The Official Super Paper Mario thread | Got what it takes to save the worlds?

Yep. I'm hoping Best Buy will have it tomorrow... but I doubt it. At least I can go in bright and early Tuesday morning and claim my copy.
I wasn't THAT excited for this game before, but man, I'm pumped. This is going to be the first great Wii game since Zelda. I can feel it in me booooones.
[quote name='amicus']1up....they must be bitter about the interview. no love for nintendo[/QUOTE]

Another example of a scathing review with a high score. If you are going to rip a game that much how the hell can you give it a an 8/10? I also find it hilarious that an 8 is only "good". How can being two notches away from the highest number merely be "good"?

It's so sad that so many gamers swoon over these publications and reviews.
[quote name='Scrubking']Another example of a scathing review with a high score. If you are going to rip a game that much how the hell can you give it a an 8/10? I also find it hilarious that an 8 is only "good". How can being two notches away from the highest number merely be "good"?

It's so sad that so many gamers swoon over these publications and reviews.[/QUOTE]

Well... 5 is average... 10 is perfect... do the fucking math. Just FYI, the "good" rating starts at 7.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Well... 5 is average... 10 is perfect... do the fucking math. Just FYI, the "good" rating starts at 7.[/QUOTE]

Your math is fucked.
[quote name='Scrubking']Another example of a scathing review with a high score. If you are going to rip a game that much how the hell can you give it a an 8/10? I also find it hilarious that an 8 is only "good". How can being two notches away from the highest number merely be "good"?

It's so sad that so many gamers swoon over these publications and reviews.[/quote]
You seem to be having lots of problems with reviewers.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Well... 5 is average... 10 is perfect... do the fucking math. Just FYI, the "good" rating starts at 7.[/QUOTE]

Actually it depends on your definition of "average". Most reviews tend to end up in the 7 range, which would make it the average (for mean, median, and mode it would appear).

If I see a game given less than a 6 I view along the same lines as a American grading system C. Ok, so you indeed created a game, but you couldn’t take the time to fix the basic problems, much the same way a student could get off their ass to make a B.
[quote name='foltzie']Actually it depends on your definition of "average". Most reviews tend to end up in the 7 range, which would make it the average (for mean, median, and mode it would appear).

If I see a game given less than a 6 I view along the same lines as a American grading system C. Ok, so you indeed created a game, but you couldn’t take the time to fix the basic problems, much the same way a student could get off their ass to make a B.[/QUOTE]

You have a point, but EGM/The 1Up Network specifically state that 5 is average on their review scale. Why create a rating scale in your head by what you see most often?
Pre-ordered/PAID IN FULL thanks to the 2 for 1 deal.

Can't wait!
I just wish it was winter time and we had a monsoon of a snowstorm come Wednesday so I can be home for like.. the next 2 weeks to play lol :(
my copy is now in the hands of UPS. with Overnight shipping hopefully it will be her by tuesday night, wed. at the latest.
[quote name='lilboo']Pre-ordered/PAID IN FULL thanks to the 2 for 1 deal.

Can't wait!
I just wish it was winter time and we had a monsoon of a snowstorm come Wednesday so I can be home for like.. the next 2 weeks to play lol :([/QUOTE]
Same here. I am ready for Tuesday! I can't wait.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']You have a point, but EGM/The 1Up Network specifically state that 5 is average on their review scale. Why create a rating scale in your head by what you see most often?[/QUOTE]

Because most places say that 5 is an average game, but if the numbers put the average of the scores at a 7, you have to stop and think what their scores actually mean, if anything.
Comeon Amazon, get that sucker out the door! Hopefully it ships tomorrow morning and my overnight shipping gets it here by Tuesday despite them predicting that will arrive on Wednesday.
Probably going to wait until I can find a used copy before I pick this up. I haven't been playing many games since I've been busy with homework lately; can't wait to play it though.
[quote name='foltzie']Because most places say that 5 is an average game, but if the numbers put the average of the scores at a 7, you have to stop and think what their scores actually mean, if anything.[/quote]
5's an average game, not necessarily the average score. In a perfect world, gaming sites would be able to review every game that came out and the average scores of those games would be closer to 5. The reality is that gaming sites will generally review the better games moreso than the worst.
Played a bunch more this weekend; surprising how many Pixls there are in it. Was a little worried about the humor, but the world 3 boss is hilarious. Also, the wife started her own game and played for an hour. She dug it, too.
The issue with game scores is that while some people want a graduated scale from 1-10, most places grade on a scale like you receive in school. Some places have anything below 50% as an F (we had anything under 70 an F), so that's kind of the way things go. 70%s are a C ranked game, 80%s B, 90%s A, etc. Essentailly the bottom half of the score completely drop out, and anything below a 5 or a 6 is just degrees of failing.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Played a bunch more this weekend; surprising how many Pixls there are in it. Was a little worried about the humor, but the world 3 boss is hilarious. Also, the wife started her own game and played for an hour. She dug it, too.[/QUOTE]

If you know, you can spoil it for me.
Is my homegirl, Goombella, in this game?! I'll be so happy!
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']5's an average game, not necessarily the average score. In a perfect world, gaming sites would be able to review every game that came out and the average scores of those games would be closer to 5. The reality is that gaming sites will generally review the better games moreso than the worst.[/QUOTE]

That is an excellent point that I never considered.

