The 'Jimmy King' Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='Chuplayer']Impact blew last night. As soon as Hardy came out to interfere in the big elimination match, I asked myself "do I even care anymore?" The answer was no, and I played some Gran Turismo 5. with some dolls![/QUOTE]

Loved a lot on this show. Swagger-Kofi was a fantastic TV match. They got a lot of time, and has some very innovative spots - like the bottom rope boom drop and the Christian kick into the ankle lock. Alberto-Show was fun, and Ricardo holding his chest after the overhand chop ruled. KOTR prediction - Have Daniel Bryan go all the way to the finals to ensure it's at least a night full of good wrestling, and then have Alberto win in the end. Edge-Bearer stuff was delightfully wacky.

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Kane - TWO WEEKS AGO, EDGE ABDUCTED THE ONE THING THAT MEANS MORE TO ME THAN THE WORLD TITLE - AND MY OWN LIFE - EDGE ABDUCTED PAUL BEARER! And then last week, he humiliated me and Paul Bearer in his perverted game of cat and mouse. HE MENTALLY TORTURED PAUL BEARER - forcing him to play dodge ball and smothering him with… PIZZA AND BUFFALO WINGS. At Survivor Series, when I thought the ruse was up, Edge taunts me with an empty wheelchair! Despite all of this, I STAND BEFORE YOU STILL WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! But what am I without Paul Bearer? THIS ABDUCTION IS UNLAWFUL! But I am willing to not press charges. I am willing to let this whole thing slide, and all you have to do Edge, is BRING BACK PAUL BEARER. And if you do, I promise not to destroy you. I promise not to eviscerate you! Because quite frankly, I am not what you think I am. I am not a freak. I’m not a monster. This hardened exterior, it isn’t really me… I have FEELINGS! I’M A HUMAN BEING. Deep down, I am a warm, caring human being who only wants to be with his family for the holidays. Just like all of you. I love the holidays. I love Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanzah! I love New Years! Look, I JUST WANT MY FATHER BACK! (Edge comes out with an empty wheelchair)
Edge - Kane, how ya doing big fella? I was back there, heard what ya said. I love the holidays and love to spend them with my family. Paul was sitting here just a few minutes ago, if you want him back, all you have to do is ask.
Edge - Not with that attitude. Where are your manners? Obviously, your father didn’t teach you any. Can you ask me politely?
Edge - You didn’t even use the magic word… You all know the magic word! Please.
Edge - That was not a proper please at all!
Kane - Please.
Edge - What? Speak up. (crowd chants on your knees)
Kane - Can I have Paul Bearer back, please?
Edge - That was so insincere - you didn’t mean a word of that. See ya later, Kane.
Cole - The eagle went away for a couple weeks because it was afraid of the holidays.
Striker - The King of the Ring tournament started In ‘85 when Don Muraco won it. The reigning king is William Regal.
Cole - Six hall of famers have become King of the Ring.
Grisham - The Eagle giving advice…
(after the Eagle interferes)Grisham - Let’s look at this FOUL BIRD!
Grisham - Swagger did well in tournaments in college - one must wonder how he will do in this one.
Striker - Good point.
Cole - I love that he has his own mascot. Todd, you’re from Florida - your mascot could be Mickey or Minnie Mouse.
Grisham - Sure could.
Cole - Why do you call Swagger Swags?
Striker - We’re friends.
Striker - Michael Cole… Your friends are a laptop, Justin Beiber’s favorite superstar the Miz, and Josh Mathews. But I love you.
Kane - Teddy, I want to apologize to you for last week. I didn’t mean to wreck your office. You’re close to your father, right?
Teddy - No, didn’t see him much. BUT IT DIDN’T STOP ME FROM REACHING FOR THE STARS.
Edge - Hi Kane, and Teddy. I didn’t know my father either, but that’s a story for another day.
Kane - PAUL!
Josh - Alberto, you were knocked out by the Big Show - many are saying you’re the underdog tonight.
Alberto - YOSH! At Survivor Series, I learned a lesson - never ever share the spotlight with people who’s not your equal! AND THAT’S WHAT THE BIG SHOW IS. HE’S NOT MY EQUAL. Tonight, I’m gonna be victorious, and on Monday, I’LL BE KING ALBERTO DEL RIO!
Cole - It’s not his fault he got knocked out.
Striker - Yeah, his face just got in the way of the Giant’s fist.
Grisham - Yeah, well so was Rey, and his team won.
Edge - After all the things you’ve done to people, it sounds like you’re describing yourself. YOU JUST DON’T LIKE IT WHEN IT’S DONE FOR YOU.
(after Horny kills the Eagle)Striker - Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Striker - You don’t like Nattie, do you?
Cole - NOOOO….
Striker - Why?
Cole - CUZ SHE’S SO EMOTIONAL. I’m sick of all the hearts.
Striker - Cody just gave me a new present - THE NEW DASHING CODY RHODES T-SHIRT!
Cole - You’re not actually gonna put that on are ya?
Striker - Yeah.
Grisham - It’s a men’s small, so it’ll fit perfect.
Cole - Do you have any idea how you said that?
Cole - Would you give up the luxury cars to come to the ring in a horse and carriage?
Alberto - I’ll think about it.
Striker - Mr. Alberto, if you win, can I be your personal commentator?
Alberto - I WILL WIN!
[quote name='PhrostByte']What's a Christian kick? Like when you kick a Christian?[/QUOTE]

