The Official Super Paper Mario thread | Got what it takes to save the worlds?

[quote name='ViolentLee']Dude, seriously. Every post you make is ripping on pro review sites. You have a little game blog of your own, so there's either a jealousy issue here, or some editor from Gamepro stole your dog and ran over your girlfriend a couple years ago and you've sworn vengeance.

You play games to have fun. You spend hard-earned money on them, and thus look at them with rose-colored glasses. When I'm reviewing something, I have to look at it with a more critical eye. All those sites you mentioned gave the game an 8 out of 10 AT LEAST, which is a "Great" score. If you think it's a 10 game, then good on you. But your continual attempts to undermine any possible negative thing a review said about Super Paper Mario is getting pretty old. Do you do this with every game you like? If someone doesn't order your favorite entree at a restaurant, does that make them a "sad, loser, ass who can't appreciate a good meal"?

I gave the game an 8 (review is here)and I still really like it. But it's not perfect. I think the RPG elements (items in particular) are pretty useless, and there's too much backtracking in the city. The townsfolk are really plainly designed and unattractive, which is a small complaint but valid nonetheless. I HATE the sound that accompanies text, and with so much text it gets grating. With how long it took to come out, I would've hoped for more use of the Wii remote -- though I appreciate the old-school play style. However, the Wii stuff seems tacked on.

But again, I really like the game. I didn't think it was 9-worthy, though. The only Wii game worth that score or higher has been Zelda (a 10 in my book), and that's probably how it'll be until Metroid Prime or Mario Galaxy. I give 8s to games I would definitely play if I wasn't reviewing them, and this definitely deserves that.

Out of curiosity, based on what you played so far, what would you score it? My guess is 10.9.[/QUOTE]

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you review a game how about giving some valid reasons for knocking a game instead of the same 12-year-old nonsense.

It's not valid to hate backtracking in a game and then say a game sucks because it has backtracking. That's like saying a fishing game sucks because it has fishing. This is the type of bullshit that fills up reviews all over. The same thing happens when gamers expect a certain game, don't get it, then knock the game because it wasn't what they wanted.

You remind me of all the kids over on gamefaqs that constantly bash games over personal preference or just plain stupid reasons. Are you going to bash a RPG that has turn based battles too? Are you going to bash a 2D game because it's not in super HD, gears of war graphics even though it's not supposed to be?

When I look at a game I am well aware of my personal preferences and make sure that they don't influence my view of a game. It's called objectivity. I approached SPM with an open mind and so far I have not found any bugs, glitches or problems with the gameplay or visuals - keeping in mind what Nintendo set out to accomplish.

Being critical for the sake of being critical is foolish and only leads to finding problems that aren't there or petty. You're fooling yourself if you think that trying to find things wrong with a game is professional or "the right way". Play the game and if a problem comes along okay, but don't sit there trying to hate something in order to sound legitimate.
Scrub, buddy, settle down. It's ok to disagree with game reviewers. That doesn't make them "asses" though. You may think certain things are not valid complaints because you can play through the faults or view them as strengths. That's fine. But that doesn't make others' wrong. Despite my comments earlier about the graphical style of the game far excelling Gears of War, et al., if someone doesn't like the cartoony design or the "paper" concept to the art in SPM, then that's still valid for them.

However, your points about blasting a game for having the elements that its genre embodies is valid as well. Bashing a Mario game for too much jumping is silly. I think people that were really hoping this to be a 90/10 split in Platformer/RPG are giving the complaints about too much text. That complaint is still valid I think because no one's ever done a genre-blending game quite like this before.
I haven't played it yet, but I was hoping the emphasis on platforming and elimination of turn-based battles would increase the replayability of the game. I haven't touched the other Paper Marios since I beat them. But now I'm afraid I won't want to play the game again because of all the text.
[quote name='BIG5']I haven't played it yet, but I was hoping the emphasis on platforming and elimination of turn-based battles would increase the replayability of the game. I haven't touched the other Paper Marios since I beat them. But now I'm afraid I won't want to play the game again because of all the text.[/quote]You can replay the levels once you've beaten them, so youo could reconstruct a relatively text-free replay of the platforming levels on your saved game. At the same time, you can zip through the text very quickly as well if you don't want to read it.
[quote name='daroga']You can replay the levels once you've beaten them, so youo could reconstruct a relatively text-free replay of the platforming levels on your saved game. At the same time, you can zip through the text very quickly as well if you don't want to read it.[/QUOTE]
Thanks, that's good to know. I still think I'll rent it now and buy it when the price comes down, even though that could be awhile. I know it can be had for $30, but I'm willing to wait for $15 after GGC.
[quote name='BIG5'] I'm willing to wait for $15 after GGC.[/QUOTE]

There's no way it's going to be $20 by June, which is when (supposedly) the GGC $5 coupon is set to expire, and will never be seen from again.

