The Official "PS3 Ebay Scalpers Wall of Shame"


This picture made it to CNBC today. "On The Money" aired a brief article about "ebay and nudity" and they used this picture to state that ebayers are using nudity to sell playstation 3s...
[quote name='oasisboy']

Nice... we can open that ps3 in her bed. I can go and pick that sucker up in her house. :bouncy:[/quote]
Careful. She's smuggling a texas donut behind that PS3 box.


I think she needs more tanning...
Imagine what she'll look like at 50. If you want a clue, go to a Waffle House at 4AM.
[quote name='spamfree2']



This guy has really not done well. Besides the sleazy pimping out of his sister, if you look at his completed auctions he's had 11 completed auctions for PS3s, NONE of them going over the reserve.

A few were bundles with Xbox 360's or iPods (why on earth?):


His lot of 3 PS3's that he offered for a bargain-basement price of $6000 back on Dec. 22nd sold as a Best Offer to an obvious scammer for $5500:

The follow-up auction for that did not sell at $3500.

He finally learned on his most recent auction to not mess with the stupid reserve and just price the damn thing at what he wants to sell it for (it still won't sell at $750 though, I'm sure, especially as it is a 20GB). He's also given up on all the fancy listing graphics and offers of extra games, etc, with his latest auction :rofl:.

I'm estimating his fees here... I'll just take an average listing like this one:

OK, starting price of $400 with a reserve of, who knows, $1000?, fee = $4.80 for the listing + $10 for the reserve fee (it is 1% of the reserve price, and we don't know exactly what that was but I'm being generous here - based on the BIN of $1750 it was probably higher than $1000). BIN fee = $0.25. A buttload of pictures, I dunno, looks like $1.50 (I have never felt the need to put more than the 1 free picture here).

I'm going to assume he wasn't a dumbass and added the "gallery featured" option which adds $19.95. But let's throw in $2 for misc things like the subtitle and possibly bold listings, etc... Just to round it up, that makes an even $20 on listing fees.

There's one good thing about the reserve auctions - no final value fee if the reserve is not met. Well, there's something anyway.

So, to summarize, at a minimum, this guy is out 9 x $20 = $180 just in unrecoverable listing fees. And that doesn't count the 2 BIN auctions he ran (one of which sold but I'm sure he got his final value fees back on that one as the buyer is no longer registered). So, throw in another $20 total for those 2 and it makes a nice even $200 loss so far. He's still probably got all 3 PS3's hes been trying to sell since mid-Dec and he's got 2 auctions running right now that most likely won't sell. Pathetic...
[quote name='nasum']edavis - I don't think these people think that gamers are stupid, the sellers are just stupid enough to think that they (the seller) have outwitted their local shoppers and can score big profits on the item. With the pre-launch hysteria people were lead to believe that they would be making at least 200% on their money, which they were at the time, but in looking at feedback scores and past auctions of some of these sellers you begin to see a pattern of not being very clever when it comes to eBay.

I must say that I might pay a small premium for some nude photos and/or crotch hair clippings from voynarovitch's high cheek-boned beauty there.[/quote]

You inadvertantly restated my point. What you never mention is who the seller thinks would buy the system, and I strongly believe that these people (who belong in a Pearls Before Swine comic strip) thought that gamers would be stupid enough to pay a high premium just because it's cutting edge. They would also have to belief that gamers have money to blow, and won't think twice before parting with it. It's not a direct insult, but I feel that it kinda demoralizes gamers into a stereotype. "Oh, you play games?" "Then you must buy this Playstation 3 because you have money, are addicted to cutting edge graphics, and are too stupid to realize the ludicrous mark-up on it". That's what I'm saying in a nutshell.

As for the above post (about the guy who reposted about three times); do people really believe anyone would buy an already expensive (and rapidly available) system and then pay an extra $1000 in order to recieve two "free games" and a HDMI cable? What kinda shit has he been smoking?
There was 30 minutes remaining and the high bid was only at $650. I thought about bidding myself but then in the very fine print it said he could only include the free games if the final value reached $2000.

