The Official Super Paper Mario thread | Got what it takes to save the worlds?

Wow I figured people would have gotten their copy and started playing...

Since I haven't been online completely with my wii the SPM disc actually updated my system before allowing us to play it.
Anyone else's do that?

The Shop channel is now clearly visible....
[quote name='Snake2715']Wow I figured people would have gotten their copy and started playing...

Since I haven't been online completely with my wii the SPM disc actually updated my system before allowing us to play it.
Anyone else's do that?

The Shop channel is now clearly visible....[/quote]Interesting. I wondered if they'd start bundling the firmware updates with software. Mine didn't, but mine was also fully updated via the net so that would explain it.
Anybody know Target's return policy? My friend is gonna go there today so I was thinking about buying it there and then returning my Amazon copy there when it arrives. Would this be a problem at all?
[quote name='regisphilbi0']Anybody know Target's return policy? My friend is gonna go there today so I was thinking about buying it there and then returning my Amazon copy there when it arrives. Would this be a problem at all?[/quote]Nope, just keep the receipt and keep the Amazon copy sealed.
I got it!!! :D

at the Nintendo World Store, I also got a free bonus, but I think you get it with any purchase, not just SPM. I got a reprint of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1.
I just picked up my copy but I can't play it until I get home from work tonight... and I still might opt to play Guitar Hero II. It's my first Wii game since launch!!! Woo hoo!!!
Going to head out here soon to hopefully pick it up at CC with C&C 3, then go get a pizza, and be set for the rest of the day. ;)
How you mock me, work.

Best Buy, this is your one chance to ensure that many of your employees don't die grisly deaths when I float through the door in about 3 hours.

You have been warned.
I'm an hour and a half in to this game and it has surpassed my expectations. Most of the arguments I've heard against this game seem petty if not complete BS.

Anyway, I can't wait to see the sales numbers for this game.
[quote name='Strell']How you mock me, work.

Best Buy, this is your one chance to ensure that many of your employees don't die grisly deaths when I float through the door in about 3 hours.

You have been warned.[/quote]

I picked up my copy about 20 minutes ago at Best Buy. They didn't know if they had it in or not until this old lady found a box full of 'em, to which she starts screaming. "HERE THEY ARE!!! I FOUND THEM!!!!" :lol:
[quote name='yukine']I picked up my copy about 20 minutes ago at Best Buy. They didn't know if they had it in or not until this old lady found a box full of 'em, to which she starts screaming. "HERE THEY ARE!!! I FOUND THEM!!!!" :lol:[/QUOTE]

She will be spared when Avalanche rolls through.
[quote name='Strell']She will be spared when Avalanche rolls through.[/QUOTE]

Strell is the PAIN TRAIN!

Choo choo.
I called one of the EBs in town and they said they had several copies just sitting there. The guy said he'd put one under the counter for me so I can buy it at 5 when I get my car back from my girlfriend. *Note: Might be because I live in Lincoln, Nebraska... :)
Ha, yeah, I tried CC just in case they didn't have one and I could score $20. Quite the opposite -- they had a crapload of copies on the shelf. Someone finally bought that clearance Rocket Slime I'd been eyeing, though... :whistle2:(
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Got it for trade 2-get 1 at Gamestop. Can't wait to play.

I also picked up the Nintendo guide. :p[/QUOTE]
Guide might actually come in handy. At times, it's tough to figure out even where to place the newest heart piece. However, there's a very helpful fortune teller in the hub town that will give you specific directions for the small sum of 45 gold.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Guide might actually come in handy. At times, it's tough to figure out even where to place the newest heart piece. However, there's a very helpful fortune teller in the hub town that will give you specific directions for the small sum of 45 gold.[/quote]

From videos, it seems like you need to flip into 3D constantly to find little secrets. I just picked up Nintendo's guide, since Prima's was more expensive. :lol:
[quote name='sixersballernum3']From videos, it seems like you need to flip into 3D constantly to find little secrets. I just picked up Nintendo's guide, since Prima's was more expensive. :lol:[/QUOTE]
The real bitch is when stuff is hidden and you need to kind of flashlight the screen with the remote to find things.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Guide might actually come in handy. At times, it's tough to figure out even where to place the newest heart piece. However, there's a very helpful fortune teller in the hub town that will give you specific directions for the small sum of 45 gold.[/quote]That was where I was stuck before level 3. But then I realized I was getting ahead of myself, and then it all became a bit more clear. :)
Same here, just beat the whole first world and I'm already impressed. I mean this game is ultra fun. :) It should keep me busy until Mario Party 8. :)

[quote name='lilboo']Ohhh God!

I'm at 1-3, and I'm at one of those sign things. It says to press minus button with the 1 button and something interesting is supposed to happen. It's not doing anything though...

Edit: Nevermind.
TIP: When you need to point at the screen, instead of grabbing the wiimote like you normally would just keep the wiimote in your right hand, point at the screen and then hit the 2 button. You don't have to press A. And once the info text starts to roll you can return to the normal position and keep pressing 2.

The same can be done when shaking the wiimote to earn style points. Just shake the wiimote with your right/left hand like you would a thermometer.
I've spent a little time playing this today, and it's a ton of fun, except for the part that I was in town. So far I just finished the boss fight in world 1-3 and I can't wait to go back and play some more. It's a really great, funny game so far.
When I first put in my disk I got the firmware update screen even though my Wii is online.
[quote name='Kaijufan']When I first put in my disk I got the firmware update screen even though my Wii is online.[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking this game came with a firmware update because the first thing my Wii did was update as soon as I clicked on the game.

Updates with games = good.
This is a real fun game and I just got past 1-3 as well. REALLY hard to put down and is addicting. At first I thought holding the controller sideways wouldn't work well, but damn it works perfect!

So for those that played this game, is this anything like the past Paper Marios? I know I asked this before, but I was reading the others were alot more RPGish, this to me seems almost pure platform with VERY light RPG elements. Granted I'm only past part 1-3 so who am I to fully judge.

It's still early but if anyones looking for another reason to buy a Wii, this is a pretty good reason. Just hope this can keep me content till the big N releases some more titles in the future. Wiimagedon looks interesting ;)
This game is beautiful and hilarious.

I can't get over the style of all the characters.

Also the little sound effects and things taken from TTYD makes me feel all warm and gooey.

[quote name='Kaijufan']
When I first put in my disk I got the firmware update screen even though my Wii is online.[/QUOTE]

Did you touch your disk to the toilet seat, or just use your fingers?
[quote name='Scrubking']I'm thinking this game came with a firmware update because the first thing my Wii did was update as soon as I clicked on the game.

Updates with games = good.[/quote]Whether it comes with the updated firmware or not, the manual says it checks to see if you have the latest update. So it's either on the disc or it just downloads it if it's not already there.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']do you need the firmware update to play the game? This worries me because my Wii is not online.[/QUOTE]

I don't think you do, but this is why not having the update on the disk (if that is the case) is plain dumb.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']What's this about firmware updates? I got no such thing when I put the disk in and played it.[/QUOTE]

Same here, what's it about?
bread's done