That middle-rope kick Christian does. :razz: Kofi used it in the match.

Speaking of Christian, I miss him on Smackdown. Hope he's back from injury soon and gets a nice push upon return.
Sorta waiting for WWE to debut the Muslim, and have the character spew random gibberish 'cause that's what Vince McMahon thinks they sound like.

P.S. Trent Baretta and Curt Hawkins have put on solid 8-10 minute matches for the last two weeks on Superstars. Baretta hit a beautiful Busaiku knee kick (KENTA's move), and Hawkins' finisher looked great (Neckbreaker swung back into a facebuster). I look forward to what WWE will do with them in the future. Curt Hawkins definitely has a lot of potential.
[quote name='Chase']Sorta waiting for WWE to debut the Muslim, and have the character spew random gibberish 'cause that's what Vince McMahon thinks they sound like.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that what they had Muhammad Hassan doing before they had to let him go?
Last night's Smackdown was the polar opposite to the prior night's Impact. Excellent show vs. crap show.

I'm still not getting the whole Edge/Kane thing, though. Edge is hardly being facelike, and breaking down Kane like they did in the first few minutes of the show was freaking weird. Going from "Devil's Favorite Demon" to "I have feelings!" really perplexed me.

Interesting stories about WWE Creative, peppered with blog-esque speculation of how a big Creative shakeup is underway (e.g., Big Dick JOhnson getting shitcanned, Freddie Prinze being rehired, and other maneuvers being considered).

There are a lot of stories about how fickle and erratic the McMahon family is, and while it's virtually all speculative, it's difficult to imagine the Creative environment being any different from how it's described here and elsewhere.
Reading that article, I saw a name... Dave Meltzer. Ok, I've never been into the behind-the-scenes of the wrestling industry. Any dirt I get comes from the stuff you guys post here. And time and time again, I see Meltzer's name. He's obviously a pretty important guy. Hell, even Jericho mentions him doing a little fact checking for him in A Lion's Tale. The question is... who is he and why is he that guy?
Dave Meltzer is a long-tenured sports journalist, specifically in pro wrestling. He's the creator of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, which has existed for around 30 years. Meltzer has built relationships with various people in the industry, over the years, and is often quoted 'cause he is an active reporter (unlike 99-percent of pro wrestling websites). Personally, I prefer Bryan Alvarez, head of Figure Four Daily, 'cause he's entertaining on the podcasts, and is an actual independent wrestler.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']This JTV channel is airing episodes of WWF Prime Time Wrestling from 1990. God, I miss Heenan and Monsoon going back and forth.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for this. Started watching in '96 so I only saw Brain's WCW work.

Brain: Do you know the difference between unlawful and illegal?!
Gorilla: No, what?
Brain: Unlawful means that something is against the law. Illegal is just a sick bird!

I've never heard that one before :rofl:
[quote name='Spyder187']Wait, you have to get in line to start a thread? ok then.[/QUOTE]
Best advice is to call it on the first or second page of the new one or the previous one so when it reaches 499 and someone has a new one made you can cry foul and moan about it....

[quote name='Chase']Dave Meltzer is a long-tenured sports journalist, specifically in pro wrestling. He's the creator of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, which has existed for around 30 years. Meltzer has built relationships with various people in the industry, over the years, and is often quoted 'cause he is an active reporter (unlike 99-percent of pro wrestling websites). Personally, I prefer Bryan Alvarez, head of Figure Four Daily, 'cause he's entertaining on the podcasts, and is an actual independent wrestler.[/QUOTE]