I remember checking out that auction. Much head-shaking and tsk-ing ensued. But that's another contributor to the lack of bids: many would-be buyers see these people, hear the scam stories, and just assume most auctions aren't 'on the level'.

This has been one of the great threads I've seen on the Internet...ever. It's such a shame that it doesn't appear to have much of a future.








So I guess with the decline of the PS3 we've changed this to the Wii ebay scalper's hall of shame? (I'm all for it since this has been my favorite thread!)
So I guess with the decline of the PS3 we've changed this to the Wii ebay scalper's hall of shame? (I'm all for it since this has been my favorite thread!)
Interesting how the Wii auctions are (largely) shifting the photo focus from smut to smiles. Did eBay just start mandating photos to accompany Wii listings, or have they from the beginning? Or are the above photos totally optional?

Whatever the case, keep 'em coming, 'cause it'll all be over soon enough, and I have a feeling we won't see anything else like this for a long-ass time...if ever again.
[quote name='oasisboy']


This picture makes me want to play with my Wii, and no, I don't own the system.
yea, if the posts ever stop coming, this thread needs to be preserved somehow. Have it for download from archives or something XD, we could all look back on this and have a good laugh...:lol:
Interesting how the Wii auctions are (largely) shifting the photo focus from smut to smiles. Did eBay just start mandating photos to accompany Wii listings, or have they from the beginning? Or are the above photos totally optional?

Well I think from launch the rules have been the same for both systems. You must take a picture of the actual item with receipt and ebay seller name visible. Maybe some of the hoarders/scalpers have shifted their focus to the Wii (thus people start appearing in the pictures) since the profitability of the PS3 is gone (although Wii profits are steadily declining as well).
[quote name='mykevermin']Imagine what she'll look like at 50. If you want a clue, go to a Waffle House at 4AM.[/quote]

i literally laughed out loud at that.
[quote name='Dhuk']I found the description,

"Please buy my PS3 for $2,000 to help me lose my virginity fund".

I kid I kid..

but that's probably dead on.[/QUOTE]

melissa midwest lost that along time ago!
Not dead yet!!!


Buy it now for $1,000-->



She is happy! :lol:


Typical Gamer... she loves Resistance!




Xmas present for husband that went bad! Too much spent and he freaked! So my loss is your gain! I'm just trying to cover my credit card interest with this auction"




This is a relist, some guy thought it would be funny and awesome to go and screw up my last auction"


"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If you did not get one for Christmas here it is and do'nt forget Valentines day is right around the corner" ... "I [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] started selling on Ebay because I have guardianship of 3 young children, Emma is 4 years old, Lilly is 6, and Colton is 12, so I decided to be a stay at home Grammy/aunty. It is hard enough to work and raise children when you are young and at my age I figure I can only do one of these and do it well. So I decided that I would sell a few things here and there and put most of what I make in college funds for my kids as I will be approaching my 70's when college time comes. Colton wants to be a pilot or play his violin in a band, Lilly wants to be a doctor, Emma want to sell Happy Meals at McDonalds or be an animal doctor, I'm hoping the later, but either way she will need help. I've found that I really enjoy selling on Ebay, it provides me with some grown up fun and I am building up a little money for the kids futures. I have encountered so many really nice people and for the most part, I think many of the people who have bought my items feel the same. I have worked hard to earn a great reputation.



