The Official Super Paper Mario thread | Got what it takes to save the worlds?

Neither did I. No updating for me.

For those who did get an update, do you happen to not have the Everybody Votes Channel?

And Count BLECK is only funny until you meet O'Chunks. :lol:
I think if your Wii is always connected, you may have received the update earlier. When we first put in the disk, Wii was not connected to the Internet (which it usually isn't), so I got the firmware update from the game disk (presumably).

We completely finished the first 2 chapters today. It took about 4 hours. The game is really fun and clever with its play mechanics and puzzles. (I could do with a little less "reading" though. Most of it is funny, but the few times it wasn't I just wanted to hurry up and play more. I know they are trying to make a story, and some of the long-winded passages actually did tie into later parts of the story, but I see what a few reviewers were complaining about. Still, I would not have docked the score for that. It is just an observation for future installments. When the writing is hilarious--which it mostly is--I don't mind waiting; but I just can't get enough of the puzzles and playing and finding stuff.)
I just love the story so far..and even though I am not far at ALL...I just can not wait until more story unfolds..and personally, I hope towards the end of the game...
Peach gets to fuck up Nastasia (..whats her name again?). I really do, I really do. Could be funny to see how these boss battles at the end are. Hopefully they aren't ALL Mario vs. them. Really would love to see Bowser take someone well as Peach :)
Shouldn't have came into the thread...

I am so busy with stuff until Monday. I really want to run out and buy this, but I can't spend any time with it. >.<

lilboo, you will absolutely *LOVE* the Chapter 4 boss. (I peaked in a guide book because I wanted to see when each of the characters join your party.)
[quote name='soonersfan60']lilboo, you will absolutely *LOVE* the Chapter 4 boss. (I peaked in a guide book because I wanted to see when each of the characters join your party.)[/QUOTE]

Thanks!! Now I'm excited and tomorrow I'm gonna really really really working hard to play this game! :)

BTW, do they eventually teach you how to do tricks..? I sorta get it. When you jump on someone, you just lift the controller up?
[quote name='lilboo']I sorta get it. When you jump on someone, you just lift the controller up?[/QUOTE]


Have I missed some motion-control element (having just opened up the 2nd world door, no less)?
Got through 1-1 and 1-2. Sort of annoyed you can't go back to past levels. Although you probably can once you complete the world.

Loving it.
Have you played thousand year door? Remember how you can do tricks to get more star power?

Well it seems like tricks can be done as well, to earn more score (obviously your experience points). Whenever I jump on a goomba or anything, I lifted the controller up and he did like a flip. I'm not sure if you can say.. move the controller a certain way for him to do something..and move it another way for a different trick? Unless of course, you CAN you just have to learn it.
Woot, just opened up World 5. Steallar game thus far, World 4 really messes with your mind.

There's a guy who talks about the stylish moves motion controlls. Essentally after you jump on a guy and are going through the air on the rebound. Twist the controller around to do different tricks. Holding down the 2 button will net you more air and more time to get it pulled off. I can get them to happen about 90% of the time. Not sure what causes it to not work the other 10%, but whatever. :)
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Got through 1-1 and 1-2. Sort of annoyed you can't go back to past levels. Although you probably can once you complete the world.

Loving it.[/quote]You can replay any sub-chapter you want after you complete the whole world.
[quote name='daroga']You can replay any sub-chapter you want after you complete the whole world.[/quote]

Oh, good. I noticed I missed a path in 1-1 to get a card, and was bothered. :lol:

As for the style bonus, I just shake the controller up and down every time I jump on an enemy. Works well enough for me until I run into the person who tells you about it. :lol:

I flip into 3-D constantly, though, in search if special blocks and enemies.
I shoulda picked up batteries with this game since I was running low on juice in my Wiimotes, now they finally died and I'll have to stop playing...for now. :)
Got my copy at frys. They had a sign saying $49.99 today only! Whats up with that? Anyways, I'm only about 30 minutes in and I'm loving it. Tomorrow is my day off but I won't be able to play since my gf is coming over :D
Please, somebody better tell me that there's some simple solution to this
knocking Mimi's vase over and being forced to make 1 million rubees thing
because it'd be annoying if there's no other way to get around it.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Please, somebody better tell me that there's some simple solution to this
knocking Mimi's vase over and being forced to make 1 million rubees thing
because it'd be annoying if there's no other way to get around it.[/QUOTE]
Yes and no, but don't worry. Took me around 20 minutes, all told. You will have to do some work, though.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Yes and no, but don't worry. Took me around 20 minutes, all told. You will have to do some work, though.[/quote]
make 1 million rubees or talk to the right prisoner (the guy you can only see in 3D mode in the upper left room)

Edit: I figured it out, which was kind of hard to see at first since I had to flip against a wall to find the clue.

