The New New Urban Dead Cheap Ass Survivor Thread

I'm sorry, do I have a sign on my forehead that says "Argue with Me?"

AND for your information: Refer to the Last post on THIS page (Author Hardcore Rockabilly) and you will see a bounty post, please take note of the MODERATOR NOTE SAYING MY BOUNTY IS CLEARED.

This kill was a PK, and will be treated as such. It is proper bounty hunting etiquette to refer to the bounty claim thread BEFORE claiming a bounty of 1 or 2.

[quote name='PlumeNoir']Nice job, Raven.

Although, he never said he has never had a bounty on him. It looks like he just cleared yesterday.[/quote]

I never said that I have never had a bounty, I said I DO NOT have a bounty.

Either way, that guy is a PKer.

please refer to this area for guidelines to commonly accepted bounty hunting rules.
[quote name='Adam Selene']I never said that I have never had a bounty, I said I DO NOT have a bounty.

Either way, that guy is a PKer.

please refer to this area for guidelines to commonly accepted bounty hunting rules.[/quote] you get this worked up against everyone giving you the benefit of doubt, or am I special?
[quote name='yukine']Rogue Gallery showed you as having a bounty of 2. Don't blame me for their shit not working.[/quote]

Exactly. According to what I'm reading, your bounty status was cleared just hours ago. For all anyone knows, that bounty was still showing at the time of your killing. As said, if the info isn't up-to-the-minute, how can people know? We're not psychics.

That said, please don't come to our forums and stir up trouble over something that the facts clearly show as a no-fault killing. Not our fault, not our problem.

Have a nice day, Mr. Selene.
Do you always barge in with a shitstorm on your heels when you join a community, Selene? Because that's rude as hell. Maybe we'd be more sympathetic if you didn't come across as such an asshole in your posts, but I'm sure most of us won't have any problems taking you out if you happen to be showing the smallest bounty from here on out.
sp00ge said you where felating option
Sp00ge was jealous, obviously
I imagine I give good head
do you do that thing with your tongue?
like humming the theme to Benny Hill?
if not, not interested

Nuff said.
[quote name='Adam Selene']I'm sorry, do I have a sign on my forehead that says "Argue with Me?"

Nah I think the sign was on your back "Shoot Me"
After our new friend Adam's tirades about being killed within 24 hrs of his bounty clearing I feel like such an underechiever.

I didn't even bother to report my own recent murder at sean's hands at all, let alone flip out over it, I must be SUPER lazy.

The only time I messed around with that Rouge's Gallery BS was when JJ wanted me to whack him to lower his own bounty.

Anybody got anything that needs done tonight around our present 'burb? I'm ready, willing, and able for anything.
[quote name='georox']Nuff said.[/quote]

[quote name='Adam Selene']I'm sorry, do I have a sign on my forehead that says "Argue with Me?"

AND for your information: Refer to the Last post on THIS page (Author Hardcore Rockabilly) and you will see a bounty post, please take note of the MODERATOR NOTE SAYING MY BOUNTY IS CLEARED.

This kill was a PK, and will be treated as such. It is proper bounty hunting etiquette to refer to the bounty claim thread BEFORE claiming a bounty of 1 or 2.


Hey, you came here starting shit with us, with an attitude like that, i'll PK your ass if i see you.
[quote name='sp00ge']Exactly. According to what I'm reading, your bounty status was cleared just hours ago. For all anyone knows, that bounty was still showing at the time of your killing. As said, if the info isn't up-to-the-minute, how can people know? We're not psychics.

That said, please don't come to our forums and stir up trouble over something that the facts clearly show as a no-fault killing. Not our fault, not our problem.

Have a nice day, Mr. Selene.[/quote]

Yes, he was showing as having a bounty when I killed him.

