The Macho Man Randy Savage Wrestling Memorial Thread

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[quote name='LoveLost']fuck and no Heel turn for Christian[/QUOTE]

I think they are building up to the heel turn. Patience in this storyline is a good thing.
[quote name='lombarvm']I think they are building up to the heel turn. Patience in this storyline is a good thing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it seemed like they are building it up. I just wanna see Orton get taken out.
[quote name='LoveLost']He did Macho's Elbow from the Top Rope. He missed.[/QUOTE]
He also said "DIG IT" instead of "it's clobberin' time" during his intro. But I have a feeling everyone caught that.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']He also said "DIG IT" instead of "it's clobberin' time" during his intro. But I have a feeling everyone caught that.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I missed the start of the match.
[quote name='LoveLost']He did Macho's Elbow from the Top Rope. He missed.[/QUOTE]

Punk's arm tape had "Macho Man" on it too.
at least punk respects where he came from.

The CNN article on Macho's passing refers to WWE as a "wrestling federation." Ha. I don't know about you, but I get slightly giddy when the media rebuff's WWE's corporate horseshit and calls them what they fucking are.

There's something to be said about WWE in that light - you know someone, or several someones, in WWE are *PISSED* that CNN called them a "wrestling promotion." And that one of their PR folks undoubtedly emailed CNN to let them know they're a global multimedia enterainment whatsamafuck.
WWE - "We're in the entertainment business, not the rasslin' business."

CNN - ":roll:"

[quote name='Mr. Beef']He also said "DIG IT" instead of "it's clobberin' time" during his intro. But I have a feeling everyone caught that.[/QUOTE]

Is that what he yells when he's at the top of the ramp? I've always wondered about that.
So is this Cole/Lawler feud finally over? The match tonight is the one that should have happened at Mania.
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damn John Chena can't wrestle
people have been carrying his ass in the main event for years
put him with someone who is equally bad in the ring (Miz) and u get this modified clusterfuck
It's great that Miz dominates Cena for a half hour, then taps out in 5 seconds, not that I expected any different. So much for building new talent. Miz was made to look like a little bitch, where can he go from here? A six month feud with Alex Riley?
[quote name='neocisco']Is that what he yells when he's at the top of the ramp? I've always wondered about that.[/QUOTE]
Yep, along with usually tapping his imaginary watch. Such a nerdy reference that most people never catch, but it's such an awesome nod to his love of comics.

groan on a fucking stick.

something else I noticed when looking at photos on their website - Christian is still rocking his 5+ year old "Peep Show" t-shirt. He may have all the main event matches in the world (well, 2 now), but as long as it's clear the WWE promotional machine isn't even moderately behind him, there's no hope he'll ever be anything. WWE sees him as so shitty, they won't even give him new merch.
Christian has had some very very good matches from extreme rules leading up to now but we all know WWE doesn't care about wrestling

all the smackdown matches in recent weeks have been pretty good
They fixed it before I got a screenshot, but the NY Post article on Savage's death initially mentioned that Savage's death followed the passing of fellow wrestlers Yokozuna, Bam Bam Bigelow, and The Ultimate Warrior.
[quote name='KaneRobot']They fixed it before I got a screenshot, but the NY Post article on Savage's death initially mentioned that Savage's death followed the passing of fellow wrestlers Yokozuna, Bam Bam Bigelow, and The Ultimate Warrior.[/QUOTE]

Well atleast one of them happened in the last five years.
Second Dusty finish for Miz since 'Mania a month ago. Goddamn this match sucked and the thing is, it wasn't that it was bad - the stuff they did looked good and they found a great way to get the drama out of a chairshot to the head without doing it by having Miz slam the chair against the barricade, but the match just went on forever. And ever. Then Miz would talk, taunt Cena, and he'd say NO. And it would go on and on and just never end. They tried to tell the same story as the Orton I quit match two years ago, while using the Rumble '99 finish for the Dusty finish and...yeah it didn't work. It felt like bits and pieces of better matches stitched together in a sweatshop that fell apart at the seams quickly. This match didn't help anyone, and this whole Miz-Cena feud has really hurt both guys because neither is really being booked well in it. Both Cena and Miz look weaker due to this feud in some way, and the only guy really being helped by it is Riley, who looks like he belongs in there with the main eventers.