Well, he was a wrestler - he re-retired after getting married. Meltzer's a fantastic journalist for pro wrestling as he actually does a lot of in-depth work, and if he screws up, he'll amend the matter pretty quickly. Jericho respects him as a journalist, as did Bruiser Brody since Brody was also a sports writer. I think he actually proof-read Jericho's first book, which would make sense since it has a typo on one the first pages. The only Eyada Observer Live shows are fantastic stuff, and there's one that was posted on the F4W board recently that has Frank Shamrock talking about how big a fan of Heenan he is.
Saw/heard the greatest thing ever tonight. Went to see a friend's band play tonight. It was a five or six band show, so each opening band played for about half an hour. One of those opening bands was Aural Vampire, an electronic band from Japan. There's a guy named Raveman who does the music (and is apparently a former Nintendo programmer or something) and Exo-Chika, who is the vocalist. They play a song or two, and then on the video screen behind them, I see the WWF Royal Rumble logo circa 1992 and Vince McMahon's voice is naming off participants as their image is shown on screen. It gets to Repo Man, stops, flashes his name, and they play this:

The whole time in the background, there were clips of the 1992 Royal Rumble playing, then, a CAW of Repo Man in Smackdown 2 (Japanese version) wrestling around. As the song ended, the CAW of Repo Man was in the ring with Vince. They said something, and Repo Man laid him out right as the song ended and the lights faded down.

It was so unbelievably hilarious/awesome.
[quote name='Scorch']Saw/heard the greatest thing ever tonight. Went to see a friend's band play tonight. It was a five or six band show, so each opening band played for about half an hour. One of those opening bands was Aural Vampire, an electronic band from Japan. There's a guy named Raveman who does the music (and is apparently a former Nintendo programmer or something) and Exo-Chika, who is the vocalist. They play a song or two, and then on the video screen behind them, I see the WWF Royal Rumble logo circa 1992 and Vince McMahon's voice is naming off participants as their image is shown on screen. It gets to Repo Man, stops, flashes his name, and they play this:

The whole time in the background, there were clips of the 1992 Royal Rumble playing, then, a CAW of Repo Man in Smackdown 2 (Japanese version) wrestling around. As the song ended, the CAW of Repo Man was in the ring with Vince. They said something, and Repo Man laid him out right as the song ended and the lights faded down.

It was so unbelievably hilarious/awesome.[/QUOTE]

That sounds strange... incredible... and strangely incredible.
[quote name='Chronis']Reading that article, I saw a name... Dave Meltzer. Ok, I've never been into the behind-the-scenes of the wrestling industry. Any dirt I get comes from the stuff you guys post here. And time and time again, I see Meltzer's name. He's obviously a pretty important guy. Hell, even Jericho mentions him doing a little fact checking for him in A Lion's Tale. The question is... who is he and why is he that guy?[/QUOTE]
Started the dirt sheets that exposed the business.He's also a pretty nice guy and has even responded to emails before :).Although he doesn't seem to be as much in pro wrestling as much anymore as he use to be I don't think since now MMA seems like its taking up more of his time/interest, and his gig on yahoo sports as a writer and etc for their mma section.

Hoo boy...
Do we know if "Juan Cena" will be John Cena in a disguise? Gotta wonder if they're going to put Darren Young to use, since he's on WWE's payroll.
IDK, I think it'll be Cena. Putting Young in the act of being Cena smacks of Jay Lethal -- too obvious a copy, and frankly I don't think Young could pull it off to the degree Lethal could.
I think it will be Cena in a mask.. gives them reason to say he's from Mexico. I still find this all a bit racist. Cena's tweet about the telegram arriving via carrier pigeon (Mexicans are poor! Get it?) is in bad taste as well.
Su tiempo ha terminado, mi tiempo es ahora
Usted no me puede ver, mi tiempo es ahora
Es la franquicia, el muchacho me brilla ahora
Usted no me puede ver, mi tiempo es ¡ahora!
It would be hilarious if they had him or someone else re-record his entrance with that. That would be awesome.
Bah, I wanted fake mustache Cena.

Anyway. I don't mind it since it's only for house shows so whatever. Though even if it did show up on TV soon I wouldn't mind either. I'm not part of the Cena hating bandwagon, and prefer him over Orton to be honest. As much as people like to complain about "Super Cena", Orton and Mysterio have been (booked) far worse. And at least Cena has charisma.
Wow, all they did was add a mask no tights or anything else different at all. If they had put some effort into it I wouldn't hate it so much. But it basically looks like someone found a mask in an old dressing room and was like "meh, this will work."
I'm so offended that I'm cracking up over here!!!!

It's like Vince was like "What if buff Stone Cold put on a mask...???"
[quote name='cdubb1605']Wow, all they did was add a mask no tights or anything else different at all. If they had put some effort into it I wouldn't hate it so much. But it basically looks like someone found a mask in an old dressing room and was like "meh, this will work."[/QUOTE]

IMO that is what makes it work. Putting in so little effort is what makes it interesting and hilarious.

The only problem I have is that he should come down to the ring on a lawn mower.
What do you want to bet that THQ will only put the masked "Juan Cena" in the next Smackdown vs. Raw and charge extra for a maskless John Cena that "they couldn't make during the development cycle".
[quote name='BlueSwim']What do you want to bet that THQ will only put the masked "Juan Cena" in the next Smackdown vs. Raw and charge extra for a maskless John Cena that "they couldn't make during the development cycle".[/QUOTE]

I would bet nothing, because that would be SMART business strategy!