Typical Gamer... she loves Resistance!

hahahaha - this is the stupid eBay mom that clogs up the line at the post office because she's too stupid to use USPS click 'n ship online and print her postage ahead of time.
[quote name='iamthekiller']

hahahaha - this is the stupid eBay mom that clogs up the line at the post office because she's too stupid to use USPS click 'n ship online and print her postage ahead of time.[/quote]

[quote name='iamthekiller']

hahahaha - this is the stupid eBay mom that clogs up the line at the post office because she's too stupid to use USPS click 'n ship online and print her postage ahead of time.[/QUOTE]

Well, I don't know about that - if she's mailing a PS3 I think it is reasonable to do that at the PO as most people wouldn't have a scale for such a huge box ;) - plus you might want signature conf or return receipt or something unusual like that. The guy that always backs up my PO is a big huge ebayer that always comes with 2 giant sacks full of priority mail boxes (looking like some sort of bizarro world Santa) and pays for each one at the counter. They usually, thankfully, have 2 clerks open at a time and 10-15 people can get through the other line while he's at the first one. I've always wanted to know what the hell he is selling (always a bunch of different shaped priority boxes of all sizes).
[quote name='io']Well, I don't know about that - if she's mailing a PS3 I think it is reasonable to do that at the PO as most people wouldn't have a scale for such a huge box ;) - plus you might want signature conf or return receipt or something unusual like that. The guy that always backs up my PO is a big huge ebayer that always comes with 2 giant sacks full of priority mail boxes (looking like some sort of bizarro world Santa) and pays for each one at the counter. They usually, thankfully, have 2 clerks open at a time and 10-15 people can get through the other line while he's at the first one. I've always wanted to know what the hell he is selling (always a bunch of different shaped priority boxes of all sizes).[/quote]

I will usually box everything up at once I need to ship and either pay for the postage click-n-ship or if I'm not sure of the weight I'll use the automated system they have set up. A week or two before Christmas I had about 4 packages I needed to ship. I knew the lines at the counter would be hellacious so I was planning on using the automated machine. I walk in and there was some lady (either an ebayer or just sending out a fuck load of small Christmas gift) at the machine with two trash sacks full of padded envelopes and small packages! She had 50 small items she needed to send and I'm sure hogged that machine for at least an hour! I was pissed. Instead of taking a couple minutes and getting out I had to wait in line because of this moron!
Heres the question, are these people that bought the system a month or more ago and are just trying to get rid of these still, or are these morons buying new PS3s thinking there is STILL a demmand.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Heres the question, are these people that bought the system a month or more ago and are just trying to get rid of these still, or are these morons buying new PS3s thinking there is STILL a demmand.[/quote]

I'm thinking some of these people are finding them in the stores and jumping on them thinking that they're rare items. Fools.
Probably, it still takes a modicum of effort to find a PS3. Maybe in the next couple weeks we'll see a new wave of these. Now with more moron!
Yesterday 2 out of 3 targets I went to had 20gb and 60gb PS3s collecting dust. Bestbuy had 20+ 60gbs sitting on the shelf. Game selection is so bad right now.
[quote name='io']Well, I don't know about that - if she's mailing a PS3 I think it is reasonable to do that at the PO as most people wouldn't have a scale for such a huge box ;) - plus you might want signature conf or return receipt or something unusual like that. The guy that always backs up my PO is a big huge ebayer that always comes with 2 giant sacks full of priority mail boxes (looking like some sort of bizarro world Santa) and pays for each one at the counter. They usually, thankfully, have 2 clerks open at a time and 10-15 people can get through the other line while he's at the first one. I've always wanted to know what the hell he is selling (always a bunch of different shaped priority boxes of all sizes).[/QUOTE]

(For those that use USPS shipping assistant which prints the label, gives you the free/discounted e-delivery confirmation etc) one reason people don't use Click and Ship or paypal postage to prepay is that many times the PO doesn't scan the package until it is delivered so there is no proof that the package was accepted. Also anxious buyers around the holidays want to know exactly where their package is and if the package isn't scanned until delivered it doesn't update in the system until delivered. With Postal Assistant they are forced to scan it and you get an acceptance scan and better tracking (Like when you buy the green $.55 dc at the post office but online it is free for Priority and $.14 for other forms) Sometimes you can ask the clerk to scan the Click and Ship but I have had them say no before so....Why buy dc and insurance since you can't prove it was even mailed.