I'll have to check the bounty forums for any recent clearings from now on as:

A. Rogues Gallery isn't the most up-to-date.


B. I don't want whiny babies coming to CAG to complain.
Wow, this toolbox Adam has stirred up a united front among the CAS the likes of which I haven't seen in some time.
Maybe this kind of "gung-ho-ness" is what option.iv has been after all along?

EDIT: Found a single zed wandering the streets, killed him melee style and tagged a billboard before settling in for the night.
:DRed Wings finally put away the Stars baby! Now for those pesky Penns!:D
Hi Yukine,

It looks like his bounty was down to one, and there was a pending bounty claim from yesterday that got filed in the meanwhile. Since the timing was pretty tight, I've referred it to moderation.

I PMed a mod about it at UD, so hopefully this gets worked out.
God dammit. It's like every time I take off for a weekend, we get some fucking forum drama.

EDIT: I am gone for nearly 4 days, and Option doesn't kill me? Unless he too was gone for some of that time, there is not fucking excuse for that.
[quote name='ravenbear']Nah I think the sign was on your back "Shoot Me"[/quote]

Have you ever heard of the Cannonball Crew? The Blackmore Bastard Brigade? the Channel 4 News Team? Together, we are called the "New Malton Colossus", one of the finest forces in Malton. It would be wise to keep us as friends, not enemies. It would be a shame if someday, when you needed us, we didn't show. Refer to say, the Battle of the Bear Pit, or EVERY siege of Caiger Mall. We are here to help the survivor population, so why would you kill one of our members? I have "Mossad" in my group line, the coordinated strike team that aids the Cannonball Crew and the New Malton Colossus, and in our off time, we bounty hunt.
(And that bounty I racked up was NOT a random PK, it was a joke between a friend and I. After I killed him, I called him, told him to stand up, and I revived him. the RG report was also a joke.)

I am a bounty hunter, and we do not take kindly to being killed. We expect all of our kind (Bounty Hunters) to operate within certain parameters, which include checking to make sure your victim has an Active bounty. The RG software is moderated by only three or four people, and it takes them a while to clear the list of pending entries. As such, we are sure to check the pending reports back to the last entry, and use the Rogue's Gallery software as a guide, not a "Written In Stone" rulebook. If you are going to take up Bounty Hunting using the Rogue's Gallery, I suggest you learn how we RG hunters operate.

Also: I took it upon myself to refer the case to Moderation. I suggested that an entry be assigned, but no bounty. I *can* understand that you can't be expected to know the current status of everyone who had a bounty, but I do not think I am so unreasonable in requesting that you take the usual precautions in collecting a Low Bounty target, and actually READ my statement regarding that Bounty Claim. (I provided the customary statement of intent to collect a bounty)

And, in regard to that "Shoot Me" comment, I'd like to think that you and your group are more tasteful than that. I shall remain in Caiger a couple days longer to reload and reFAK before I depart. I should hope that there are no future difficulties?

Thank you,
Adam Selene - Mossad Operative
Also, I would like to add that I would appreciate the cessation of hostilities against my (zombified) character by the likes of Enigo Montoya and Joilet Jake. There is no reason to dole out headshots to NON-HOSTILE survivors at designated Revive Points.

You are walking the path of the griefer, here, and it NEEDS to stop.
And you need to stop considering me the target of unwarranted hostilities by your group. You've how set me back 12 hours on my schedule to assist the residents of (A Suburb) by hunting (A PKer Group). You are not the F***ing rulers of this suburb, and I'd appreciate it if you'd ignore my presence.

I simple agreement to the cessation of hostilities against my group and me would suffice, and I'd be on my way. That's all.

Oh, and the longer you keep giving me headshots, the longer I'll be around.
Holy shit. The internets is super cereal guys. After reading the last few posts, I feel like I have the most healthy social life ever.

Also, for someone who acts so smart and authoritarian on assinine matters, you sure like to double post there Adam. Ever heard of common forum guidelines?