THQ will just release an official DLC pack, consisting of 3 extra attires for each Diva, and exclusive SvR 2012 wrestler: Braden Walker! (What, like Chris Masters is any fucking better?)

However, he's only playable backstage in WWE Universe mode. And he can only interact with Matt Hardy.
So yea....I'm on Omegle and I'm talking to a Saudi Arabian woman who lives in the UK...

And during the convo, she asks if I like wrestling.

I blew her mind with all the "insider information" I knew....from Juan Cena to Ut being injured to HHH coming back.

Yea, I felt like a big hot shot for a few minutes...until I realized I probably spoiled her innocence when it came to watching it.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Ay, caramba...[/QUOTE]


[quote name='TheRock88']Oh man, if he shows up on Raw with this, it will be the best storyline ever.


Oh dear.

Sorta expected it to have a little more stereotypical 'Mexican flair.' For instance, a guy in the background wailing about how his mustache is unruly, and how his fat wife ate the last taco.

-- Apparently, I missed some entertaining banter between MVP and Chris Jericho on Twitter.

"MVP and Chris Jericho went back and forth a bit on Twitter, with both men poking fun at the way MVP has been booked in recent months. Jericho asked MVP, 'are you still with the company?' MVP replied, 'Barely it would seem. Just barely.'

A fan later asked why does MVP always get 'screwed over' on SmackDown, to which he replied, 'If you find out let me know please! Lol.'"

I'd love to see WWE push MVP to his full potential. He can cut promos, has a great look, and has some of the best in-ring work in the company. I also love that his finish is a version of Masahiro Chono's Shining Black (Kenka kick on a kneeling opponent).

When WWE originally pushed MVP, as a heel, I thought they would push him to the moon. He had a damn Moon bounce! How could they not push him to the moon? Those bastards.

-- Seems like WWE's interested in bringing up, FCW development guy, Jackson Andrews. Earlier in his career, Andrews wrestled in Booker T.'s PWA as Cyrus. WWE loves their giants, and considering how Undertaker and Kane will retire in upcoming years, they apparently feel a need to fill that spot. Oh, and Andrews is, legitimately, over 7-feet-tall. I neglected to give that an earlier mention.

Andrews also served as Curt Hawkins' bodyguard in FCW.
Gonna go ahead and give out my wishlist win for tomorrow night:

Morrison wins the KOTR then challenges Miz at TLC in a ladder match.

I know it wont happen but I'd like it if it did.
[quote name='cdubb1605']Gonna go ahead and give out my wishlist win for tomorrow night:

Morrison wins the KOTR then challenges Miz at TLC in a ladder match.

I know it wont happen but I'd like it if it did.[/QUOTE]

I, too, would like to see a Miz-Morrison feud. It's a story arc that just fits. Plus, it would be nice to see Morrison get a little rub from being in a main event angle. Outside of adding "parkour training" to his bio, Morrison hasn't done anything of note as of late.

Just as a reminder, Kofi Kingston, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Daniel Bryan, Ezekiel Jackson and Sheamus will partake in the King of the Ring. Someone mentioned this earlier, but I can see WWE pushing Danielson to the finals just to ensure a night of good wrestling.

A few predictions:

-- Del Rio will probably be eliminated due to Rey Misterio, Jr.
-- Kofi will job
-- If paired with Jackson, Rhodes or McIntyre will go over by some sort of heel tactic

I can see WWE pushing Jackson to the top to 'legitimize' an upper-card presence. What makes Jackson unique is how WWE's pushing him as a face. WWE already has a 'strong man' face in Mark Henry. It's a shame Skip Sheffield is out with a serious injury. He could have ran interference in Jackson's match, caused Jackson to lose, then lead to an interesting feud. Both guys are more mobile than most strong guys, like Mark Henry, John Tenta, and, CMLL's, Jon Strongman.

I'd like to see Danielson win simply because he's Bryan Danielson. Morrison probably needs it the most. He gets lost in the shuffle, and unlike Rhodes or McIntyre, I can see WWE losing interest in him, and letting him go to waste.

Sheamus has the Triple H seal-of-approval, so he doesn't need the added credentials. Alberto Del Rio comes from a good pro wrestling family, is much better on the mic than Morrison, and will be in WWE's main event for years to come.

With all things in consideration, Danielson probably needs it the most. Morrison fits the WWE mold more than Danielson, and will probably have a job with the company longer than Danielson. I could see WWE giving Morrison a feud with, WWE champion, Miz without having the King of the Ring push.
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