The (old) GameRush/Blockbuster Thread

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89 (100%)
Welcome to the Official CAG Gamerush/Blockbuster video game deal thread.

First and foremost, please check out the
GameRush Trade-In Prices Wiki.


What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos and to post any trade-in values you have obtained. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system. One of the CAG Wiki editors will then add them to the Wiki.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Gamerush/Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals, of which there are none currently).

Due to the questionable stability of the Gamerush brand, it is also permissible to discuss ways of converting credit from Blockbuster to other stores (ie, which games may be used for trading in to other stores such as Gamecrazy or EB/GS). As of right now, we have no indication of Gamerush's imminent demise, but given Blockbuster's ongoing financial difficulties we need to be aware of the possibility.

What is this thread NOT for?
There will be absolutely NO DISCUSSION of the recent doctored coupon. Do not discuss what you bought, what you traded it for, or anything else - all such posts will be deleted. Any discussion of that should be done here.

Also, it is bad form to discuss the flipping of games from one Gamerush store to another should another such opportunity arrive (through trade-in deals which we haven't had recently anyway). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (GR to GC to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from GR.


General Info
- Trade-in credit can be placed onto your store account or onto a "Value" card
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- However, credit can be transferred from the store account to a card at any time
- Value cards can be used at any location
- Gamerush stores often do not get new game stock until the Friday of the release week, thus a few days later than most retailers


Gamerush vs. regular Blockbusters
All Blockbuster game-related discussion belongs here. Most threads created in the Deals forum will be merged in to here. There seems to be the impression by many CAGs that if they don't have a Gamerush store near them then this thread does not apply to them. However, regular (non-GR) Blockbuster stores often run the same promos and generally have the same trade-in values.

The key differences:
- Only Gamerush stores sell new and used video game hardware, with the exception of the occasional new controller/memory card spotted at regular stores. (Edit - Some recent exceptions have cropped up: many regular BB stores had a PS3 bundle available over Christmas and a few stores have been reported to sell DS Lites).

- Only Gamerush stores allow for preorders of new games (though, it seems, many of those have even stopped taking preorders).

- While many Gamerush stores have cut back on their new game stock, some regular (non-GR) Blockbusters have started selling new games. They usually have a very limited selection of top-selling new 360, PS3, and Wii games. I will be maintaining a list below here for those with Blockbuster credit but no access to a GR store.

- Trade-in values are controlled centrally and are uniform across all Gamerush and Blockbuster locations EXCEPT if the Blockbuster is a franchise location. You can tell from the receipt if your store is a franchise store. All Gamerush stores are corporate-owned so they will have uniform pricing.


New games that may be available for purchase at select non-GR Blockbusters
For those with access to only regular Blockbuster stores but wanting to take advantage of the decent trade-in values Blockbuster offers, this is the list of new games being sold by some regular Blockbuster locations. Note that they will generally not get new games on the release date. They will most likely have them a few days to weeks later.

Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass

Blue Dragon
Call of Duty 4
Guitar Hero III
Halo 3
Lego Star Wars TCS
Mass Effect
NBA Live 08
The Orange Box

Guitar Hero III
Spiderman Friend or Foe

80GB PS3 bundle for $600 (PS3, Surf's Up Blu-Ray, HDMI cable, 20-week rental card)
Assassin's Creed
Lego Star Wars TCS
NBA Live 08
Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction
Rock Band bundle

Guitar Hero III
NBA Live 08
Mario Party 8
Mario Strikers Charged
Super Mario Galaxy


Current Trade-In Deals

There are no trade-in deals at this time. The trade 3 get an extra $5 per game is still in affect at some (very select) locations.


Reported Trade-In Prices

Trade-In Price Wiki
[quote name='djkunai']:ps3:
Darkness $33 :hot:

Darkness $32 :hot:
Hour of Victory $32 :hot:
Gun $12 :hot: :hot: :hot:[/QUOTE]

Gamestop for Darkness and HOV with the B2G1 sale on Friday, and Gun for $5 at BestBuy. I'm grabbing every copy I can get.
Thanks for the tip....Black Friday shopping, yikes. I probably won't have a chance to get out...oh well. I guess I may just have to spend my $107 in credit I have :) Not bad for just getting a Wii and Wii Play.
Darkness and HOV - GS B2G1
Gun - Best Buy $5


If you use the $5 off 360 game coupon, you must ring up TWO copies of the game and use the coupon ONCE. This will cause one game to be $0 and the other to stay $4.99. It will NOT work on one game- you must have SOMETHING else on the transaction (games always work). Theoretically, an employee can scan the coupon multiple times and apply it to the transaction multiple times, but YMMV on an employee doing that. If you want your game cheap enough, just buy two at a time with one coupon. $5 = 2 Gun. Like I said, possible to get 10 copies of Gun for $5, but VERY YMMV.
[quote name='nietzsche74']Did you pre-order Mass Effect, or were there copies available for everyone to buy? If the latter, what was the amount of copies available.[/QUOTE]

My store said they didn't do pre-orders, so they were just available to anyone. They hadn't even unpacked the box with Mass Effect yet, so they were opening stuff up and looking for it for me. I know I saw at least two more copies in the box, but am not sure if there were more than that. I'm doubting it, as they usually only get 1 or 2 copies of new games.
All Pro Football 2K8 dropped to 8$, so I only broke even on my last copy :(

But on the bright side, I traded King Kong for 5$ (I now have it on HD)

I also picked up Rock Band and Mass Effect.

