The New New Urban Dead Cheap Ass Survivor Thread

You guys get any more of them tonight?

EDIT: Plume, if the guy who attacked you isn't on the Rogues Gallery, you should post that screenshot on Brainstock.
Doin' so nao.

EDIT: Good job on the bounty, Yukine. However, it is customary to warn the person just before you finish them off, and post the warning along with the bounty claim.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']Hey Guys,
Buckley Mall finally fell, as did I...

Don't be mad if my zombie alt was a part of taking down Buckley.;) I had nothing to do with your death however.
In fact, I never ran into you during the battle. I've shifted East with that group now, killing all that moves.

In actual CAS news at bldg 3W of our squeaky clean one I killed and dumped the zed, repaired and brought bldg to max VSB.
There were 3 zombies outside of our local PD but that was all, the immediate area is looking much better then it was upon arrival.
[quote name='chuckie88']Don't be mad if my zombie alt was a part of taking down Buckley.;) I had nothing to do with your death however.
In fact, I never ran into you during the battle. I've shifted East with that group now, killing all that moves.

In actual CAS news at bldg 3W of our squeaky clean one I killed and dumped the zed, repaired and brought bldg to max VSB.
There were 3 zombies outside of our local PD but that was all, the immediate area is looking much better then it was upon arrival.[/quote]

Not mad at all - it's part of the game. I was really just pissed that after killing a few zeds and re-cading that that douche picked me out for a zombie to nail me.
[quote name='The Crotch']You guys get any more of them tonight?

EDIT: Plume, if the guy who attacked you isn't on the Rogues Gallery, you should post that screenshot on Brainstock.[/quote]You know that mad science guy? He killed me last night. We found one of his friends up north and i went and killed him in revenge on the CGR.
[quote name='lokizz']can anyone help with a revive? im outside marven mall on ducket lane.[/quote]

Umm, you are like WAY the fuck away from any of us. Unless there is a spare CAS member roaming around, you're going to have to hoof it.
Jake: Good work. Who'd you get? Trav again?
Lokizz: Due to how AP-intensive a revivification is, it is always preferable that you come to us. If absolutely necessary, someone could probably move out some to meet you, but you've gotta be doing most of the moving.

EDIT: Having said that, if anyone is in Lokizz' area, by all means revive him. And if you're semi-near him, shoot him a PM to arrange a revivification.
[quote name='The Crotch']Doin' so nao.

EDIT: Good job on the bounty, Yukine. However, it is customary to warn the person just before you finish them off, and post the warning along with the bounty claim.[/quote]

Thanks, I'll do that from now on.
[quote name='The Crotch']Jake: Good work. Who'd you get? Trav again?
Lokizz: Due to how AP-intensive a revivification is, it is always preferable that you come to us. If absolutely necessary, someone could probably move out some to meet you, but you've gotta be doing most of the moving.[/quote]No it wasn't trav, i can't remember the name now, but it wasn't him. He had a two part name.
My dead survivor alt keeps getting knocked down at revive points.

It's almost pathetic when you get killed again without a headshot.

Ooh! You set me back an AP. How will I ever recover?
50% chance I'll be late for the meeting. That's been happening quite a bit lately.[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']My dead survivor alt keeps getting knocked down at revive points.

It's almost pathetic when you get killed again without a headshot.

Ooh! You set me back an AP. How will I ever recover?[/quote]
If he has no headshot, then he's probably just killing you for EXP. Or he's an idiot. Or - and this is the most likely one - he's an idiot looking for EXP.
[quote name='chuckie88']There were 3 zombies outside of our local PD but that was all, the immediate area is looking much better then it was upon arrival.[/quote]Well then, it would seem that our presence has had an impact here. I dunno about anyone else, but I've been getting compliments from random people about our work.
About time you got up. You're at least two hours late. If Jake doesn't die at least once a day, he turns into a werewolf.

