The 'Jimmy King' Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='mykevermin']It doesn't help that Nash was put on a rocket ship to a major push when he hit the WWF. [/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing. The "Diesel" character was totally astroturf. If only the "Fake Diesel" character would have worked.
That girl's expression kinda reminds me of:
Watching Raw out-of-order.

I don't care if he's being fed lines, CM Punk's commentary is incredible.

"Ya know the thing about that moniker 'Smart, Sexy, and Powerful'? Not one, single Diva possesses all three attributes."

"I don't know what you guys are doing making a big deal about Brie Bella. She's a four, at best. Let's talk about [what's going on] in the ring."

I'd love to see him remain at the booth, but would also like to see him back in action. Could you imagine if they gave us Chris Jericho and Punk as commentators? That would be delightful.
What's the date on that video? If it's recent, it just seems like the typical "people who made mistakes, loss their jobs/status, and now want to bring down someone they mutually don't like to their low-level" video. Or, in words that Cholo Jeff could better relate, "bitches be bitching."

Edit: JJ, Kendrick-Jackson had so much potential. It was a shame to see Kendrick throw it all away.
"A number of WWE live event cards have been updated to reflect that "John Cena's Mexican Cousin", Juan Cena, will be replacing John Cena. So, that's how they will get around Cena being "fired" but still working house shows. You have to wonder if he'll be wearing a Lucha mask."

Oh, FFS. Maybe he can ride the "Juan Deere" lawnmower to the ring.

EDIT: Yep:
[quote name='mykevermin']"A number of WWE live event cards have been updated to reflect that "John Cena's Mexican Cousin", Juan Cena, will be replacing John Cena. So, that's how they will get around Cena being "fired" but still working house shows. You have to wonder if he'll be wearing a Lucha mask."

Oh, FFS. Maybe he can ride the "Juan Deere" lawnmower to the ring.


Oh, for the love of God.
Dont know if anyone else was watching NXT, but Naomi and AJ put on a hell of a match. Probably the best diva match since the Lita/Trish days.
I hope the WWE catches so much shit for a "Juan Cena" angle. That's absolutely fucking ridiculous, and is almost inexcusable given how much they built up his firing.
That's a great pic of Miz.

Does he need a new outfit and music? The logos on his outfit are goofy as hell to me, and what stands out to me about his entrance theme is the phrase "I came to play," which just doesn't scream 'serious' or 'credible' to me.

Then again, neither do "too many limes" or "lobster head."

Perhaps I'm just being too nitpicky; but he needs some repackaging if he wants to stay as an upper-card player, like the transition of goofy-jokey Triple H post-DX to "The Game."
So they're pulling an extra lazy version of the Masked Rider/Giant Machine/Mr. America gimmick for John Cena at house shows? They could of at least pulled a Yellow Dog or the E&C Conquistadors. Well, I guess Cena is doing Los Conquistadores if E&C had come out as "Conquistador Borde and Conquistador Cristiano".
Dixie Carter's Twitter(No said:
Just spoke to Desmond. Expect London Brawling to be back on iMPACT! soon.
Thank God!


[quote name='Mr. Beef']
[/QUOTE]That might as well be a dinner plate attached to leather. They *NEED* a new belt. One that doesn't look bat-shit ridiculous, like Jeff Hardy's TNA Title. I'd be down with them modernizing the "Winged Eagle" or the "Attitude Era" belts.
[quote name='BlueSwim']That might as well be a dinner plate attached to leather. They *NEED* a new belt. One that doesn't look bat-shit ridiculous, like Jeff Hardy's TNA Title. I'd be down with them modernizing the "Winged Eagle" or the "Attitude Era" belts.[/QUOTE]
I agree that the WWE Championship needs to be redone. However they could just bide time if the rumors of unifying the World Heavyweight Championship and the WWE Championship. I wouldn't mind seeing the WHC redone as well, but at least it isn't so jank looking. I think Miz would be the perfect way to get the either belt redesigned. Cut some promo about Cena being gone and time to bring in a new era, unveils a new title but not one specifically for him. Of course the WWE hasn't shown the best judgment in the redesigns lately. The Divas belt is garbage and Tag belts are worse. There are probably people better suited but Miz could definitely pull it off.
Huh. I thought Cena was actually going to take a break or something.

I guess I'm not shocked by anything anymore.

FWIW, they just released a card here for a show in January, and the main event is a triple threat match for the WWE title - Orton v. Barrett v. Miz
I hope they have Miz keep the title for a while, but if they book him as a weak champion it wont do him any favors. That shit pissed me off with previous MITB winners, they win and then get buried week after week.

Dude has really changed since he started and I was happy to see him in the WWE at first. Then that Host of Smackdown crap just made me want to kill him. When he split from Morrison I never expected him to get higher than midcard hell. Hoped he would get out of there but never actually expected it. I think that bit he had with Cena for a few months really sold him as someone that had a future and possibly could play in the main event scene.
You know what? fuck it, I love that they're billing him as Juan Cena. I'll be that guy.

Honestly, that listing amused me, and that's enough for right now. The question is, though, will that be strictly a house show thing, or will that be the gimmick on TV? I can't imagine them blowing their load on Juan Cena (could've phrased that better) before a TV reveal, so I'm hopeful that this is just a house show story.

Or... or... or....

It's really just a clever ruse to repackage Darren Young.


Plot revealed!