I tried to preorder Links Crossbow Training, and it's not in their system. Bummer ;(
[quote name='djkunai']Darkness and HOV - GS B2G1
Gun - Best Buy $5

If you use the $5 off 360 game coupon, you must ring up TWO copies of the game and use the coupon ONCE. This will cause one game to be $0 and the other to stay $4.99. It will NOT work on one game- you must have SOMETHING else on the transaction (games always work). Theoretically, an employee can scan the coupon multiple times and apply it to the transaction multiple times, but YMMV on an employee doing that. If you want your game cheap enough, just buy two at a time with one coupon. $5 = 2 Gun. Like I said, possible to get 10 copies of Gun for $5, but VERY YMMV.[/QUOTE]

Ahhh...hmm, is GUN $5 at Best Buy already? Or does that not go into effect until Thurs? If that's the case, how much is it at Best Buy right now? If its $10, I'd probably pick it up.
[quote name='stoned99']All Pro Football 2K8 dropped to 8$, so I only broke even on my last copy :(

Yep, it's only $14.99 used at BB/GR now.
[quote name='stoned99']All Pro Football 2K8 dropped to 8$, so I only broke even on my last copy :(

Wow, I'm glad I made it out there for at least one copy on the weekend. Still got $15 for it on Saturday.

I can't imagine trying to go to Best Buy on Friday just to buy Gun. Meh...
[quote name='djkunai']Darkness and HOV - GS B2G1[/quote]

man, screw that GameCrazy has the HoV for 19.99 new, and I heard they adjust the prices on used games as well. So with my card they will be like 13.69 each if I find 3 of em' and get the third free. Use my measly 2 bucks I have left in credit. 27 bucks turns into over 90 bucks at blockbuster......
Hi, I checked some trade in prices while I was at Blockbuster/Gamerush getting my copy of Rockband. FYI, most of the stores in my area had Rockband available for people who pre-ordered it. I only pre-ordered my copy last week. We need to keep a list of the good flippers and where to find them as started above. Thanks to djkunai for the trade in prices.

Happy Feet - Wii - $26
Ice Age 2 - Wii - $23
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom - PS3 - $23 - GS/EB $17.50
Darkness - PS3 - $33 confirms previous post
Hour Victory - 360 - $32 confirms previous post

Games we need to check:

Jaws Unleashed - PS2
Jaws Unleashed - Xbox
Madden 2006 - 360- $8 - ? current price
Rayman Raving Rabbits - 360
Need for Speed Carbon - PS3
Motorstorm - PS3
Genji - PS3

**Does anyone know if Hastings is going to have some Black Friday sales?


Are there any good exchanges from Gamerush to Gamestop. I want to get Orcs and Elves, and Warhammer for the DS, and I don't think Gamerush carries them.
The best possible is Halo 3 if used as part of the +30% promotion.

35$ + 30% (Powertrade or trade 5) + 10% edge = just about break even.

My GR's are selling Halo 3 for 45$ used.
There may be something with the coupon book GS is putting out on BF, but we've been looking for a credit-swapper for weeks.
Traded in some stuff for Mario Galaxy, Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed yesterday. Here's what I got in credit:

FIFA 08 PS2 - $12
Table Tennis Wii - $20
Bleach Wii - $30
NBA Live 08 PS3 - $30
Manhunt 2 PS2 - $15
Fantastic 4 RoSS 360 - $15
Tomb Raider Anniversary Wii - $23
I've complied a spreadsheet just for this weekend for the trade values we know and potential deals.

Remember: Buy 2 get 1 free on used games at EB/GS. This sale lasts all weekend I believe?

If you have other information, please post it here and I'll try to update this throughout the weekend.
[quote name='nlyonssmith']I've complied a spreadsheet just for this weekend for the trade values we know and potential deals.

Remember: Buy 2 get 1 free on used games at EB/GS. This sale lasts all weekend I believe?

If you have other information, please post it here and I'll try to update this throughout the weekend.[/QUOTE]

Green for you.

GRAW 2 - $20

Incredibles, Rise of the Underminer - $1.25

EA Replay (need to check this, only $5 at Best Buy)
[quote name='djkunai']Green for you.