Whether or not that actually happens is up to anyone's guess, but the evidence right now points to BB getting rid of the $5 coupon altogether.

Just a heads up.
[quote name='BIG5']Thanks, that's good to know. I still think I'll rent it now and buy it when the price comes down, even though that could be awhile. I know it can be had for $30, but I'm willing to wait for $15 after GGC.[/QUOTE]

Strell touches on it, but its a Nintendo game so dont expect $20 MSRP for another year, or two since Nintendo doesnt do price cuts until a game hits the Players Choice line.

The Used price alone will remain at $35 for some time. Good luck though.
The backtracking and pacing issues have been a Paper Mario staple; we deal with them because the games are usually excellent.

Plus, the humor is usually more along the lines of "... since we put a goomba on the moon in '69..." than goombas named Gus.
Don't have a lot of time to play this till next week, unfortunately, but I made sure to pop it in for a quick taste tonight. After playing through 1-1, there's no way I won't enjoy this.

At this point, the amount of text is basically Paper Mario-Lite, which is about what I would have expected. The sound of text scrolling is annoying at the beginning, but I have apparently tuned it out already. Everything else - groovy.
[quote name='foltzie']Strell touches on it, but its a Nintendo game so dont expect $20 MSRP for another year, or two since Nintendo doesnt do price cuts until a game hits the Players Choice line.

The Used price alone will remain at $35 for some time. Good luck though.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I know. How many years did it take for SSBM to drop, and even then only to $30? Didn't know about the GGC expiring (I never read the fine print).
[quote name='Scrubking']Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you review a game how about giving some valid reasons for knocking a game instead of the same 12-year-old nonsense.

It's not valid to hate backtracking in a game and then say a game sucks because it has backtracking. That's like saying a fishing game sucks because it has fishing. This is the type of bullshit that fills up reviews all over. The same thing happens when gamers expect a certain game, don't get it, then knock the game because it wasn't what they wanted.

You remind me of all the kids over on gamefaqs that constantly bash games over personal preference or just plain stupid reasons. Are you going to bash a RPG that has turn based battles too? Are you going to bash a 2D game because it's not in super HD, gears of war graphics even though it's not supposed to be?

When I look at a game I am well aware of my personal preferences and make sure that they don't influence my view of a game. It's called objectivity. I approached SPM with an open mind and so far I have not found any bugs, glitches or problems with the gameplay or visuals - keeping in mind what Nintendo set out to accomplish.

Being critical for the sake of being critical is foolish and only leads to finding problems that aren't there or petty. You're fooling yourself if you think that trying to find things wrong with a game is professional or "the right way". Play the game and if a problem comes along okay, but don't sit there trying to hate something in order to sound legitimate.[/QUOTE]
You're still using some really harsh words: hating; sucks. Nobody said Super Paper Mario sucks. Don't forget that the scores have been unanimously positive for the game. You seem under some impression that mentioning anything bad is a total knock on the entire game. I can say my wife is forgetful, but that doesn't mean I think she's crap. I still married her and love her dearly; but I recognize she has faults. She'd still get a 10 from me.

I -- along with everyone who writes for EGM, IGN, Game Informer -- get paid to review games. Being critical for the sake of being a critic is not foolish -- especially when you actually ARE a critic. My job is to help people make informed buying decisions. Giving the game an 8 out of 10 tells them I think it's a great game, thereby recommending it for purchase. I'd be doing the reader a disservice if I didn't mention things I found less than ideal about a game -- just like I tell readers what I liked. You gotta show both sides of the coin, otherwise it's not a review. It becomes a fluff piece that doesn't serve a lot of purpose.

