The Macho Man Randy Savage Wrestling Memorial Thread

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They're just going to yank her off of TV without her ever saying a word at all? 9 months means usually one thing, and I'm happy for her if she's expecting, but MAAAAANNNNN that kills her momentum as a character. What a blow to the Divas division.
[quote name='mykevermin']Kharma's preggers and Drew McIntyre is getting divorced?



Superstars spoiler:

Former WWE Superstar Armando Estrada returned tonight at the WWE Superstars tapings from Spokane, Washington and was announced as Tyson Kidd's new manager.

fuck yes!!!
[quote name='screwkick']Wrestling hasn't been the same since Vince bought WCW in 2001. Stopped watching then. Every possible way he could screw up a merger was successfully done. He couldn't even do the 2002 NWO rebirth without botching it.

John Cena, The Miz, Randy Orton, ect...can't hold a candle to the mid 1980's thorugh the Attitude era ending in 2001. They are just uninteresting, uninspired characters that make you want to change the channel.

Ahhh...the good old days:


You reference the good old days with 1999?
During last night's Raw, they aired an ad for Smackdown where they promoted a title match between Christian and Randy Orton.

You'll be pleased to know, that, as a fan of professional wrestling who has read about how these two have had excellent matches lately, this match is written out in the first segment of the show.

Spoiler? So what, fuck you if you don't like it. I'm telling you that they don't deliver as they advertised. So I've saved you the trouble of watching Smackdown on Friday.

The double kick in the dick I'll actually put in spoiler tags:
Sheamus defeats Mark Henry and Christian to become the #1 contender.
[quote name='mykevermin']The ending to that botchamania was brilliant. What film was that - the triplets of belleville?[/QUOTE]

That's the one.
So let the "father of Kong's child" rumors begin!!!

Surely it isn't guaranteed to be another superstar... but in the likely instance that it is, I would love to see it be someone unexpected.

Like Zack Ryder.
[quote name='JJSP']We all know this is just a way to bring Hornswoggle back to TV.[/QUOTE]

Just as long as they refrain from doing a "giving birth" angle like they did with Mae Young and Mark Henry. Last thing I want to see being pulled from the womb of Kong is Hornswoggle.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']Just as long as they refrain from doing a "giving birth" angle like they did with Mae Young and Mark Henry. Last thing I want to see being pulled from the womb of Kong is Hornswoggle.[/QUOTE]

Now that you've said it's the only thing I want to see.
[quote name='neocisco']Now that you've said it's the only thing I want to see.[/QUOTE]Can you imagine having TWO Hornswoggles? One wears the green leprechaun outfit and the other wears black leather and has black & white dreadlocks in his beard. After Hornswoggle interferes in a match, he goes under the ring, changes, and does a second run-in as Kongswoggle.
[quote name='JJSP']What a blow to the Divas division.[/QUOTE]

Ironic, considering that's all any of those bitches are good for. :whistle2:#
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Sclemeel, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated.
We're gonna do it!
Give us any chance, we'll take it.
Give us any rule, we'll break it.
We're gonna make our dreams come true.
Doin' it our way.
Nothin's gonna turn us back now,
Straight ahead and on the track now.
We're gonna make our dreams come true,
Doin' it our way.
There is nothing we won't try,
Never heard the word impossible.
This time there's no stopping us.
We're gonna do it.
On your mark, get set, and go now,
Got a dream and we just know now,
We're gonna make our dream come true.
And we'll do it our way, yes our way.
Make all our dreams come true,
And do it our way, yes our way,
Make all our dreams come true
For me and you.
It's probably Bubba The Love Sponge's. You know how people can hate each other so much, it builds sexual tension between them? BAMF.
Wrestling Observer editor Dave Meltzer reports today that prior to her departure, WWE officials were "on her case" to drop some weight. She is billed at 272 pounds by WWE.
Oh, come on. Why is it every time I make some tremendously nonsensical statement in jest it ends up being true? And how dense do you have to be to hire a 300-pound woman, push her as a monster and then hound her to lose weight?

In other, completely related news, I have high hopes for HHH's version of the product once he's in charge.

"Live on the next Raw, the WWE Universe will hear from the baleful behemoth, Kharma, about her unexpected emotional breakdown last Monday. What will the devastator of Divas say about her tearful episode?"
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']

WWE is looking for a Creative Writer, Writing Assistant, Vice President of Talent Relations, and an Archivist among other positions. Go get some jobs, guys! If we can infiltrate WWE... it'll still suck, but we can be paid for paying attention to the product! :)[/QUOTE]

I applied for Writing Assistant since I don't have TV writing experience yet but do have a related degree. How bad can it be to get coffee for someone who isn't allowed to look Michael Hayes in the eye? :bouncy:
[quote name='TheRock88'][/QUOTE]

I don't like that. Kong is one of those characters who shouldn't ever speak. The quiet monster character has always worked for her.
[quote name='neocisco']Stop the presses! Brak and I have the same birthday! Happy barfday, Brak.

You, me and John Wayne.
[quote name='Brak']Happy barfday, neocisco.[/QUOTE]


Happy birthday, sir!

"According to Randy's brother Lanny Poffo, the wrestling legend adamantly requested that in his funeral plans, his theme music, Pomp and Circumstance, was not to be played while he was laid to rest.

TMZ reports that in recent years, Savage felt 'extremely guilty' about using the song because it was initially used by his idol, wrestling legend Gorgeous George. He felt like he stole George's thunder."

(Source: TMZ by way of Rajah)

You hear people talk about Mach', and they say that he's a "perfectionist", "consummate pro", and a "class act."

This just strengthens my respect for him. How many big name wrestlers would actually feel guilty about using a song because they felt like they were stealing thunder from another? Do you think Hogan feels guilty for leaving Matsuda, or Warrior for giving his kids the surname Warrior?
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I think it's about time in my life to go back and check out more gorgeous george. As much as we might think young fans today should "know their roots" (meaning WWF Rock n Wrestling era), how many of us really dig deep back into the wrestling of the 60's and 70's?

How many of you have seen a full Gorgeous George match, or Antonino Rocca?
I used to watch Bruno Sammartino when he wrestled at the Spectrum in Philadelphia (later part of his career in the early to mid 80's). Prism Cable used to broadcast the house shows there.
I think the earliest I remember was the old AWA shows on ESPN. Maybe some of Flair's early work on his DVD's...

I made a twitter page yesterday for shits and giggles. If you want to follow me it's @MaskedLemon. I remember hearing that CM Punk and Jericho are on there all the time, I added them, trying to remember what Zack Ryders twitter was.

Oh, happy birthday to both of you fucktards.
News on Summerslam. Spoilered just in case

There has been talk of having John Cena be CM Punk's last feud, should Punk leave WWE at the end of the Summer when his contract expires. There has even been talk of having Punk wrestle Cena in his final match, putting him over, if things get that far without Punk re-signing.
Happy Birthday neo and Brak!

Regarding the spoiler:
if Punk does leave I hope he goes on the Jericho sabbatical and just takes a break and comes back when his fire for the busiess returns. Dude is still one of the best things going on in WWE right now.
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bread's done