The Fighting Game Thread - 7th edition

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it's a broken game, but fun. i tend to favor charlie, sabretooth, cyclops and my big juggs ;). my gief sucks in this one.
[quote name='The VGM']Show me a 5 year old that can dunk.[/QUOTE]
Dunking's not an essential part of the game. Then again, at 5 years old most of them can barely even get the ball up to the hoop. So I guess both arguments are pretty ridiculous.

Hiking is not a "sport", no matter how far or where you go. :lol:
[quote name='Burrito']Anyone here play XvsSF?[/QUOTE]


[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Dunking's not an essential part of the game. Then again, at 5 years old most of them can barely even get the ball up to the hoop. So I guess both arguments are pretty ridiculous.

Hiking is not a "sport", no matter how far or where you go. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Dunking is what makes basketball worthwhile.

5 year olds walk in the Grand Canyon ALL THE TIME. IT'S A HUGE VACATION SPOT. KILL YOURSELF.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Dunking's not an essential part of the game. Then again, at 5 years old most of them can barely even get the ball up to the hoop. So I guess both arguments are pretty ridiculous.

Hiking is not a "sport", no matter how far or where you go. :lol:[/QUOTE]

it's not a "competitive" sport (at least in the traditional sense) but it is a sport. sports are more general activities. games, like basketball are just competitive sports, if ya know what I mean. at least, that's what I've been lead to believe.

and to bring this whole tangent back on topic, some people consider competitive fighting games to be a sport. ummmmm.....discuss. :lol:
[quote name='Apossum']it's not a "competitive" sport (at least in the traditional sense) but it is a sport. sports are more general activities. games, like basketball are just competitive sports, if ya know what I mean. at least, that's what I've been lead to believe.

and to bring this whole tangent back on topic, some people consider competitive fighting games to be a sport. ummmmm.....discuss. :lol:[/QUOTE]

No, it's not a sport. It never will be a sport. Give it up.

People that think games are sports are called losers.
[quote name='']Main Entry: sport
Function: noun
1 a : a source of diversion : RECREATION [/quote]

[quote name='gigan54']2 bucks says rodimus will get mad when he logs in and finds out we've gone off topic again.[/QUOTE]

Not off topic at all. The "Fighting Game thread", is a thread where people make it a game to fight...over anything.

more SC3 CAS action:


[quote name='Apossum']KISS MAH GRITS[/QUOTE]

Merian Webster is stupid.'s first:

Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.

The only rule to backpacking is that you have to be gay to participate. One rule =/ a set therefore YOU FAIL! doesn't have half the street cred that merriam-webster has. make sure you click on the DeVry ads though ;-)
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']That's a bullshit definition and you know it. I guess now counting ceiling tiles is considered a sport. :roll: :lol:[/QUOTE]

according to sport (as a noun, excluding "a", which i posted)-- b : sexual play c (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in

SEE-- athletic game even comes after sex in the definition of sport. and yes, I think counting ceiling tiles counts as "a particular activity." :lol:
[quote name='Apossum']according to sport (as a noun, excluding "a", which i posted)-- b : sexual play c (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in

SEE-- athletic game even comes after sex in the definition of sport. and yes, I think counting ceiling tiles counts as "a particular activity." :lol:[/QUOTE]

See, now you're just discrediting your own source. :lol:
I submit, those are funny definitions. but literal and cultural definitions are two very different things. For example, to tie this all back in to fighting games, a "chicken" is a technique used in Tekken, but it's literal definition is actually a type of bird, believe it or not.
[quote name='Apossum'] a "chicken" is a technique used in Tekken, but it's literal definition is actually a type of bird, believe it or not.[/QUOTE]

wtf? how long have they been calling them chickens? i just thought they were known as edible birds.
[quote name='SilverPaw750']Got CvS2 yesterday - anyone play it over Live?[/QUOTE]

I'd be up for some matches some time-- send me a request-- sonic docta
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Not off topic at all. The "Fighting Game thread", is a thread where people make it a game to fight...over anything.

more SC3 CAS action:


I was trying to make a Sakura earlier, but I didn't have enough to do it any justice. I've got a nice Rock Lee and I'm hoping to make a Mugen soon.