Now, I'll let you have the last word, as I feel like I'm trying to reason with the dogs that live next door and bark at anything that crosses their line of sight. Plus, I'm pretty sure you haven't even read my review, and are just lashing out blindly. And I gotta finish my Prince of Persia; Rival Swords review.
[quote name='ViolentLee']I can say my wife is forgetful, but that doesn't mean I think she's crap. I still married her and love her dearly; but I recognize she has faults. She'd still get a 10 from me. [/QUOTE]

Nice Save.
[quote name='Puffa469']Does the game make you read less as you get farther into it? Im not trying to piss on the parade here, I do like the game so far (still in the first world) but its like some of these characters just wont shut up! I started skipping thru all the dialog cos I just wanted to play. Im sure I missed some important info tho...[/quote]
I beat the second world later that night and it's about the same. I know there are some funny parts where the designers probably realized that, so Mario falls asleep during a long convo and another time someone's long proclamation just becomes ".........................." for several lines. :lol:

Edit: Wow. About 10 hours in and my batteries are already running low (put new ones in when I started). I need to get the Nyko charge station.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I beat the second world later that night and it's about the same. I know there are some funny parts where the designers probably realized that, so Mario falls asleep during a long convo and another time someone's long proclamation just becomes ".........................." for several lines. :lol:

Edit: Wow. About 10 hours in and my batteries are already running low (put new ones in when I started). I need to get the Nyko charge station.[/QUOTE]
I'm using Duracell rechargables. I think it cost $15 for the station and 4 AAs. Working great so far, though it takes time to charge (the quicker one was $6 more, and I'm a CAG).
[quote name='ViolentLee']I'm using Duracell rechargables. I think it cost $15 for the station and 4 AAs. Working great so far, though it takes time to charge (the quicker one was $6 more, and I'm a CAG).[/quote]
I had some, too (though I've misplaced the batteries themselves in the move to my current apartement), but they sucked at retaining a charge for long.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Plus, the humor is usually more along the lines of "... since we put a goomba on the moon in '69..." than goombas named Gus.[/QUOTE]
Ah yes. A subtle distinction.

[quote name='kaige17']How is Prince Of Persia BTW?[/QUOTE]
It's good, but not $50 good when you can buy the same game -- sans Wii controls -- for $20.
Traded Super Monkey Ball (my TRU $10 game from the Wii Launch) for $25 +$3 credit, plus a %10 coupon that Gamecrazy mailed out = a $20ish Super Paper Mario. I'll take that...

The game itself... beautiful, the art direction is amazing. Text... annoying, but only because I was setup and read to play a platformer, and not an RPG. I had the same feeling each time I started up Mario and Luigi on the DS/GBA.
[quote name='Scrubking']Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you review a game how about giving some valid reasons for knocking a game instead of the same 12-year-old nonsense.

It's not valid to hate backtracking in a game and then say a game sucks because it has backtracking. That's like saying a fishing game sucks because it has fishing. This is the type of bullshit that fills up reviews all over. The same thing happens when gamers expect a certain game, don't get it, then knock the game because it wasn't what they wanted.

You remind me of all the kids over on gamefaqs that constantly bash games over personal preference or just plain stupid reasons. Are you going to bash a RPG that has turn based battles too? Are you going to bash a 2D game because it's not in super HD, gears of war graphics even though it's not supposed to be?

When I look at a game I am well aware of my personal preferences and make sure that they don't influence my view of a game. It's called objectivity. I approached SPM with an open mind and so far I have not found any bugs, glitches or problems with the gameplay or visuals - keeping in mind what Nintendo set out to accomplish.

Being critical for the sake of being critical is foolish and only leads to finding problems that aren't there or petty. You're fooling yourself if you think that trying to find things wrong with a game is professional or "the right way". Play the game and if a problem comes along okay, but don't sit there trying to hate something in order to sound legitimate.[/QUOTE]

I read over his post and it seems like he actually likes the game. And cut the bullshit, backtracking isn't a novel idea, it's boring and it needs to outright eliminated from nearly every game. By your crazy logic, screwed up camera angles are norm, so we shouldn't complain when they screw up a game.

The thing most people don't seem to understand is that just because they LOVE a game, doesn't mean it's good (same goes to assholes who believe that just because they dislike a game, means that said game is terrible). If you can't tell the difference between a game you like, and a game that's good, then you have no business reviewing any game, outside of stating your opinion.

As for SPM; I've somehow survived the absolute horrid opening and is actuallyu starting to have fun with the game. It has it's fair share of problems, many of which Lee already touched on. But so far (really lame first hour aside) the game's shaping up to be pretty good.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']What's so bad about the opening? I rather enjoyed the text. Set up a good plot and the text is at least humorous.[/QUOTE]

Some of it was actually kind of funny, but most the humor in the writing came off forced in my mind. So far, the story is actually a detractor to the fun I'm having with SPM.
A lot of the humor does come off as forced.... but then again, there are some genuinely funny moments in this game as well. But then again, humor is subjective. I though the scene with Gary was hilarious for example. And one joke/reference at the end of world 1 completely caught me off guard and literally made me laugh out loud
. :applause:

As for the game, I'm enjoying it a lot. But then again, I'm a big fan of the Paper Mario series anyway, and have never had any real problems with the games. To me, this game is basically Paper Mario 3, just with a slightly different battle system from the first two, which is exactly what I'd want out of the game.
I like at the start of the game when they joke around bowser kidnapping the princess and how you expect the storyline to always revolve around the same "Bowser stealing Peach and you go rescue here."

