The Official "PS3 Ebay Scalpers Wall of Shame"

Thought I'd pull up some "family-friendly" Wii auctions to balance out the PS3 ones above. There are lots of Wii's for sale, but VERY FEW with people pictures.

This is all I could find. And I went through *every* page of listings.


And just to get back off topic again, strangely enough, I can see all the bidders in the Wii auctions. :shrug:
Edit - WAIT, I think I figured it out. There are Wii auctions where I can't see bidder's IDs. The cutoff seems to be when the auction goes over $200. Anything less than $200 and I see them, anything over and it is "Bidder 4" or whatever.
[quote name='io']We've seen these before, but now they are trying some different way of selling their PS3's. It's too late for me to bother reading their wall o' text to see what the scam is. Besides, the auction lisitng wrecks havoc with my browser. I'll let Aberforth decipher it.[/quote]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We can show you how to get a brand new Playstation 3 without paying hundreds of dollars to people our there who are trying to rip you off. ... [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And we will show you how to get one for under 70 USD!!!

Seems like what they're selling is their method of getting a ps3 for 70 bucks. Geez, I already know how to do that:

1. Buy realistic looking bb gun for $30 at Big 5.

2. Buy black paint to for the orange part of the gun.

3. Rob a store with ps3s in stock.

There ya go I saved you $19.99.
[quote name='Aberforth']Seems like what they're selling is their method of getting a ps3 for 70 bucks. Geez, I already know how to do that:

1. Buy realistic looking bb gun for $30 at Big 5.

2. Buy black paint to for the orange part of the gun.

3. Rob a store with ps3s in stock.

There ya go I saved you $19.99.

Damn, so easy! Thanks for the tip - I'll send you half my PS3 when I obtain it ;).

I noticed that a few other sellers are getting "creative". I saw someone selling raffle tickets and somehow the winner (who gets a PS3 of course) would be determined by the score of one of the football games tomorrow. Yeah, OK...
[quote name='Tron999']Oh, you didn't see where a monster digital audio cable was included? That's the extra $1585 right there.[/QUOTE]

Oh. Still 10% cheaper then what Best Buy charges I guess.
[quote name='iamthekiller']It's also a featured plus auction. This fucking idiot spent over $25 to list this auction.[/QUOTE]

Wow. What a moron.
[quote name='io']We've seen these before, but now they are trying some different way of selling their PS3's. It's too late for me to bother reading their wall o' text to see what the scam is. Besides, the auction lisitng wrecks havoc with my browser. I'll let someone else decipher it:



:rofl: I just noticed that while in this auction he says the pictures are of his "gorgeous wife" the image name for the second image above is "dumpstersluts127.jpg". You know, now that I think about it (and look closer), that's not the same person. This guy snagged someone else's pictures. What a tool...[/quote]

Well anyway it must be madd weird to see your mom posing with a ps3 while you were browsing through ebay.
[quote name='soxfan30']Well anyway it must be madd weird to see your mom posing with a ps3 while you were browsing through ebay.[/QUOTE]

Not sure who that was directed at, but if it was directed at me, I should probably point out that I am probably older than either of the ladies pictured in the post you quoted. So it would make little sense even as a joke ;).

Now I'll just assume you are referring specifically to the auction itself as the guy describes a picture of one of the PS3's as being "in our Son's room". If you mean how wierd would it be for that son to browse ebay and find his mom posing with a PS3, then, yes, I wholeheartedly agree. There are so many things wrong on so many levels there :rofl:. (It is possible the first picture is actually of the guy's wife, and thus she could be the mom. The second picture has an ebay ID that doesn't even match the auction!).
[quote name='io']Not sure who that was directed at, but if it was directed at me, I should probably point out that I am probably older than either of the ladies pictured in the post you quoted. So it would make little sense even as a joke ;).

Now I'll just assume you are referring specifically to the auction itself as the guy describes a picture of one of the PS3's as being "in our Son's room". If you mean how wierd would it be for that son to browse ebay and find his mom posing with a PS3, then, yes, I wholeheartedly agree. There are so many things wrong on so many levels there :rofl:. (It is possible the first picture is actually of the guy's wife, and thus she could be the mom. The second picture has an ebay ID that doesn't even match the auction!).[/quote]

yeah, sorry I was talking about the auction and how he mentions theres a ps3 in their son's room.
[quote name='soxfan30']Is it me or does the ID on the last picture seem like "YERGTM" instead of the seller's name?[/QUOTE]

That's what I pointed out - it is not his picture, which makes this low-life auction EVEN lower. The one above, which is of a different person, might be his "gorgeous wife", but the second was just simply stolen from someone else's auction (we've seen that picture posted before in this thread).
[quote name='soxfan30']Well anyway it must be madd weird to see your mom posing with a ps3 while you were browsing through ebay.[/quote]

Yeah, quite disgusting. The auction is down now too :D
OK, since the other picture extractors are slacking, I'll fill in again:







