The 'Jimmy King' Wrestling Thread

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I'll have to join the general tone of the thread and agree that I'm quite happy about this.

The main event scene needed a shake-up, and Miz is it. Orton and Barrett were basically out of stuff to do, and it would appear that, even fired, we're getting Cena/Barrett. As much as I would've liked to see Barrett with the title... honestly, they can take their time. He looks ready now, he'll look ready a year from now. Barrett has 'it', and as long as he's employed, I guarantee he'll be champion at some point.

I'm a huge fan of the fact that even though it was a 'preying on the weak' type of set-up, Miz had to legitimately beat Orton. I had gotten really tired of the sneak attack incapacitations with MitB, and I like that Miz did actually have to accomplish something to get the title. Plus, Orton as a face is *much* better chasing the belt than holding it. That face at the end was great.

It can stand to be repeated... when Morrison and Miz broke up, who honestly thought Miz was going to be the guy? I still remember when that draft happened and Miz was the one sent to Raw, there was a collective 'ugh, they picked the wrong one!'. Everyone sort of expected Morrison to get an immediate title push, and Miz to languish in mid-card hell for eternity. Yes, I realize it sounds like a Miz promo at the moment, but it's tough not to take a step back and realize just how much he's done to change opinions over the last 2 years. It's why last night was special, because you knew he honestly earned the right to be standing there, unlike some recent champions. Most importantly, you could tell how much it meant to *him*. Wrestling has always been about feeding off emotion... the wrestlers are fed by the crowd, and vice versa... and last night meant more because through all the trying to look snarky, you could tell he was genuinely holding back tears. It was about watching a man live his dream, and finally prove everyone who told him he could never make it wrong. That was one of the moments that reminded me why I like wrestling in the first place.

It's why I'm going to go against the grain here and assert that Miz holds the title for a while. Even if he loses it, I'd expect back on him quickly. I don't get the sense that this is a quick shot change, and that they really have plans for him. A lot of this will be based on crowd reaction, though, so we'll see what happens. I just hope to god that Cena is kept busy with this Nexus shit.

Anyway, other Raw thoughts: it was a reasonably good show made better by the ending. The KotR tournament is something I'm really looking forward to, and I hope the legitmate main eventers from Smackdown are eliminated quickly. This needs to someone younger, preferably Del Rio. I could also see them giving it to Sheamus just to have another hook for the HHH return feud.

DiBiase has obviously either pissed someone off, or has literally failed to impress on every conceivable level. I was vaguely excited during that new Virgil thing, and I thought the Maryse pairing was good... now I'm actually hoping they seperate them because Maryse could be utilized much better.

Speaking of which, I guess they realized that the women's division truly is a joke, so they decided to pair up every Diva not in a program (see: all of them) with a wrestler. While it's vaguely degrading to women's wrestling, if this kick starts a new valet era, let's go for it.

Punk. Commentary. Fantastic. My only issue is that I'm vaguely worried that he's a bit too open with it, which may piss someone off if he says the wrong thing. Being a heel announcer is a fine line, especially when you're also talent. Again, heel announcer or not, there were a few times where I thought that Lawler couldn't have been happy last night, like when Punk completely no-sold his 'I bleed blue' line. Still, Punk being there made it 100% better to listen to, so this is a win.

Now, the biggest negative of all? That Raw, while great, made Survivor Series seem boring and, even worse, completely irrelevant. We got two rematches, one of which contained more story progression than the one last night. Overall, it was a much more exciting show. I'm concerned that with PPV buyrates down, this will become the norm, because they may be thinking that they can keep the falling, but reasonable, PPV profits, but still do the exciting stuff on free TV, where most of the audience is watching. Overall, especially after Raw last night, I feel bad for anyone who paid for Survivor Series, and I guarantee you that anyone given the choice after the face of which one they could've gone to, they'd choose Raw 9 out of 10 times. That's not good.