Now if he is handwriting his envelopes and not at least getting the free DC (or paying the $.45 for Priority mail DC) than he is wasting money and his time.

I wish they would consistently scan the prepaid labels at point of acceptance and than it would make many peoples lives easier.
[quote name='kklems'](For those that use USPS shipping assistant which prints the label, gives you the free/discounted e-delivery confirmation etc) one reason people don't use Click and Ship or paypal postage to prepay is that many times the PO doesn't scan the package until it is delivered so there is no proof that the package was accepted. Also anxious buyers around the holidays want to know exactly where their package is and if the package isn't scanned until delivered it doesn't update in the system until delivered. With Postal Assistant they are forced to scan it and you get an acceptance scan and better tracking (Like when you buy the green $.55 dc at the post office but online it is free for Priority and $.14 for other forms) Sometimes you can ask the clerk to scan the Click and Ship but I have had them say no before so....Why buy dc and insurance since you can't prove it was even mailed.

Now if he is handwriting his envelopes and not at least getting the free DC (or paying the $.45 for Priority mail DC) than he is wasting money and his time.

I wish they would consistently scan the prepaid labels at point of acceptance and than it would make many peoples lives easier.[/QUOTE]

Yea - when I use PayPal shipping I still wait in line to have the clerk accept and scan the delivery confirmation. One postal clerk thinks I'm nuts when I ask. He says that I'm taking the time to print the postage at home, why would I then wait in line. I tried explaining that it doesn't show up as "ACCEPTED" unless he scans it but he still gives me a hard time (although he always complies with my request).

Get this right on time for xmas...


"This is a japanese ps3 not from China"




" relisted due to a bidder who decided that he was not going to pay on his original bid for it. Please I stress this, ONLY serious bidders for this item"


Limited edition ps3 with 160 gigs of memory!!!!


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]RARE & EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE !!!!!


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]PLEASE HELP THE DREAMS OF NOT[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]JUST ONE[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]TWO PEOPLE[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]COME TRUE

I was able to get this many units by securing a loan from a very kind and considerate relative. Now I know what you are thinking, “wow, rich relative!!” Far from it. This individual happens to have excellent credit and the loan is compliments of a credit card. So, that means I have to pay him back right away because as most of you know, the interest rate on cash advances is not pretty.
Now, the story behind the units. I was able to get this many by hiring individuals to wait in line with me. I can tell you it was not cheap paying these people for over 24 hours of their time, in not so pretty weather.
At this point, you are probably thinking, “why in the world would you go through all this??”
I am fortunate enough to have met the girl of my dreams. She completes me in every way a man should be completed. I love her with all my heart and want nothing more than to put an engagement ring on her finger.
I know that she would be the happiest woman on the planet with anything I present her. Big or small, cheap or expensive, she would not care the least bit. But you know what; she deserves the best and I am hoping to be able to give her that.
When she opens that case, I want her to be blown away!!
If you are the winning bidder, I will be more than happy to share a picture of the ring on her hand once it has been purchased and I have proposed to her.
Regardless of what I say, I know that there will be some of you out there that don’t believe me. I understand and respect that. Just know that I could not be any more sincere and honest about my intentions.


Thats hot!



This is the original ps3 logo...


" bought it to make a little money, but now it seems like that was a little shortsighted so now I have two of these monsters( this auction is for one only), and I need to get rid of them. I thought it would be a good way to make a little cash for Christmas, but now here it is January, and I still have them. I know someone out there will want them. I'm a good person to buy one from. Also my husband thought it was a bad idea ,and crap, he might have been right!
Help me prove him wrong

So I will include these extras to sweeten the pot:
  • If you buy one of these from me I will write your girlfriend/significant other a personalized love poem for valentines day!!!! (this will really impress her and you can pretend you wrote it yourself)
  • I will also draw you a picture of me being really happy that you bought one of these systems, and a picture of my husband sad that he was wrong, but worshipping me for the genius that I am
  • I will also include a valentines day GIFT for your girlfriend/wife (now you will be free from the dreaded shopping experience.
  • I would throw in my first born child, but I am kinda attached to him so, I'm sorry I can't do that
  • I also have original receipts for these so you can go get the extended warranty
  • Also a portion of this sale (5% of profit) will go to Kiva, a non-profit that supplies micro loans to people in third world countries (check them out at They are so cool and even if you don't win please donate to this awesome cause)




I like her pussy...