Anybody try the minigame arcade? I player Tilt Island and beat the high score after my third try with 597k pts. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. It's too bad you can't enter your own name in for the high score list so friends could play.
HOLD EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you beat Level 1, you can read this w/o being spoiled. It's not even a spoiler..but I'll do it anyway LOL

In Flipside, in "Sweet Smiles" where you give that lady ingrediants to make you side dishes.. Anyone else see the DS Lite and when you click on it.. it says "Awaiting Data Upgrade..."


....PLEASE tell me you see this and ALSO got excited?!?!
[quote name='lilboo']HOLD EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you beat Level 1, you can read this w/o being spoiled. It's not even a spoiler..but I'll do it anyway LOL

In Flipside, in "Sweet Smiles" where you give that lady ingrediants to make you side dishes.. Anyone else see the DS Lite and when you click on it.. it says "Awaiting Data Upgrade..."


....PLEASE tell me you see this and ALSO got excited?!?!
Don't get too excited. You find receipe cards that looks like DS Carts around the game. I hoped for DS-Wii interaction too, but it's not there.
[quote name='daroga']
Don't get too excited. You find receipe cards that looks like DS Carts around the game. I hoped for DS-Wii interaction too, but it's not there.

[quote name='lilboo']Have you played thousand year door? Remember how you can do tricks to get more star power?

Well it seems like tricks can be done as well, to earn more score (obviously your experience points). Whenever I jump on a goomba or anything, I lifted the controller up and he did like a flip. I'm not sure if you can say.. move the controller a certain way for him to do something..and move it another way for a different trick? Unless of course, you CAN you just have to learn it.[/quote]

Not sure if moving the controller different ways executes different moves, but you can execute multiple moves in one attack on enemies like the flying goombas or flying koopas. Just shake the controller at the height of each jump.

I've made it though 1-2 so far (didn't have a lot of time to play last night), but I absolutely love it so far.
I found myself stuck in 1-3... ended up to be a stupid reason, I mis-read the sign.... but in trying to solve it while here at work I found an interesting site with video walkthroughs... for anyone else who may be stuck.

Only complete through 4-4... but I applaud the author for putting this together.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']She's a chatty bitch, but I'm liking Super Paper Mario so far after being the first world.[/quote]

Does the game make you read less as you get farther into it? Im not trying to piss on the parade here, I do like the game so far (still in the first world) but its like some of these characters just wont shut up! I started skipping thru all the dialog cos I just wanted to play. Im sure I missed some important info tho...
I'm dropping hints to my wife that she can get this for me for my birthday. But that's in May :cry:. Oh well, I'm just now starting to play Zelda.
Very, very beautiful game. And hilarious. I need to spend much more quality time with it.

Kinda gave me a headache playing it last night though ('course, it was very late).

Just gorgeous. I will absolutely fail to understand the knock on the graphics ever. It's like getting pissed at Picasso because he didn't do highly realistic stuff.

Call that fanboy if you want. I just will not understand it ever.
I thought, and I think I said it here, that the last Paper Mario was the best looking game to me last generation.
[quote name='munch']I thought, and I think I said it here, that the last Paper Mario was the best looking game to me last generation.[/QUOTE]

Know how TTYD's graphics were syrup smooth, like a delicious rare candy?

I swear it's even better in this. Looks like a damn cartoon.
[quote name='Strell']Know how TTYD's graphics were syrup smooth, like a delicious rare candy?

I swear it's even better in this. Looks like a damn cartoon.[/QUOTE]

I liked how everything was rounded. There were hardly any jaggies and just looked polished. I would put them on my pancakes. And they would be delicious.
[quote name='munch']I thought, and I think I said it here, that the last Paper Mario was the best looking game to me last generation.[/quote]I tend to give that nod to Wind Waker, but they're cut from the same mold.