I really need to learn how to make shorter posts.
I finally got a chance to watch Raw. Definitely an entertaining show all around. Even though I knew the outcome of the evening I still loved seeing it happen. Also there was a kid on the stairs in the background that looked like he had a Miz shirt on was having a seizure or something.
Jay, I have a request. There was a woman in red in the crowd during Cena's Entrance. I need a screencap. You'll know which one I mean when you see her.

Also, this was down on the last page, so here's a new one:

Remember when the King of the Ring included almost every superstar and had it's own PPV? Apparently the WWE doesn't.
There is finally a new Impact review from Spoony up. I really miss his Raw reviews. Didn't like the fat guy as much, but lately there hasn't even been those to see.
[quote name='masked lemon']There is finally a new Impact review from Spoony up. I really miss his Raw reviews. Didn't like the fat guy as much, but lately there hasn't even been those to see.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I didn't like Sean Faust all that much either, mostly because 9 times out of 10 he at the most was either indifferent about the show or at the worst completely shit all over everything that happened. That, and he just doesn't have Spony's charisma.
Much props to Randy Orton for selling that leg like a champ. The drama in this match alone outclasses anything TNA has done in two years.
Tough Enough is coming back. I now wonder if they put the belt on the Miz for a "Look what you can become!" type of promotion for Tough Enough.

World Wrestling Entertainment and the USA Network will release a casting breakdown today, seeking contestants for the resurrected Tough Enough reality series.

The word making the rounds is that filming for the series would not begin until February 2011 with the series debuting in the Spring.

The original Tough Enough ran for three seasons on MTV, developing such talents as John Morrison, former WWE talents Maven, Nidia and current ROH star Kenny King. The concept was retooled into the "One Million Dollar Tough Enough", which ran as part of the Smackdown series, and introduced current WWE champion The Miz to the pro wrestling world.

The Tough Enough return is part of the USA Network making a move towards reality-based programming to balance out their extremely successful crop of dramas.
[quote name='Ansé Solis']Much props to Randy Orton for selling that leg like a champ. The drama in this match alone outclasses anything TNA has done in two years.[/QUOTE]

When he did it well, he did it well; when it wasn't good, it was terrible.
Shouldn't there be a title change to the thread to reflect last night's huge win for The Miz? "The 'Miz Is Champion! Dreams Do Come True!' Wrestling Thread"?
Ugh. I paid $50 to go to Survivor Series, and it was utter crap. The next night they have a Raw that was 100x better than the PPV and it's not in my hometown.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']Ugh. I paid $50 to go to Survivor Series, and it was utter crap. The next night they have a Raw that was 100x better than the PPV and it's not in my hometown.[/QUOTE]

After wasting my money to watch WM26 in hd, I just said the hell with ppv's. I usually stream them now and if I liked it, will rent them off of Netflix when their available.
so the roddy piper speech on the old school raw... meant nothing. vince pretty much spit in the face of that eh? either way i think wwe needed to make miz champ. but there is NO way... and the rock means no way he will be champ after royal rumble.
[quote name='Scorch']No.[/QUOTE]So, basically, what you're saying is that you think Jimmy King from a shitty David Arquette wrestling movie > WWE Champion, The Miz?


:rofl::rofl::rofl: That GIF is incredible!
[quote name='blueswim']so, basically, what you're saying is that you think jimmy king from a shitty david arquette wrestling movie > wwe champion, the miz?

No, I'm saying that Miz deserves a full 500 post thread, not one that's already halfway over.

Also, last one involving the angry girl because it's hilarious.. found it at SomethingAwful.

[quote name='Scorch']No, I'm saying that Miz deserves a full 500 post thread, not one that's already halfway over.

Also, last one involving the angry girl because it's hilarious.. found it at SomethingAwful.


That is like the Miz, AWESOME! :applause:
[quote name='Spyder187']yes.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Scorch']No, I'm saying that Miz deserves a full 500 post thread, not one that's already halfway over.

Also, last one involving the angry girl because it's hilarious.. found it at SomethingAwful.


Good point about the thread being half-over(damn, time flies).