I am selling this playstation 3 in hopes to get some extra money to pay for some medical bills. My husband was hurt pretty bad in a car accident. He has been unable to work because of this. We would be forever grateful!!







The bonus is only for those who ask for it, NOT automatic!

If the lucky winner chooses so, I will email him/her several (3-5) other pictures from this photoshoot as well as other ones, unpublished on eBay. Believe me, you will like them. The pictures I will send will be much higher resolution than the ones here and without a watermark.


A: NO. Please don't ask, you're not being original

His answer cracked me up. And yes mister "I'll pose my cousin naked w/ the system to get more money" guy, you are being very original.
^^^ Wow... Just, wow...

Anyway, I noticed something strange on ebay recently. When I go to look at auctions it shows only "Bidder 1", "Bidder 2", etc in the bid history. Apparently this is a change ebay has made to "protect" bidders. You also can no longer search on a bidders recent buying history. This is horrendous. Not only does it put a stop to all the sleuthing we did earlier when people were hosing up auctions (we could see how many different PS3s they bid on and how much) thus taking away much fun, it really hurts sellers who are trying to see if bidders are buying a bunch of the same thing. You can't do any basic checks on people who are bidding. That is horrible.

I was looking at this auction
" relisted due to a bidder who decided that he was not going to pay on his original bid for it. Please I stress this, ONLY serious bidders for this item" 4QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

to see what happened with her last one. Well, it sold just a few days ago (Jan 10th) for nearly $3000. But you can't see exactly what happened with the bid history to see who was messing it up (there were 2 or 3 bidders that made it go over $1000). The guy who won left her negative feedback saying "Wants me to pay without ebay knowing so I won't be covered when it doesn't show." which doesn't make any damn sense. In his response to her negative he wrote "Money hungry maniac is threatening me with the FBI now. IT WAS A MISTAKEN BID!". The thing is, he bid twice - once at $2000 and again at $2950, so I can't imagine it was a mistake :rofl:. Then there were 3 other bidders who also bid over $1000. She got hosed too because the first bidder was probably genuine and bid $990 on it which is not bad.

At first I was just going to say she's going to get screwed this time because it is a bundle with 2 games + an extra controller and is only at $405 with a day left - plenty of time, but a zero feedback seller is going to have a rough time of it. Then I looked into the last auction and noticed this bad, IMO, new ebay policy.

What sucks about it is that I can no longer look into the "winning" bidders other bids to see if he's hosing a bunch of other people, which was always good for a laugh. And now you can't even see who the other bidders ARE, let alone look at their history. You can get a *little* sense of the winners history because you can look at his feedback. While this just ruins our fun, it is more serious for people selling. Since they don't seem to do much about these people intentionally ruining auctions, it would be nice if they'd let sellers do some research at least!

