The New New Urban Dead Cheap Ass Survivor Thread

[quote name='The Crotch']Miss a contraction there, Jake?

I'm betting you're looking too far west, anyway.[/quote]It was 11 at night, sue me.:lol:

I went about midway on the map from north almost all the way south.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']Well, I've gotten around the work firewall, so I'm up for joining the game. Need any roles in particular for CAS?[/quote]

Individual roles are pretty well supplied but we can always use revive and combat focused characters.
Glad to have you aboard, check out the various wiki pages for tips on getting started in UD.

Here's the main wiki:

A handy link when starting out:
And another:

Finally here's our CAS wiki:

After you start up be sure to add yourself to the wiki and put Cheap Ass Survivors in your character's profile.
Feel free to ask any other questions, many of us will be happy to answer as best as we are able.
[quote name='option.iv']
Now, I wonder why you took your name and info off the CAS wiki... Hiding perhaps?

You don't even wear the CAS tag anymore, tsk tsk.[/quote]

You don't need to lie about your kills, Option. You know that neither of those things are true. Focatz has never listed CAS in his profile, and he hasn't modified the Wiki page in... ever? I don't have time to sort through it right now (got a patio door to install - fuck me); I'll check later. The last person to modify the member list was Ravenbear, and he only made a minor change to his own thing.

And curiously, an unknown individual had vandalized our page shortly before that. Gee, I wonder...
Went on a shopping run for shells to where Crotch just mentioned.

Found the Northern entry point at lightly with a lone zed outside to blame.

I dispatched him and brought the place up to max VSB on my way through.
The Cannonball Crew are the most annoying people ever. We should kill them all just so they STFU for five frickin' seconds.

In other news, getting 100% in GTA IV is a bitch.
Can't blame you there. I've wasted many an Action Point on account of No More Heroes.

EDIT: What's the CC up to that's got you so pissed off at 'em?
Done and done. Entry points are buildings designated to never be higher than "very strongly barricaded" - the highest level you can get without blocking people out. It takes about a full day's of AP for a high-level zombie to get through it.
[quote name='option.iv']
Now, I wonder why you took your name and info off the CAS wiki... Hiding perhaps?

You don't even wear the CAS tag anymore, tsk tsk.[/quote]

Somebody actually accused me of being your secret reviver because I didn't have the tag on my profile.

FYI, I never put the CAS tag on my profile, but I certainly didn't remove my name from the CAS wiki.

I'm more freelance than group. Crotch points in a direction. I go there ... eventually. I have all of the human skills and enough equipment to be effective everywhere.

On the zombie side of things, I have enough holes in my skillset that short layovers as a dead body give me a chance to burn up extra XP to have a rounded out character.

As final note, would you please buy the Headshot skill and not dump my body outside? Only a child would spend 30+ AP on what causes an opponent to use only 1 AP to recover from. Then, you do me the favor of moving me 1 spot closer to the revive point where I can snack on zombies for XP while I wait.
The northern entry point I mentioned yesterday was wide open with a sole zed inside.

He had infected the survivor inside and taken him down to 32hp.

I killed and dumped the zed, brought the human to 60hp, and the 'cades to max VSB.
[quote name='The Crotch']Done and done. Entry points are buildings designated to never be higher than "very strongly barricaded" - the highest level you can get without blocking people out. It takes about a full day's of AP for a high-level zombie to get through it.[/quote]

Gotcha. I did some more walking closer to where Sean told me the group was at. I'll be on IRC here and there to get better acquainted with everything. I'll add myself to the Wiki in a second.
Last minute camping trip is gonna occupy me for the next few days. This is your big chance, Option. Until I get back, Geno, sp00ge, and Chuckie are in charge.
[quote name='The Crotch']Last minute camping trip is gonna occupy me for the next few days. This is your big chance, Option. Until I get back, Geno, sp00ge, and Chuckie are in charge.[/QUOTE]

last time you left was when he went psycho and started killing JJ all the time.
Wonder who will break this time? ;)
[quote name='ravenbear']last time you left was when he went psycho and started killing JJ all the time.
Wonder who will break this time? ;)[/quote]

I think we'll learn who the spy is this time, as I suspect someone here is up to something. sp00ge knows.
[quote name='ravenbear']last time you left was when he went psycho and started killing JJ all the time.
Wonder who will break this time? ;)[/quote]

Attention Crotchettes. This is the time to leave Crotch's side now. If you refuse and remain loyal to him, you shall not be safe. Some of you have already recieved a warning.

