/QUOTE]

It actually wears out the drive motor (cause you're forcing the disk tray out).
[quote name='The VGM']It actually wears out the drive motor (cause you're forcing the disk tray out).[/QUOTE]

That doesn't sound good. Any other option besides moding or Buying a Jap System?
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']That doesn't sound good. Any other option besides moding or Buying a Jap System?[/QUOTE]

Pray for a US release? :lol: ;)
actually, you don't have to touch the drive if you install a flip top. some people use that slide card crap, but it's sketchy. Swap magic discs with a flip top are the way to go unless you mod it(which I don't think is worth it, personally.) they put a little stress on your laser, since you are loading 2 discs at a time, but if you have a sturdy PS2 (v9 or slim) then you should be fine.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']just like rodimus... wilma took my time away from me for gaming purposes (grr!!!). Bitch of a hurricane! I had to wait a few extra days to pick up SCIII, and I was already waiting ever since it was announced (yes, I am a namco whore... most of my games are actually developed by them).

I really liek it so far, but I am having a hard time adjusting to some of the character changes. I liek them, but in due time I'll catch up. At least it seems asteroth hasn't changed much, so I'm good there. Some character I neever use to play are more enjoyable now for me. I may start usig Lizardman often, and even pick up Tira, wich is a little odd for me since I play mostly power characters.

The create-a-soul (like mortal kombat where everything starts with a "k", soul calibur has the word "soul" attached to everything... soon expect ne sneakers from them with "soul-soles") is probably the best character creation tool i've seen in a while, even without the ability to change body part sizes. I've made some characters I am damn proud of and some I am not (as in Mr. Touch, the dancer who runs around in his cape and underwear). Most of the movesets feel veyr fleshed out and add alot more... the personalitys also are a huge plus... especially the theif+dagger=bastard.

This is going to keep me busy for a while, since I am also an unlockable whore also... the more to unlock the more I invest time into it.

oh... and so far I've beet the chronicles of the sword mode... pain in the ass.
The create-a-fighter mode is called character creation, not create-a-soul, which is the better choice. I like the Chronicles of the Sword mode so far, I have my team of TMNT, with Leo, Donny, and Raph along with the fighters I've been provided. It sucks that you can't bring your created fighters into CotS mode, but it lets me be able to make more fighters, which I like.

I tried seeing how good I was with Setsuka and didn't like it at all. I may try later with her, but she's not near the top of my list right now. I liked Tira, though she's tough to master so far. Mitsurugi's still my favorite right now, but I'm hoping to get some time in with the others to see if I can expand my good characters.

Anybody know how many disciplines there are per job? I've got 4 for the ninja with Taki's Soul and I was wondering if that was it for the ninja job.
[quote name='The VGM']If anyone feels like losing in SS5 or KOF 2003, pm me.[/QUOTE]

Whoa wait up just a sec there. If SamSho5 is out and those asses at EB didnt call about my preorder im gonna be fixin to be pissed
[quote name='Kuma']Whoa wait up just a sec there. If SamSho5 is out and those asses at EB didnt call about my preorder im gonna be fixin to be pissed[/QUOTE]

Roms buddy, roms.

And didn't I go on for like a whole page about how stupid live was and that I didn't use it anymore? Why would I challenge anyone on there?
[quote name='The VGM']Roms buddy, roms.

And didn't I go on for like a whole page about how stupid live was and that I didn't use it anymore? Why would I challenge anyone on there?[/QUOTE]

so, no one knows where to get a cheap Magicbox converter? i would check shoryuken, but i think it's dead
does anyone use juggarnaut just to use his glitch and assist? i do that and it takes out scrubs like nothing.
[quote name='2poor']does anyone use juggarnaut just to use his glitch and assist? i do that and it takes out scrubs like nothing.[/QUOTE]

You're a loser.
[quote name='2poor']just because ive owned your kind doesnt mean you gotta hate. :D[/QUOTE]

There is no benefit to being good at fighting games, fatty. I don't hear about 2poor winning EVO.
[quote name='The VGM']There is no benefit to being good at fighting games, fatty. I don't hear about 2poor winning EVO.[/QUOTE]

i dont remember being fat, but that may just be you being insecure. i play for amusement, not like those players evo that play like its their job.
[quote name='Apossum']so, no one knows where to get a cheap Magicbox converter? i would check shoryuken, but i think it's dead[/QUOTE]
Yeah...what's going on at Shoryuken?
... well putting time into seigfred is paying off. I can start playing him a bit more like I use to.

and as for someone saying what the best looking game for the PS2 is... well it aint RE4, rest assured. Shadow of the Colossus takes the crown. Good looking fur and grass is hard as hell to pull off in a game, and Shadow pulls it off amazingly. Also, Apossum, awsome sig.