And the plot thickens:

She's got a PS3/Wii combo auction up and it is going for $2025 with 1 day left. If we could see the DAMN BIDDERS we'd be able to see if they are hosing up other auctions at the same time. If not, then it would appear someone just doesn't like her :lol:.
[quote name='iamthekiller']I'm thinking some of these people are finding them in the stores and jumping on them thinking that they're rare items. Fools.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't agree more with your statement. My brother called me yesterday and wanted to know if I wanted to buy his friend's PS3. When I told him that no one wants one and that they are in large supply where we live he was stunned. I was kind of thinking that he made the friend thing up and that he actually owns the PS3 himself. Oh, little brothers are so dumb.
Wow. ebay raises their rates to gouge sellers even more (and if you use paypay you get double raped) and now protects the idiots out there that like to do nothing more than F*** with people's auctions.
Hey Io, apparently, you're still able to do a little bit of research on the bidders. You can see any bids they've placed in the last 30 days and their rep as well. It's not all that bad, but I still don't see any reason why they had to alter their original format. I mean, it's not like you see people going to real auctions with bags on their heads and whatnot.
I have no problem with the private bidder feature now - I can't even imagine how many people have been scammed by having their buyer ID in public view for every item they've placed a bid on. The average eBay user isn't that knowledgeable about spotting a scam.
[quote name='gofishn']Wow, those new eBay "features" are complete garbage. I actually feel far less safe when buying/selling on eBay now.[/quote]

Care to explain how protecting your buyer identify makes you feel less safe when both buying and selling? I don't see the logic.
[quote name='iamthekiller']Care to explain how protecting your buyer identify makes you feel less safe when both buying and selling? I don't see the logic.[/QUOTE]
For one thing, you can't identify when there are shill bidders on auctions. If someone has a "partner" (or really even just themselves with a different account) you could see if there is a habit of late "bump" bids on a seller's auction by looking at the bid history. I'm sure there are tons of other reasons why it is in the buyer's interest to see other bidders.

This new policy makes NO sense to me. What are they protecting? You can still find out ID's of auction winners not to mention getting all the ID's you want by trolling feedback of sellers. So in terms of ID theft it is useless. Anyone stupid enough to use their login as their password (the most common way to "hijack" an account) deserves it anyway :lol:.

You know, I was just investigating the limits of this new policy (to add more comments here) by checking out some completed auctions. Now I can see all the bidders' IDs. Maybe the backlash was so severe they've already retracted it?
It may have an adverse affect for researching shill bidders, but the handoff is that scammers are going to have a much harder time trying to prey on bidders with bogus emails claiming to be the seller.

..and just because a person falls for one of those emails, doesn't mean they're stupid or deserve it. Myself and most people on here would never fall for them, but think of your "less-techy" family members or friends. This policy is meant to protect them.
[quote name='iamthekiller']It may have an adverse affect for researching shill bidders, but the handoff is that scammers are going to have a much harder time trying to prey on bidders with bogus emails claiming to be the seller.

..and just because a person falls for one of those emails, doesn't mean they're stupid or deserve it. Myself and most people on here would never fall for them, but think of your "less-techy" family members or friends. This policy is meant to protect them.[/QUOTE]

I'm only talking about people who use their login as their password and get their accounts hijacked by people looking randomly through ebay user ID's. I've never heard of people posing to be the sellers sending bogus emails. That is a new one to me - if that is happening then that is a different matter. However, it has been policy for a LONG TIME that only the seller can see the email address of the bidders in an auction. So it seems that protection (which is a good one) has been there for a long time. I'm not sure what you are getting at.

Edit - I should note that I get bogus phishing scam emails CONSTANTLY to my ebay email - mostly they are bogus "disputes" where I'm supposed to click on the link to resolve an issue (usually why I haven't paid yet). Those, I would assume, are not coming from bidding lists mainly as I never bid on anything ;). They are simply lists fof valid email addresses acquired by spammers over the years. YES, I can see how non tech-savvy people could fall for those. However, not displaying the bidding history for an item WILL DO NOTHING TO PREVENT THESE (since you can't just get anyone's email address even if you know their user ID like in the early days of ebay). And that is my point.

Anyway, this is now WAY off-topic, and moot anyway as it seems they have pulled the new policy after one day (edit - or maybe not??). We're gonna get oasisboy *really* steamed if we keep up this discussion.

