The one and only CAG Super Smash Brothers Brawl Tournament! Beef vs. JoeB, FINALS!!!!

AmigoOne vs Dmunkee

R1 Dmunkee wins
R2 AmigoOne wins
R3 AmigoOne wins

Im shaking, that was so ridiculously close.
Good games Amigo! I was definitely sweating during each of those rounds. Each one came down to that last crucial hit. You were also the unfortunate victim of mistimed slipping lol. Definitely one of the best Links I've played yet, and look forward to more games!

And with that, I'm out of the tourney. I'm really looking forward to seeing which CAG comes out on top.

I imagine it won't be for awhile, but any plans for any more tournaments down the line? Like teams or items on and such?
[quote name='dmunkee']I imagine it won't be for awhile, but any plans for any more tournaments down the line? Like teams or items on and such?[/quote]

I wouldn't be surprised if one started sign ups a couple days after this one ends. Although, teams would be really cool, lag would probably be a big problem.
Well Amigo, it looks like its going to be me and you in round 4. I'm getting nervous as we get into these later rounds, lol
There's no doubt in my mind that there woud be more CAG Brawl tournaments, but I don't think I'd want to host another one. Not to say that I didn't like doing it, but I think it's best to let someone else take the helm.

...I'd like to think I did an ok job, anyways.

Also, to dyeknom, I may be free to play later tonight. I'm posting from work right now, so I don't have time to update the front page with results right now, but when I get back home, I'll drop you a message, and we can see when we'll have some time.

@AmigoOne: It's easy enough to tell who you're going to be fighting in the next round if you look at the roster. I post the pairings in the order from the bracket I made, top to bottom.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']There's no doubt in my mind that there woud be more CAG Brawl tournaments, but I don't think I'd want to host another one. Not to say that I didn't like doing it, but I think it's best to let someone else take the helm.

...I'd like to think I did an ok job, anyways.

You've done a great job, Beef. I don't think anyone here would disagree with that. And no one blames you for not wanting to organize another tournament. These things are crazy. :bouncy:

That said, I don't think we should have another one right away, as at that point the results might be rather . . . redundant. But, meh.

Looks like next round I'm going up against KhaosX. I've never played him before - it should be fun!
[quote name='dyeknom']k beef, keep me updated :)

Nice fights Dr. Nick. I do think I should stay away from Wolf >.< Kept rushing off the sides.[/QUOTE]

thank, same to you, the first battle I didn't chose my character and it chose Olimar for me (who I'm horrable with) and you destroyed me, haha. but after that they were good for a while, the last 2 or 3 fights I had some pretty bad lag issues, (had a few times where the fight actually stopped for a second or two, never had that happen before) did you have any of those issues as well?
[quote name='JoeB1233']You've done a great job, Beef. I don't think anyone here would disagree with that. And no one blames you for not wanting to organize another tournament. These things are crazy. :bouncy:

That said, I don't think we should have another one right away, as at that point the results might be rather . . . redundant. But, meh.

Looks like next round I'm going up against KhaosX. I've never played him before - it should be fun![/quote]

Oh yea this should be interesting... But i got to say you're going DOWN! :cool:
[quote name='KhaosX']Oh yea this should be interesting... But i got to say you're going DOWN! :cool:[/quote]

Hehe! Well, the stakes are high for this bout - the winners of this next round are guaranteed at least fourth place.

I will warn you of one thing - I'm stubborn as hell. ;)
[quote name='Drnick']thank, same to you, the first battle I didn't chose my character and it chose Olimar for me (who I'm horrable with) and you destroyed me, haha. but after that they were good for a while, the last 2 or 3 fights I had some pretty bad lag issues, (had a few times where the fight actually stopped for a second or two, never had that happen before) did you have any of those issues as well?[/quote]

Yeah, I was having the same problem. My roommate kept asking why I was staring at screen shots -_-'' It seemed to be worst when I had bowser out.
[quote name='dyeknom']Yeah, I was having the same problem. My roommate kept asking why I was staring at screen shots -_-'' It seemed to be worst when I had bowser out.[/QUOTE]

haha! yeah I did notice it more with bowser... it didn't make it unplayable though, just a little more difficult.
[quote name='JoeB1233']You've done a great job, Beef. I don't think anyone here would disagree with that. And no one blames you for not wanting to organize another tournament. These things are crazy. :bouncy:

That said, I don't think we should have another one right away, as at that point the results might be rather . . . redundant. But, meh.[/quote]Thanks. =D
And yeah, having another one right off the bat might make it feel a bit rushed. Whoever makes the next thread, hopefully they choose to wait.

