The New New Urban Dead Cheap Ass Survivor Thread

[quote name='chuckie88']insertclever: you aren't the only one who found those posts to be quite funny.

Some crazy storms rolling through the ATL metro area at the moment. I may not be on for a bit.
Assuming I don't lose power or anything, I'll check back in later to see what's up.[/QUOTE]

I was dealing with the same storms chuckie.
A little advice, don't keep sleeping in the same building that option already pked someone in unless its a necessity like stocking in the mall.
option: are you on Pacific Time maybe? I was thinking it was 7:30ish when I posted pre-storm.
I'm on Eastern and that would explain the difference. Gotta' love time zones!

sean: hope you and yours are safe and sound post-storm. Wasn't nearly as bad as the last ones!
As for sleeping in buildings, I can't be bothered with that stuff. I harbor no ill will to anyone for something as petty as UD.

Spooge/Yukine: sent you both PM's, it's a race to revive!
Would've done it sooner but I was on the phone with Microshaft.
We were worried for a bit since it was right over north fulton right near us.
Everything is alright though.
First time I actually heard the tornado warning sirens though.
[quote name='chuckie88']I harbor no ill will to anyone for something as petty as UD.


DUDE! UD is totally cereal business. We think Manbearpig is somewhere within Malton.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']Manbearpig? Shit, that n***a still owes me tree fitty!

EDIT: When did the ninja emote go away?[/quote]

When Manbearpig took it. Last seen in Tungeston.
Being as everyone on this particular thread has at least a passing interest in zombies, I wondered if anyone saw Romero's "Diary of the Dead" yet?

I believe it's new to DVD this week and a blockbuster exclusive rental, I plan on watching it this weekend. I'll let you know how it is.

In UD news, I've healed up and restocked my FAKs and am searching for Manbearpig.
Its mediocre.
Some of the scenes are laughable.
Its basically a homemade video account of the zombie outbreak.

If you guys like zombie stuff, I would recommend the comic, The Walking Dead written by Robert Kirkman. If you want some links to it PM me.
Stocked and ready to roll here. Healed up Ashrum to full health. In my "contact color" as a CAS member but no group listing.

Also no UD character named Ashrum on the wiki. Still, the name seems familiar begging the question who's Ashrum?
Yeah, I'm wondering if it's somebody that used to play with us and has been gone for a while?

I don't know, not thinking anymore about it tonight that's for sure.

Last day to deal with the kids tomorrow, so it'll be a wild one. I'm going to bed. G'night boys.
I'm active. I just choose sometimes not to follow where you guys are going. However, I appreciate crotch's status updates via PMs.
[quote name='SeanAmI122886']Its mediocre.
Some of the scenes are laughable.
Its basically a homemade video account of the zombie outbreak.

If you guys like zombie stuff, I would recommend the comic, The Walking Dead written by Robert Kirkman. If you want some links to it PM me.[/quote]
Worse than Land of the Dead? 'Cause that one wasn't too great... I think Romero has lost his edge.

Speaking of good zombie stuff, I wish someone would just do Richard Matheson right and make a proper I Am Legend. The thing's been done what, like three times now? -And it has yet to follow the source material.

These things keep me up at night.
I dunno.
Its obvious he didnt get any money to make the movie, so its hard to judge it against a movie where he got siginifcantly more money.

Omega Man and Last Man on Earth are terrible.
Last Man on Earth followed the source material somewhat closely at least.
You guys wanna go bowling? that's bowling for columbine...

The Columbine kids are coming to Gibsonton, that should spice things up.
I carry four fully loaded pistols and three fully loaded shotguns (no sense wasting AP on reloads in the heat of battle). Beyond that I'd say I have around 5-6 pistol clips and 4-5 shotgun shells at any given time. I'd carry more, but that damn toolbox weighs so damn much...

You might want to go find a flak jacket too. Those never hurt. In searching for the one I eventually got, I ended up finding something like 14 pistol clips.
Drop any extra flack jackets, one is all you need.
It never gets used up so the extras are useless.

Ammo is entirely up to you and what you plan to do.
To be well rounded you may also carry other items.

Also don't underestimate the useful fire axe.
It can really help when ammo is unavailable.
I try to keep at least 50 rounds of pistol ammo and 10 shotgun ammo. I try not to hold onto clips or shotgun shells, i just keep the guns themselves loaded.
I love that v-chip commerical where that woman is talking to a bunch of prison cons, that one guy says to her "It's a verb, to shank."
I should have noted a good portion of my inventory is dedicated to support items (DNA extractor, syringes, FAKs, radio, spraypaint, crowbar for overcaded buildings, etc.).