EDIT: And what happened to using iWitness? Far better.
I forgot to thank Chuck for the heals. Thanks again. Sadly, zombies are a few clicks north instead of our immediate area. I so prefer just walking outside when I'm overburdened with ammo.
No problem father, I heal most survivors most of the time and CAS members all of the time.

Yeah, we have managed to do some good here... even in spite of ourselves.

JJ: Still keepin' that clan award locked for most deaths within a week I see!;)

EDIT: Almost forgot, Detroit sports rolling! (Tigers sweep Yankees, Pistons take series with Magic, and the RED WINGS absolutely destroyed Colorado sweeping the series with an 8-2 win last night!) Go Wings!
I've dropped a generator and heavily barricaded the hospital to the north of PD Chuck healed me in. There are two survivors with me. One has 11 HP. 2 zeds outside. The Dead are around. Bring fuel, FAKs and ammo when you can.
The hospital first mentioned by fatherofcaitlyn is still in good shape, powered, and VHB.
Didn't see any zeds outside either, there was one outside the Firehouse to the North.

I dispatched him and brought the building in betweeen up to max VSB.
I'll probably use tomorrow to scout for / restock supplies, so far so good.
For someone who purports to be my mortal enemy, you do a shit job of killing me. I haven't even moved in a fucking day, man. I'm sure Geno is already revived.
Amusingly, he always decides to kill me on the weekends where I'm too busy to play. Been sitting there with 50 AP for about a day or so myself.
Good to know I'm not the only guy who did that last night.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure that I'm not that far away, Option. I await your arrival.
Man, killing things is such an easier way to get XP than this heal/revive crap I've been doing. I'm enjoying my new zombie hunter role. Now I just need headshot.

Can someone PM me where exactly you guys are cleaning house?
We're spread across Paynterton and Pitneybank. I suggest you come to the IRC chat from time to time if you want to bounty hunt, or talk to Chuckie about reclaiming buildings and such.
Today was a good day for restocking, I'm ready if anything goes down tomorrow.

My real-life schedule is changing quite a bit this week for the duration of the summer.
I may be online at different times then before and less frequently but I'm not quiting CAS as of now.

If anybody has specific plans to occur in the next few days I'm game, hit me with a PM.
Hey guys, I'm in the burb now and some nice passer-by revived me when I got here.

I would have been here a few days ago, but I decided to grab a bite here and there on the way...
I'm in Pitneybank -- though I could use a revive just south of the mall at the hospital (83,47). Let's just say I see the barricade plan isn't being followed exactly. Where are the vsb's in this place?

I'll stand up tomorrow morning so no rush.
Like I said, motherfucker, I'm already back. Considering I've killed you twice, you've got to catch up.
[quote name='Maklershed']I'm now at the southern rp in Tollyton. Would someone be so kind as to help me out and revive me.[/quote]That's, like... 4 suburbs away. And it takes 10 AP to revive someone. Unless there's someone down there - and there shouldn't be - you're gonna have to get closer for me to do anything.
Finally made it to you guys after like three weeks of playing.

Also, the survivors seem to be taking back Malton if the suburb military reports are to be believed.
Spent 40 ap walking around looking for something to do, couldn't find anything at all.
All buildings were operational and barricaded and there were no zeds to be found.
I even used my handy-dandy binoculars to scout for activity to no avail.
I believe this area to be pretty secure for the immediate future.

I formally volunteer myself for travel and/or scouting in any direction.
This might work out well as I operate somewhat apart from the group already.
Crotch: if this sounds good to you let me know your thoughts/ideas via PM.
If anyone else has ideas or wants to travel in unison, let me know.
Damn IRC not working for me today. Anyway, Chuckie, you have my approval to do that. Send me a PM if you have any areas that you're particularly interested in, and we'll talk about it.[quote name='insertcleverthing']
Also, the survivors seem to be taking back Malton if the suburb military reports are to be believed.[/quote]They aren't, but things aren't as bad for us as they were a while back.
bread's done