And here's some wacky combined Super Bowl score lottery type thing for a PS3. The guy has a ton of these for sale:

And that's really about it. There's still a huge number for sale (which I find odd) but very few with pictures now.
[quote name='io']

And that's really about it. There's still a huge number for sale (which I find odd) but very few with pictures now.[/quote]

I bet all of these morons keep seeing the consoles in the store, figure they're still rare, and grab them to put them up on ebay. It's hillarious they keep trying. I wonder how much ebay has made in just straight up listing fees on these? (since people seem to still try the $1000+ starting bids)
what happens in the envelope auction if i get 1 or 2 or 4 or 5?

impossible to end 1-0

and safety is so slim so 2-0, 4-0, 5-0 all out of chance
You know, in a way the fact that so many are still on eBay may just go to prove that the average person still thinks they're impossible to find, which could be one reason that the ones in stores aren't selling that fast. All the media coverage about how they were so rare has probably drilled into people's heads the idea that there's no point trying to look for one.

In any case, I think the frenzy over the PS3 just after launch (all the lining up, violence, auctioning, etc) has really worked against the PS3.
[quote name='panasonic']

Greatest fucking Pic Ever. You know that was some fat old guy that just cruised by the party trying to fit in.
[quote name='rsigley']what happens in the envelope auction if i get 1 or 2 or 4 or 5?

impossible to end 1-0

and safety is so slim so 2-0, 4-0, 5-0 all out of chance[/QUOTE]

Well, the way I understand it, you buy whatever envelope number you want. The one I linked to was envelope #44. If the total combined score is 44, you win the PS3. Note that he's selling 1-100, and all are still there. Why the guy bothered listing auctions (and paying fees) for any numbers less than, say, 6, I have no idea :rofl:. 100 auctions listed at $8 with a BIN and a gallery picture comes out to about $8-$10, not as bad as I thought, but still...

He's got a couple bids for the ones around the 50's, so a few people are buying in. I have a feeling it is going to be hit or miss - either he'll collect some modest $$ and keep the PS3 or he'll end up selling a PS3 for about $50 if one of his few buyers gets lucky. Seems not worth the trouble to me.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']^ He said if less than 80 are sold, he will not run the "contest" and you will get refunded.[/QUOTE]

Ah, gotcha - well, then, he's doing all that work (and paying listing and closing fees on many auctions) for nothing, because he ain't selling 80!
[quote name='vrs1650']Greatest fucking Pic Ever. You know that was some fat old guy that just cruised by the party trying to fit in.[/quote]

:bouncy: i like your avatar
[quote name='nasum']I've known a girl or two that had this same body, man are they fun...[/QUOTE]

It seems to be working for that seller - they are up to $710 with some time left. Over retail - whoo-hooo!
[quote name='io']It seems to be working for that seller - they are up to $710 with some time left. Over retail - whoo-hooo![/QUOTE]
Yeah, great thinking on the sellers part to go a little overboard with it :D sex always sells!
Are people even breaking even on these systems anymore?

If you could at least break even on the consoles you could actually turn a profit via BB.

1) Buy the consoles at Best Buy on a credit card
2) Sign up for rewards zone
3) Sell them for cost
4) Pay credit card bill in full
5) Collect Rewards Zone certificates for free Best Buy stuff
6) Collect bonus points from your credit card company (if it's a rewards card)

Of course taking into account fees, shipping, and tax an auction would have to sell for around $710 to break even.
[quote name='Chitown021']Are people even breaking even on these systems anymore?

If you could at least break even on the consoles you could actually turn a profit via BB.

1) Buy the consoles at Best Buy on a credit card
2) Sign up for rewards zone
3) Sell them for cost
4) Pay credit card bill in full
5) Collect Rewards Zone certificates for free Best Buy stuff
6) Collect bonus points from your credit card company (if it's a rewards card)

Of course taking into account fees, shipping, and tax an auction would have to sell for around $710 to break even.[/QUOTE]

While that stuff can help offset some of the ebay and PayPal fees and such, it seriously isn't worth the trouble even if you are guaranteed to sell them for $700 (which you aren't). I don't know why people keep selling them now.

I mean, most credit card cash back programs are 1%. And what is Best Buy rewards now, like 2.5%? They used to be 5% but I know they cut it back quite a bit. So the 3.5% total for CC + RZ = $21 on a 60GB PS3. That might cover your PayPal fees :lol:.

And yet they keep at it:






This guy has 10 (TEN) 20 GB PS3 auctions all ending the very same minute on Jan 24th (all $600 starting bids):
Looking at completed auctions it is hard to tell what is going on. Many go unsold. There are others getting $800 or $900 but who knows if they sold to legit buyers.

Here are some sellers who definitely got screwed though:

60 GB + a game, $550 + $34.30 shipping:

60 GB, $525 + $40 shipping:

60 GB $525 + $35 shipping:

and many more like that...