I already don't like this guy just for being allied with the CC. Those guys are the most annoying, loud-mouthed asshats in Malton and their defense strategies are beyond stupid (keep the fort gatehouse at EHB++...really?!).

But it's ok, because I subscribe to the VPG (Vague Pointless Guidelines). You can read our policies at our random, obscure, and arcanely-coded wiki. Google it. It's only a couple thousand lines long and littered with terrible logic and grammar. If you don't, however, I will report you to my other three - erm, I mean *seventy-five* friends. We will fuck you up or something. I'm totally cereal. We know where you live and we can totally hack your cookies. We do it for the lulz.

-Malton Thug4Life
You see, it's that whole "I will kill you" thing that makes this game NOT FUN at times. I'm a fucking BOUNTY HUNTER! why would you waste your ammo on me? I think there are *real* PKers around here that could use it.

I really would like for this bullshit to be over, so I can just play the fucking game.
If you don't, however, I will report you to my other three - erm, I mean *seventy-five* friends. We will fuck you up or something. I'm totally cereal. We know where you live and we can totally hack your cookies. We do it for the lulz.

You are so very intimidating.
Sarcasm not your strong suit? I couldn't have made that anymore a parody of the exact stuff you've been posting if I tried. Man, by me having to explain that to you you've set my CAG browsing time back TWELVE MINUTES!
Okay, calm down, calm down.

CAS: Do not kill him 'less he attacks you. That includes you, Sean. There are better uses for your AP than this. At least, I think there are. There are where I'm standing at the moment, and like I think I said earlier, I'm trying to organize some games with The Saints - we'll need our bullets for that.

Adam: No bitching. Wan Yao? That motherfucker knows how to take getting shot. And I don't care if they forged Ron Burgundy's trident out of hairs plucked from your beard, alrighty? If you wanna play the experience card, my boys Timur Leng and especially Subotei have been around Malton a fuck of a lot longer than you. Also, who're you boys focusing on right now?
[quote name='The Crotch'] Also, who're you boys focusing on right now?[/quote]

Uhhh, well, I am operating separately from the Mossad, for the moment. (they're operating near my Axes High alt's position, and AH isn't exactly *mobile*... okay, we've been in B-Ville for 3 years.)

I'm gearing up for an offensive on a *certain group* (I'll pm with details) which has been plaguing a certain suburb. I think It's the MM, a couple DEM groups, The Saints, a few freelancers (IE: me) and oddly enough, a few members of DORIS.

Again, PM to follow.
Really, it would be awesome if you felt like joining us, we could use the manpower.
PM sent. I'll put in the word for you on that board. Your members will have to get access (screened by an admin, confirmed by you) if they want in, but it's safer than posting the info on this (rather public) thread.
Jiminy Christmas, I really thought this whole thing had a chance of dying when I logged off for the night.
Obviously, I was wrong. Then again what do I know about the seriousness of the internets, I can't even do an IRC chat!

At least forums are good for a chuckle every now and again, like when Crotch says "that includes you sean".
Maybe nobody told you Crotch, but when you were gone sean killed tbroo and I because he was bored or something.

So um yeah, he may or may not go after this new guy. Adam didn't exactly make himself a bunch of friends here.
Regardless, I'll be up for whatever comes our way. Anyone can feel free to hit me with a PM if it is warranted.
Actually, i had nothing better to do than headshot you to be honest. Might as well use the AP.:lol:

Besides, you can't come to a forum acting like that and not expect at least some hostility.;)
But don't you realize you are GREATLY INCONVIENCING him JJ?

...I guess I'm the only one who thought his posts were hilariously dorky...

On an unrelated note, does anyone use mobile phones in the game? I'm wondering if I should just ditch mine. I should probably drop my GPS unit too since the UDToolbar always displays your coordinates regardless.
Yeah, no reason to have a GPS with UDToolbar and such. I would ditch the mobile phone as well since whoever you want to converse with needs one and the mobile masts need to be up and people just don't care all that much about them, they would rather put up a radio tower.
[quote name='chuckie88']Jiminy Christmas,[/quote]Jesus tittyfucking Christ!