If all you are looking for is straight-up ammo, there is no better way than malls + the bargain hunting skill. You should be able to fully restock with a full day's AP.
Okay guys, I know that this is very short notice, but there will be an important vote at the meeting tonight. We'll start things in a half an hour (8:00 Mountain) and should have things done by 8:30 Mountain. PM me if you can't remember IRC details.

EDIT: Ashrum, eh? If I had the will, I'd go through the Wiki history. But I don't have the will. Recognize the name, though.
Guess who's back boys?

KingRoach killed Dick Weiner. (14 hours and 4 minutes ago)
KingRoach shot you with a shotgun for 8 damage. (14 hours and 4 minutes ago)
KingRoach shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (14 hours and 4 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (14 hours and 3 minutes ago) ...and again. (14 hours and 3 minutes ago) ...and again. (14 hours and 3 minutes ago) ...and again. (14 hours and 3 minutes ago) ...and again. (14 hours and 3 minutes ago) ...and again. (14 hours and 3 minutes ago) ...and again. (14 hours and 3 minutes ago) ...and again. (14 hours and 3 minutes ago)
You were killed by KingRoach. (14 hours and 3 minutes ago)

I walked around a bit as a zed and attacked some poor low level soul sleeping outside.
Bought another zombie skill, so not a total loss I guess.
Regardless, if somebody is bored tonight or tomorrow and can do a revive PM me.
I'm assuming everyone's having no trouble following the orders in the last PM. If anything's delaying, you, be absolutely sure to tell me. Moving as one is very important - if it doesn't look like we can, I'll delay things. In fact, I'm kinda expecting that.

There's a zombie group that may-or-may not be swinging around the area. Could fuck things up, but I think it'll work out in our favour.
Nobody else wanted the job.

EDIT: Not entirely true. Option wanted the job, but we all know how that would go.

Also, the zombies I mentioned earlier deny that they're anywhere near us. Take that as you will.
[quote name='The Crotch']I'm assuming everyone's having no trouble following the orders in the last PM. If anything's delaying, you, be absolutely sure to tell me.

There's a zombie group that may-or-may not be swinging around the area. Could fuck things up, but I think it'll work out in our favour.[/quote]

Ummmm...yeah I'm still dead from King Roach so that might be considered a delay.
I'm standing at a revive point so we'll see, maybe it'll be no big deal.
And yes, there are some zeds in the area. I saw an NT and a PD ruined but no hordes outside over a dozen.

As a follow up to my question about "Diary of the Dead" sucked big time and that's being kind.
Piss-poor acting and laughable dialoge; the best line of the movie is written by a mute character.
The Red Wings crushed Pitt though so the night was not a total wash, I'll check in tomorrow to see what's up.

EDIT: I've been revived, I'll check in later to see if I can help with things.
[quote name='The Crotch']Nobody else wanted the job.

EDIT: Not entirely true. Option wanted the job, but we all know how that would go.

Also, the zombies I mentioned earlier deny that they're anywhere near us. Take that as you will.[/quote]
I never wanted the job. I'd have to agree with Sean that you suck.
Option: please, for the love of God, put out that pants fire. Global warming, for fucks sake.

Everyone: looks like a pile of people won't have the AP to do much today, so we're attacking tomorrow. Same time as what was specified in the PM. If you have not yet moved into position, go to the northern half of the area I mentioned - that's where the heaviest fighting should be, at least to start. Post or send me a PM if you're in position just so I'm clear and/or if you need a target.
[quote name='JolietJake']It's hard to take criticism seriously unless the criticizer can do a better job, something I'm not very convinced of.[/QUOTE]

Im on a mission from god.
[quote name='The Crotch']You're 796 years too late for that particular crusade, Sean.[/QUOTE]

Guess you don't understand JJs name.
[quote name='SeanAmI122886']Guess you don't understand JJs name.[/quote]

Illinois Nazis... I hate Illinois Nazis....

And damnit. I'm actually all set to go for tonight, AP will max out right at scheduled time, and now it won't happen. :bomb:
Okay, here's the deal. We're still attacking tomorrow. I'm gonna spend my AP walking around the general area trying to find the profiles of as many enemies as humanly possible, which I shall post on here shortly before the attack time.

Sp00ge, you wanna help with that? It's a lot of ground to cover.

[quote name='SeanAmI122886']Guess you don't understand JJs name.[/quote]It's from Blues Brothers. We've had this conversation in IRC a billion times. Guess you don't understand the Children's Crusade.

EDIT: Many thanks to those PMing me with their locations. Just hold tight until further notice. Like I said, I'll have the target list up soon enough.
Minor issue - That building I was in where we tied Sean down, tortured, and killed him.. zombies broke in. I am alive and have moved safely and I am not infected, but I had to burn an extra AP or two doing so.
bread's done