The Official Super Paper Mario thread | Got what it takes to save the worlds?

for all those trying to get the rubees
you just need to get 10,000 rubees then you go to the room to the left of the vip room. flip. youll see a guy who will give ya the code to the vault at the very top for the 10,000.(to get to the vault you need to flip while on the top floor and walk past the piller. and make sure you have the pixl)inside the vault is all the rubees you need
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I am debating whether or not I should buy this game or not, here is my story. I didn't fall in love with New Super Mario Bros., and I never played a paper mario game (I did play the GBA rpg but I never bet it due to grinding which I can never finish a rpg with countless grinding to level). I don't mind stupid menues because I play world of warcraft and I know all about fucking menues or reading through text, but a lot of people here didn't have good first impressions and well I don't know if it is worth putting my $50 down on. I mean I read the gamespot review which seemed cool, but I don't know, I haven't been impressed with mario lately except for mario strikers and well should I buy it tomorrow or not?


Well, go buy Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door.
You can get it cheap.

I know it's a different game and all..but the ELEMENTS of that game are very much in this one.

And plus.. it's a damn good game too!
If you play that and love will love this one too!

[/2 cents]
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I am debating whether or not I should buy this game or not, here is my story. I didn't fall in love with New Super Mario Bros., and I never played a paper mario game (I did play the GBA rpg but I never bet it due to grinding which I can never finish a rpg with countless grinding to level). I don't mind stupid menues because I play world of warcraft and I know all about fucking menues or reading through text, but a lot of people here didn't have good first impressions and well I don't know if it is worth putting my $50 down on. I mean I read the gamespot review which seemed cool, but I don't know, I haven't been impressed with mario lately except for mario strikers and well should I buy it tomorrow or not?

Thanks[/quote]Well, there's no grinding in the game, so take that concern off your mind (at least to the point I'm at, mid-way through World 7).

Really, I think the level design as more in common with Yoshi's Island then it does with any previous 2D pure-Mario platformer. It's a really hard game to get a handle on because they're blending so many elements of Platformers & RPGs. Couple that with the freak-out-inducing 3D "flip" and you've got a game that just doesn't fit into most genre labels that we have.

I'll have to say I'm a tad disappointed in the game just because I had myself hyped up for another game in the line of Mario 1, 3, World, NSMB, but this isn't that. It's a great game and I'm having a lot of fun, I just had too many hopes, dreams, and expectations of what the style would be and it's not it. At this point I'd rate it along the same lines as I did Sonic on the Wii, an 8.5. The difference is I went into Sonic expecting 6.5-quality and got really plesantly surprised. I came into this hoping for 9-9.5 quality ("quality" meaning "meeting my tastes"--SPM is pure polish) and am somewhat disappointed.

I'd give it a rent (or a buy-then-resell as I often do to "try" games) to see if you like it. Despite my expectations not being met, I'm really enjoying the game. It's fun, funny, and pretty meaty. And I guess I don't understand everyone's issue with the text noise. I think every Final Fantasy I've ever touched has been worse on that.
EDITED: I'm sorry I was just trying to save people heartache and battery life so please don't call me a douche.

Plus I was very vague on everything that I said.

[quote name='FallMoon']Has anyone else noticed those enemies that look like testicles? Also, what did you guys do when you had to earn 10,000 rubees? I just flipped over to another channel and held on to the button.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='3QGojo']I paid some dude $10,000 rubies for a secret pass code that opened up a door that had 1,000,000 rubies in it.[/QUOTE]

use spoilers douche.
While fun, this game isn't charming me like past Mario games have. I have the same deal as daroga, really. Still great, though.

[quote name='mr ryles']use spoilers douche.[/quote]

I'm enjoying the game quite a bit. My and the boys are through world 2 as of tonight. I know I'm still early on but my only complaints are the text and that it seems to be a bit too insanely easy ;). The text is ONLY a problem because I have to read it all out loud to the kids and they get a bit bored with it. If I was playing this by myself and could speed read and click through I'd have absolutely no problem with it. It is a bit of a chore to read it all out loud though ;).

And the game has been very easy to this point. TYD was pretty easy too, though, so I guess that's OK. I've been stuck for a minute or two on a few puzzles (how to advance) but the rather limited choices at this time mean it is never too hard. Occasionally you forget certain things (like Tippi's reveal ability). I assume this will get more challenging as you collect more Pixls and have more than just the first 2 characters (as their different abilities add some complexity to puzzle solving). The combat, though, has been a breeze - definitely a bit too much on the easy side. Hopefully that will ramp up a bit in the later chapters (Daroga?).

