The - PERSONA 3 / PERSONA 3 FES - Thread! (FES OUT NOW! $30!)

[quote name='botticus']Someone on GAF noticed the site for a voice actor indicated he was working on a "Persona 3 Expansion," so start the rumor mill regarding FES' domestic release.[/quote]

Is that so? I would be thrilled if they brought over FES, but I figured it to be a lost cause. Folks on the Atlus forums pretty much gave up on it, I think.
here it is before it has been edited out
According to Steve Prince website (voice actor of Takaya in the US version of Persona 3), he listed "Persona 3 Expansion Pack" as one of his upcoming work! he will once again returned to voice Takeharu and Vice Police Detective!

Here is Steve Prince's website:
and it's under...

Persona 3 Expansion Pack (PS2)-Takeharu, Vice Police Detective"
[quote name='squid']Is that so? I would be thrilled if they brought over FES, but I figured it to be a lost cause. Folks on the Atlus forums pretty much gave up on it, I think.[/QUOTE]
That's pretty stupid. The game only came out 2 months ago. You don't announce your expansion this soon after the game's release :roll:
Wait.. I'm stupid? Aww...

It seems early, but a while back I poked around the Atlus forums and I thought they said it just wasn't going to happen. I guess they could have been assuming too much, or just not giving it enough time. It was about a year between the releasse of P3 and FES in Japan.
[quote name='squid']Wait.. I'm stupid? Aww...

It seems early, but a while back I poked around the Atlus forums and I thought they said it just wasn't going to happen. I guess they could have been assuming too much, or just not giving it enough time. It was about a year between the releasse of P3 and FES in Japan.[/QUOTE]

I *think* he meant the people on the Atlus boards are stupid for giving up on it so early, not you. If they're doing the voice work now then a release 8-12 months from now seems about right. Woo-hoo!!
Im in Nov. in Persona 3 and would definintely pick up FES if they release it. I just need ample amount of time to finish up P3 as well as the rest of my backlog :)
While Trauma Center for Wii was outsold by Persona 3 by nearly a 10 to 1 margin in Japan (210k, 23k), I always hear that its the best selling game ever for Atlus USA. Of course it may have only been true at the time, since Trauma Center is older.
[quote name='Baron O Hell']Just saw at Fred Myers and Best Buy. I doubt it will be hard to find.[/quote]
I checked 2 BB's and a Walmart, none had it. I'll have to keep looking I guess.
[quote name='J7.']I checked 2 BB's and a Walmart, none had it. I'll have to keep looking I guess.[/quote]

Try a gamestop/ eb store. They should have plenty (well, mine does)
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']While Trauma Center for Wii was outsold by Persona 3 by nearly a 10 to 1 margin in Japan (210k, 23k), I always hear that its the best selling game ever for Atlus USA. Of course it may have only been true at the time, since Trauma Center is older.[/QUOTE]

That sounds about right from what I've seen. The day I picked up my preorder I was the third person there just for that game. Now three in a row isn't a big deal for a Halo 3 but for an Atlus game, I was pretty shocked.

I also regularly see it used at the same GS. At the same time I can never find used copies of Grim Grimoire or Wild Arms 5.
I wanna hold onto my copy of P3, for collectors purposes. I'm not a big collector but the SMT series is one I like to collect.
Started playing yesterday for a few hours. Really fun so far. Reminds me how much better RPGs are when the combat isn't random encounters.

I just want to know... Is there any way I can screw myself in this game? I've heard that fusing can sometimes mess you up?
[quote name='Vegan']I just want to know... Is there any way I can screw myself in this game? I've heard that fusing can sometimes mess you up?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but I only had 2 fusion mistakes, and 1 of them actually helped me. Just remember to save the game and registar all your Personas before you do any fusions. If you do this you can always reload your previous save, or buy back those Personas you lost.
I probably fused 10 times total throughout the game and it was insanely easy.

Level is way more important, though having cool persona's is something I might do on my next play through. (FES?!)
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']I probably fused 10 times total throughout the game and it was insanely easy.

