The Macho Man Randy Savage Wrestling Memorial Thread

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There's a rumor floating around that, instead of Del Rio, Cena's next feud may actually be with Punk. That's good, wouldn't want Punk to spend any time this year getting over on ANYONE AT ALL. Apparently the feud may be how they look to write him out if he decides not to re-sign over the summer.

I joke, but I'd almost rather have Punk/Cena if only for the simple fact that Punk seems to be completely bulletproof. I'm afraid that a run with Cena will completely demolish Del Rio and turn him into yet another in the long line of guys who really should've just stayed on Smackdown, which he's already dangerously close to being anyway.

On the Punk note, when was the last time a heel really and truly 'got over' on a face? I'm totally blanking here. Obviously, yes, the face will usually triumph in the end, but what was the last feud where a heel didn't look foolish or weak the entire time? Del Rio/Edge was one of the few that stick out, but that was scuttled by the retirement, making the whole thing almost pointless since Del Rio ultimately didn't really gain anything from it.
Well, when was the last time Triple H was a heel?

World Wrestling Entertainment (Inc) works in binaries - you're among the chosen, of you're chopped liver. Triple H was a boring heel because he was the same as Cena is as a face - invincible, unflappable, constantly one step ahead, and never made a fool of. See DX vs McMahons in 2009, or the Spirit Squad (talk about an all-time burial, at least Miz isn't getting stuffed in a crate labeled "Ship to OVW").

The way the WWE works, they do the following:
1) present one character as invincible, and unbeatable, and having that "goonies never say die" attitude.
2) put him in a match where the story of the match is that this same person will only lose if they give up.
3) make the opponent look like a major league pussy every week leading up to the show, never getting heat on the invincible dude.

Miz/Riley beat the motherfuck out of Cena for half an hour last night, Cena Cenas up (it's different - hulking up is a process, Cenaing up just happens spontaneously), slaps miz with a strap 8-10 times, throws on a submission, and 30 seconds into his offense the match is over.

There was a brief moment where I truly thought Miz was going to win. That little brat in the front row was such a planted cheap-never-gonna-do-shit childhood actor that I thought, while Cena was stuck in the barricade, Riley would put the kid in a submission hold until Cena said "I quit." Because you can throw Cena through a spotlight, or run him down with an 18-wheeler, or hit him with a missile (dropkick?), he's john cena. never give up, yadda yadda yadda, buy my merchandise. But if you threaten the "Cenation" (copyright WWE, Inc 2011, all rights reserved, we'll sue your ass), it's a different story - then he loses the match but remains the hero. And the kid becomes a Martha Hart "you cost our hero the match" kind of persona. Cena loses the match and belt honorably, and Miz/Riley get heat like a MOTHERfuckER.

Nope. one move of doom preceded by 10 seconds of a leather belt more than counteracts 30 minutes of Miz's motherfuckery.

[quote name='BlueSwim']Wade Barrett comes to mind, but that might have been because of the Nexus.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's why I threw in the 'really and truly' part. While Barrett and Nexus beat down Cena, I never really felt they ever got over on him after that first night. Even when they did things that should've been huge (Cena being fired), WWE found a way to write it in a consistently undermining manner. Admittedly, I'd even go so far as to say that Nexus/Cena could be an okay example right up until the firing storyline, but everything afterwards literally squandered all of it.

... this, of course, is not even mentioning that this is an example where, if used, it required 6-7 guys to successfully get over on Cena.
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[quote name='007']... this, of course, is not even mentioning that this is an example where, if used, required 6-7 guys to successfully get over on Cena.[/QUOTE]

winner winner chicken dinner. cena is the new undertaker.

when i was a wee lad, and it took yokozuna and the entire million dollar corporation to defeat the undertaker in a casket match, i was like 'well, yeah. undertaker's got supernatural powers and all.'

that was one undertaker match.

20 years later, give or take, this is the entire m.o. with john cena or the other wwe untouchables. every time.

i have sympathy for the idea. it's smart business to have a clearly defined top-card. for every one triple h vs taka michinoku matches there are, there should be dozens of squashes. that indicate this dude is head and shoulders above the rest. but in all that planning, taka vs triple h shouldn't headline a pay per view, which is where the formula falls apart in the modern story arcs.
The last 'heel over face' that comes to mind (for me) is CM Punk over Jeff Hardy, but we all know the story on that one.
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, when was the last time Triple H was a heel?

World Wrestling Entertainment (Inc) works in binaries - you're among the chosen, of you're chopped liver. Triple H was a boring heel because he was the same as Cena is as a face - invincible, unflappable, constantly one step ahead, and never made a fool of. See DX vs McMahons in 2009, or the Spirit Squad (talk about an all-time burial, at least Miz isn't getting stuffed in a crate labeled "Ship to OVW").

The way the WWE works, they do the following:
1) present one character as invincible, and unbeatable, and having that "goonies never say die" attitude.
2) put him in a match where the story of the match is that this same person will only lose if they give up.
3) make the opponent look like a major league pussy every week leading up to the show, never getting heat on the invincible dude.