[quote name='dyeknom']k beef, keep me updated :)

Nice fights Dr. Nick. I do think I should stay away from Wolf >.< Kept rushing off the sides.[/quote]I should be free this afternoon. I get off work around 3-ish, and I should be home around 4-ish...which means I'll be online between 4 and 5. Pacific, remember!
Dr. Nick when are you good? Im in PST, Im good for Tuesdays from 6, Wednesdays from 5-7, or 910pm or later.
System froze, something that happened throughout playing on Final Destination the first time. Beyond me why you picked it a second time since we got only minor spurts on battlefield, but it froze entirely on the FD at least three times. Lesson learned though, gonna have to start hosting for level pref.
Meh, all it takes is one life to knock off two, but it's almost not worth finishing with that lag sported by FD. If it's on your end, you should stick with Battlefield or Shadow Moses Island online imo
gg evergoo, i had my chance in that second game and blew it, and that 3rd game was just abysmal on my part, Yoshi's lack of a 3rd jump killed me on that second KO!

good luck in the rest of the tournament
Great game Bardiya. Besides giving me my first lost in this tournament, you scared me to death on Match 2. Honestly, it could have gone either way.

Match 1: bardiya d. evergoo (3-2)
Match 2: evergoo d. bardiya (3-2)
Match 3: evergoo d. bardiya (3-0)
[quote name='AmigoOne']Dr. Nick when are you good? Im in PST, Im good for Tuesdays from 6, Wednesdays from 5-7, or 910pm or later.[/QUOTE]

I probably won't be free tomorrow.. so wednesday anytime after 5 (est)

is round 3 over yet? I don't want to get ahead of the tourney, playing round 4 games before round 3 is done.
An Ultimatum To KhaosX:

First and foremost, you will be pummeled, beaten, destroyed, decimated, crushed, abused, maimed, bruised, battered, and demoralized by the time our matches are over.

That said, I demand we play today. Why? Because if I don't fulfill my aforementioned promise, I've got the perfect excuse!

April Fools! I let you win!

My defense mechanisms are top notch...

EDIT: lol! Let me clear something up - I'm actually not swearing anywhere in this post. Those two words refer to today. Sounds like I'm saying "Eff you! I let you win." Which I'm not saying isn't an option, but I'm just not at that point yet. ;)
Pairings for Round 4 are up. I'm getting kinda nervous here, because I was hoping that since Strell was at the opposite end of the bracket, I wouldn't have to face him. But since he's being so stubborn and he just won't go down in defeat, I'm afraid that I might have to do it myself in the finals.

That's right, future opponents. I'm going through you to get to Strell.

Also evergoo, I should be free to play sometime tomorrow afternoon. I get off work at 2, and I should get home around 3-ish. Drop me a line around then, and we'll play. IF YOU DARE.
[quote name='JoeB1233']An Ultimatum To KhaosX:

First and foremost, you will be pummeled, beaten, destroyed, decimated, crushed, abused, maimed, bruised, battered, and demoralized by the time our matches are over.

That said, I demand we play today. Why? Because if I don't fulfill my aforementioned promise, I've got the perfect excuse!

April Fools! I let you win!

