The - PERSONA 3 / PERSONA 3 FES - Thread! (FES OUT NOW! $30!)

I'm 80 hours in and somehow still plugging away at it. I love it, but I kind of hoped I would have finished it before GU vol 3 came out.

Does anyone know if it's possible to max out all of your s. links on the first run? I'd like to finish up everyones story, but I don't really see that happening.
[quote name='squid']Does anyone know if it's possible to max out all of your s. links on the first run? I'd like to finish up everyones story, but I don't really see that happening.[/QUOTE]
It seems it's possible but not easy. There's a guide on GameFAQs for it.

I'm at around 43 hours, around 8/24, catching up Junpei, Yukari and Akihiko to the newer party members level-wise. Maxed out my Charisma, Courage and Academics like a month ago, so hopefully the rest of the year should be quicker. I never talked to Mitsuru after exams to pick up my prize for placing first in exams, did I miss my chance? Or will she still have it for me when the next term starts?

Edit: She had it for me when the next term started.
According to The magic-box:

"- Atlus revealed that a new installment of Persona is in development for PS3, the game will be revealed after Tokyo Game Show is over."
I just got my persona 3 guide from double jump today. super fast shipping. its hard to say its worth $25 especially being so thin, but the fact that i had a hard time finding it 3 weeks after release makes it a little easier to bear.
[quote name='suko_32']According to The magic-box:

"- Atlus revealed that a new installment of Persona is in development for PS3, the game will be revealed after Tokyo Game Show is over."[/QUOTE]

Could this be FES?!!!
[quote name='keithp']Could this be FES?!!![/quote]
No. FES is an expansion to Persona 3, which is on the PS2 (It requires a P3 save to start, unless you buy the version with P3+FES on one disc). This would be a whole new Persona game on the PS3.
[quote name='sprintsucks5892']No. FES is an expansion to Persona 3, which is on the PS2 (It requires a P3 save to start, unless you buy the version with P3+FES on one disc). This would be a whole new Persona game on the PS3.[/QUOTE]

I thought FES included the original P3.
The way it sounds this seems like a new Persona game.

I saw a guide at a GameStop today for $20 and thought about picking it up for a possible investment. Should I have got it?
[quote name='keithp']I thought FES included the original P3.[/QUOTE]
There are 2 versions, one with, one without.

Does the 2nd half of the year go any faster than the first?
[quote name='pete5883']
Does the 2nd half of the year go any faster than the first?[/quote]
Not really. The pacing is pretty consistent throughout the game.
[quote name='harunim']What are the rare and fun versions of Shin Megami series??

My GS was selling Nocturne used for $50. should i have picked it up?[/QUOTE]

RARE = Nocturne

FUN = Nocturne

$50 for Nocturne is fine, does that help?

P.S. Have you ever played a SMT game before?
[quote name='Layd Dly']I just got my persona 3 guide from double jump today. super fast shipping. its hard to say its worth $25 especially being so thin, but the fact that i had a hard time finding it 3 weeks after release makes it a little easier to bear.[/QUOTE]

The size really doesn't matter the much, the contents are more important. Contents like side quests, extra missions, formula equation ,and bonus dungeons. Many people don't know that those gigantic guide for Nippon Iche games like Disgaea, makai kingdom or phantom brave have a lot of useless raw data that no one uses. About 75% of pages are pure junk or 500 plus pages for Disgaea 2. Do you really need to an extensive guide to beat a tutorial or stages on first world map? For those games, the formulas are more important, so you can find faster ways to power up your character.
Hey im interested in getting this game.
Do you think I should go ahead and pick it up for $50?
Or do you think I should wait for a pricedrop?

Cuz I've never seen an SMT game going for cheap, I guess the don't print them much.
I just finished Summer Vacation and recuited everyone there is, so I have the full cast. About how far in am I? I'm guessing half way.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I just finished Summer Vacation and recuited everyone there is, so I have the full cast. About how far in am I? I'm guessing half way.[/quote]
The game ends on
either 12/31 for the bad ending, or 1/31 for the good ending. However, after each of those endings you go through a few days in march.
Can't you complete the game before the end of one year?

EDIT - Thanks sprintsucks5892, That helps. So the game really isn't 1 complete year since you start in April and end in either
Dec. or Jan.
Don't base your playing on the calendar. Go with what is happening in the game.

Regarding S-Links,
they are effectively ceased as of 1/30.
[quote name='thelonepig']Don't base your playing on the calendar. Go with what is happening in the game.

Regarding S-Links,
they are effectively ceased as of 1/30.

That also helps a bunch, now I can manage the S-Links much better. Thanks guys, that puts the game in a better perspective.
Has anyone gotten Persona 3 from, I placed the order 2 weeks ago or so and on the website it says it shipped on the 4th, but when I go to the tracking link it shows up as unnavailable and normally things get to me in 3-4 days at most.
[quote name='Moxio']Hai gayz I am lvl 43.[/quote]

I'm 44, beat you :D

For those that beat it or are near to beating it: About how many S-Links have you maxed out at the end of the game?
[quote name='happy']Has anyone gotten Persona 3 from, I placed the order 2 weeks ago or so and on the website it says it shipped on the 4th, but when I go to the tracking link it shows up as unnavailable and normally things get to me in 3-4 days at most.[/QUOTE]

I did, but I got it pretty close to launch. I didn't have any problems with getting it though.
[quote name='Moxio']Hai gayz I am lvl 43.[/QUOTE]

Wow, now you're ahead of me. That's what I get for not playing games for a week or so. Congrats!
[quote name='Baron O Hell']Just finished god of war 2. Now I might be moving on to this or FF 12. Hmmmm crazy kids vs crazy story.[/quote]

FFXII had a story :shock:
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I'm 44, beat you :D

For those that beat it or are near to beating it: About how many S-Links have you maxed out at the end of the game?[/quote]
Around 7-10 ish (Including the ones that automatically increase).
And a hint: If you want the Hierophant's Ultimate Persona,
you have to max out the Temperance Arcana (The one with the French guy.).
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I'm 44, beat you :D

For those that beat it or are near to beating it: About how many S-Links have you maxed out at the end of the game?[/QUOTE]

It depends on how you want to play the game. If you bypass all the optional slink, you should get three regardless since there automatic(fool,death,judgement). Just focus on getting your slink to level 10 to get some key items. These key items have the same beneficial factors of social link except they get carry in new game. Social Link gets default to zero in game plus.

Anyway, I got around 9-10 slink by the end of the game.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']For those that beat it or are near to beating it: About how many S-Links have you maxed out at the end of the game?[/quote]

Aside from the three story-based S-links (Fool, