The Fighting Game Thread - 7th edition

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Anybody know of any good Soul Calibur 3 sites/forums and/or any sites with great SCIII vids of matches?
to rodimus: I really won't peak too much interest into KOF Max impact (own first one, and enjoy it mildly in a good way) until I see some Yamazaki, Blue Mary, and Heidern. Maybe some pre '99 Kyosuke with all the projectiles. Though, the addition of Billy is a big plus :)

thanks for the heads up Markman :) you're probably my number one resource on Namco news, and I just recently realized I am a large supporter of Namco and never knew it (bought about all games of theirs released this year, as well as last year).

I am happy to announce Tira is possibly becoming my secondary or main in SCIII. She has quick attacks (I'm not use to that, due to me playing primarily power characters) and has alot of moves that look like mid or high that hit low (d+A+K, db+B, 8 way run db (or du) + B to K). Not to mention I am really diging her character design as well as personality. I tested my competitive skills with her at my university and took down everyone in the crowd at least three times. My seigfred and tira were unstoppable, and the SCIII level of competition here aint too bad. I still think I need to find a way to play my Tira batter.
[quote name='111111'].....we need more 2d fighters.[/QUOTE]

You won't get them. It will be KOF for the rest of your life.
In regards to 2D fighters:

I was playing Capcom Collection earlier today. I fired up World Warrior for the sake of just unlocking the hidden goodies in the game. I figured I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I did as a kid, mostly because of being spoiled by the newer SF games (namely Third Strike).

Man was I wrong.

I can't believe how well this game stood the test of time. After over 15 years I'm still getting all the enjoyment I did back in the arcades in '91 (The fact that I have an arcade stick really helps out a lot). Sure the game didn't have the biggest roster, and it had it's share of balance issues (sup Guile), but back in the day you didn't give a damn about that. You were just in it for the fun.

Rolento - Yamazaki seems to have become a favorite among this board. Never really been a Blue Mary fan but an addition of Yamazaki and Heidern would be welcomed. I've been awaiting the return of Krauser for years, but don't think it's gonna happen.

With the last couple KOF's they've been mixing around with the teams and taking out alot of old timers like Choi, Joe, Andy, Goro etc. But since 99' they've stuck Maxima in there and he hasn't moved. I've never really been a big Maxima fan, and I usually like those big power guys. Plus I've never run across any Maxima users.
maxima is....different. there's this one guy at my local arcade that's pretty good with him though. from tinkering around with him a bit, i'd say he's a waiting man's character. h'es got plenty of invincible frames, and that arm cannon is mega lethal in 2001 and 2002 (counter with it, and you can wire combo into another one) for a big guy, he's not that strong IMO. i find daimon to be far superior to him in almost everyway. the only thing he's really got is that cannon punch, and that's just about it.
[quote name='2poor']whats yamazakis death slap called?[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about his MAX 2 HSDM in KOF 02'? The one where after he slaps you a zillon times he picks you up with his teeth and throws you? If you are it's called, and I quote "...!!"

Yep "...!!" is the name of the move.


I came across a method for infinate money in SCIII that works pretty good. Checkout gamefaqs if your intrested.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Rolento - Yamazaki seems to have become a favorite among this board. Never really been a Blue Mary fan but an addition of Yamazaki and Heidern would be welcomed. I've been awaiting the return of Krauser for years, but don't think it's gonna happen.

With the last couple KOF's they've been mixing around with the teams and taking out alot of old timers like Choi, Joe, Andy, Goro etc. But since 99' they've stuck Maxima in there and he hasn't moved. I've never really been a big Maxima fan, and I usually like those big power guys. Plus I've never run across any Maxima users.[/QUOTE]

actually, i forget that I am a big maxima player myself. Aside from Ralf, he's probably my secondary. I actually like him quite a bit. He's more of a powerhouse than I think people take im to be. Plus, second to yamazaki, he has the coolest arm attack.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']"...!!"? I'm not sure if that's the best name for a move or the worst. :lol:[/QUOTE]

well, they do have a character named K' as in "Kay-dash"... so that's not such a big surprise.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']well, they do have a character named K' as in "Kay-dash"... so that's not such a big surprise.[/QUOTE]

Well K's name has storylline significance (he was originally supposed to be who we know as Krizalid, but he was considered a failed experiment, so they gave him the name K' as a shortened version of what was supposed to be), but I still see where you're coming from.
If you have KOF 2K2 look through the MAX 2 HSDM's for the characters. They have some very strange names.

And a little KOF factoid: The character Hayate who was a striker in KOF 99' and I think is playable in KOF XI was actually the original character deign for Kyo in 94'. I guess they wanted to appeal to the demographic more so they made Kyo a high school student instead. Plus they made him more powerful than everyone else so people would pick him more. They wanted players to like Kyo more than the other SNK poster boys like Terry and Ryo. I believe they wanted a "pure" Japanese character to be the main character.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']If you have KOF 2K2 look through the MAX 2 HSDM's for the characters. They have some very strange names.

And a little KOF factoid: The character Hayate who was a striker in KOF 99' and I think is playable in KOF XI was actually the original character deign for Kyo in 94'. I guess they wanted to appeal to the demographic more so they made Kyo a high school student instead. Plus they made him more powerful than everyone else so people would pick him more. They wanted players to like Kyo more than the other SNK poster boys like Terry and Ryo. I believe they wanted a "pure" Japanese character to be the main character.[/QUOTE]

wow, very interesting indeed. it makes sense to make the new hero a bit stronger than the previous one in his first game(k' had this as well... rememebr how cheap he was in 99?) it's a great ploy to get people to like a certain character.
so does that mean that namco is trying to make me like steve fox? (jk)

I really think the Max Impact series needs to realize, yes, it's a 3d game, but it will play better with the 2d fighter mechanics that the series has always ran on, much like Rival Schools. The easy as hell pre-made combos actually make the game worse for veterans IMHO... somewhat like Mortal Kombat.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']so does that mean that namco is trying to make me like steve fox? (jk)

I really think the Max Impact series needs to realize, yes, it's a 3d game, but it will play better with the 2d fighter mechanics that the series has always ran on, much like Rival Schools. The easy as hell pre-made combos actually make the game worse for veterans IMHO... somewhat like Mortal Kombat.[/QUOTE]

i don't know about that one. remember the Street Fighter EX series? that series sucked donkey balls... then again, it wasn't created by capcom(it was akia right?) and what pissed me off the most was that the good original characters (blair and allen snider come to mind) were only seen in one game and weren't included in ex3. that and the game just felt clunky.
The only thing that set Allen apart from the other shotos was his Justice Fist "rdp" and Vaulting Kick. He was cool but ultimately$not much of a differance. The only EX character I found unique was D. Dark. Surprised Capcom never put him in other fighters.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']The only thing that set Allen apart from the other shotos was his Justice Fist "rdp" and Vaulting Kick. He was cool but ultimately$not much of a differance. The only EX character I found unique was D. Dark. Surprised Capcom never put him in other fighters.[/QUOTE]

my guess is he's copyrighted by akia. as well as darrum and the others. and justice fist pwns! ;)
It's been awhile since I've played some fighting games... it will continue to be that way too... got a new toy in the mail... Dragon Quest VIII :)
[quote name='MarkMan']It's been awhile since I've played some fighting games... it will continue to be that way too... got a new toy in the mail... Dragon Quest VIII :)[/QUOTE]

Heeeeeeey that dont come out till next week. Howd you do dat?
[quote name='Purple Flames']Well K's name has storylline significance (he was originally supposed to be who we know as Krizalid, but he was considered a failed experiment, so they gave him the name K' as a shortened version of what was supposed to be), but I still see where you're coming from.[/QUOTE]

Can you point me in the direction of a composition of KOF story lines? I really have no clue where the KOF-only character fit into things.
[quote name='Kuma']Heeeeeeey that dont come out till next week. Howd you do dat?[/QUOTE]

Square-Enix sent it to me...






The game is great so far... make sure you pick it up when it comes out on the 15th!

To keep it fighting game related...

KOF XI looks tight... hoping to play it next week...
[quote name='MarkMan']Square-Enix sent it to me...






The game is great so far... make sure you pick it up when it comes out on the 15th!

To keep it fighting game related...

KOF XI looks tight... hoping to play it next week...[/QUOTE]

Lucky. I'm still waiting on my demo in the mail =\

Oh, and Mao, I'll copy and paste K's storyline from the FAQs I found awhile back when I get out of class.


K' is the result of an unnatural creation. Planned to become the ultimate Kyo Kusanagi clone by the NESTS cartel, they begin to work on a prototype that would carry the overwhelming power of the Kusanagis. They succeeded, but only in part. While K' inherited the inmense Kusanagi flames, his weak body is unable to sustain so much power. Thus, K's creators decide to place a special glove on his hand so K' can wield the power with no problem at all. Since K' was to become Krizalid, but was an incomplete clone, was just named with his incomplete name: K'.

Ok replace "failed expriment" with "incomplete clone", but I got it right for the most part.
just a heads up (forgot to copy link): has an good article on a hands-on build of Guuilty Gear Dust Strikers. Sounds interesting, even if the gameplay is a bit odd.
[quote name='MarkMan']Square-Enix sent it to me...




The game is great so far... make sure you pick it up when it comes out on the 15th!

To keep it fighting game related...

KOF XI looks tight... hoping to play it next week...[/QUOTE]

I get the feeling that an explosion of Jessica hentai will happen very shortly...
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']pretty much any decently hot chick + hit asian game + animated characters = hentai[/QUOTE]

That should be made into a t-shirt slogan...:lol:
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']just a heads up (forgot to copy link): has an good article on a hands-on build of Guuilty Gear Dust Strikers. Sounds interesting, even if the gameplay is a bit odd.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I absolutlely can't wait for it! The minigames sound awesome, especially the one with Jam (my fav character)!!!

Also, it sounds like the US version of GG for PSP WILL be different from GGXX#Reload that just came out over here (Japan). It sounds like it will have the entire #Reload game AND whatever the new "judgement" side-scroller mode turns out to be. Boo ya!
GuilewasNK, I have some blank t-shirts and I'm trying to figure out what to print on them (iron on), maybe I'll go with that ;)

actually, guilty gear "judement" will be an entirely different game from Reloaded, which is a good thing. More characters as well as alot more crap to do. The extra stuff is actually a sidescrolling fighter, which is the main focus of the game, but it will still have the traditional 2d fighting as well.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Ok replace "failed expriment" with "incomplete clone", but I got it right for the most part.[/QUOTE]

Could you link to the FAQ.

[quote name='GuilewasNK']That should be made into a t-shirt slogan...:lol:[/QUOTE]

I'm debating as to whether I have the guts or not to wear a shirt like that.
I am in a bit of a dilemma.. I love Soul Calibur 3 and everything, but with all these horror stories about game saves being corrupted and glitchyness, should I get the $30 I can for it now and pick up the Xbox 360 version when it comes out? damn.
the data corruption is no big deal. you can easily fix it if you own at least two memory cards. I had the data corruption for a while and fixed it (without losing anything, except my CotS data that I already beat) and I only take it as a hiccup for such a great game, even with its flaws.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']GuilewasNK, I have some blank t-shirts and I'm trying to figure out what to print on them (iron on), maybe I'll go with that ;)

actually, guilty gear "judement" will be an entirely different game from Reloaded, which is a good thing. More characters as well as alot more crap to do. The extra stuff is actually a sidescrolling fighter, which is the main focus of the game, but it will still have the traditional 2d fighting as well.[/QUOTE]

I dunno, the GG side scrolling never did it for me. It seemed way too forced
[quote name='jer7583']I am in a bit of a dilemma.. I love Soul Calibur 3 and everything, but with all these horror stories about game saves being corrupted and glitchyness, should I get the $30 I can for it now and pick up the Xbox 360 version when it comes out? damn.[/QUOTE]
I've seen no glitches and my saves are fine.
K' is the result of an unnatural creation. Planned to become the ultimate Kyo Kusanagi clone by the NESTS cartel, they begin to work on a prototype that would carry the overwhelming power of the Kusanagis. They succeeded, but only in part. While K' inherited the inmense Kusanagi flames, his weak body is unable to sustain so much power. Thus, K's creators decide to place a special glove on his hand so K' can wield the power with no problem at all. Since K' was to become Krizalid, but was an incomplete clone, was just named with his incomplete name: K'.

I thought he wasn't considered a true "clone" (incomplete or not) because he was modified after birth. But I guess that's just semantics. I'm not sure what you'd call him. :lol:
Some random Tekken 5: DR news I forgot to update... Armor King is back, confirmed...

The game is on location test right now in Chicago... Norridge Cyberstation to be exact.

It's also going through testing in Japan and Korea.

There are multiple new stages and each stage has remixed music or totally new music.

Good stuff so far, game is looking really sharp.
Here's some pics of my fighting game collection. It's not everything, the ones not pictured don't have cases, and aren't really worth taking pictures of like most my Dreamcast fighters. All the import games have the spine cards, except Samurai Spirits 4.



Some random Tekken 5: DR news I forgot to update... Armor King is back, confirmed...

awsome! any explanation on how this affects the story since he's supposedly suppose to be dead? It's going to throw a korkscrew in the Marduk/King rivalry, but Armor king seemed to always be more badass than king. Any spoilers on who the last 4th new character is?
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Any spoilers on who the last 4th new character is?[/QUOTE]

It's giant pile of shit. The character's name is Tekken 5.
[quote name='Kuma']how is Psychic Force[/QUOTE]

Psychic Force 2012 was the "Arcade Game of the Year 1999" in Japan. I've enjoyed the series alot. It had cool music and characters. It was like DBZ before they made a good game. The anime sucked, don't touch it. I always wanted to see more of the series.
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