EDIT: Who's the second guy supposed to be?
[quote name='The VGM']Watching the NBA is stupid. Talking about what you watched the NBA is even more stupid.[/QUOTE]
Apparently you aren't into sports, the NBA isn't stupid. I know all of the shit about them being all black or too much paid but football is basically the same. They still are amazing at the sport and you should just respect that and not insult it.
[quote name='cyrix`']Apparently you aren't into sports, the NBA isn't stupid. I know all of the shit about them being all black or too much paid but football is basically the same. They still are amazing at the sport and you should just respect that and not insult it.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck are you talking about? All them being black and being payed too much? Who mentioned any of that shit? Stop babbling.
kofXI ending spoilers:


iori won't be in kof XII! ash sucked up all of his orochi power, thus taking the purple flame for himself. kyo has been warned as being next and so the plot thickens. ash now has kagura's mirror and iori's power. score 2 for the bad guys.

end spoilers

damn, the story seems to get more and more interesting! kofXII is shaping up to have a great story. even better than the orochi saga, IMO.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I was trying to make a Sakura earlier, but I didn't have enough to do it any justice. I've got a nice Rock Lee and I'm hoping to make a Mugen soon.

EDIT: Who's the second guy supposed to be?[/QUOTE]
If i had to guess I would say thats the main character from Berzerk anime/manga
*edit* I checked the image properties that is who it is pretty good imo*
[quote name='TheUnsane1']If i had to guess I would say thats the main character from Berzerk anime/manga
*edit* I checked the image properties that is who it is pretty good imo*[/QUOTE]
I have no idea who that is so... :lol:
[quote name='TheUnsane1']If i had to guess I would say thats the main character from Berzerk anime/manga
*edit* I checked the image properties that is who it is pretty good imo*[/QUOTE]

Yea, it looks like Gutz to me.
[quote name='gigan54']kofXI ending spoilers:


iori won't be in kof XII! ash sucked up all of his orochi power, thus taking the purple flame for himself. kyo has been warned as being next and so the plot thickens. ash now has kagura's mirror and iori's power. score 2 for the bad guys.

end spoilers

damn, the story seems to get more and more interesting! kofXII is shaping up to have a great story. even better than the orochi saga, IMO.[/QUOTE]

Theres actually a video of that already floating around if youre interested.


It should be interesting to see who is in 12 on Kyo's team. My guess would be Saisyo and Shingo.

[quote name='gigan54']kofXI ending spoilers:


iori won't be in kof XII! ash sucked up all of his orochi power, thus taking the purple flame for himself. kyo has been warned as being next and so the plot thickens. ash now has kagura's mirror and iori's power. score 2 for the bad guys.

end spoilers

damn, the story seems to get more and more interesting! kofXII is shaping up to have a great story. even better than the orochi saga, IMO.[/QUOTE]

There goes any reason for me to look forward to XII. Damn you Ash :bomb:
nice character created stuff for SCIII

I'll try to take pics with my crappy camera later.

so far I've made:

Ulala from Space Channel 5 (Dancer)
Solid Snake (but with an eyepatch) (Theif)
SCI Nightmare costume 2p version (knight, but with Seigfred's move set)
Wanderer from Shadow of the Colossus (Assasin...? looked horrible so I deleted this one)
Armor King from Tekken (Sword Master)
Mr. Touch, the closest thing to speedos, a cape, and very queer fighting (Dancer)
The End (no not from MGS3, just a guy that looks like a nazgul)

I want to make a full roster of characters from Project justice, but I will probably have to get a bit more creative since alot of modern day clothing is hard to replicate in this game.

oddly enough, my Chronicls of the Sword save data is corrupt, but every thing else in the game saves fine. I wasn't too happy, but at least I unlocked all I could in chronicles of the sword.