And ya the end boss of chapter 1 was pretty funny.
I personally found it funny when the dragon was processing and his eye turned into the wii ring of light that you get like when it is loading the wii shop channel.
chapter 2-3
Is it possible to actually pay off that full 1000000 rubees? I pretty much got it figured out what I have to do, I've found out how to get into the vault area, I haven't been in there yet, but I assume that is what it is. Anyways I am running on the treadmill right now and I've rested a paperweight on my controller so that basically my mario will run until the batteries die so I would eventually rack up that 1000000 rubees. :lol:
[quote name='mr ryles']chapter 2-3
Is it possible to actually pay off that full 1000000 rubees? I pretty much got it figured out what I have to do, I've found out how to get into the vault area, I haven't been in there yet, but I assume that is what it is. Anyways I am running on the treadmill right now and I've rested a paperweight on my controller so that basically my mario will run until the batteries die so I would eventually rack up that 1000000 rubees. :lol:
Trust your first instict, my brother. Hope you have rechargable batteries. ;)
[quote name='ViolentLee']
Trust your first instict, my brother. Hope you have rechargable batteries. ;)

I guess the controller will turn itself off, I though with the d-pad being in use the controller wouldn't do so, but I guess it does. Well I got 18,000 rubees out of it before the controller shut off.
I got an e-mail today from Nintendo about SPM. It was a wedding invitation for Broswer and Peach. I thought it was pretty clever for marketing.
[quote name='mr ryles']I guess the controller will turn itself off, I though with the d-pad being in use the controller wouldn't do so, but I guess it does. Well I got 18,000 rubees out of it before the controller shut off.[/quote]
Then you have enough (actually more than enough by about 8,000) to move on! Press on, my friend!
[quote name='Over easy']I got an e-mail today from Nintendo about SPM. It was a wedding invitation for Broswer and Peach. I thought it was pretty clever for marketing.[/quote]Ha! I figured that the blue light this morning was probably SPM-related.
[quote name='botticus']Ha! I figured that the blue light this morning was probably SPM-related.[/quote]The Blue light was for the system update, this email was sent to our actual email addys. :)
[quote name='daroga']The Blue light was for the system update, this email was sent to our actual email addys. :)[/quote]Oh. Boo. Why didn't I get an email?
[quote name='ViolentLee'] I can say my wife is forgetful, but that doesn't mean I think she's crap. I still married her and love her dearly; but I recognize she has faults. She'd still get a 10 from me.

:rofl: :rofl:
I've only played through 1-1 but so far I'm not that impressed. The graphics are outstanding but (as other have said) that text noise is grating and I can see switching into 3D getting old fast. It's fun and I'm going to play through it but I'm not getting that warm fuzzy feeling I got when I first played SM64, OoT or Metroid Prime - something that grabs you as soon as you start it up and you just know you are in for a treat. Granted I think I was hammered when I played those games but still...
[quote name='javeryh'] It's fun and I'm going to play through it but I'm not getting that warm fuzzy feeling I got when I first played SM64, OoT or Metroid Prime - something that grabs you as soon as you start it up and you just know you are in for a treat.[/QUOTE]
This is my feeling as well. I felt bad after posting a counterpoint to the glowing reviews, but I just wanted to balance for the sake of perspective in the thread. I agree that it's a fun game, but it's not the kind of game that sucks you in.

I'm already becoming a little bored with SPM: I feel like whenever I want to do something in the game, I'm always a menu or animation or dialog box removed from doing what I want to do. If I want to flip to 3D and I don't have Mario, it's menu, char select, then switch. If I want to play with recipes, it's menu, select food, watch bitch cook, text, text, menu, select food, cook bitch, etc. If I want to scroll through cards/menus, there's no page down or sort function in the menu (at least that I can find). I just feel like no matter what I want to do in the game, there's an inordinate amount of menu navigation/Flipside roaming/dialog clicking associated with that task, even down to the smallest stuff like changing out a pixl buddy or character.