Here's an interesting tidbit, The Miz--who was once "fired" from Raw after losing to John Cena several times in a row--won his first WWE Championship 24 hours after John Cena is "fired" from the WWE.
Kevin Nash's Twitter:

"WWE told the world that there sh*t is a work with the Miz as champ"

I have always thought Nash was an idiot, but this certainly proves it.
[quote name='lombarvm']Kevin Nash's Twitter:

"WWE told the world that there sh*t is a work with the Miz as champ"

I have always thought Nash was an idiot, but this certainly proves it.[/QUOTE]

Because he doesn't know the difference between there and their?
[quote name='niceguyshawne']Because he doesn't know the difference between there and their?[/QUOTE]

I disagree with his statement. How does Miz being champion tell your viewers that the product is fake? And more importantly, who gives a crap? Miz is over with the fans and has worked hard to get where he is.
[quote name='lombarvm']Kevin Nash's Twitter:

"WWE told the world that there sh*t is a work with the Miz as champ"

I have always thought Nash was an idiot, but this certainly proves it.[/QUOTE]:shock: That's a pretty stupid comment for him to make.

Miz winning last night didn't "expose" the business at anywhere near the level that TNA did with Abyss working over RVD with the 2x4 w/ nails until he was a bloody heap.

Stupid Kevin Nash comment is stupid.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']He is just bitter because the Kevin Nash lumbering big man type of wrestler isn't a draw anymore.[/QUOTE]

Outside of a few years in the NWO, Kevin Nash was never a draw. Isn't he considered one of the worst drawing champions in WWF/E history? He's pretty much been overpaid for the last 10 years. And now that his market value has caught up with that fact, he's not in any promotion right now. I seem to remember an interview with him saying that Vince would take him back if Nash ever wanted to go back to WWE. Assuming if it was ever true, I really doubt it is now.
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I had skipped the Cena farewell speech when I watched Raw this morning. Decided to go back and watch it and for the most part I really hated it but I'll damned if I wasn't laughing my ass off with Cena wanting the Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks chants. That was awesome. Punk chiming in with the Cena Sucks was good too.

Which reminds me, I wonder how much of a governor is put on Punk during Raw.
It's bizarre... Nash has this totally bipolar thing where he'll spout out amazingly spot-on shit one minute, and then turn around and just pull out the most absurd shit in the world the next.

Ultimately, I think it comes down to that, what do I want to call it... the Hogan mentality. Nash, like Hogan, seems to live his gimmick, and still seems to think that he's bigger than the industry. While he was part, and a focal point, of one the biggest eras in wrestling, he wasn't really the draw he sees himself. What's more hilarious about it is that he always seems to reference his time in the WWF, never WCW, when making those statements. Diesel was over because he was a big guy. Period. Vince loves big guys, and Nash happened to be there at the right time. It's not as if people look at him and went 'gosh, that guy can WRESTLE!'. If he constantly talked about the nWo, I'd give him at least some credit, but Diesel? Not so much.

Sidenote: nWo. Arguably the biggest faction in wrestling. The only one of the three that could put on a decent match was the alcoholic fuck-up.

This feels like the same thing that happened with Hardy and RVD... Nash feels he outdrew everyone ever, and that's sort of a strange delusion. At least with Hogan, you can understand it. He was *the guy*. Nash, though? I have no idea where it comes from. Let's be fair... both in WWF and WCW, were people tuning in to see Nash? I'd wager that'd be a firm 'no'.

That, and not to be a Miz defender, I'd rather side with a guy who dreamt of being champion since he was a kid, reality TV star or not, than a guy who got hurt, couldn't play basketball anymore, and then decided to try out wrestling because he was simply a big dude. It's still bizarre to me that he became WWF champion before Michaels, but that's really telling of the era within itself, huh?
Just watched RAW .. show was pretty flat for the most part, but obviously CM Punk on commentary helped carry it. Loved the A-Ry quip about him being under the influence. Now THAT .. was awesome.

Also, A-Ry replacing Miz in the KOTR Qualifying Match/a WWE Title Match on RAW involving Wade Barrett immediately screamed of "MITB cash-in!" to me. Things have gotten too stale lately, and with Cena not turning heel/HHH not coming back yet, they had to do something. The timing was right, and it was executed rather nicely. MITB time is the only time I can really mark out nowadays, 'cause the product as a whole is so fucking predictably bland.