To keep it slightly on topic, I still can't see the bidding history for that relisted $2950 auction to see if the guy was a scammer. WTF? I wonder if it had been repealed or only applies to certain auctions now?? Wierd... I know I had an auction running and it was like that at first (no bidders showing) but now it shows them all. And I looked a completely random auction that ended today and it showed the bidders. I don't know what the hell is going on. Anyway, it really isn't that big a deal as we probably won't be looking at too many more scammers on these PS3 auctions any more - just people losing tons of money ;).
What they might be trying to prevent is stuff like the "second chance" scams. The scammers look for an auction for a big ticket item that had a lot of bids. Then they send the people who didn't win the auction a second chance email that looks just like the ones ebay sends out, and it even has the auction information and the user name of the real seller. Of course, it's not a real second chance -- it's usually a phishing scam or an attempt to get the person to pay the scammer directly through paypal. I've had people contact me saying that they received this kind of email for auctions that I was running. If the user names aren't displayed, this would be impossible. But I still don't like the change, if it is real.
[quote name='icruise']What they might be trying to prevent is stuff like the "second chance" scams. The scammers look for an auction for a big ticket item that had a lot of bids. Then they send the people who didn't win the auction a second chance email that looks just like the ones ebay sends out, and it even has the auction information and the user name of the real seller. Of course, it's not a real second chance -- it's usually a phishing scam or an attempt to get the person to pay the scammer directly through paypal. I've had people contact me saying that they received this kind of email for auctions that I was running. If the user names aren't displayed, this would be impossible. But I still don't like the change, if it is real.[/QUOTE]

Ah, that does sort of make sense given the verbiage ebay is using to explain the change ("eBay has decided to change how bid history information is displayed so bad guys cannot target bidders with fake offers using this information"). It also says "in certain cases" so you may be right about the "big ticket" items. Maybe there is a value threshold or certain types of items this applies to. The other ones that didn't appear to have the restrictions any more were simple game auctions (less than $50).

I still don't get how people could send out real looking second chance offers because the only way you can contact someone if you are not involved in a sale with them is through the ebay contact page which requires you to type in a garbled number (to discourage bots) and has a very restrictive delivery with a notice along the side saying not to buy things outside of auctions, etc... I don't see how they could make them look like real second chance offers. Whatever, they obviously had a reason but I'm with you - don't like it.
Well, I have never seen the offer in question, so it may be that they don't look exactly like the actual offers. Maybe they just have a link that goes to a page where the actual fake offer is displayed. But to the uninformed user, they might be convincing enough.
[quote name='io']Anyway, this is now WAY off-topic, and moot anyway as it seems they have pulled the new policy after one day (edit - or maybe not??). We're gonna get oasisboy *really* steamed if we keep up this discussion.[/QUOTE]

Lol, I noticed that. The reason why I'd feel less safe when buying or selling was because before I'd be able to peruse the buyer/seller's recent transactions and see whether or not their feedback was for real. Some times a seller will buy 150 e-books for .01 a piece simply for the feedback. On the surface they'd look like a reputable person, but in reality they'd take off with your money and you'd never see whatever it is you were bidding on.
[quote name='sonicdescent']less chatty more pictures of asses[/QUOTE]

OK, OK, I'll do my part:




Damn - was about to give up after looking through pages and pages of listings (there aren't many with people in them any more) then I found this:



And this:

Yoinks! 60GB indeed...

I think we've seen this before, but it is back up and bears repeating:

Man, I love it when they don't even try (no photochopped PS3 even):

There, that ought to make O-Boy happy again ;).
We've seen these before, but now they are trying some different way of selling their PS3's. It's too late for me to bother reading their wall o' text to see what the scam is. Besides, the auction lisitng wrecks havoc with my browser. I'll let someone else decipher it:



:rofl: I just noticed that while in this auction he says the pictures are of his "gorgeous wife" the image name for the second image above is "dumpstersluts127.jpg". You know, now that I think about it (and look closer), that's not the same person. This guy snagged someone else's pictures. What a tool...
bread's done