The (old) GameRush/Blockbuster Thread

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Welcome to the Official CAG Gamerush/Blockbuster video game deal thread.

First and foremost, please check out the
GameRush Trade-In Prices Wiki.


What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos and to post any trade-in values you have obtained. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system. One of the CAG Wiki editors will then add them to the Wiki.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Gamerush/Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals, of which there are none currently).

Due to the questionable stability of the Gamerush brand, it is also permissible to discuss ways of converting credit from Blockbuster to other stores (ie, which games may be used for trading in to other stores such as Gamecrazy or EB/GS). As of right now, we have no indication of Gamerush's imminent demise, but given Blockbuster's ongoing financial difficulties we need to be aware of the possibility.

What is this thread NOT for?
There will be absolutely NO DISCUSSION of the recent doctored coupon. Do not discuss what you bought, what you traded it for, or anything else - all such posts will be deleted. Any discussion of that should be done here.

Also, it is bad form to discuss the flipping of games from one Gamerush store to another should another such opportunity arrive (through trade-in deals which we haven't had recently anyway). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (GR to GC to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from GR.


General Info
- Trade-in credit can be placed onto your store account or onto a "Value" card
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- However, credit can be transferred from the store account to a card at any time
- Value cards can be used at any location
- Gamerush stores often do not get new game stock until the Friday of the release week, thus a few days later than most retailers


Gamerush vs. regular Blockbusters
All Blockbuster game-related discussion belongs here. Most threads created in the Deals forum will be merged in to here. There seems to be the impression by many CAGs that if they don't have a Gamerush store near them then this thread does not apply to them. However, regular (non-GR) Blockbuster stores often run the same promos and generally have the same trade-in values.

The key differences:
- Only Gamerush stores sell new and used video game hardware, with the exception of the occasional new controller/memory card spotted at regular stores. (Edit - Some recent exceptions have cropped up: many regular BB stores had a PS3 bundle available over Christmas and a few stores have been reported to sell DS Lites).

- Only Gamerush stores allow for preorders of new games (though, it seems, many of those have even stopped taking preorders).

- While many Gamerush stores have cut back on their new game stock, some regular (non-GR) Blockbusters have started selling new games. They usually have a very limited selection of top-selling new 360, PS3, and Wii games. I will be maintaining a list below here for those with Blockbuster credit but no access to a GR store.

- Trade-in values are controlled centrally and are uniform across all Gamerush and Blockbuster locations EXCEPT if the Blockbuster is a franchise location. You can tell from the receipt if your store is a franchise store. All Gamerush stores are corporate-owned so they will have uniform pricing.


New games that may be available for purchase at select non-GR Blockbusters
For those with access to only regular Blockbuster stores but wanting to take advantage of the decent trade-in values Blockbuster offers, this is the list of new games being sold by some regular Blockbuster locations. Note that they will generally not get new games on the release date. They will most likely have them a few days to weeks later.

Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass

Blue Dragon
Call of Duty 4
Guitar Hero III
Halo 3
Lego Star Wars TCS
Mass Effect
NBA Live 08
The Orange Box

Guitar Hero III
Spiderman Friend or Foe

80GB PS3 bundle for $600 (PS3, Surf's Up Blu-Ray, HDMI cable, 20-week rental card)
Assassin's Creed
Lego Star Wars TCS
NBA Live 08
Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction
Rock Band bundle

Guitar Hero III
NBA Live 08
Mario Party 8
Mario Strikers Charged
Super Mario Galaxy


Current Trade-In Deals

There are no trade-in deals at this time. The trade 3 get an extra $5 per game is still in affect at some (very select) locations.


Reported Trade-In Prices

Trade-In Price Wiki
[quote name='$hady']So do you think you two will have a second date? He seems pretty taken by you... How do you feel? Do you still get tingles when you say his name? How did the date end, were fluids spilt?;)[/quote]

Ragekod is too fat for me. And I like girls.
[quote name='djkunai']Ragekod is too fat for me. And I like girls.[/quote]
and kunai is too white for me, and I too like girls.
Traded in today:

Conan (X360): $30 \\:D/

Over G Fighters (X360): $25 :applause:

Picked up 1 copy of Mass Effect of the 3 they had in stock. Didn't see any new copies of Assassin's Creed (for the 360).
Trading Blazing Angels & Over G tomorrow. Might take R6: Vegas as well. Anyone seen Kane & Lynch or Zack & Wiki at BB? If I can't find em, I might get heroes S1.
[quote name='lyric706']I found one Zak and Wiki at the 34th St. South store in St. Petersburg.[/quote]

Did you go to any other stores? I'm hoping there's another one available somewhere in Pinellas. :whistle2:(
Is the Guitar Hero III (360) trade price still valid? I've gotten rather bored with it.

Question - since my copy came from the bundle, it's marked "not for resale" on it. Is that going to be a problem?
Happy Dump Day Everyone!

Make sure to flip what you can today so you're not affected by potential price drops tomorrow. And Madden 06 still gets $8 on 360, so keep an eye out for it used at GS ($4.99). That may change tomorrow- good luck!
Nice to see Madden 08 gets that much....I'm debating on dumping it as this so called "patch" is still pending.