Miz/Riley beat the motherfuck out of Cena for half an hour last night, Cena Cenas up (it's different - hulking up is a process, Cenaing up just happens spontaneously), slaps miz with a strap 8-10 times, throws on a submission, and 30 seconds into his offense the match is over.

There was a brief moment where I truly thought Miz was going to win. That little brat in the front row was such a planted cheap-never-gonna-do-shit childhood actor that I thought, while Cena was stuck in the barricade, Riley would put the kid in a submission hold until Cena said "I quit." Because you can throw Cena through a spotlight, or run him down with an 18-wheeler, or hit him with a missile (dropkick?), he's john cena. never give up, yadda yadda yadda, buy my merchandise. But if you threaten the "Cenation" (copyright WWE, Inc 2011, all rights reserved, we'll sue your ass), it's a different story - then he loses the match but remains the hero. And the kid becomes a Martha Hart "you cost our hero the match" kind of persona. Cena loses the match and belt honorably, and Miz/Riley get heat like a MOTHERfuckER.

Nope. one move of doom preceded by 10 seconds of a leather belt more than counteracts 30 minutes of Miz's motherfuckery.


I was thinking the same thing (kid in submission until Cena quits) would happen and actively hoping for it because it would generate heat like no other. There's 2 problems though that I thought of which quickly squashed that dream. (1) This is PG-era now, hurting a kid would probably tread too heavily. (2) The amount of heel heat it would generate would be such that it would be years before people forgot and they could swap Miz to face like the rumors are indicating. At the end of the day I really think it's just because WWE doesn't have the balls to take the title off Cena and go with such an extreme (albeit interesting) ending.
[quote name='davo1224']Meh there's no one that interests me anymore to write my own fanfic LOL.

I just like to post the bizarre whenever possible.[/QUOTE]

Please... don't post them here anymore.
Just watched the DDP tribute. Always love to see DDP talk about pretty much anything. Dude seems pretty straight forward (and always interesting) about anything and everything.

The Woyah tribute video lost me halfway through.
THQ guys have been dropping hints on Twitter about SvR 2012.. The latest one hints at Kinect/Move support.. Which means I will be buying the game on the PS3.
[quote name='Scorch']THQ guys have been dropping hints on Twitter about SvR 2012.. The latest one hints at Kinect/Move support.. Which means I will be buying the game on the PS3.[/QUOTE]
Can they even be considered "hints" at this point? C'mon now.
[quote name='RedvsBlue'](kid in submission until Cena quits)[/QUOTE]

That will never happen. Too close to the Benoit situation. Way too easy for the media to spin. Dodging that bullet would be like trying to avoid an atomic bomb.
Let us all cleanse our palettes.

[quote name='mykevermin']winner winner chicken dinner. cena is the new undertaker.[/QUOTE]

Undertaker sells offense and knows more than four moves.
In the famous "I QUIT" match, I handcuffed Mick Foley and bashed his face 14xs w a steel chair. He bled. I won. #OverTheLimit"

Maybe so, but 2 days later, I trapped @TheRock under a pallet of beer kegs to win the WWE strap in an Empty Arena Match aka TNA house show."

I know I shouldn't have expected anything, but I can't believe that was all they are going to do. fucking Savage and Hogan built the company and they can't even give him the proper respect he deserves.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I know I shouldn't have expected anything, but I can't believe that was all they are going to do.[/QUOTE]

It isn't.
[quote name='Halo05']I don't like where this is going...[/QUOTE]

I like where the Reds/Phils game is going even less, so I'm watching this horseshit tonight.

Maybe WWE can take an up-and-coming potential mega heel and run an entire feud from start to blowoff tonight, leaving The Truth a ruined shell of his former self.

Because we need to feed Truth to Cena, or he might not be popular anymore.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Really WWE? Nothing more then a title card at the start of the show? fuck you.[/QUOTE]

You know there's still an hour and a half left in the show.
Who's the band responsible for this fucking atrocity of a Helter Skelter cover in the Red Faction commercial?

For someone who supposedly will shit in your bag and run a guy in a wheelchair off the road in his car, Orton seems like a really nice guy.
They better show at least some sort of video package for Macho Man. If they had time to put together that stupid ass Orton/Wal-Mart thing, they better had time to put together a video for one of the company's biggest stars ever.
[quote name='Blackout']They better show at least some sort of video package for Macho Man. If they had time to put together that stupid ass Orton/Wal-Mart thing, they better had time to put together a video for one of the company's biggest stars ever.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure this kind of thinking w/r/t WWE programming is like Charlie Brown thinking Lucy will totally let him kick the football. *this* time for sure.
[quote name='Blackout']They better show at least some sort of video package for Macho Man. If they had time to put together that stupid ass Orton/Wal-Mart thing, they better had time to put together a video for one of the company's biggest stars ever.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mykevermin']Pretty sure this kind of thinking w/r/t WWE programming is like Charlie Brown thinking Lucy will totally let him kick the football. *this* time for sure.[/QUOTE]

You're right. :cry:

Man that angle was SO BAD. What a waste of time. I loved how the camera glitched up so Show could lay down under the car fast enough. Terrible acting and went way too long.
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