One other thing you said apossum about DoA:U having great visuals as well as SCIII. In some ways, they could be equal I guess. I have yet to see anything though that tops the Tengu stage... it blew my mind when I saw it. In DoAU alot less is going on with the stage than SCIII. So I guess you could say DoAU has sharper and cleaner stages but SCIII has more dynamic and fluid based stages. Both are awsome games though, but I still like SC better than DoA, even if DoA has some of the best boobies in the biz.
[quote name='2poor']i dont remember being fat, but that may just be you being insecure. i play for amusement, not like those players evo that play like its their job.[/QUOTE]

No one's buying into your lies fatman. You don't call the lesser players "scrubs" if you're just playing for fun.

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']best looking game for the PS2 is... well it aint RE4, rest assured.[/QUOTE]

No one said it was.
[quote name='The VGM']No one's buying into your lies fatman. You don't call the lesser players "scrubs" if you're just playing for fun.[/QUOTE]

i call them scrubs because they try and use top tiers instead of choosing someone who is fun to use. thats why theyre scrubs tubby.
[quote name='2poor']i call them scrubs because they try and use top tiers instead of choosing someone who is fun to use. thats why theyre scrubs tubby.[/QUOTE]

Your grammar is about as good as your fighting game skills, chubbs.
[quote name='The VGM']Your grammar is about as good as your fighting game skills, chubbs.[/QUOTE]

if youve just noticed my grammar is bad then you need to wipe all those crumbs off your face, tubs.
[quote name='2poor']if youve just noticed my grammar is bad then you need to wipe all those crumbs off your face, tubs.[/QUOTE]

Terrible comeback. Go dl KOF2003 so I can toast you plz.
[quote name='gigan54']i want in on some kof2k3 action. meet me in the usual place VGM.

edit: well, it seems he's not online anymore. nvm then.[/QUOTE]

IM here. I was watching that Tifa video. Waste of my time :roll:
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']VGM had to take a break from CAG in order to swallow his sausage and bacon filled beer, and then wash it down with some butter covered ice cream.[/QUOTE]

Beer and sausage both suck penis.

What's the deal gigan?

It's laggin like crazy, if you're still on after I have dinner we'll figure it out.
[quote name='The VGM']Beer and sausage both suck penis.

What's the deal gigan?

It's laggin like crazy, if you're still on after I have dinner we'll figure it out.[/QUOTE]

it's the damn emulator. i guess my quest to find mame32k with kof2003 support continues... :cry:
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']... well putting time into seigfred is paying off. I can start playing him a bit more like I use to.

and as for someone saying what the best looking game for the PS2 is... well it aint RE4, rest assured. Shadow of the Colossus takes the crown. Good looking fur and grass is hard as hell to pull off in a game, and Shadow pulls it off amazingly. Also, Apossum, awsome sig. [/quote]

Thanks for sig compliment. :) How could I forget about colossus... When you are fighting a colossus, especially on a widescreen with progressive scan....whoooaa....that's bliss! If the framerate was better, it would take the crown easily.

One other thing you said apossum about DoA:U having great visuals as well as SCIII. In some ways, they could be equal I guess. I have yet to see anything though that tops the Tengu stage... it blew my mind when I saw it. In DoAU alot less is going on with the stage than SCIII. So I guess you could say DoAU has sharper and cleaner stages but SCIII has more dynamic and fluid based stages. Both are awsome games though, but I still like SC better than DoA, even if DoA has some of the best boobies in the biz.

yeah, DoA has the larger, smoother models, and some crazy lighting effects (disco, tengu stage) but in general, SC3 is so much more alive.
Further proof that systems don't live long enough to see their full potential...
How's everyone doing in SCIII unlocking stuff? I haven't played it as much as I want, but I'm beating the game with everyone first, then I'm gonna do Chronicles.
How's everyone doing in SCIII unlocking stuff? I haven't played it as much as I want but first I'm beating the game with everyone then going through Chronicles.
[quote name='The VGM']Well the smart people (i.e. most of us) are waiting for a drop.[/QUOTE]
Or used the green tag glitch at tru to get it super cheap.
[quote name='TheUnsane1']Or used the green tag glitch at tru to get it super cheap.[/QUOTE]

$25 isn't super cheap.
I just got back into Austin. I went to Waco over the weekend and won a Soul Calibur 3 tournament that Baylor was putting on, sponsored by EB. I won a sealed copy of the game and a custom SC3 Arcade stick that they will send me next week. HAP Parts and a Comp stick? Whatever that means.