Level is way more important, though having cool persona's is something I might do on my next play through. (FES?!)[/QUOTE]

I think as long as you have a balanced mix of Persona (One for Attack, Ice, Fire, etc) The game will be a breeze. But near the end I had Lucifer & Beelzabub with the combo "Judgement" which did 9,999 damage always, but it took away all your MP. However they both had the skill "Victory Cry" which repenishes your HP/MP after every battle. Talk about game breaking easy.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I think as long as you have a balanced mix of Persona (One for Attack, Ice, Fire, etc) The game will be a breeze. But near the end I had Lucifer & Beelzabub with the combo "Judgement" which did 9,999 damage always, but it took away all your MP. However they both had the skill "Victory Cry" which repenishes your HP/MP after every battle. Talk about game breaking easy.[/quote]
Are you sure you're not thinking of Satan and Lucifer? I could've sworn those two together did "armageddon" which did 9,999 damage and took all of you mp (But Lucifer had Victory Cry).
[quote name='sprintsucks5892']Are you sure you're not thinking of Satan and Lucifer? I could've sworn those two together did "armageddon" which did 9,999 damage and took all of you mp (But Lucifer had Victory Cry).[/quote]

Jesus I f*cked up in that post big time. You're right it's Satan, and it's called Armageddon.
Ah, I finally got the Compendium. I kept thinking, "It's not here! Am I crazy?!" It took about 10 hours before it even showed up. Odd that they don't give it to you from the start.
[quote name='bigl523']according to kotaku, there's going to be a persona 3 anime :D[/quote]

Could be interesting. While I loved the art style and direction for the cutscenes in the game, I don't think I could put up with 20 minutes of it at a time. It was pretty choppy and often not well drawn.

Here's to hoping they keep the same general feel, but step up the production values a bit.
Assuming FES does come to the US, what are the odds that 2 versions will be released as they were in Japan? Though I love P3, I'd much rather pick up where it left off and not be forced to play through the whole game again. Maybe there could be support for original P3 saves - which might have been the case in Japan, I'm not sure.
P3 Fes required an endgame save for Persona 3 i believe. The 2 versions were FES alone and a FES/Persona 3 on 1 disc or packaged togethor if i remember correctly
So anyone else still playing this? I'm at 49 hours and getting ready to fight the last "Moon Shadow". I think I'm at level 53 with the main character and close behind with everyone else.

Still a fun game, but it tends to really drag on.
Yes and no. I'm not playing it as much but I will get back to it. I need to find out what is going to happen with the student and teacher. However, once that is over I'm not sure if I will finish the game.
i'm about 87 hours in at the last month. i could probably just rush through the last month and face the end boss but i'm working on getting a few more personas and i'm trying to finish all of elizabeth's requests. this is probably the longest i've ever played a game and suprisingly i'm not extremely bored of it.
[quote name='bigl523']i'm about 87 hours in at the last month. i could probably just rush through the last month and face the end boss but i'm working on getting a few more personas and i'm trying to finish all of elizabeth's requests. this is probably the longest i've ever played a game and suprisingly i'm not extremely bored of it.[/quote]

Sometimes the longest games are the ones that are so good that they don't seem like it. Dragon Quest 8 didn't seem very long to me, either, because it was enjoyable to play.
[quote name='snakelda']I still play it.I think I left off right after we go to mitsuru's parent's to learn about the accident.[/QUOTE]

I'm still playing, although sporadically. Mostly due to lack of gaming time though, not because I'm bored with it. Actually it's still alot of fun to me. I'm only up to 87 floors and I think I've got 25 hours logged. I'm not too far past the quoted part. I plan to get some time in over Thanksgiving holiday!

And I finished the student and the teacher quest- I think it was the first link I maxed!
[quote name='ryosnk']Would anyone have the soundtrack for sale or would know where I can get one?


Your copy didn't come with it? It's a good soundtrack,I like the last boss BGM. It's a remix of the velvet room with guitars, good stuff.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Your copy didn't come with it? It's a good soundtrack,I like the last boss BGM. It's a remix of the velvet room with guitars, good stuff.[/QUOTE]

Well I got a used copy from gamestop and it just had the book.
The latest EGM says that FES is coming stateside.

I'm not too experienced with this whole FES thing so... if (or when) it comes out here, will there be any point in owning the regular Persona 3? I paid $50 for it and wanna recoup the loss now if FES is the same thing + more.
bread's done