I also LOL'd when Angry Miz Girl appeared on my screen.
I was a big Diesel fan, I still remember Michaels super kicking him in the face. But yeah, dude was never a big draw.
Miz as the champ.. wtf, WWE will put that strap on anybody. Not only does nobody use the words "I'm awesome" since 1991, but I wouldn't be cought dead in one of those horrible Miz t-shirts. Put the strap on Morrison if anybody, that guy can f'n work in the ring. Morrison is the HBK and Miz will always be the Marty Jennety too me.
[quote name='007']Sidenote: nWo. Arguably the biggest faction in wrestling. The only one of the three that could put on a decent match was the alcoholic fuck-up.[/QUOTE]That reminds me of the section in Jericho's book about how he had to teach Hall how to do a roll-up. :lol:

Those little girl gifs are absolutely great! Here's a gif of another one of my favorite moments from last night.

[quote name='lombarvm']Kevin Nash's Twitter:

"WWE told the world that there sh*t is a work with the Miz as champ"

I have always thought Nash was an idiot, but this certainly proves it.[/QUOTE]
I thought the world would have already realized it was a work whenever Nash enters a ring and gets an injury in his first match back from the last injury.

Then again there's also those "injuries" that come up whenever its time for a certain someone to do a job :lol:.

I'm a happy a camper with Miz as champion, he feels like the first guy that's actually earned it in a long time instead of just giving someone the belt praying they get over just because they have the belt to create new stars immediately(Swagger,Shamus, and to much lesser extent CM Punk after they buried him and made him into a weak chump champ and continued that way for most of his reigns.).

[quote name='pimpster4183']Miz as the champ.. wtf, WWE will put that strap on anybody. Not only does nobody use the words "I'm awesome" since 1991, but I wouldn't be cought dead in one of those horrible Miz t-shirts. Put the strap on Morrison if anybody, that guy can f'n work in the ring. Morrison is the HBK and Miz will always be the Marty Jennety too me.[/QUOTE]

I like Morrison,great worker but the guy just has no charisma and is HORRIBLE on the mic.He's pretty much a douchebag that just stands around posing all the time showing off his abs.
[quote name='Clak']I was a big Diesel fan, I still remember Michaels super kicking him in the face. But yeah, dude was never a big draw.[/QUOTE]

That's the only Diesel moment I remember from when I was a kid. Royal Rumble, Michaels/Diesel working together, Diesel eliminates the last guy, turns around, BAM Sweet Chin Music and he's eliminated. HBK wins :lol:
the worst thing is that they have no idea what to do with seamus because IMHO his character is best suited for title feuds...i think they have no idea what to do with swagger either. He is just jobbing 5 on 5 matches with no real storyline for him. That crowd pop and reaction at the end of the night pretty much sealed miz's reign for a bit i think. I dont even think Barret would have received the same reaction last night. I just want to see how the nexus storyline plays out now that Cena is out of the picture for a bit.
The Miz as champion. CM Punk on commentary. Bryan Danielson receiving a legit push. Tyler Black and Richie Steamboat in queue. Steen-Generico in December. Kids and women crying. Ah, it's a good time to be a pro wrestling fan.
[quote name='Chase']The Miz as champion. CM Punk on commentary. Bryan Danielson receiving a legit push. Tyler Black and Richie Steamboat in queue. Steen-Generico in December. Kids and women crying. Ah, it's a good time to be a pro wrestling fan.[/QUOTE]

black,generico, and steen are signed by the WWE??? Now i am excited.

I agree it is good time to be a wrestling fan.
[quote name='integralsmatic']black,generico, and steen are signed by the WWE??? Now i am excited.

I agree it is good time to be a wrestling fan.[/QUOTE]

Only Black is signed. ;) I meant that Steen and Generico culminate their, incredible, feud in December in ROH. :)

I could definitely see WWE signing Generico and Steen to development deals, though. Steen's a great heel, and who doesn't love Generico?
[quote name='Sporadic']That's the only Diesel moment I remember from when I was a kid. Royal Rumble, Michaels/Diesel working together, Diesel eliminates the last guy, turns around, BAM Sweet Chin Music and he's eliminated. HBK wins :lol:[/QUOTE]
Check this out, championship fight at in Your House 96.