As for the RPG elements, they are barely noticeable. I forget they are even there until I see the "Level Up" screens. And though I just complained that it was too easy, I agree with NewSC2 that it is nice to be able to try things (make sure you TRY to fall down a few "bottomless" pits by the way ;)) without losing lives. There's definitely a lot of extras to find in the game and I like that sort of thing.

Overall, though, a great game - definitely glad I got it, no doubt.
Pretty enjoyable game. I'm on Chapter 3-3 I think. Though, I'm not sure if I'll actually get around to beating it. IDK if this game can hold my attention for 5? more chapters...Sure the nostalgia of the side scrolling Mario gameplay is sweet, and the RPG element is a nice touch....but I can only take so much nostalgia. And whoever said this is a early GOTY candidate. My response: God of War II.

Also, has anyone else played the arcade games yet (not willing to go through 22 pages to find out) Pretty damn fun, and I'm glad they made use of the Wiimote motion/sensor controls
[quote name='soonersfan60']Where are the arcade games? We have finished the 3rd chapter (3-4), but didn't see them.[/quote]
Go down to B-1 in Flipside and enter that (cafe?) go into 3D and go all the way back against the "wall". There will be a sewer pipe that you jump into and you can buy tokens with your coins to play the arcade machines. They are pretty fun.
Got up to 2-2 last night. I think my only complaint is that the game is too slow for a platformer, and not involved enough for an RPG. Kind of the curse of trying to cover multiple genres. The level design is fabulous though, and an overall enjoyable game.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Pretty enjoyable game. I'm on Chapter 3-3 I think. Though, I'm not sure if I'll actually get around to beating it. IDK if this game can hold my attention for 5? more chapters...Sure the nostalgia of the side scrolling Mario gameplay is sweet, and the RPG element is a nice touch....but I can only take so much nostalgia. And whoever said this is a early GOTY candidate. My response: God of War II.

Also, has anyone else played the arcade games yet (not willing to go through 22 pages to find out) Pretty damn fun, and I'm glad they made use of the Wiimote motion/sensor controls[/quote]
Chapter 4 is quite different than anything you've done so far in the game.

I beat the tilting minigame quite easily.

[quote name='botticus']Got up to 2-2 last night. I think my only complaint is that the game is too slow for a platformer, and not involved enough for an RPG. Kind of the curse of trying to cover multiple genres. The level design is fabulous though, and an overall enjoyable game.[/quote]
I pretty much agree. There's definitely a perfect way to combine the two genres and Super Paper Mario does a good job at it. I'd make the pace a little quicker and thin the story a little bit to start.
I am on chapter 2-2 so far, and I have to admit that so far I am really enjoying it. Yes there is way too much text between levels but not thats really the only draw back. If I had to describe it to someone I'd say a weird cross between Maniac Mansion and Four Swords
[quote name='botticus']Got up to 2-2 last night. I think my only complaint is that the game is too slow for a platformer, and not involved enough for an RPG. Kind of the curse of trying to cover multiple genres. The level design is fabulous though, and an overall enjoyable game.[/quote]

I agree with this 100%. I am enjoying the game immensely, but I don't feel challenged enough by the platforming nor drawn in enough by the RPG elements. It's probably just right, though, for the new Wii crowd who would be put off by either of those genres in the extreme.
I played through chapter one last night and although I also like the game overall, the look and vivid colors are great... I think the pacing could be a little faster, if it had the speed of a normal platformer with the sprinkling of the RPG elements that didnt detract from action being first... very easy game so far
I just beat Chapter 1 last night and I love this game so far. I think the problem that most people have with this game is that they were expecting a true platformer for the action sequences, and this is not the case at all.

The levels are not platforming as much as they are exploring and solving puzzles. Sure there are moving platforms, coin boxes, the regular stable of Super Mario baddies, etc., but you don't play the stages as a platformer at all. The gamplay is almost exactly like the previous Paper Mario games except that the "battles" are real-time and quick. The overall pacing is still slow though.

I really liked TTYD for GC, but the game mechanics in SPM, so far, trump the GC title simply because they are much more streamlined. Having to switch to a turn-based battle each time you touch a bad guy in TTYD gets irritating after a while, especially against the low level enemies. At least in SPM, you jump on a Goomba's head and you're done.

I have no problem with the dialog or the amount of text as this game is a RPG at it's roots.
[quote name='lebowsky']I just beat Chapter 1 last night and I love this game so far. I think the problem that most people have with this game is that they were expecting a true platformer for the action sequences, and this is not the case at all.

The levels are not platforming as much as they are exploring and solving puzzles. Sure there are moving platforms, coin boxes, the regular stable of Super Mario baddies, etc., but you don't play the stages as a platformer at all. The gamplay is almost exactly like the previous Paper Mario games except that the "battles" are real-time and quick. The overall pacing is still slow though.

