The Macho Man Randy Savage Wrestling Memorial Thread

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[quote name='Ugamer_X']Did Beth Phoenix piss someone off? Shouldn't she be feuding with Kong by now?[/QUOTE]

You gotta save the obvious feud until there's more interest in Kongma. Matching her to Beth Phoenix gives an awesome series of matches, but past that there's no apex (lol sup orton) to work toward.

Also Mr. Beef.. sup Reddit image snatcher? :p
I don't think you have Kharma and Beth for months, probably not until mania. Beth would be the only one on the roster who could stand up to Kong, possibly Natalya as well. I know Gail Kim feuded with her in TNA but Gail has underperformed in WWE and isn't a viable opponent.

Swagger would be more believable as a Billy and Chuck character. He has a very fffffabulous vibe about him.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']LOfuckingL at The Big Red Monster holding Big Show's hand.[/QUOTE]

For fuckin' real, dude. I never really felt like I was watching a soap opera when watching wrestling, until Kane was looking deeply concerned and holding Show's hand. fucking comedy goldmine.
As it relates to the Miz, I think the bigger issue is Mike Chioda's blatantly biased officiating. What we need is an official with a proven track record, someone with a history of impartiality and of doing the right thing, someone like Danny Davis.
[quote name='mitch079']I don't think you have Kharma and Beth for months.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. But where has Beth been on tv? I thought she was injured it's been so long. And voila, there she is in a tv segment unannounced.

She's fuckin' dollar signs, man. Not that giggling dime-a-dozen set of tits with the butterfly belt.
As if Miz being an total bitch to Cena wasn't enough, he gets absolutely demolished by Alex fucking Riley. There's your former champion, folks.
That's how you do a fucking face turn. Not at Virgil-smashes-DIbiase level but good enough. Hopefully they don't sqander what they started.
[quote name='Survivalism']Alex Riley.[/QUOTE]
That makes me very, very sad.

Bella bitches,. Kharma coming!? please say yes!

Beth Phoenix? yes please!!
Hahahaha....Emo Kong. SHE JUST WANTS TO BE LOVED.

Maybe it's supposed to be some cheesy commentary on how bullies are all just insecure and want attention or whatever. Regardless, glad they positioned Beth as being the lead opposition, not backing off or looking scared or anything.
They finally get Kharma and Beth Phoenix in the same ring, and THAT'S what happens? Thanks WWE. When you're fucking me again, could I at least get a smidgen of lube?
[quote name='Survivalism']How long has Drew McIntyre had massive pyro?[/QUOTE]
Since probably 5 minutes ago.

The fuck is King talking about? Chicago didn't play Memphis in the playoffs. Stupid asshole.
I missed the opening, but is there a reason why Cole has apparently gone face? It's like he pulled a Bob Newhart and forgot the last year.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']Since probably 5 minutes ago.[/QUOTE]

Oh, good. It's not an entrance unless you get half of the arena to shit themselves.

[quote name='Ugamer_X']More like, "How long has Drew McIntyre been on Raw?".[/QUOTE]

Since the draft. I just didn't know if he had pyro on Smackdown recently.
Lord o'mighty I picked a fine time to take the dogs on a walk.

Drew McIntyre has been with WWE since 2007, and the only things I know about him are (1) he's scottish and (2) his name on the titantron is the same font cincinnati rollergirls use for their logo.

I'm expecting to see him win over Kofi and then get pushed mildly for the next few weeks, then inexplicably dropped down to curtain jerking by the first week of July.

McIntyre is boring as fuck. His whole career thus far has been as thrilling as a bologna sandwich on wonder bread...without miracle whip.

EDIT: Daaaang, this is a bad, bad match.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']Since probably 5 minutes ago.

The fuck is King talking about? Chicago didn't play Memphis in the playoffs. Stupid asshole.[/QUOTE]

Rose played college ball at Memphis
Featuring Kofi in a "Slam of the Week" segment from a match that happened nearly a month ago against a superstar who's no longer on the same show and doing a ton of moves, none of which were really slams, assures that Kofi will win.
[quote name='Undertaker4eber']Rose played college ball at Memphis[/QUOTE]
Gotcha. thanks for clarification.

Where the fuck was Vickie!!?!? Oh, there she is.

Nexus won the tag titles?!!? Awesome!
yeah...guy has a leg injury and you don't go for a leg submission...idiotic and you deserve to lose the match.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']good to see Mr. Perfecter is one half of the tag champs. now Otunga is a 2 time champ, right? Didn't he win it once with Cena?[/QUOTE]

Yes he did.
[quote name='Demolition Man']I wonder how Obama really feels about being used in an ad to sell an WWE PPV?[/QUOTE]
Compared to all of the other shit that's happened, this would probably roll right off his back.

Have to say, I hate how quickly King just accepts Cole being back (snappy quips during commentary included), but I love how much more watchable the program is now that Cole has shut up.
^ They made a lotto game? Hahaha, I'm from KY originally, so I'm well aware of the game cornhole - as well as the difficulty in explaining the simplicity of the game to people outside of that part of the midwest, because they're laughing too hard to listen.

[quote name='Survivalism']"Mr. President! Mr. President! Were you aware Vince McMahon is Republican and hates you because you're black?"[/QUOTE]


At least they didn't make him look that bad, it was a cute (i.e., stupid) ad that doesn't hurt either WWE or Obama. Well, it hurts WWE when people see the ad as a half-retarded, half-plagiarized Coors Light ad.

It's still not as bad as no-selling Obama the week they had the "we killed bin laden" circle jerk show.

Good on them to promote Christian vs Orton in advance. I'd be interested in seeing the match if I had any faith in WWE whatsoever. Also, I'll be in Las Vegas, so fuck watching TV.

EDIT: Oh, good, they're showing highlights of the Lifetime Movie Channel production of "maternal Kane and screaming Show."
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