I will update with Medal of Honor:Airborne later today.

I did not find any Hours of Victory this weekend...although, i didn't look that hard....oh well.
Those holiday 3 packs for 360 should be good flipping as well. 19.99 at Amazon or BB with coupon for Cars, Open Season, and Fusion Frenzy 2 - wiki says 41 total in trade.
Katamari Damacy - $7. With bonus that's $12 for me and the several copies I ordered through Amazon. I hear GS offers $12 to begin with, so we'll see how that plays out come tomorrow. I also picked up Revenant Wings today.
Sweet. Already got the 3 copies of Hour of Victory from Amazon's BF deal today. Traded one to each GR by the house for 32 each. Neither will take two of a game at a time despite what the GR website says. Hopefully, the value holds tomorrow although it shouldn't drop too much if it does.
[quote name='jdawgg76']Sweet. Already got the 3 copies of Hour of Victory from Amazon's BF deal today. Traded one to each GR by the house for 32 each. Neither will take two of a game at a time despite what the GR website says. Hopefully, the value holds tomorrow although it shouldn't drop too much if it does.[/QUOTE]

I dunno, I remember they dropped Enchanted Arms from $33 to $9(?) in one swoop, so watch out! I shoulda ordered some HOV from Amazon, but I figured they'd take about two weeks to arrive given it was the holidays. Oh well.
Don't forget you can always buy from Gamefly and flip it back to BB if you're worried about all those GameStop stickers always covering the box (although I myself remove them before entering the store). I found The Darkness for $23 with free shipping, and if you have that $10 coupon as a member, that's $13, and since it trades at $32, you're getting a 246% increase on that sale. :)

Couple more things you could buy to get a nice chunky return (according to the most recent Wiki updates):

Buy Two Worlds at GameFly for $20, trade in for $35 (At $10, that'd be a 350% increase)
Buy Motorstorm at GameFly for $24, trade in for $33 (At $14, that'd be a 236% increase)

Here's to hoping Two Worlds is still at the same price. Does anyone know? I might just jump on it.
[quote name='dinovelvet']I dunno, I remember they dropped Enchanted Arms from $33 to $9(?) in one swoop, so watch out! I shoulda ordered some HOV from Amazon, but I figured they'd take about two weeks to arrive given it was the holidays. Oh well.[/quote]Doh! You're right. I'll cross my fingers although I'm still interested in actually playing this last copy despite the horrid reviews. What's wrong with me???? I have CoD4 to play. I'll cross my fingers that the trade value doesn't drop and I cna unload this sucker this week. I thought is would take a week or so for delivery, too, especially since that's what the confirmation email said. It was a cool surprise to get it on dump day. I guess Amazon couldn't wait to get rid of HoV.
Medal of Honor:Airborne - $28.50 (360 on 11/26/07)

On a side note...aparently someone bought FIVE copies of Rock Band at my local GameRush....they even told the employees they will be selling on EBAY (all but one copy)
[quote name='doubledown']
On a side note...aparently someone bought FIVE copies of Rock Band at my local GameRush....they even told the employees they will be selling on EBAY (all but one copy)[/QUOTE]

How odd... I was at my Target Saturday (day after Black Friday) and they had a whole endcap full of Rock Band. Unless they intended to convert GR credit at a slight loss that seems like a bad idea. I'm sure shipping for Rock Band would make it highly unprofitable (and a pain in the ass) to make much off it on eBay.
[quote name='io'] I'm sure shipping for Rock Band would make it highly unprofitable (and a pain in the ass) to make much off it on eBay.[/quote]

Or be like most assholes recently on eBay and overcharge shipping by 2x. :p
I'd stopped doing any dealing with BB/GR for months until this past weekend. I took advantage of the EB B2G1 sale to get 5 copies of the Darkness and 1 HoV, using trades at EB for half of the cost. I then traded all of those in at 3 local BB's, getting about $205 bucks in store credit, which I used to pick up Rock Band and a 1600 point Xbox Live card.

Total actually out of pocket: about $52 bucks. The TIV for both The Darkness and HoV was $32.

Will be interesting to see if those two hold their TIV tomorrow...
Traded in:

Shadowrun: $19
Call of Duty 2: $12 (was actually the GOTY edition, but she rung it up as the original since they don't have the GOTY in their system)
Hour of Victory: $32
[quote name='Karuto']Or be like most assholes recently on eBay and overcharge shipping by 2x. :p[/QUOTE]

I am not trying to attack you, but to be honest, I don't understand why people bash those on "high shipping costs" ebay.

If you do not look at shipping charges before you buy, you shouldn't buy. Charging higher shipping costs is a way to keep fees down, obviously those that charge $25 to ship a flash based Mp3 player from within the contiguous 48 states is unreasonable.

But a cost of $8 for first class doesn't seem bad to me. Which would be 2x the actual cost.

