The one and only CAG Super Smash Brothers Brawl Tournament! Beef vs. JoeB, FINALS!!!!

[quote name='Strell']I don't know Rob's moveset or how far his attacks stretch! His downA smash is brutal since it'll hit about 10 times.

This is NOT to say aTOH didn't play very well - as he certainly did, and deserved to win. I'll be back though, hopefully after unlocking Rob and learning how to get past all his tricks.[/quote]

If you find out, let me know. My friend complains whenever I use Rob against him because he has no idea how to fight him, and, well, the only person I've ever played who used Rob was aTOH.
Alright, good luck!

Oh, and don't forget to turn individual item frequencies to 'Off'. Otherwise, I throw capsules and shtuff.

EDIT: Holy crap, is my heart racing. Khaos, those were the closest tourney games I've ever played. Here's the breakdown.

@Battlefield - King Dedede (JoeB1233) d. Pit (KhaosX)
@Final Destination - Pit (KhaosX) d. King Dedede (JoeB1233)
@Battlefield - King Dedede (JoeB1233) d. Pit (KhaosX)

Those were such fun games! Gosh, Khaos, that was awesome. You have a great Pit (although, I figured that out last night)! Let's play again soon!
oh man.. first loss and i lose it all.. I was so close too. The platforms of Battlefield always gets me killed. Oh well gg. Joe beat me 2 -1

Oh, and just for kicks... fuckfuck I let you win!!
If anyone knows how to play Rob (aTOH *cough*) and are available tonight for some matches, I'd greatly appreciate it. I needs practimacice.
I'm game. I have to admit though, Ness is actually my main, and ROB's my backup, so I haven't fully grasped his gamestyle. I win with ROB since he happens to be higher on my tier list =/

When's tonight?
No real plans tonight to my knowledge, but generally the later the better for me. I'd say anytime after 9 Central (7 PST) would work best.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Hey evergoo, I'm ready when you are. My AIM ain't working at the moment, so sorry if I can't contact ya.[/QUOTE]

Hey Mr. Beef, I'm online right now and created a room. Sorry for the delay. I've been doing FFAs for awhile now with some CAGs.
[quote name='yukine']Way to disappoint your fans, Strell.

I already know who is going to win this tournament.
Based on who's left and who I've played, I'd agree.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Based on who's left and who I've played, I'd agree.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the compliments guys, but based on who I've played against 1-on-1 it will be
JoeB's King Dedede
. fuck that Penguin to hell!
Strell, do you want to have a practice with me before I go with my next round? I only played you for a couple rounds that one time and I want to see how you play, since you ARE the wii forums star internet personality.
[quote name='evergoo']Thanks for the compliments guys, but based on who I've played against 1-on-1 it will be
JoeB's King Dedede
. fuck that Penguin to hell![/quote]

His King Dedede is crazy. Just when i figure a way out to counter his chain grab, he counters back. And maybe its just me, but his damn use of waddledees messes with me both defensively and offensively.
[quote name='KhaosX']His King Dedede is crazy. Just when i figure a way out to counter his chain grab, he counters back. And maybe its just me, but his damn use of waddledees messes with me both defensively and offensively.[/quote]
The only thing I've found that remotely works is ZSSamus, but that was with lag, so who knows.
Amigo - if you haven't played your round, I'd be happy to throw down for a while.

aTOH: Make Rob your main. Son of a bitch. He and I played some 15 rounds or so last night, with him using Rob the whole time and me switching around different characters, and I maybe only 3-4 matches. I learned a lot, though, so I'm slowly working my way up to taking Rob out. But damn - he just has INSANE priority and range with all of his air attacks, and his down smash is brutal.

Not to mention the little eye laser and rotating gyro attacks are very powerful after a while.
Are Amigo and I the last ones left for this round?

We are going to try and get out game done tonight around 6pm EST.

I just hope the lag isn't bad because hes on the west coast and I'm on the east.... thats been my BIGGEST complaint about playing on-line. I tried to play a 4 person game last night, dear god, it was unplayable. The worst I've had in ANY on-line console game this generation for sure
aTOH is on the west coast and I'm on the east coast, and our matches were pretty good, except for a few blips in the first round. 1v1 seems a lot smoother than FFAs online.
[quote name='Drnick']Are Amigo and I the last ones left for this round?[/QUOTE]

No, you're not the only ones.

I'm still waiting to finish my beef ;-)
BTW zitanix, the only strategies I've got against Rob at the moment include:

1) He has insane air priority coupled with deceptively long range. Basically, if you go up against him in the air and you aren't actually above him, you lose.

2) You can't roll-dodge behind him, because his down smash will hit you. Even if you roll-dodge into an evade or a shield, you get hit. Best bet is to roll-dodge away and try to attack some other way.

3) His projectile attacks will wear you down fast. Try to avoid them with evades.

4) His down air will hit your up smash, no question. The only one I think who can get around this is Lucas, since his up smash is insane. But it's slow to use, so unless you're planning ahead, you'll get hit.

That's all I got for now. I'm actually quite surprised at how well made a character his is, since he seems more gimmicky than even G&W.
[quote name='Drnick']
I just hope the lag isn't bad because hes on the west coast and I'm on the east....[/quote]

I also live on the east coast, and my round 3 match with Amigo was lag-free. So hopefully everything should be fine for your match Drnick ;)
Man, I got work all day today and tomorrow, so it's gonna be tough for me to get my match done with (posting from work is fun!). Hopefully I won't have to extend the deadline for myself, but if I can't get it done tonight, then I might have to.

