The Official Super Paper Mario thread | Got what it takes to save the worlds?

[quote name='Spades22']Paper mario needs a good hour or two before it starts rockin, lol. Zelda needs a good couple hours....all the good games need them. :roll:[/quote]

There should be a counter for how many times such seemingly obvious statements are revisited in this forum, and how many times people ask for reiteration of the same old "play the damn game" rhetoric so that we can (hopefully) not go through the same bullshit with Super Mario Galaxy or Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Bitching about a game that has yet to come out involves a level of enthusiastic pessimism that is, truly, beyond me.
[quote name='lanzarlaluna']I don't even think you can make up your mind about an arcade game in 10 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Well, plus he hasn't even played the game for 10 minutes - he's watched 10 minutes of video about it. Granted, you can tell in that 10 minutes that there might be a lot of reading, but I don't think that gives you an accurate feel for the whole game. I can't imagine this game is too heavily cut-scene or text dependent. Paper Mario 1000 Year Door was to a certain extent, though it definitely had WAY more gameplay than reading. Since this is less RPG-like than that one I would assume it has even more "action" to it.
[quote name='MarioColbert']There should be a counter for how many times such seemingly obvious statements are revisited in this forum, and how many times people ask for reiteration of the same old "play the damn game" rhetoric so that we can (hopefully) not go through the same bullshit with Super Mario Galaxy or Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Bitching about a game that has yet to come out involves a level of enthusiastic pessimism that is, truly, beyond me.[/quote]

waaa lol, I'm assuming your talking about the other guy
[quote name='SpazX']I have $42 in credit at EB/Gamestop from trading in Twilight princess, so that and my $8 are definitely going for this.[/quote]

They still giving that much for Zelda? Because if so, I'll go that route!
[quote name='Rig']They still giving that much for Zelda? Because if so, I'll go that route![/QUOTE]

It is $27 according to the EB web site ;). So, $29.70 after Edge. So, don't use the trade 2 get 1 free if Zelda is one of your games (unless Far Cry or Open Season is the other). You might actually get more than $50 with many 2 Wii game combos.
[quote name='io']It is $27 according to the EB web site ;). So, $29.70 after Edge. So, don't use the trade 2 get 1 free if Zelda is one of your games (unless Far Cry or Open Season is the other). You might actually get more than $50 with many 2 Wii game combos.[/quote]

Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I didn't know they still showed used prices on the site. And I actually didn't know they still had EDGE cards. Guess I haven't been to Gamestop for a while.

Hmm...dunno what I'm going to do now. I don't really have another Wii game I want to trade. Maybe I'll just ebay it then.
[quote name='Spades22']waaa lol, I'm assuming your talking about the other guy[/quote]

Yes, absolutely. That's what I meant with the "people asking for such statements" comment. It's just weird to have the voice of reason saying things that are so... obvious!
[quote name='mercilessming']:cool: ha ha funny,

however If you meant to insult me, then I am sorry that you feel insulted and feel the need to retort by showing your posting prowess of writing one liners and zingers, because someone doesn't agree with your opinion on a game.

However if one reads a book in 10 minutes, an average person usually reads upwards 15~20 pages in 10 minutes or around 4200 words in 10 minutes and if the book cann't successfully pull you in and make you interested will you preceed? the same for a game if it doesn't pull you in after 10 mins then will you proceed out of anything but boredom.[/QUOTE]

Speak for yourself, I can do upwards of 30 pages in roughly 10 minutes, or around 8000 words. :p
[quote name='Tricky']My order is in the processing stage at[/QUOTE]

So I wonder if that means that EBGS got these in already or not. I would love to pick it up monday morning, if that's the case.
[quote name='Rig']They still giving that much for Zelda? Because if so, I'll go that route![/quote]
Unfortunately that was temporary, they were giving $35 for it and there was the 10% bonus coupon, which with the edge card gave a total of $42.

I actually got a copy of far cry, so I'm going to go with the trade 2 get 1 free now (with CoD3) and still have $25 in credit left
[quote name='Popnmusic']I preordered this online from TRU. Any chance It'll be here on release day?[/QUOTE]

Not likely, has issues...
[quote name='Scrubking']So basically it didn't get a 10 because of "bland" 3D scapes and a lot of text. Very good reasons to knock points off. :roll:[/QUOTE]
I don't know if this is how IGN's editors view it, but to me, a game starts off average and has to work its way up or down. When reviewing a game, you don't start at 10 and knock off points.
I haven't actually read that review, by the way, because I'm reviewing the game for Yahoo, and don't want my perspective tainted.
[quote name='ViolentLee']I don't know if this is how IGN's editors view it, but to me, a game starts off average and has to work its way up or down. When reviewing a game, you don't start at 10 and knock off points.
I haven't actually read that review, by the way, because I'm reviewing the game for Yahoo, and don't want my perspective tainted.[/QUOTE]

I never said anything about where they started or how they calculated their points. The fact is they took off points or didn't give points ( whichever way you look at it) for really dumb reasons.