I would take Super Paper Mario's graphical prowess over Gears of War any day of the week. Those who love their sweat drops can keep it. I like color in my games. (Of course, it's less a commentary on the power of the two games/systems and more a commentary on my personal preferences. I know that. ;) )
I got though the first chapter yesterday and all I have to say is

finally, another game where the Princess and Bowser get to kick ass instead of being captured or having their ass kicked.
[quote name='daroga']I tend to give that nod to Wind Waker, but they're cut from the same mold.

I would take Super Paper Mario's graphical prowess over Gears of War any day of the week. Those who love their sweat drops can keep it. I like color in my games. (Of course, it's less a commentary on the power of the two games/systems and more a commentary on my personal preferences. I know that. ;) )[/QUOTE]

I agree. My big thing with Wind Waker was the there were a lot more jagged edges than Paper Mario. But whatever, they were both visually stunning and unique. Anyone would be hard pressed to say they were ugly games.

And Gears of War looks great, but it doesn't look any better than Paper Mario IMO. They're different in their own way. Both are equally valid as great examples of graphical execution.
[quote name='Strell']Very, very beautiful game. And hilarious. I need to spend much more quality time with it.

Kinda gave me a headache playing it last night though ('course, it was very late).

Just gorgeous. I will absolutely fail to understand the knock on the graphics ever. It's like getting pissed at Picasso because he didn't do highly realistic stuff.

Call that fanboy if you want. I just will not understand it ever.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Thank you. This game is indeed a delight to look at and anyone who knocks it (IGN, 1up, egm) are a bunch of sad, loser, asses who can't appreciate a good game. Just to point out how sad some gamers are I actually saw someone say that this game has an "immature color scheme" and he couldn't play it because of that.

I've been actively searching for problems while playing this game, and I haven't found a single one. Like the massive amounts of text people talk about that completely ruins the game. Maybe it's because I grew up with text in all my games, but the amount of text doesn't hinder the flow of the game at all.

Anyway, I just wanted to mention how I laughed when you fight bowser and he says "This is like the 100th time you wreck my place" and "No more sequels".
I played through the first couple chapters yesterday, and I'm having a great time with it so far. To all those critics that dogged the graphics, WTF were you thinking? This game is beautiful! I'm itching to get home and play it more.
Is the game as hard as the last Paper Mario on Gamecube? I had a hard time with Paper Mario on gamecube but I am proud to say that I finished it.

Also, if you were going to rate this game from a 100% scale, how would you rate this as Platform/ RPG, is it 70% platform - 30% RPG?
[quote name='oasisboy']Is the game as hard as the last Paper Mario on Gamecube? I had a hard time with Paper Mario on gamecube but I am proud to say that I finished it.

Also, if you were going to rate this game from a 100% scale, how would you rate this as Platform/ RPG, is it 70% platform - 30% RPG?[/QUOTE]

I'd say around 75/25 platform/rpg.

However, the inclusion of flipping between 2d and 3d adds depth to the platforming.
[quote name='Kuros']I got though the first chapter yesterday and all I have to say is

finally, another game where the Princess and Bowser get to kick ass instead of being captured or having their ass kicked.

You need to play Super Princess Peach. The battle with Bowser in that one is one of the most epic fights in Mario history.
[quote name='RollingSkull']You need to play Super Princess Peach. The battle with Bowser in that one is one of the most epic fights in Mario history.[/QUOTE]

That was an awesome Bowser battle!!!
I hate you guys for making this sound so awesome...I read this thread this morning, bought it on my lunch.

At least I got in on the EB trade-in deal. :)
[quote name='soyverde']I hate you guys for making this sound so awesome...I read this thread this morning, bought it on my lunch.

At least I got in on the EB trade-in deal. :)[/QUOTE]

Yes, it is that awesome. I rarely pay full price for games, but I did for this game and I feel it's worth every penny (another rarity).

Anyway, level 3-4 is one of the funniest I've played.
"RPG games should be 180 hours long not including side quests...TRUE"
[quote name='Scrubking']Yes. Thank you. This game is indeed a delight to look at and anyone who knocks it (IGN, 1up, egm) are a bunch of sad, loser, asses who can't appreciate a good game. Just to point out how sad some gamers are I actually saw someone say that this game has an "immature color scheme" and he couldn't play it because of that.

I've been actively searching for problems while playing this game, and I haven't found a single one. Like the massive amounts of text people talk about that completely ruins the game. Maybe it's because I grew up with text in all my games, but the amount of text doesn't hinder the flow of the game at all.