My defense mechanisms are top notch...[/quote]

Ill be available 5:30pm est and later, thats when i get off work.
[quote name='tiredfornow']too late to join the tourney, ay?[/QUOTE]

lol, are schools allowed to join the NCAA tourney in the elite 8? ;-)

I'm sure they will be others. I know I'll be down for another
[quote name='Drnick']lol, are schools allowed to join the NCAA tourney in the elite 8? ;-)

I'm sure they will be others. I know I'll be down for another[/quote]

i don't know much about sports, but i guess i understand. :cry:

i'll be sure to join the second. :D
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Pairings for Round 4 are up. I'm getting kinda nervous here, because I was hoping that since Strell was at the opposite end of the bracket, I wouldn't have to face him. But since he's being so stubborn and he just won't go down in defeat, I'm afraid that I might have to do it myself in the finals.

That's right, future opponents. I'm going through you to get to Strell.

Hey, man, are you telling me I've already lost? :whistle2:(

Strell - I'm free to play anyday after 12:00 PST, so let me know when you're game.
[quote name='aTOH']Hey, man, are you telling me I've already lost? :whistle2:(

Strell - I'm free to play anyday after 12:00 PST, so let me know when you're game.[/QUOTE]

Don't listen to Beef. I can't even convince myself I've actually gotten this far.

12 Pacific, so 2 PM for me, so another 1.5 hours.

Sounds good - I need to practice a bit before we play, but I'll be around at that time if that's good with you.
[quote name='Drnick']lol, are schools allowed to join the NCAA tourney in the elite 8? ;-)

I'm sure they will be others. I know I'll be down for another[/quote]

Actually, I'd like to throw my name in for coordinator for the next tournament. I don't know who decides who does it, but there it is.

[quote name='Strell']Don't listen to Beef. I can't even convince myself I've actually gotten this far.[/quote]

I have identical feelings on my own situation.
[quote name='Strell']Don't listen to Beef. I can't even convince myself I've actually gotten this far.

12 Pacific, so 2 PM for me, so another 1.5 hours.

Sounds good - I need to practice a bit before we play, but I'll be around at that time if that's good with you.[/QUOTE]

Damn, didn't think you'd be ready right away.

If you have AIM, we could discuss stage decisions and stuff there. My SN is s3sa3dp4dp4dp6. Logging in right now.
Don't have AIM on the comp I'm at, sorry.

I'm going to add your FC.

As far as stages go, I'm basically fine with anything except a moving stage. Since some issues popped up during the tourney, I've just gone straight Final Destination for the time being.

Do you want to make the room or me?
[quote name='aTOH']Hey, man, are you telling me I've already lost? :whistle2:([/quote]Oh, I'm just talking harmless smack. Truthfully, I almost had a heart attack when I was playing dyeknom. That GnW is a savage.

[quote name='JoeB1233']Actually, I'd like to throw my name in for coordinator for the next tournament. I don't know who decides who does it, but there it is.[/quote]
I don't think there's really someone who "chooses" who makes the next tournament thread. I suppose someone could call it, in which case you would win it. I'm guessing that the honors would go to whoever wants it more.
You could make it. I don't like moving stages either, so I'll stick to the Final Destination-type stages. See you on Brawl.

Mr. Beef - Yeah, I know, haha. But unless my lucky streak continues, you might be getting your wish after all.
Alright, just finished my matches with Strell. I ended up winning 2-1.

1st match on Battlefield - aTOH(Ness) < Strell(Zelda)
2nd match on Smashville - aTOH(ROB) > Strell(Kirby)
3rd match on Final Destination - aTOH(ROB) > Strell(Luigi)

I ain't gonna lie, man, these matches had me worrying a helluva lot more than my other ones. I feel a lot more comfortable winning my first match. Even a win with Ness makes me more calm. But, you're damn nice with rolls and dodges and shields. Something I need to incorporate more into my gameplay =/

GGs again, Strell.
I need to remind myself it's probably best to not practice against level 9 comps before matches, since that can throw off my timing. :]

Anyway, good games. I figured you'd pick Rob, and I wanted to practice against him, but didn't have him unlocked. That would have been something I should have done last night or something.

But yes, good games. Good luck!
I don't know Rob's moveset or how far his attacks stretch! His downA smash is brutal since it'll hit about 10 times.

This is NOT to say aTOH didn't play very well - as he certainly did, and deserved to win. I'll be back though, hopefully after unlocking Rob and learning how to get past all his tricks.
bread's done