In making their own genre (role platformer) and staying in a game/story that is designed to be "open" to a wide range of gamers, they kept some of the worst RPG features (menus, text, boring) to present to these people who might not otherwise screw with RPGs.
[quote name='mr ryles']And ya the end boss of chapter 1 was pretty funny.
I personally found it funny when the dragon was processing and his eye turned into the wii ring of light that you get like when it is loading the wii shop channel.

I loved that whole boss, but that part was definitely the best! :lol:
[quote name='mr ryles']
And ya the end boss of chapter 1 was pretty funny.
I personally found it funny when the dragon was processing and his eye turned into the wii ring of light that you get like when it is loading the wii shop channel.

I really liked
[quote name='dothog']If I want to scroll through cards/menus, there's no page down or sort function in the menu (at least that I can find).[/quote]

You can move your cursor all the way to the right in the card list and page up/down with the red arrows.

I understand your complaints, though. Using the various menus to switch characters and whatnot gets a bit cumbersome.

Regardless, I can't help but enjoy this game.
[quote name='xeex']You can move your cursor all the way to the right in the card list and page up/down with the red arrows.

I understand your complaints, though. Using the various menus to switch characters and whatnot gets a bit cumbersome.

Regardless, I can't help but enjoy this game.[/quote]I didn't think the menu switching was too bad. The Quick Menu (1 + 2) makes that a breeze.
[quote name='daroga']I didn't think the menu switching was too bad. The Quick Menu (1 + 2) makes that a breeze.[/quote]

Oops, I didn't know that existed. :D

Yes, that helps!
[quote name='xeex']Oops, I didn't know that existed. :D

Yes, that helps![/quote]Glad I could help! For some reason I flipped through the manual and found that. Most of the time I never touch the things. ;)
Damn you people! Reading all these posts I couldn't help myself and went out and bought the game.

I blame you the most Daroga...calling it an early game of the year...I hate you

[quote name='seanr1221']Damn you people! Reading all these posts I couldn't help myself and went out and bought the game.

I blame you the most Daroga...calling it an early game of the year...I hate you


you should be thanking us, not damning us.
[quote name='seanr1221']Damn you people! Reading all these posts I couldn't help myself and went out and bought the game.

I blame you the most Daroga...calling it an early game of the year...I hate you

;)[/quote]That's what you get for being better than me at guitar hero. ;)

And you're welcome. ;)
I am debating whether or not I should buy this game or not, here is my story. I didn't fall in love with New Super Mario Bros., and I never played a paper mario game (I did play the GBA rpg but I never bet it due to grinding which I can never finish a rpg with countless grinding to level). I don't mind stupid menues because I play world of warcraft and I know all about fucking menues or reading through text, but a lot of people here didn't have good first impressions and well I don't know if it is worth putting my $50 down on. I mean I read the gamespot review which seemed cool, but I don't know, I haven't been impressed with mario lately except for mario strikers and well should I buy it tomorrow or not?

[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I am debating whether or not I should buy this game or not, here is my story. I didn't fall in love with New Super Mario Bros., and I never played a paper mario game (I did play the GBA rpg but I never bet it due to grinding which I can never finish a rpg with countless grinding to level). I don't mind stupid menues because I play world of warcraft and I know all about fucking menues or reading through text, but a lot of people here didn't have good first impressions and well I don't know if it is worth putting my $50 down on. I mean I read the gamespot review which seemed cool, but I don't know, I haven't been impressed with mario lately except for mario strikers and well should I buy it tomorrow or not?


I would. I wasn't very impressed with NSMB either. I liked it, but Super Paper Mario is really fun. Its RPG elements really augment the genre, imo. For example, you don't need to run around hoarding lives (when you die, you go back to a save point), there are no bottomless pits (you just lose 1HP), you can actually test things out (what happens when i step on this thing? oh, i lose 1hp) without dying, etc.

I'm only on World 2 but the game so far has been hard to put down, which is what I love about games. It doesn't happen too often, the last game I could remember doing that with was the first Phoenix Wright, and maybe Elite Beat Agents. It's definitely more enjoyable than Zelda Twilight Princess for me.
I'm stuck in 5-1. :whistle2:(
I got to the door in the first area where you begin and got to the second area where I saw the flower guys taking Cragnons to the left, but I got as far as I could (where there are three ? blocks that were already hit by the time I got there) and I can't figure out what's next. I went down the one pipe that's on the far right, but that only gave me a Bowser card. The ledge on the far left is too high for Peach to reach and flipping with Mario shows nothing.
Any help?
Has anyone else noticed those enemies that look like testicles? Also, what did you guys do when you had to earn 10,000 rubees? I just flipped over to another channel and held on to the button.
bread's done