Skip to about 1:30.

Nash is so tall Michaels has to raise his leg to hug him.:rofl:

Royal Rumble:

Man the memories of some of those guys. Jake the Snake, Mabel, forget who the redneck dude with the bucket was. Yokozuna, Vader, man I miss those days.
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[quote name='007']It's bizarre... Nash has this totally bipolar thing where he'll spout out amazingly spot-on shit one minute, and then turn around and just pull out the most absurd shit in the world the next.

Ultimately, I think it comes down to that, what do I want to call it... the Hogan mentality. Nash, like Hogan, seems to live his gimmick, and still seems to think that he's bigger than the industry. While he was part, and a focal point, of one the biggest eras in wrestling, he wasn't really the draw he sees himself. What's more hilarious about it is that he always seems to reference his time in the WWF, never WCW, when making those statements. Diesel was over because he was a big guy. Period. Vince loves big guys, and Nash happened to be there at the right time. It's not as if people look at him and went 'gosh, that guy can WRESTLE!'. If he constantly talked about the nWo, I'd give him at least some credit, but Diesel? Not so much.

Sidenote: nWo. Arguably the biggest faction in wrestling. The only one of the three that could put on a decent match was the alcoholic fuck-up.

This feels like the same thing that happened with Hardy and RVD... Nash feels he outdrew everyone ever, and that's sort of a strange delusion. At least with Hogan, you can understand it. He was *the guy*. Nash, though? I have no idea where it comes from. Let's be fair... both in WWF and WCW, were people tuning in to see Nash? I'd wager that'd be a firm 'no'.

That, and not to be a Miz defender, I'd rather side with a guy who dreamt of being champion since he was a kid, reality TV star or not, than a guy who got hurt, couldn't play basketball anymore, and then decided to try out wrestling because he was simply a big dude. It's still bizarre to me that he became WWF champion before Michaels, but that's really telling of the era within itself, huh?[/QUOTE]

It doesn't help that Nash was put on a rocket ship to a major push when he hit the WWF. Weeks prior to debuting as Diesel, he was the weekly first hour (fuck, first quarter-hour) job boy on WCW Saturday Night, Vinnie Vegas. I knew when I saw his pink-n-black rat pack wrestling attire that whomever was actually coming out with entrance music and an entrance that aired on tv was gonna go over...who would it be tonight? The Diamond Studd? Candyman Brad Armstrong? The Juicer? Either way, Nash went from job boy to the moon in a matter of months. He's a case study in how not to push someone in order to keep their head from getting too big.

Put that in a modern context and you'll see how ridiculous the premise is: take a giant guy who has a half-decent look but can't wrestle for shit (they'll even admit it), who was a job boy in the rival promotion for years; make them the Mr Hughes-bodyguard character for a upper-mid-card talent who is about to explode. Then split them off and have them feud from each other, turning one babyface in the process, then push both to the moon. This whole process should take 6-9 months in total.

In 1993, that was HBK and Diesel. Today that can be accomplished with Lance Hoyt and The Miz.

Picture "Big Daddy Cool" Lance Hoyt as the dominant big man in WWE's upper card, and you'll see how fulla shit Nash is w/r/t his dominance in pro wrestling over the years, and how much he could bullshit the promoters into paying for his overvalued self.

The nWo was huge, but that's what I'd call an interaction effect - the group being worth *far* more than the mere sum of its parts. Except, perhaps, Hogan.
I wanted to see that formula applied to Curt Hawkins and Lower B. Tattoo. Shit, it's so obvious that Hawkins could be Shawn Michaels, and Hoyt, Diesel/Nash, that I can't fathom how WWE missed that boat.
"That's what's cool about planet Earf..."

When Druggie McRainbowunicorns said that line, I thought the video was about to transition to ICP's "Miracles."
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