Make the right decision and refuse Crotch as leader. It is for the betterment of CAS, as a whole. Again, I am not seeking his position, but rather wish to cease his ineffective and detrimental influence.

A couple have already joined along side me to aid in cleansing CAS. If you join us, I can guarantee our full cooperation.

Make your alliances clear, any ounce of loyalty to Crotch will not be tolerated. For now, any who do not verbally seperate themselves from Crotch (post in thread), I will assume as our enemy and will continue to experience resistance until they have done so.

That is all.
[quote name='option.iv']Attention Crotchettes. This is the time to leave Crotch's side now. If you refuse and remain loyal to him, you shall not be safe. Some of you have already recieved a warning.

Make the right decision and refuse Crotch as leader. It is for the betterment of CAS, as a whole. Again, I am not seeking his position, but rather wish to cease his ineffective and detrimental influence.

A couple have already joined along side me to aid in cleansing CAS. If you join us, I can guarantee our full cooperation.

Make your alliances clear, any ounce of loyalty to Crotch will not be tolerated. For now, any who do not verbally seperate themselves from Crotch (post in thread), I will assume as our enemy and will continue to experience resistance until they have done so.

That is all.[/quote]

fuck you option. fuck you up your ass.

Crotch wasn't here to say it, someone has to.
[quote name='option.iv']Attention Crotchettes. This is the time to leave Crotch's side now. If you refuse and remain loyal to him, you shall not be safe. Some of you have already recieved a warning.

Make the right decision and refuse Crotch as leader. It is for the betterment of CAS, as a whole. Again, I am not seeking his position, but rather wish to cease his ineffective and detrimental influence.

A couple have already joined along side me to aid in cleansing CAS. If you join us, I can guarantee our full cooperation.

Make your alliances clear, any ounce of loyalty to Crotch will not be tolerated. For now, any who do not verbally seperate themselves from Crotch (post in thread), I will assume as our enemy and will continue to experience resistance until they have done so.

That is all.[/quote]

I think your whole problem is your selling point of this idea. Have you considered campaigning? This whole follow me or die doesn't really seem to be working. You speak of the betterment of CAS yet show nothing but trying to hamper efforts of CAS members.

Labeling us "crotchettes" isn't helping your case any, hell for that no way would I join you.

Chuckie, tbroo send me a pm and we can coordinate a revive as long as i'm still standing.
Oh no, I've been killed. Whatever shall I do. My whole life revolves around UD.

Finally! I've been deliberate in posting exactly where I've been for 2 days now waiting for this.
I've got quite a few xp points waiting to be spent on zombie skills and thought this would do it.
Have to admit I didn't think it would be SeanAmI12 (yes back to that) pulling the trigger though.
I noticed the screenshot identifies tbroo as being dead as well, maybe that's from option?

Couple questions about the screenshot for you option:
First why are you posting Sean's kill instead of your own?
Second, why does it say "some of you have already recieved a warning" before the kill screen?
Last I checked, killing someone was a lot different then warning them.

I'm actually kind of pleased with the way this works out, I had recently been thinking of what to do in UD.
Maybe you two are trying to give me motivation to keep playing in your own way.
Goes along with the whole "leave the group that you joined for no reason at all or be shot" line of reasoning.
Either way, I'm cool with it. Makes me feel super important being put in charge and killed in the same day.

To add to ravenbear's comments; option.iv has no interest in the betterment of the CAS or its members in any way shape or form.
That much at least should be very obvious to anyone who has been paying attention.
I also agree that name-calling is a sure fire way to make somebody NOT like you or your "cause".
In all honesty option, what would you do if everyone "joined" you anyway?

Actually, these tactics are identical to those of a 1st grade bully at my elementary school.
Yes, every teacher and administrator on staff knows his name and face for the wrong reasons.
Yes, he's a very dramatic little boy that will do anything and everything for attention.
Yes, he picks fights when bored and at the end of every single day remains very, very lonely.