I really liked TTYD for GC, but the game mechanics in SPM, so far, trump the GC title simply because they are much more streamlined. Having to switch to a turn-based battle each time you touch a bad guy in TTYD gets irritating after a while, especially against the low level enemies. At least in SPM, you jump on a Goomba's head and you're done.

I have no problem with the dialog or the amount of text as this game is a RPG at it's roots.[/quote]Yeah, I really think it's a lot closer to a 50/50 split between platformer and RPG, moreso than the 75/25 it was pegged at from reviews and whatnot. Even though it's very RPG-lite as far as items and levels and whatnot, the RPG pacing is very evident in the exploration aspect, which I don't think people were keeping in mind when they were making that 75/25 claim.
[quote name='botticus']Got up to 2-2 last night. I think my only complaint is that the game is too slow for a platformer, and not involved enough for an RPG. Kind of the curse of trying to cover multiple genres. The level design is fabulous though, and an overall enjoyable game.[/QUOTE]

Very well put.
I agree with what pretty much everyone is saying. After beating the first chapter, I can see how this is more of a rpg/platformer split as opposed to what I thought it would be: platformer with light rpg elements sprinkled in.
Well, I beat it this afternoon. ~20 hours with very little dinking around. Overall it's a quality game, I give some thoughts on the pacing of it all. There won't be plot or secrets given away, but I figure some people might not want to have someone else's take on the flow distort their feel for the game as they play it.

I felt like Levels 1, 2, and 3 all were really picking up speed. The design and the fun factor kept getting better and better. 4 was a total mind job (I also played it late at night, too. ;) ). I thought levels 5 and 7 were downright boring / annoying. 6 was different than the rest. World 8, though, we pretty classic Mario. I enjoyed it a lot.

Overall, for me, the game had just enough RPG stuff to be frustrating, and no challenge to the platforming other than "crawl into the designer's mind and figure out where this item / place might be.

Overall, on the world famous "daroga's Arbitrary Number Score" scale, I give it an 8.0.
[quote name='daroga']
Overall, on the world famous "daroga's Arbitrary Number Score" scale, I give it an 8.0.[/QUOTE]

Uh oh, expect a Scrubking flamefest coming your way... how dare you give it an 8!
[quote name='Roufuss']Uh oh, expect a Scrubking flamefest coming your way... how dare you give it an 8![/QUOTE]

Naw it's cool. He said arbitrary. His scale only goes up to W.

And 8 is like a triple 49, which is a z+9.

So really that's quite good.
[quote name='Roufuss']Uh oh, expect a Scrubking flamefest coming your way... how dare you give it an 8![/quote]And just wait until I give my reason! "There were parts I just didn't like."


Just messin' with ya, Scrubsy. ;)

[quote name='Strell']Naw it's cool. He said arbitrary. His scale only goes up to W.

And 8 is like a triple 49, which is a z+9.

So really that's quite good.[/quote] You, sir, were under an NDA not to talk about the inner-working of said scale. You'll be hearing from my lawyer. He's fought dinosaurs.

Watch your back, Jack.
[quote name='daroga']
You, sir, were under an NDA not to talk about the inner-working of said scale. You'll be hearing from my lawyer. He's fought dinosaurs.

I killed the dinosaurs, so I'm not scared of your neener lawyer.

And your NDA was flimsy. I mean it was written on paper. Paper which can be set on fire.

Next time carve it into a stone tablet like the rest of the clients I deal with. For they too have learned their lesson.

Of course, then I just break the stone tablet on the ground, suggesting they try hardened steel alloys next.

Which I then throw into a lake.

Really I have an endless stream of ways to deal with said NDAs, but each time I make the client feel that they are at fault (when really it's just my incessant evil at fault).
[quote name='Strell']I killed the dinosaurs, so I'm not scared of your neener lawyer.

And your NDA was flimsy. I mean it was written on paper. Paper which can be set on fire.

Next time carve it into a stone tablet like the rest of the clients I deal with. For they too have learned their lesson.

Of course, then I just break the stone tablet on the ground, suggesting they try hardened steel alloys next.

Which I then throw into a lake.

Really I have an endless stream of ways to deal with said NDAs, but each time I make the client feel that they are at fault (when really it's just my incessant evil at fault).[/quote]And now you've just doomed yourself. You signed an NDA regarding your skills at breaking NDAs. You've caught yourself in a temporal vortex that will destroy you and those you love.

Merlin and his pointy hat are ready to take you to the principal's office. It's detention time for you. :(
[quote name='daroga']And now you've just doomed yourself. You signed an NDA regarding your skills at breaking NDAs. You've caught yourself in a temporal vortex that will destroy you and those you love.