Anyway, I just wanted to mention how I laughed when you fight bowser and he says "This is like the 100th time you wreck my place" and "No more sequels".

Dude, seriously. Every post you make is ripping on pro review sites. You have a little game blog of your own, so there's either a jealousy issue here, or some editor from Gamepro stole your dog and ran over your girlfriend a couple years ago and you've sworn vengeance.

You play games to have fun. You spend hard-earned money on them, and thus look at them with rose-colored glasses. When I'm reviewing something, I have to look at it with a more critical eye. All those sites you mentioned gave the game an 8 out of 10 AT LEAST, which is a "Great" score. If you think it's a 10 game, then good on you. But your continual attempts to undermine any possible negative thing a review said about Super Paper Mario is getting pretty old. Do you do this with every game you like? If someone doesn't order your favorite entree at a restaurant, does that make them a "sad, loser, ass who can't appreciate a good meal"?

I gave the game an 8 (review is here)and I still really like it. But it's not perfect. I think the RPG elements (items in particular) are pretty useless, and there's too much backtracking in the city. The townsfolk are really plainly designed and unattractive, which is a small complaint but valid nonetheless. I HATE the sound that accompanies text, and with so much text it gets grating. With how long it took to come out, I would've hoped for more use of the Wii remote -- though I appreciate the old-school play style. However, the Wii stuff seems tacked on.

But again, I really like the game. I didn't think it was 9-worthy, though. The only Wii game worth that score or higher has been Zelda (a 10 in my book), and that's probably how it'll be until Metroid Prime or Mario Galaxy. I give 8s to games I would definitely play if I wasn't reviewing them, and this definitely deserves that.

Out of curiosity, based on what you played so far, what would you score it? My guess is 10.9.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Dude, seriously. Every post you make is ripping on pro review sites. You have a little game blog of your own, so there's either a jealousy issue here, or some editor from Gamepro stole your dog and ran over your girlfriend a couple years ago and you've sworn vengeance.

You play games to have fun. You spend hard-earned money on them, and thus look at them with rose-colored glasses. When I'm reviewing something, I have to look at it with a more critical eye. All those sites you mentioned gave the game an 8 out of 10 AT LEAST, which is a "Great" score. If you think it's a 10 game, then good on you. But your continual attempts to undermine any possible negative thing a review said about Super Paper Mario is getting pretty old. Do you do this with every game you like? If someone doesn't order your favorite entree at a restaurant, does that make them a "sad, loser, ass who can't appreciate a good meal"?

I gave the game an 8 (review is here)and I still really like it. But it's not perfect. I think the RPG elements (items in particular) are pretty useless, and there's too much backtracking in the city. The townsfolk are really plainly designed and unattractive, which is a small complaint but valid nonetheless. I HATE the sound that accompanies text, and with so much text it gets grating. With how long it took to come out, I would've hoped for more use of the Wii remote -- though I appreciate the old-school play style. However, the Wii stuff seems tacked on.

But again, I really like the game. I didn't think it was 9-worthy, though. The only Wii game worth that score or higher has been Zelda (a 10 in my book), and that's probably how it'll be until Metroid Prime or Mario Galaxy. I give 8s to games I would definitely play if I wasn't reviewing them, and this definitely deserves that.

Out of curiosity, based on what you played so far, what would you score it? My guess is 10.9.[/QUOTE]

Well said sir.

When I review movies, I use a 5 star scale. a 4/5 (an 8/10 for those of you who can't do math) is a movie that I thoroughly enjoyed, and would probably buy on DVD.

a 4.5 or 5/5 has to be something really special. There's a huge difference between "Good" and "Great"
Whenever something appears in the game, and the black lines appear first and then it colors itself in, it keeps reminding me of the opening to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
Does anyone else have really quiet sound effects coming out of their wii remotes? I have the volume on mine up to four, but I can barely hear it. This game is kickass otherwise, though.
[quote name='Squall835']Does anyone else have really quiet sound effects coming out of their wii remotes? I have the volume on mine up to four, but I can barely hear it. This game is kickass otherwise, though.[/QUOTE]

It makes sounds during various events. Pointing it at the screen to use Tippi's scan causes it to make sound.

Turn it up to hear it better.