GRAW 2 - $20

Incredibles, Rise of the Underminer - $1.25

EA Replay (need to check this, only $5 at Best Buy)[/quote]

Has anyone checked on Call of Juarez recently (which is $10 at CC tomorrow or online early this morning for those who got in on time)? Last wiki price (from Sept) is $35 ;).
[quote name='Masterkyo']I wonder BB Game Rush have Black Friday Deal ??[/quote]

No... they don't do BlackFriday...
Call of Jaurez really dropped to $15 already? Damn that was quick. Anyone know if Happy Feet (Wii) is still getting $26? Thanks.
[quote name='ksuwild25']Hour of Victory is 9.99 as part of Amazon's BF deals.[/quote]

Oh you've got to be kidding me. I don't even know whether I should order about fifty of them because (1) I'm sure GR is finally catching on to HOV and (2) I've already flipped a few at the local stores in my area.
Despite the 1 per customer small print, BB sold me two copies of Gun for 360. Would not let me use a 5 off coupon because each game was 4.99. I told her I wasn't interested in getting that extra penny back, but no dice.
[quote name='ksuwild25']Hour of Victory is 9.99 as part of Amazon's BF deals.[/quote]

Wow, thats a great deal. Only thing that is even with the prime 2 day shipping, it'll come tuesday (the saturday shipping on 6 copies is almost $30). I've been having bad luck with flips this week, which means if i did buy it, the value would probably drop that tuesday.
[quote name='gareman']anyone still think its 32 trade in on HoV[/quote]

that is confirmed for this week. It is a slight drop from the 35 last week. I think Kunai confirmed that.
[quote name='nlyonssmith']that is confirmed for this week. It is a slight drop from the 35 last week. I think Kunai confirmed that.[/quote]

Yes. Yes I did.
The Best Buy by me sold me two copies of Gun, and I traded them in at Blockbuster for $12 each. Best of all my wife bought me a third copy while she was out.
I'm done for today, Kunai I don't know how you do this so much.

I bought 6x HoV from CCity/BBuy. I traded these in at GRush for $32 a piece. I also bought 6 copies of HoV from Amazon for $9.99 each, no tax (first time ever they didn't charge me tax and I'm in Cali), and free shipping.

6 copies of Madden 06 at GameStop (edge + B2G1F) cost me $19.36. All 6 copies flipped at $8 a piece.

2 copies of Happy Feet bought from CCity for $10.79 apiece, traded in for $26 apiece.

$101.83 spent for $292 credit. Not too shabby but I'm exhausted. I just need Amazon to ship me those 6 HoV so I can 'return' them to CCity/BBuy.
I need to get some of these great trade deals. I guess the order at Amazon and return at Best Buy is a decent idea.

Anyone know what Medal of Honor Airborne (360) trades for?
Called about my preordered copy of Uncharted just after opening to see if it came in today and he said they already had um in stock so looks like they got them early for a change. Picked up my copy and took it to GS for a refund using the receipt from last saturday when I found out they started selling early.

I am completely out of GR credit now and it took everything I could muster to pay the remaining balance of $2 out of my own pocket. :bomb: Need to start building more $.50 on the $1 credit!

[quote name='doubledown']
Anyone know what Medal of Honor Airborne (360) trades for?[/quote]
1000 points (or a $60 new release game) on Goozex. :D
6 copies of Madden 06 at GameStop (edge + B2G1F) cost me $19.36. All 6 copies flipped at $8 a piece.

Am i reading this right? Don't you mean 07?
Actually no, GameRush is giving $8 per copy of Madden 06. Very strange.

This is actually a very easy flip for any CAGs that want to make a bit of credit. The EB/GS that I went to had 10+ copies of Madden 06. Just find enough blockbusters (2 copies of one game per store per day).

The B2G1F extends through the weekend I believe?
Damn 0 for 2 on picking up Mass Effect. Both stores only received 1 or 2 copies, due to lack of preordrers. Mean while they have about a dozen Rock Band each.
I just came back from a few hours ago with a friend and flipped some games from todays Best Buy AD. Oh and this was also my first time trading games in at GR.

(2x) PSP EA Replay $3
(2x) X360 Gun $12

plus $5 per game via kunai's GR. I made out with $50 from spending $20

Thanks to
kunai for helping me get a few copies of these games, it was fun camping out with you and everyone else.
[quote name='nlyonssmith']Actually no, GameRush is giving $8 per copy of Madden 06. Very strange.

This is actually a very easy flip for any CAGs that want to make a bit of credit. The EB/GS that I went to had 10+ copies of Madden 06. Just find enough blockbusters (2 copies of one game per store per day).

The B2G1F extends through the weekend I believe?[/QUOTE]

Madden 06 for which system?
Madden 06 Xbox 360. Trade prices will change on Tuesday so flip them before that. Then we can check if the price changed and continue flipping if not.
[quote name='Ragekod']Thanks to
kunai for helping me get a few copies of these games, it was fun camping out with you and everyone else.[/quote]

Next time you can wait in Porter Ranch. Thanks for holding my spot in the Geek Squad line while I grabbed all ten copies of Gun though, lol.
[quote name='djkunai']Next time you can wait in Porter Ranch. Thanks for holding my spot in the Geek Squad line while I grabbed all ten copies of Gun though, lol.[/quote]

So do you think you two will have a second date? He seems pretty taken by you... How do you feel? Do you still get tingles when you say his name? How did the date end, were fluids spilt?;)
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