Not saying you're lonely. Just that you're bored and the similarities are uncanny.
[quote name='chuckie88']
I also agree that name-calling is a sure fire way to make somebody NOT like you or your "cause".
Option has a cause? I must have missed that post. I thought he was just around to be annoying - you know, to add in some douchebag to the fun equation.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']Option has a cause? I must have missed that post. I thought he was just around to be annoying - you know, to add in some douchebag to the fun equation.[/quote]

I thought he was more of the one pointing out who is the "in crowd" if option kills you, you must be cool. I think JJ is way cool!! Me, i'm not part of the in crowd yet, perhaps one day I will be.:roll:
I'll agree options way of stating things is over dramatic and I do not agree with all his points.
Something with this group needs to change and at this point I doubt it will. Barely anything constructive is being done, so Im just going to go off on my own and do whatever is fun for me. The kills are a minor inconvenience and the most extreme way to get my message across.

I do not plan on only pursuing you guys such as option has, but since I am at the risk of retaliation I will not hesitate to kill anyone I feel is pursuing me.
sean: Don't worry I ain't mad atcha', I care far too little about UD for that.
Just to clarify, what was the message behind your kills? That you're bored with the game?
Don't worry, I don't follow or persue anybody in particular. If our paths cross, its random.

ravenbear: I'm standing again at the same place as before, get me if I'm still there when you're on.
I was standing there waiting to be revived and alleged CAS member halfbent shot me a few times, and THAT is a bit excessive I think.

Maybe halfbent is in the "against us" camp of option's black and white world?
Or maybe he simply doesn't have me on his contact list, who knows.
If that's the case h.b. don't worry about it, I was dead already anyway.
[quote name='option.iv']Attention Crotchettes. This is the time to leave Crotch's side now. If you refuse and remain loyal to him, you shall not be safe. Some of you have already recieved a warning.

Make the right decision and refuse Crotch as leader. It is for the betterment of CAS, as a whole. Again, I am not seeking his position, but rather wish to cease his ineffective and detrimental influence.

A couple have already joined along side me to aid in cleansing CAS. If you join us, I can guarantee our full cooperation.

Make your alliances clear, any ounce of loyalty to Crotch will not be tolerated. For now, any who do not verbally seperate themselves from Crotch (post in thread), I will assume as our enemy and will continue to experience resistance until they have done so.

That is all.[/quote]Kiss my dead, rotting ass.
[quote name='ravenbear']I thought he was more of the one pointing out who is the "in crowd" if option kills you, you must be cool. I think JJ is way cool!! Me, i'm not part of the in crowd yet, perhaps one day I will be.:roll:[/quote]
He's just got some sort of necrophiliac crush on me.
JJ: Hmmm...sounds kinky; true or just wishfull thinking on your part I wonder?;)
Just kidding, actually I think schoolboy crushes are sweet.:D

Yeah some random dude revived me, I used a few FAKs and am as good as new.
Saw a ruined building so I repaired and barricaded it, nothing else to report.
[quote name='Mike23']my word, option is unpleasant. Play the game and kill the zombies there, pal.[/quote]

He doesn't have Headshot yet. It would be an even greater waste of AP for him to kill zombies.

What level is option.iv?

I've been playing for 5 months and my skills are nearing their maximum while he struggles to add a moderate ability.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']He doesn't have Headshot yet. It would be an even greater waste of AP for him to kill zombies.

What level is option.iv?

I've been playing for 5 months and my skills are nearing their maximum while he struggles to add a moderate ability.[/quote]
Headshot doesn't work on humans.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']So did I pick the wrong time to get involved? Seems like there's some strife going on.[/quote]

nah, just option being a dick. welcome to the game.
I have a question. Where can I find the extension that option uses to display what level a building is barricaded to? For example, in his last posted screenshot it says "very stronly barricaded (8-10)" in yellow. It looks to be nice for getting info at a glance. I already use the Firefox UD Toolbar so I'm assuming it's just another smaller extension.

Thanks in advance guys.

By the way, headshotting rotters feels good. Real good.
Just an FYI, I know I have been missing the meetings, but I have been playing everyday - just in a different location.

I'll try to catch the meeting tonight to see what's up.
I am Adam Selene, member of the Mossad (a New Malton Colossus group, partnered with groups like the Cannonball Crew and the Channel 4 News Team), and a Freelance Bounty Hunter.

I was PKed today by a Cheap Ass Survivor, Johnathan Ingram. I am in Caiger Mall, restocking for a Bounty Hunting mission against the Gibsonton Nationals, and this GREATLY INCONVENIENCES me. I have filed a PK report against the offender. I DO NOT have a bounty, and Johnathan soon will. I will continue to restock at Caiger and protect the premesis from any PKers I see.

Please DO NOT PK ME AGAIN. We in the New Malton Colossus take the abuse of our members seriously.

Thank you.
bread's done