[quote name='ViolentLee'] I think the RPG elements (items in particular) are pretty useless, and there's too much backtracking in the city. The townsfolk are really plainly designed and unattractive, which is a small complaint but valid nonetheless. I HATE the sound that accompanies text, and with so much text it gets grating. With how long it took to come out, I would've hoped for more use of the Wii remote -- though I appreciate the old-school play style. However, the Wii stuff seems tacked on.

Not trying to have an argument here, and not here to discuss your score, but some of these are a little subjective.

For example, I think the townsfolk are very cute, mostly because they have a very deliberate style. The little girl character with the little square pigtails is really cute. In an age where everyone models a lot of things after what is popular or realistic, ultimately getting any originality tossed out the window, I find it refreshing to look at something and think about how individualistic it is.

My gf commented that the movement/sounds with the text is something she likes. Personally, I find it amusing as well, simply because it adds a little more personality to the text. You can feel how a character might be saying it, much like if someone typed in all caps, you get the sensation that they are yelling. So all the funny little sways and flourishes and things make me think "ok this character has a soft voice and likes to say certain words with that kind of style." It helps lend me a voice in my head that I can clearly associate with characters. Does it beat out voice? Mmmm, probably not, but it does help infuse some characterization (not trying to open an argument on whether it needs voice or not).

As for the Wiimote, still a little subjective. I didn't know about shaking it to cure status effects, nor did I know about Tippi's scan ability. So I'm surprised those things made it in - after hearing it was in a NES-controller format, I enjoy that there's still a bit of polish.

Can't comment on items/backtracking yet. Haven't played enough.

Just saying that I think some things fall differently for different people. I don't think it warrants being discussed beyond that, honestly. Me favoring original artwork doesn't mean someone else has to, nor is it a comment against them to begin with.
I'd just like to chime in to temper the effusive reviews (not to "hate on" Nintendo).

I just finished Chapter 3, and my feelings about this game are very similar to my feelings about TTYD: I'm spending far too much time reading text, clicking to advance a story, or meandering around areas (Flipside for this game). Of the 8 or so hours I've spent with the game, probably 2-3 have been spent clicking my way through text/story events and another 2-3 navigating my way around the ridiculously proportioned Flipside or backtracking to unlock bland "secret" entrances.

As someone with bigger hands, I despise using the controller on its side. The Wii control element (shaking in the air for crowd-pleasing tricks and pointing at the screen for "hidden" elements) is definitely tacked on and could be chucked in a moment. It's not a comfortable game for me to control: the 1&2 quick menu doesn't activate the first time, and using the + button isn't satisfactory, either. If this were a real RPG where I'd need quick access to items in battles, I'd be pissed about the button layout/controller. Instead, seeing as how the game is incredibly easy (thus far), it's only an annoyance. I think I would enjoy the game a little more if they'd just cut the bullshit pretense and let me play with a GC controller, as they originally planned it to be.

The graphics look nice, but IMO they relied a little too much on color and not enough on design. The "paper" part of the title could be pushed a little more in the design, I think. I like it when things fold up or spread out. I'm getting tired of seeing a full spectrum in the text, in some mobs, in the 3D flip meter, you name it. It's gay rainbows everywhere.

So far (3 chapters in) they've toned down the saccharine dialog that made TTYD unbearable, but the cutesy rears its ugly head in SPM from time to time. And as for the comedy therein--well, it's hard to say. There's someone named InterNed in the game. As in "internet." Get it? If you're lolling after reading that, chances are SPM will be a flippin' hoot for you. Sure, it's cute (if fanboys don't like the word cute, call it "novel") to name a goomba Gary, but keep that goofy shit up for too long and you're bound to get slapped. I guess the thing is with TTYD and SPM is that the novel dialog (the stupid word play, goofy names, misc. quirky BS) is okay in small doses. But lay it on too thick and it's a headache.

Overall, I think reviews that have it anywhere between a 7 or 8 on one of those lovely 1-to-10 scales have it about right. The fun in the game, I guess, comes from goofing around in the Mario universe (which is the reason I bought it). However, these paper mario titles don't have the long-term replay value of a good RPG or good platformer, IMO, and this is especially true of SPM, as in playing the hybrid it manages to be neither a good RPG nor a good platformer.

It's hard to resist this due to the rainbow patina of Mario goodness, but people who are freaking out about not getting to play this right away should understand that they're not missing out on a life-changing, or even particularly impressive, game. Ultimately, it's just pretty Mario stuff you're missing.
bread's done