Dumb because the graphics are supposed to look like that AKA 2D, and other games are far worse in the long winded story department like the Metal Gear series which forces you to watch 30 minute long cutscenes, yes 30 fucking minutes long. Yet in Metal Gear it is awesome and in Mario it is tedious and annoying.

Not that any of this matters because I value "pro" reviews as much as I value the corn in my turds.
[quote name='Scrubking']So basically it didn't get a 10 because of "bland" 3D scapes and a lot of text. Very good reasons to knock points off. :roll:[/quote]

I love how they knock off points for a lot of text--as if reading is something that shouldn't be done while gaming. Matt C.'s neverending push to get Nintendo to do full voiceovers for EVERY one of their games is starting to get on my nerves.

Mario does not need voiceovers.
[quote name='Scrubking']other games are far worse in the long winded story department like the Metal Gear series which forces you to watch 30 minute long cutscenes, yes 30 fucking minutes long. Yet in Metal Gear it is awesome and in Mario it is tedious and annoying.[/quote]
Metal Gear Solid has voice. There's a difference between watching a 30 minute cut scene and reading one.

That said, I just got Tiger Woods so I'm broke again. Maybe when this gets a little cheaper.
[quote name='jlseal']Metal Gear Solid has voice. There's a difference between watching a 30 minute cut scene and reading one..[/QUOTE]

Yes, which makes it a lot WORSE since you have to either sit through the whole 30 minutes or skip all of it.

With text you can read at your own pace which may or may not take the whole 30 minutes - not that any text has ever lasted anything close to 30 minutes.
Woohoo, have my copy pre-ordered at the local Gamestop after the terrible ordeal of tracking down 2 used copies of Far Cry. I'm also super lucky that the cashier I'm buddy-buddy with was working when I went in, because EB and GS aren't supposed to take multiple copies of games. But hey, I got SPM reserved for 34.95, which ain't too fucking bad at all. :D
[quote name='ViolentLee']I don't know if this is how IGN's editors view it, but to me, a game starts off average and has to work its way up or down. When reviewing a game, you don't start at 10 and knock off points.
I haven't actually read that review, by the way, because I'm reviewing the game for Yahoo, and don't want my perspective tainted.[/QUOTE]

Hey VL, as soon as you get that done and it is available for public viewing put that link in here! I need to get out and do the EB/GS trade 2 thing again and preorder this (since I used my last one on Mario Party 8 ;)).
[quote name='io']Hey VL, as soon as you get that done and it is available for public viewing put that link in here! I need to get out and do the EB/GS trade 2 thing again and preorder this (since I used my last one on Mario Party 8 ;)).[/quote]

io, maybe you can help me-

I'm looking to take advantage of this trade 2 get 1 deal by trading 3 of my own games, and buying a $20 open season.

Will they give me any hassle trying to use my free game as a preorder that doesn't release within the offer dates? I was hoping to get MP8 and Pokemon Battle Revolution.
Weird but true: A local GameCrazy received a full retail copy, apparently for demoing out (letting customers play it). My store didn't get it today, though, unfortunately.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']io, maybe you can help me-

I'm looking to take advantage of this trade 2 get 1 deal by trading 3 of my own games, and buying a $20 open season.

Will they give me any hassle trying to use my free game as a preorder that doesn't release within the offer dates? I was hoping to get MP8 and Pokemon Battle Revolution.[/QUOTE]

I suppose they *could* hassle you about it, but many CAG's are reporting being able to preorder other stuff. When I went in there were 2 guys there. The first one knew nothing about the promo at all, but the second did. I asked if I could preorder Mario Party 8 and he said "I don't see why not". So YMMV, I suppose, as they could reject it saying it needs to be out already or something. If they will let you preorder only SPM, though, you could just go in when different people are working and change it to something else. Or, failing that, just pick up the game next week and return it later (or to a different store) for $49.99 in credit, which you then apply to another preorder (and since they get "graded" for preorders, among other things) this should make them happy. And failing that you could just get Zelda or some other high-value game, and then return THAT to another store for the credit (and preorder placement).

Actually, as I said earlier (in some thread ;)) the preorder quotas they have to fill are probably helping us out in this regard, because it means the clerks are more than happy to take preorders. There is no incentive for them NOT to allow you to do it if it isn't explicitly forbidden in the promo. I mean, if they refuse, they lose 2 trade-ins plus a preorder from you, and we all know how much they like to ask if you have trade-ins and want to preorder stuff the moment you walk in the door :lol:.
I was offered a chance to play it at an EB I was in tonight but I had to pass as I only had 30 minutes before closing to drive across town and dump the copies of Far Cry and Open Season I had just bought there so I could preorder SPM. Oh, the irony...