[quote name='Ansé Solis']Much props to Randy Orton for selling that leg like a champ. The drama in this match alone outclasses anything TNA has done in two years.[/QUOTE]

The MCMG/Beer Money 5 match series from a few months ago had a good laugh about this post.
I hope that it isn't making it to TV and it's just so they don't have people screaming for refunds since Cena is still being advertised on TV for the MSG show.
lineup for all 8 KOTR participants

- Coming out of last night's WWE SmackDown tapings, here is the updated line-up for next Monday night's King of the Ring tournament on the three-hour RAW:

RAW Superstars
Sheamus, John Morrison, Ezekiel Jackson and United States Champion Daniel Bryan

SmackDown Superstars
Kofi[COLOR=#FFF200 ! important][COLOR=#FFF200 ! important][/COLOR][/COLOR], Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes

and now my prediction

Morrison wins KOTR
I'll go with Del Rio, only because heels generally make better KOTR winners and they constantly reference Del Rio as having the bloodlines of royalty.
I choose..... Daniel Bryan to win King of The Ring.

Kidding of course since I doubt they'd do that and I agree with JJSP on this one that heels do make better KOTR winners so its between Shamus and Del Rio for me.Unfortunately I think I'll have to agree with JJSP again and go with Del Rio,he just needs it more then Shamoose.
[quote name='007']You know what? fuck it, I love that they're billing him as Juan Cena. I'll be that guy.

Honestly, that listing amused me, and that's enough for right now. The question is, though, will that be strictly a house show thing, or will that be the gimmick on TV? I can't imagine them blowing their load on Juan Cena (could've phrased that better) before a TV reveal, so I'm hopeful that this is just a house show story.[/QUOTE]
The WWE title is gorgeous:


That monstrosity they're carrying around now isn't the WWE title, it's John Juan Cena's belt. I can't believe anyone takes it seriously. For fuck's sake the thing says "MON NITE RAW." It's glaringly obvious that whoever carries it is just keeping it warm for Cena so what's the point? It's like when a country's money has their dictator's face on it.

FWIW though I hope he wears a fake mustache as Juan Cena.
[quote name='Magiblaze']
I choose..... Daniel Bryan to win King of The Ring.

Kidding of course since I doubt they'd do that and I agree with JJSP on this one that heels do make better KOTR winners so its between Shamus and Del Rio for me.Unfortunately I think I'll have to agree with JJSP again and go with Del Rio,he just needs it more then Shamoose.
There are worse people to agree with than Zen Davis.

Here's the list of former KOTR winners: Muraco, Race, Savage, DiBiase, Santana, Bret Hart (x2), Owen Hart, Mabel, Austin, HHH, Shamrock, Gunn, Angle, Edge, Lesnar, Booker, Regal.

I had no idea Arriba McIntyre won.
[quote name='Survivalism']That monstrosity they're carrying around now isn't the WWE title, it's John Juan Cena's belt. I can't believe anyone takes it seriously.[/QUOTE]
Bizarre. I can only assume that it has something to do with the fact that they have TV contracts signed for the show overseas... even someone with the complete lack of self-awareness that Vince McMahon possesses has to see that it's a failed experiment.

Now, I admit, the sheer fact that they've completely given up on it to a point that they're openly mocking it *during* the show has been morbidly entertaining, but not enough that I want to see it continue.

Also, calling it now... 'Pro' Tyler Reks.
im going to an indy event in milwaukee in december... as of now the main event is Mr. Anderson vs. Fatt Hardy... dunno how many other smart marks will be there but i for sure will be yelling some crap at Matt.
[quote name='dkreegz515']im going to an indy event in milwaukee in december... as of now the main event is Mr. Anderson vs. Fatt Hardy... dunno how many other smart marks will be there but i for sure will be yelling some crap at Matt.[/QUOTE]Don't forget to bring signs saying "Fatt Screwed Matt" & "Fatt Hardy: Will Wrestle 4 McRib".
-- It is said that Alex Riley's on-air association with The Miz saved him from being let go following his arrest for driving under the influence last Wednesday in Tampa, Florida. He was said to be pretty nervous for several days, however. WWE did not officially announce any punishment and he worked the Survivor Series pay-per-view and Monday's Raw.

....Thanks WWE for once again proving what is evident in business....that the little people who mess up get squashed...but the "major players" (Riley was the ultimate hype man possible for Miz and made his character much more watchable) get to stay and celebrate the moment...
[quote name='BlueSwim']Don't forget to bring signs saying "Fatt Screwed Matt" & "Fatt Hardy: Will Wrestle 4 McRib".[/QUOTE]

And "Fatt Hardy will not diet!"
That whole Juan Cena business got me thinking. They should just go all-out with it and make an entire stable of ethnic Cenas. They already have White Cena and Black Cena, now they just need an ACTUAL Latino Cena and then an Asian Cena, and they'll have covered just about every demographic.

[quote name='Purple Flames']I love everything about that picture :applause:

EDIT: And the hits just keep on coming!

[/QUOTE]Glorious. Simply glorious.

[quote name='strongpimphand']....Thanks WWE for once again proving what is evident in business....that the little people who mess up get squashed...but the "major players" (Riley was the ultimate hype man possible for Miz and made his character much more watchable) get to stay and celebrate the moment...[/QUOTE]
I would hardly call Riley a "major player" in any sense of the term.
It was obvious Miz needed some type of valet/hypeman to deflect The Miz's skill sets and such....and Riley has been hands down the best in recent time in doing so.

So that's major to me. He's not major in a sense of "I gotta watch WWE to see him!!!" but in the past few months, he's helped solidify Miz and the storylines have been enjoyable

Like the ultimate lackey who you know in real life could easily demolish him but in this character sense, is his ultimate fan
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