If Every Hannah Montana, Mary Kate and Ashley, Kids movie, That's so raven, Frogger, Berenstein Bears, etc. etc. etc. game was reviewed, you'd see a lot more 1-5 scores, and a lot more content that NOBODY wants to read.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']5's an average game, not necessarily the average score. In a perfect world, gaming sites would be able to review every game that came out and the average scores of those games would be closer to 5. The reality is that gaming sites will generally review the better games moreso than the worst.[/QUOTE]

Great point. Anyway, I'm gonna call Gamestop and see if they got it today. I NEED MY SPM!!!1!
Yeah, has anyone seen it anywhere B&M? My Amazon preorder is now pushed back to not ship until the 11th so I'll just let that come whenever and get it ASAP when it arrives in store around here and just return the Amazon one when it comes in.

I seem to recall my Walmart getting new Nintendo releases Monday evening the days they're released. We'll see I guess.
[quote name='lilboo']If you know, you can spoil it for me.
Is my homegirl, Goombella, in this game?! I'll be so happy![/QUOTE]
I haven't seen any of the supporting cast from Paper Marios of old -- just very classic and very new characters.
Must. Resist. Temptation.

Dying to play this game but I'll have little time for games until July and have a couple of games in the backlog I need to get through first. :(
Just called all my local stores and no one has it. I hate it when they say a game is going to be released on a certain date, but no one has it.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Today it SHIPS. Tomorrow is the scheduled date to be available in stores.[/QUOTE]

Check out GameFaqs...people are going crazy because of this. Don't they learn?
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Today it SHIPS. Tomorrow is the scheduled date to be available in stores.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but that does not apply to all games. I picked up VCS as well as a whole host of other games on their "ship" date at my local gamestop.

Not to mention that a lot of people are getting the SPM today from places that have it.

That whole ship date is a bunch of nonsense.
[quote name='Scrubking']Sorry, but that does not apply to all games. I picked up VCS as well as a whole host of other games on their "ship" date at my local gamestop.

Not to mention that a lot of people are getting the SPM today from places that have it.

That whole ship date is a bunch of nonsense.[/QUOTE]

Today = Ships
What does that mean? Its SHIPPING from Nintendo. Some stores MAY infact get it, but 95% will not until tomorrow afternoon. If you live close to a Nintendo Warehouse you may get it. Don't just assume since 5-6 people found it then its officially available everywhere, because its not.
[quote name='Scrubking']
Not to mention that a lot of people are getting the SPM today from places that have it.

Which people and from what store? I would love to try and get it from there...
[quote name='Scrubking']Sorry, but that does not apply to all games. I picked up VCS as well as a whole host of other games on their "ship" date at my local gamestop.

Not to mention that a lot of people are getting the SPM today from places that have it.

That whole ship date is a bunch of nonsense.[/quote]

Sweet. Good for you. Yeah, stores get it early. And I can understand your annoyance- I'd like to have it today too.

But to be pissed because no one has it on the day it is to be released is nonsense- you can be pissed tomorrow. Getting it today is simply lucky. Not getting it today is, well, normal.
I still want to know at least where all of these "lucky" people are getting it today. I would try my luck also if I know where to go... (Tried 5 stores already with no luck. :whistle2:( )
[quote name='daroga']Semi-local Walmart has it in stock! heading out now![/QUOTE]

Please Jesus, bring me the hallowed bounty of SPM.

I mean, you did it for this jerk.

[quote name='dallow']How desperate we are for a new Wii game!

Hehe, I'm going to get one as soon as I get out of work too.[/QUOTE]

I have half a mind to come up there if you found one at a store today.
I can wait until tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I am excited for the game, but I don't feel like rushing around to find a store that has it early.
[quote name='Strell']Please Jesus, bring me the hallowed bounty of SPM.

I mean, you did it for this jerk.


This from the man (and I use that term loosely) who didn't get around to playing Paper Mario TTYD until just a few months ago :roll:.

I think you can wait until tomorrow.

[quote name='io']This from the man (and I use that term loosely) who didn't get around to playing Paper Mario TTYD until just a few months ago :roll:.

I think you can wait until tomorrow.



I started it nigh 2 years ago and finished it (after a long hiatus) roughly a year after that, meaning I beat it sometime last year.

You got me confoozled with someone else.



Edit: Yur thinkin' of Rocket Slime. That I started a few months ago, but finished it within a week.
bread's done