[quote name='chuckie88']I really thought this whole thing had a chance of dying when I logged off for the night.
Obviously, I was wrong. Then again what do I know about the seriousness of the internets, I can't even do an IRC chat![/quote]You don't know the half of it. The internet is seriouser than the seriousest cat in the world.

[quote name='chuckie88'] At least forums are good for a chuckle every now and again, like when Crotch says "that includes you sean".
Maybe nobody told you Crotch, but when you were gone sean killed tbroo and I because he was bored or something.[/quote]No, but I can't say that I am surprised. The fuck did nobody respond to my "did anything happen while I was gone" post?

[quote name='chuckie88'] So um yeah, he may or may not go after this new guy. Adam didn't exactly make himself a bunch of friends here.
Regardless, I'll be up for whatever comes our way. Anyone can feel free to hit me with a PM if it is warranted.[/quote]No doubt about it, Adam made about the worst entrance conceivably possible. Makes me think of a bullfrog trying to scare off a coyote or something. But fuck it, there's better stuff to do. Prepare to roll out.
insertclever: you aren't the only one who found those posts to be quite funny.

Some crazy storms rolling through the ATL metro area at the moment. I may not be on for a bit.
Assuming I don't lose power or anything, I'll check back in later to see what's up.
[quote name='The Crotch']Jesus tittyfucking Christ!

You don't know the half of it. The internet is seriouser than the seriousest cat in the world.

No, but I can't say that I am surprised. The fuck did nobody respond to my "did anything happen while I was gone" post?

No doubt about it, Adam made about the worst entrance conceivably possible. Makes me think of a bullfrog trying to scare off a coyote or something. But fuck it, there's better stuff to do. Prepare to roll out.[/quote]
I did, but i didn't know about sean killing anyone. So far as i know the only thing that happened was that option got a few of us.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']
But it's ok, because I subscribe to the VPG (Vague Pointless Guidelines). You can read our policies at our random, obscure, and arcanely-coded wiki. Google it. It's only a couple thousand lines long and littered with terrible logic and grammar. If you don't, however, I will report you to my other three - erm, I mean *seventy-five* friends. We will fuck you up or something. I'm totally cereal. We know where you live and we can totally hack your cookies. We do it for the lulz.

-Malton Thug4Life[/quote]


fucking epic.

[quote name='mIRC chatroom']
Oh, and no talking about our going to Tungeston in the forum.
When do I post anything about UD in the forum?
Maybe that'll be enough for me to get some points
I just post derogatory posts towards others.
we're moving to tungeston?
ill go post crotch is a$$$$$$.
*low man on the totem pole*
Geo: go do that.
Jake: Soon. We've got a war to fight and a clan to break up.
option.iv: where's my screenshot? Here's the text version.

Since your last turn:
  • A flare was fired 12 blocks to the east and 7 blocks to the north. (8 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • option 4 shot you with a shotgun for 8 damage. (3 hours and 1 minute ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (exactly 3 hours ago)
  • option 4 shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (exactly 3 hours ago)
  • You were killed by option 4. (exactly 3 hours ago)
  • option 4 dumped your body out onto the street. (exactly 3 hours ago)
You are dead.

I like how you did it exactly 3 hours ago, you know right after I posted about storms moving through my area and not being online for a bit.
Talk about fair play, I guess we learn more about your character each and every day.

Needless to say gentlemen, I could use a revive. I'm standing right outside the building this happened in, I know some CAS are nearby.
Right in the center of our suburb you'll find my Chubby corpse, (right next to Ylitka's) PM me if you need specifics.

At least now I feel glad that I plugged him last week when I had the chance!

EDIT: I liked the above quote from the chat. Don't worry Jake if you're the low man on the totem pole, I'm the part that's in the ground!
bread's done