I want to make sure I clean up all this goo that's bugging me.
Man, that joke was awful.
Dont worry about it beef, I have to go in about in some time, and if Dr. Nick doesnt respond I wont be able to play.
Ok, evergoo, I'm heading home now. Get ready to play me in exactly one hour from the time I post this.

...Or PM me if you can't, whatever.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Damn evergoo, you got a nice Ike. Good games.[/QUOTE]

GG beef. Good luck in the Final Four and the Finals.

I never fought against a good Mario in Brawl. That's why your FLUDD surprised me. Didn't know he could do that.

Also, sorry for playing like crap and quitting in games 4 and after. My neighbor was bugging me with his excessive talking. It was really getting on my nerves to the point where I made silly mistakes.

EDIT: It's so relieving to lose. No more pressure now.
Sorry to everyone in the tourney for holding up this round, I got stuck at work and then sidetracked after... hopefully Amigo and I can get this taken care of tomorrow when I get out of work.
[quote name='Drnick']Sorry to everyone in the tourney for holding up this round, I got stuck at work and then sidetracked after... hopefully Amigo and I can get this taken care of tomorrow when I get out of work.[/quote]

Hey, guy, don't worry about it. The deadline isn't for another ~24 hours. You've still got time. :)

Another note: as the tournament progresses, I can see more and more why Beef organized it. Self-gratification, yes? :whistle2:k

Only kidding, of course!
Your participation is the prize I believe.

If there is a second tournament, perhaps we can all pitch in for prizes. I was thinking of gifting a Wii VC game.
[quote name='aTOH']Mr. Beef - The top 4 players all get prizes, right?

I have a feeling I won't progress much farther =/[/quote]


I would taunt you, but that's silly at this point. You've done great to get this far - you beat Strell of all people! You shouldn't underestimate yourself.

Plus, I think our match is going to be spectacular, regardless of who wins.
My brawl sparring partners are in the final four rounds. Go JoeB!


Aw, goo is out.

Wish I had time to join when this started, maybe next time.
[quote name='JoeB1233']:grouphug:

I would taunt you, but that's silly at this point. You've done great to get this far - you beat Strell of all people! You shouldn't underestimate yourself.

Plus, I think our match is going to be spectacular, regardless of who wins.[/QUOTE]

I was hoping I'd lower some guards so I could get an easy win O:)

:applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applau se:
:applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applau se:
:applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applau se:
:applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applau se:

[quote name='Strell']What is this. Why so many people expected me to win?[/QUOTE]

For me,
[quote name='Strell']What is this. Why so many people expected me to win?[/quote]

I didn't expect you to win per se, but I do know that you're a great competitor, and that pride should be taken from any defeat given to you. :)

(This is gross - I'm being so positive.)

EDIT: aTOH, your wall of clapping smilies is strangely hypnotizing.
I've been meaning to do this for awhile and now I finally have the chance. Here's the 64-man (62, actually) bracket for this tourney. I'll update it again once the Final Four are left.

Mr. Beef, feel free to post this on the OP if you'd like.

[quote name='evergoo']I never fought against a good Mario in Brawl. That's why your FLUDD surprised me. Didn't know he could do that.[/QUOTE]

Beef plays Mario now? I wanna see this in action! His Kirby and Lucario are already excellent.
[quote name='JoeB1233']Hey, guy, don't worry about it. The deadline isn't for another ~24 hours. You've still got time. :)

Another note: as the tournament progresses, I can see more and more why Beef organized it. Self-gratification, yes? :whistle2:k

Only kidding, of course!
[/quote]:lol: I'll never tell!

[quote name='yukine']What the hell!?

Who am I going to root for now? Beef? Pfffft. :lol:[/quote]You damn right.

[quote name='yukine']If there is a second tournament, perhaps we can all pitch in for prizes. I was thinking of gifting a Wii VC game.[/quote]I'd be down for that, actually.

[quote name='Strell']What is this. Why so many people expected me to win?[/quote]Because you are Strell, there are certain...expectations that come up.

[quote name='evergoo']I've been meaning to do this for awhile and now I finally have the chance. Here's the 64-man (62, actually) bracket for this tourney. I'll update it again once the Final Four are left.

Mr. Beef, feel free to post this on the OP if you'd like.

[/quote]I'll do it when I'm on my break from work. I still need to clock in, actually...

[quote name='Arikado']Beef plays Mario now? I wanna see this in action! His Kirby and Lucario are already excellent.[/quote]I started practicing with Mario about a week ago, ever since I learned that he's an excellent counter-pick to Ike, GDorf, and the Earthbound kids.
So it looks like Drnick and AmigoOne are the last ones left before the round is over. If you guys think you might need an extension, or if you've already played, make sure to speak before midnight tonight.

EDIT: Bracket is under a spoiler in the second post now. Thanks, evergoo!
Im good to go, but I am going to have to leave in about 2 hours of the time this was posted. And I'll be pretty dang busy for the rest of the day, hopefully DrNick gets on in time.
I'm here, waiting for you... within the 2 hours you said... but i don't see you on-line...

hopefully you come on soon, i have to leave in like 20 minutes

I've had a pretty hectic schedule this week.... more so than usual.

if we can't get together tonight, I'm free right after work tomorrow (5pm est)
bread's done