Merlin and his pointy hat are ready to take you to the principal's office. It's detention time for you. :([/quote]Merlon?
[quote name='botticus']Merlon?[/quote]Nope, Merlin. He's done nagging King Arthur and ready to dole Strell out some justice.
The old man in the bathrobe? Pssht.

I step on his lawn in protest, and then deny him the senior discount at the County Kitchen Buffet by claimining him to be 59 instead of 60.
[quote name='Strell']The old man in the bathrobe? Pssht.

I step on his lawn in protest, and then deny him the senior discount at the County Kitchen Buffet by claimining him to be 59 instead of 60.[/quote]You fool! That's just what we wants you to do! Whiel you're thinking of a way to screw him out of $1.32 at the buffet, he's lodged his control-device in your brain via magic. Now he can make you do whatever he wants, whenver he wants, and you'll never remember anything about it.

Maybe that last part is for the best.
[quote name='Wombat']I am on chapter 2-2 so far, and I have to admit that so far I am really enjoying it. Yes there is way too much text between levels but not thats really the only draw back. If I had to describe it to someone I'd say a weird cross between Maniac Mansion and Four Swords[/QUOTE]

It's good to see that our beating you into submission on the CAGcast forum to get this game has paid off ;).

On the arcade - I just found that last night, pretty nice. (I'm at end of chapter 2 and I think that's the first time you can get there as the elevator you need to use opens up then). I only tried the shooting one, and got 3rd place on the first try. Seems like you need an insane amount of tokens for the better items though - not sure I'll ever get those!
[quote name='mr ryles']use spoilers douche.[/QUOTE]

Why don't you edit your post since I edited mine to not show anything. You quoting what I said is now the spoiler.
im really enjoying this game. its got the look and puzzles of old paper marios but a more platformer feel. so far it seems like money well spent. i also like how these games give the devs a chance to show thier funny side with some of the jokes being well placed. some jokes in the game will also fly right over a regular persons head but the internet surfin crowd will get.
I have a question. My Super Paper Mario preorder had some shipping issues, so it's still not here. Well, it is, but it's not in my possession. I go to college and the mail room hasn't opened, but I was e-mailed saying it has been delivered.

Out of curiosity, I'd just like to know--is this game too easy? Don't worry, it won't put me off. I love the style, and that they've made it a more platforming-oriented game. (I hesitated with the other Paper Mario games, because I had played Super Mario RPG, and anyone else who has knows there can be no equalling it, in terms of a Mario-styled RPG...)

So I'd just like to know, what do people think about the difficulty in this game?
It's pretty easy... but it's also a relatively lengthy adventure, which in my opinion makes up for it in the end.

Anyway, I managed to get to 5-1 last night. Chapter 4 was pretty crazy, especially
"The Whoa Zone." That level really messed with my head. :lol:
Chapter 5 is very hard.
It's about all of these plants that are taking over these cavemens' minds. You have to go in some cave and defeat this cool king plant guy. He looks homosexual, though. You defeat him by jumping on the plant heads on the vines that sprout out from him. You have to get over to his head. Then when all of those vines and heads are gone, you have to jump on him. It's pretty fun. Too bad the cavemen were polluting the water.

Also, flopside is cool. Tippi the butterfly is Count Bleck's lover or something, Timpani.
Whow, whoa, whoa, there. Edit that post and put spoiler tags around that stuff, FallMoon. That's a metric ton of surprises you just dropped in a few sentences.
I'm glad you pointed out that he was a fucktard for not using spoiler tags. I'm sorry he spoiled some things for you, but it has probably kept others from looking two posts up. :)
[quote name='The Crotch']That's it, I'm just staying out of this god-damn thread. Can you guys go a motherfucking page without spoiling something?[/quote]Yes!

The last fight is a battle-royale between Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Cool Spot. In the end, Cool Spot comes out on top and destroys all non-un-colas.

Oops, I meant, "No!" up above...
[quote name='crazytalkx']Just got to 3-4. Such a great fucking game, it's more challenging than I thought it would be. I
I heard about 3-3 apparently being frustating, but I thought it was easy and a lot of fun.

I think so far my most hated section would be... I think it was 2-4.
Where you're in the basement fighting Mimi, I kept getting lost.

Also, regarding the guy who spoiled a bunch of things.
I had a feeling they were both lovers at one point, it's pretty obvious once you unlock Chapter 5, especially.

Wow... spoiler tags aplenty.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']So.

I want to throw my controller against the wall.

3-3, in the goddamn tree, GRRRRR

YES! fuck that!!
bread's done