I used Ivy up until the semi's where she lost a set. Fortunately she is my joke character. I switch to Cass and get double, almost triple perfect in every set after that, including the finals. Cakewalk.
I just got back into Austin. I went to Waco over the weekend and won a Soul Calibur 3 tournament that Baylor was putting on, sponsored by EB. I won a sealed copy of the game and a custom SC3 Arcade stick that they will send me next week. HAP Parts and a Comp stick? Whatever that means.

I used Ivy up until the semi's where she lost a set. Fortunately she is my joke character. I switch to Cass and get double, almost triple perfect in every set after that, including the finals. Cakewalk.
I posted this in the (now) old thread b/c I didn't know about this new one! D'oh! Anywho:

Woo. Finally picked up Guilty Gear XX # Reload for PSP.

Its pretty good overall, but the graphics are actually not as good as I expected them to be. Don't get me wrong, the game's still fluid and fun as ever, but the characters just look a little "muddy" at times.

Anywho, the game is pretty much the same as what we (in the States) got on XBOX last year, albeit the story segments are in Nihongo (But the menus and such are all English). But I can't remember - was there an extensive gallery mode in the XBOX version? In the PSP one, everytime you beat the game/a mission/story mode, you get a cool new piece of art. Also it has wireless multiplayer (I think its just local, not true online play, but I could be wrong) and a whole bunch of single player game modes (Arcade, M.O.M, survival, story, mission, training).

Overall its a faithful port of a great fighter, but the characters could be a bit sharper.

Also FINALLY tracked down a Guilty Gear XX SLASH arcade machine. Basically its another update (like # Reload) that adds several new moves for all the characters and 2 new chars (Order Sol and ABA from GG Isuka). Order Sol is pretty fun to play - he's a bit slower than Sol but he seems a little stronger too. Moves are more or less a combination of Sol's/Ky's moves and work pretty damn well. I couldn't play too long b/c there was actually a tournament going on! I can't wait for it on PS2.

Also I saw KOF XI but wasn't able to play b/c of the tourney. The graphics looked great though and the new characters I saw seemed pretty cool. I'll try to play next time I head to the city and post some impressions.

Also I HAVE The Rumble Fish for PS2 so I can answer any questions anyone has aboot it. I'm not quite sure what was meant by a "delay" in the fighting though (mentioned earlier in the thread). IMO, its a pretty damned great game and the character animation/damage (people lose bits of clothes/accessories as you fight) is really awesome. It plays like a slightly slower, more "weighted" Guilty Gear IMO.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I just got back into Austin. I went to Waco over the weekend and won a Soul Calibur 3 tournament that Baylor was putting on, sponsored by EB. I won a sealed copy of the game and a custom SC3 Arcade stick that they will send me next week. HAP Parts and a Comp stick? Whatever that means.

I used Ivy up until the semi's where she lost a set. Fortunately she is my joke character. I switch to Cass and get double, almost triple perfect in every set after that, including the finals. Cakewalk.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']HAP Parts and a Comp stick? Whatever that means.[/QUOTE]

It means it's a POS. I'll give you $15 shipped.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I don't know if it was mentioned earlier but a demo disc comes with SCIII. Not to many fighting games are worth the $50 price tag but this one has a ton of stuff so I don't feel too guilty.[/QUOTE]

Picked up SC3 as my free game during last weeks TRU sale. I have to say I'm really enjoying it. I'm enjoying it more the SC2 (even though there is no Spawn or Link). For me, I loved the amount of alternate endings and unlockables in Soul Edge and the gameplay and graphics of SC and SC2. SC3 seems to capture everything I loved from each of the previous games and roll it up into one package. I haven't even gotten started on the Create a Character mode because there is so much to discover in Tale of the Souls mode.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I don't know if it was mentioned earlier but a demo disc comes with SCIII. Not to many fighting games are worth the $50 price tag but this one has a ton of stuff so I don't feel too guilty.[/QUOTE]

Picked up SC3 as my free game during last weeks TRU sale. I have to say I'm really enjoying it. I'm enjoying it more the SC2 (even though there is no Spawn or Link). For me, I loved the amount of alternate endings and unlockables in Soul Edge and the gameplay and graphics of SC and SC2. SC3 seems to capture everything I loved from each of the previous games and roll it up into one package. I haven't even gotten started on the Create a Character mode because there is so much to discover in Tale of the Souls mode.
[quote name='MarkMan']Sup guys, haven't been here for a few days.

SC III = bitch to unlock things.... Gameshark/Codbreaker... :thumbsup:[/QUOTE]

Way to ruin the replayability of a 3D fighter.
I don't play any of that single player stuff anyways... It's all about the competition... it sucks when people don't have anyone to play with.

We have weekly 30 + ppl tournaments here in SD.
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