Higher shipping costs is a way of not allow ebay to eat ALL your profits. =X

Again, don't take it personally. Its just a matter of fact, I used to sell on ebay and fees continue to rise and shipping costs continue to rise. Competitors charged more shipping than I did and their final cost was higher than mine. But due to the horrible system, theirs outsold mine while we had comparable feedback/pictures/etc. Just a big flaw in the system, and as ebay raises prices, shipping costs will go up as well.

And to add to that, if anyone has taken their "shipping charge" test, its bull #$%^. They expect customers to pay EXACT cost of shipping when they know that PAYPAL eats a good 3-5% of our costs. Therefore, if we even considered charging exact shipping costs, we'd be at a loss. >_>

/end rant

Happy dump day to those that got in on the B2G1 @ GS, I completely ran out of time to snag any games.
I just wanted to make sure of a couple things before I proceed:

For those with GS/EB that have the extra fifty percent, does Halo 3 still trade at $35? I just want to make sure because with the extra fifty percent and edge card, I'm suppose to get (35+17.50+3.50) $56 which is actually more than what they sell the game for used. Has anyone actually traded in Halo 3 for $56 with success? Thanks.
@ AzN - Oh, I totally understand that you want to cover the costs. I'm talking about charging $20 to ship out some pens or something. If they're worried about making such a big loss, then they should try someplace other than eBay. I mean, I've also sold items on there, but you have to take into consideration what you're getting into. Unless you're a reseller, I'd set the actual price higher or something like that than what you're expected to get, rather than forcing a fixed price down the consumer's throat.

I'm not saying all people do it, but the ones that do, do it so blatantly that it just puts a lot of people off, especially when you see the cost of shipping cause the price to be higher than if you got it from the actual offline/online retail giants themselves.
[quote name='edavis0780']I just wanted to make sure of a couple things before I proceed:

For those with GS/EB that have the extra fifty percent, does Halo 3 still trade at $35? I just want to make sure because with the extra fifty percent and edge card, I'm suppose to get (35+17.50+3.50) $56 which is actually more than what they sell the game for used. Has anyone actually traded in Halo 3 for $56 with success? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

I took adv. Trade-in 2 games & get extra $10 bonus plus extra 30% off Rock Band. (2 copies Halo 3) $50.50 Each. Kinda sad i left my Edged Card at home that night :(
[quote name='io']How odd... I was at my Target Saturday (day after Black Friday) and they had a whole endcap full of Rock Band. Unless they intended to convert GR credit at a slight loss that seems like a bad idea. I'm sure shipping for Rock Band would make it highly unprofitable (and a pain in the ass) to make much off it on eBay.[/QUOTE]

It appears Rock Band is selling for $200+shipping on EBAY for some odd reason. I didn't think it was "limited" or anything....odd

I have no desire to buy it maybe.
[quote name='doubledown']It appears Rock Band is selling for $200+shipping on EBAY for some odd reason. I didn't think it was "limited" or anything....odd

I have no desire to buy it maybe.[/QUOTE]

I had heard that it might be tough to find, so I can see why it's going for slightly higher than retail on ebay.

I played it this weekend and it was awesome. Unfortunately, according to my friends, I can't sing but I'm pretty good at the drums. Damn them for giving me Sabotage as a tryout song.
Jaws unleashed (xbox) down to $16 from $19 this week. Some others:

Forza 2 (x360) $32
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (x360) $15
I traded in Halo 3 at EB/GS today for $49 (30% coupon + 10% edge). I looked for any Darkness or HoV and saw none. Some madden 06 but I don't have enough BBGR nearby to trade in $49 worth of that.
[quote name='djkunai']:hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot:

Hour of Victory - $32
The Darkness - $32
Madden 06 - $8

Go! Go! Go![/QUOTE]

I assume the cheapest for these is GS B2G1?

[quote name='MightySlacker']They have B2G1 coupons in that little book they were giving out


Only for last gen, nothing for new gen.
There have been some rumors of a used game sale in December. Nothing concrete as of yet. The 30% trade in coupon at GS/EB is a good way to convert GR credit to GS/EB credit if you can find some copies of Halo 3 at GR.
[quote name='grecianfox']There have been some rumors of a used game sale in December. Nothing concrete as of yet. The 30% trade in coupon at GS/EB is a good way to convert GR credit to GS/EB credit if you can find some copies of Halo 3 at GR.[/QUOTE]

How much is Halo 3 at GR? The trade value at EB/GS is $35 + 30% (coupon) + 10% (EdgeCard) = $49. Not bad. Thank you
The BlockBuster near me (complete with broken letter so it says "BLO US VIDEO") doesn't do jack squat for games or movies, and doesn't do Total Access. Bummer.
Halo 3 is $44.99 at GR. As of yesterday it traded for 35 at GS/EB. Throw in the extra 30% trade in coupon and you can get 35 + 10.50 = 45.50 at GS/EB. You take a slight loss after tax but GS/EB credit is more valuable than GR credit imo.
Any idea what History Channel: Civil War (360) trades for at GR? I assume it's not much, but it's $15 new at EB/GS.
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