A heads up, though, that some EB/GS stores may have copies available for in-store play (and Scorch has already said some Gamecrazy's have them too).
[quote name='Scrubking']I never said anything about where they started or how they calculated their points. The fact is they took off points or didn't give points ( whichever way you look at it) for really dumb reasons.

Dumb because the graphics are supposed to look like that AKA 2D, and other games are far worse in the long winded story department like the Metal Gear series which forces you to watch 30 minute long cutscenes, yes 30 fucking minutes long. Yet in Metal Gear it is awesome and in Mario it is tedious and annoying.

Not that any of this matters because I value "pro" reviews as much as I value the corn in my turds.[/QUOTE]
After reading your previous posts in this thread, I can diagnose your rampant fanboyism. I apologize for trying to reason with you, and assure you it won't happen again. Continue to complain about scores of 8.9 and the mandatory negatives that people mention in reviews.

[quote name='io']Hey VL, as soon as you get that done and it is available for public viewing put that link in here! I need to get out and do the EB/GS trade 2 thing again and preorder this (since I used my last one on Mario Party 8 ;)).[/QUOTE]
I'll let you know when it goes up (I've been bad about keeping my 2007 published works thread updated). Chances are it won't be up until Monday at the earliest, though; I only got to play an hour or two of the game today. Pretty darn cool so far, though -- definitely should appeal to platformer fans and Mario RPG game fans. Going from 2D to 3D is a surreal experience no Mario Bros. fan should miss. I trip out every time I do it.
[quote name='ViolentLee']After reading your previous posts in this thread, I can diagnose your rampant fanboyism. I apologize for trying to reason with you, and assure you it won't happen again. Continue to complain about scores of 8.9 and the mandatory negatives that people mention in reviews.[/QUOTE]

Trying to reason? So if I don't agree with you spew this fanboy shit? I made an argument and instead of making your own you come up with fanboy drivel. Yeah whatever.

The fact is that complaining about the graphics on a console that deliberately limited its graphics capability is like saying a strawberry milkshake sucks because it tastes like strawberries.

And as for his text argument, there is nothing to be said. It is juvenile and ignorant. There are so many games with hours of long winded cutscenes yet this guy has to complain about some text that you can quickly button through.
[quote name='Scrubking']Trying to reason? So if I don't agree with you spew this fanboy shit? I made an argument and instead of making your own you come up with fanboy drivel. Yeah whatever.

The fact is that complaining about the graphics on a console that deliberately limited its graphics capability is like saying a strawberry milkshake sucks because it tastes like strawberries.

And as for his text argument, there is nothing to be said. It is juvenile and ignorant. There are so many games with hours of long winded cutscenes yet this guy has to complain about some text that you can quickly button through.[/QUOTE]

Look at it this way: SPM didn't get knocked down from a 10 to an 8.9 because of the graphics, it got bumped up from a 0 to an 8.9 because it's that damn fun. :D
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Look at it this way: SPM didn't get knocked down from a 10 to an 8.9 because of the graphics, it got bumped up from a 0 to an 8.9 because it's that damn fun. :D[/QUOTE]
Or maybe it got bumped up from a 0 to a 10 because of the fun, and then down from a 10 to a 6 because it's a GC port, and then up from a 6 to an 8.9 because IGN didn't want Nintendo to be mad at them. ;)

Man, assigning arbitrary 0-10 ratings to games/events is tough business.
Just a heads up, Amazon seems to have knocked $2 off the price of the game, so $47.99 with free shipping and no tax.
[quote name='soonersfan60']Has anyone gotten it early yet? I keep hoping to find a store that has it before Mon/Tues.[/QUOTE]
Wal-Marts in my area (Minnesota Twin Cities metro) have a tendency to do this.
It hasn't shipped yet from Nintendo...and won't until Monday. So Monday night would probably be the earliest unless it hits the BT waves...
[quote name='gizmogc']It hasn't shipped yet from Nintendo...and won't until Monday. So Monday night would probably be the earliest unless it hits the BT waves...[/QUOTE]
I recall that for the release of Mario Kart DS there were a few stores that had copies of the game on the Sunday before. Was that possible? Am I re-creating memories? Maybe Nintendo's just shipping SPM differently than they've done others.
Nintendo is one of those companies that send retail to press upwards of a week before release, so something tells me they could easily send to retailers early, too.
I played this today and... it was pretty fun. I didn't get to play too long though as there was this little girl who saw me play it and wanted to give it a shot.
[quote name='Vinny']I played this today and... it was pretty fun. I didn't get to play too long though as there was this little girl who saw me play it and wanted to give it a shot.[/QUOTE]

You should have acted like you were going to give her the remote, farted on her head, and kept on playing.
bread's done