But then you see something like this, a 60 GB for $900 from a 0 feedback seller:

and of course with that new damn policy of hiding bidders names you can't see if the same people are bidding up other ones just to be jackasses (really, there is no damn need now even if you felt like it was justified early on - just let the sellers take losses!).

Ah, wait, here's the same buyer (since you can see who won), winning one for $2550:
[quote name='spamfree2']


She is hot. I am so buying her ps3 :bouncy:

She looks like one of those Russian Illegal immigrants. Christine Borisnikov...
Sometimes, I wonder if these people graduated high school.

I read about the guy selling "envelopes" which were numbered #1-#100. The number is pertinent in relation to the total combined score in the Super Bowl. Understand everything so far? Well, he also says that the PS3 won't be given out unless #80 envelopes are sold. Just how exactly does he believe that he can sell 80 envelopes? People won't buy them unless they can get the number they want specifically. I believe that the only pertinent numbers are anything from #14-#70, and believe me that's reaching. Why would he even sell envelopes #1-#10? Whoever buys envelope #1 (or any of them as a matter) has got to be shot into the sun because 1 point (by itself) cannot be scored in a football game. Envelope #2 is just as likely to fail because safetys are rare and are almost never the only score in a game. #3-#10 are highly unlikely, and anything above #70 is just plain reaching. None of the teams are playing like barnburners (except for the Saints possibly), and an agregate score of 80 and has never been achieved in a past Super Bowl (correct me if I'm wrong).
(Dude just wasted his money posting an auction that would only succeed in Idiocracy):drool:
[quote name='oasisboy']Its alive!!!!!


Ok, what the hell is the point of buying all this? Too much money and not enough sense. Definitely wont make their money back.
If they had bought just the Wii's they'd have a shot at a profit. Unless they got all of that at a "discount" of the five finger variety...


Does she look like Meg from Family Guy???

If they ever make a Family Guy movie with real people, she needs to audition for the role of Meg!!!
[quote name='oasisboy']


Does she look like Meg from Family Guy???

If they ever make a Family Guy movie with real people, she needs to audition for the role of Meg!!![/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's her. It would be nice if they made a movie on that.
Yep, they're still at it...






A mere $1800, no wonder he still has all that stock:


And the best one:


Do you really need a description? You know what it is and what it does. I took a pic of the specs, it's below. I heard this is a cool system. I think it's quite expensive, but if you wanna spend it, then spend it here!!! No my bra size doesn't mean I'm a good seller, but my 100% positive feedback does!

This was purchased at Target. I was so excited to see it in stock... I hope that the person who buys this has fun and loves it as much as I loved playing Atari as a kid! Even better was when Nintendo came out... I used to get the worst blisters on my thumbs from the controller. I even had the powerpad, but that made me sweat so it didn't get used much. I'm a girl, and girls aren't suppose to sweat. I also don't pass gas. Okay I do, but it doesn't smell. Well it doesn't smell if you leave the room quick enough. Okay moving on...

So why pick my Playstation 3??? Well I could lie and say that we need the money to pay our heating bill, but actually I just would like to go on vacation. Not that your one purchase will get my family to Disney World or anything, but it will help.

Please don't bid too much on this as there are lots of them on ebay. I know that they are hard to find in the store, but some of the ones listed are going for more than $1000. C'mon folks, just wait for the next auction! I will be happy if this ends higher than $600. Oh wait, then there's those pesky ebay fees... and crap again, paypal fees too. Okay folks BID HIGH! Bid early, bid often... heck open a second account and bid against yourself!

I will ship right away. I once got feedback that said "purchase arrived so fast it left skidmarks on my porch." I'm quite proud of that... first time I bet you ever heard of someone being proud of their skidmarks.

Thanks for checking out my auction! Please ask me a question if you got one... preferably not to personal of a question (I was 16, 38DD, and no) - I mean about the auction!!!
I think this answers the question someone had earlier - yes, people are just seeing them now at Target and such and buying them thinking they can make some money.

Oh noes, ANOTHER one of these envelope auctions, this time for the total rushing yards by the Colts in the Super Bowl, $9.99 per envelope, what a deal!

There's another set for the Bears' rushing yards. This guy accounts for a large percentage of the PS3 auctions currently running :roll:.

Here's another where the guy is selling ranges of passing yards for Peyton Manning:
[quote name='io']Looking at completed auctions it is hard to tell what is going on. Many go unsold. There are others getting $800 or $900 but who knows if they sold to legit buyers.

Here are some sellers who definitely got screwed though:

60 GB + a game, $550 + $34.30 shipping:

60 GB, $525 + $40 shipping:

60 GB $525 + $35 shipping:

and many more like that...


Yeah, but look at the feedback, 12 days and nothing from either side. I wonder how many of those buyers are actually receiving their PS3s? Sellers probably giving :-({|= stories, refund givin, thus no feedback from either side.
bread's done