Also, yesterday at my university, me and a few other guys usually play Tekken 5 together in the campus game room. A ton of people started yelling at us for not playing SCIII, so we told them to go elsewhere. They all left and played on a different TV, but whatever... I don't get the point I'm getting to.
lol... SC III is hella glitchy/buggy.

No more free damage from a GI now.. even a JI...

In fact if you get GI'd or JI'd you're at an advantage now(if you make use of the glitch)... pretty silly. Makes for good mixups though.

Cervantes is the shit... 200 pt + combos, yes please.
There have been a lot of reports about COTS data corrupting. The best solution seems to use a couple memory cards and just save to both whenever you can. Oh, and keep your primary COTS data on a different card that your main SC3 data.
well, the COTS data is no biggy for me like I said, since it's alrady finished and I already unlocked all the weapons available for all the jobs (including main character souls). I've almost unlocked all Armor peices... from there on I think I'll focus on getting the weapon demonstrations.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I was trying to make a Sakura earlier, but I didn't have enough to do it any justice. I've got a nice Rock Lee and I'm hoping to make a Mugen soon.

EDIT: Who's the second guy supposed to be?[/QUOTE]


Edit: Fair enough.

Finally unlocked all the parts to Kos-mos last night. Too bad they couldnt put in the Prince.
well, even if they don't have the prince, they at least have stuff for these characters: Duraga (from Nightmare of Duraga), SCI Nightmare 2p outfit stuff, SCII Talim Peices, King from Tekken, and I'm sure there's more other than kos-mos, but kos-mos got the most attention from namco... probably since SCII someone posted fake pics and rumors of her being in the game.
Hori products are now up for sale/preorder at VGO. International customers please email the contact at: bringing Hori home in time for the Holidays!

Just wanted to give my fellow gamers on CAG the heads up. VGO is bringing out a ton of Hori products to the US, just in time for the holidays. Now some of these products you'll be able to find at other stores, but a few of them are EXCLUSIVE to VGO's online store. Check it out... VGO Network's Online Store is now carrying pre-orders for the following(click each link for a picture):

- Hori Real Arcade Pro arcade stick for the PS2

- Hori Official Dead or Alive 4Arcade Stick for the XBOX 360

- Hori Dragon Quest VIII Slime Controller for the PS2

- Hori Turbo EX Control Pad for the XBOX 360

- Hori Final Fantasy XI Online Vana'Diel Clock(sorry no picture) to help your adventures for both the PC and PS2 versions of the game.

The main thing I want to share with you is about the Hori Real Arcade Pro. A few weeks ago VGO had preorders up for the HRAP2 and have unfortunately sold out. I'm glad to say though that VGO is releasing a limited batch of the original green HRAP joystick in the US for one hell of a price. The stick will be shipping in the middle of November and costs only $80 USD + $12 shipping to anywhere in the continental United States. $92 SHIPPED for a HRAP is the best deal you will find ANYWHERE. Check other sites(wait a minute, most sites don't have them in stock)... but the ones that do cost you an arm and a leg for shipping.

For reference. The HRAP 1 is equipped with a Sanwa joystick and fitted with Hori buttons that feature quick disconnects so you can easily replace the buttons with either Sanwa or Seimitsu parts to further personalize the stick to your preference.

Any questions feel free to email the kind people at VGO through the link on the site. Or post here I will do my best to answer what I know.
Maybe on the DOA stick but i know that when a good fighting game came out for the system there would be a better stick.
Markman I hope to see a post from you the second the x360 sticks are available for order. I was hoping someone would put out a decent stick quickly for 360.
That DoA stick is more than a little fugly...why is every button a different color? that decal sucks too. just awful.
[quote name='Apossum']That DoA stick is more than a little fugly...why is every button a different color? that decal sucks too. just awful.[/QUOTE]
I don't care what it looks like if it gets the job done.
[quote name='Apossum']why is every button a different color?[/QUOTE]
You didn't notice that they're the same colors as the Xbox 360 face buttons?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']You didn't notice that they're the same colors as the Xbox 360 face buttons?[/QUOTE]

no, but even if they are, it's still ugly on an arcade stick.

meh, I can only play doa with a d-pad anyway :)
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