Orton-Christian was easily the best match of the night. I think I was more impressed by the TV match since it came so soon after a ladder match and you just know Christian had to be hurting a lot, but as a standalone match, this was better. LOLed at the usage of Billy Goat's Curse, which was setup really nicely by Orton. Loved the tease of the SD finish leading to a perfectly believable nearfall and Christian doing a slow turn. I'm glad to see WWE do a slow turn even though they could rush it due to the lack of main event-level heels on SD. There SHOULDN'T be a lack of them, but given how poorly they book Barrett, there is. Oh, and Booker nearly killed this match for me with his commentary - HE HIT HIM THAT THERE GIANT SUPLEX! ORTON'S FATHER INVENTED THE SUPERPLEX. CALL IT A SUPERPLEX! YOU'VE WRESTLED FOR 20 YEARS, YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT A fuckING SUPERPLEX IS CALLED! I would like for Booker T as Booker T, the 20 year vet, to do commentary instead of Black Snow.

I was most looking forward to Sin Cara-Chavo on the undercard and that just didn't work out too well. Chavo on paper is absolutely perfect for this, but in hindsight, they really should've used him to build up Danielson-Cara on PPV since that TV match was a lot better here. I think they've got something just using the gold lighting in the ring because that's a lot easier to see than the blue - doesn't block the action as much. The finish was certainly...not what it should've been, but still sort of worked as a headscissor facebuster deal. Not sure whose fault it was, but given that Sin Cara was hitting everything else perfectly and even hit the torm...spinning flippy doo to the floor and landed on his feet afterwards, I'll blame it on Chavo. He did look blown up during the Gory special, so he might've just been out of it.

Barrett-Zeke promised slams and delivered them, now get Barrett out of this feud NOW and give him a shot as a main eventer again. Good lord, the guy went from main eventing the Survivor Series in a WWE Title match as a Raw main event act to being second match on the card-level on a B show. DO SOMETHING WITH THIS MAN. I'm digging the double STO>big boot deal, Gabriel and Slater should use their part of it as a tag finisher. Truth-Rey was fine, right guy won. Kelly-Bella was okay, Kelly took a nasty-looking bump off the apron. Kharma not being there to kill them all was disappointing. Punk's Macho Man tribute was fantastic - I expected him to do one since he did one months ago, but was still glad to see it here. Mason Ryan's wacky M-backwards R logo looks awful. It looks like something Eugene would do if he tried to make Maven's logo. Cole-King was exactly what was needed two months ago. I loved having Eve, J.R., and especially Bret come out to get some revenge on Cole, but Danielson really should've come out since it was his mere existence that led to this new heel act for Cole to begin with and he's still being mocked by him AND he wasn't on the show in anything else.

Screens -

[quote name='davo1224']Well atleast one of them happened in the last five years.[/QUOTE]

You may have missed the point if the timeframe is what you noticed most about that statement.
I'm really not a fan of the fact that Miz is, apparently, stupid now. I assume he got so tired of Cena one-upping him that he decided to just cut out the middle man and just one-up himself. This is a writing problem, and a big one, since it's effectively character-breaking. We've firmly established that Miz can't really stand toe-to-toe with main eventers, so he wins by underhanded tactics. Now, apparently, he's too stupid to even pull off underhanded tactics correctly. In a feud where the protagonist has no flaws, they've elected to give the already-lesser antagonist *more* flaws. This isn't a wrestling booking problem, this is a simple Creative Writing 101 problem.

Oh well, since that feud is over, I guess Cena can move on to a real opponent in Del Rio. You know, the guy who... couldn't... beat... Edge. Never mind.
It was Del Rio's "destiny" to win the title. I believe this marks the 3rd time its been his "destiny" to win the title...

We all know this will end the same way as the Miz feud though, Cena retains. They've already plainly told us that Cena will have the belt until he faces The Rock at Wrestlemania and I would be much more surprised if he lost it than if he retained it for nearly a year.

While they could have spent a long buildup to have Cena go through trials to get the belt ala Stone Cold in 99/00 having to beat Undertaker to get to the Rumble, then have to survive the entire Royal Rumble as the 1st entrant, etc. Nope, we're gonna take the easy route, give Cena the title and effectively put it on a shelf for a year.

Aw fuck it, what's the point of worrying about the belt anyway, I'll just keep watching for CM Punk, the possibility that Zack Ryder will finally get called up, and to see where Miz goes from here (and a feud with Riley is NOT what I have in mind).
[quote name='007']Oh well, since that feud is over, I guess Cena can move on to a real opponent in Del Rio. You know, the guy who... couldn't... beat... Edge. Never mind.[/QUOTE]

or Christian. This is indeed a writing problem, where they're substituting "hey, they haven't faced off before, so let's put them in a program" for "this person has been pushed and is looking dominant in their performances against others lately - we've groomed them for the main event scene, so now is the time to pull the trigger on them."

One makes sense, the other is what WWE does.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']SO is Miz actually leaving, or taking time off or going to SD?[/QUOTE]

Wait, what? What are you talking about?
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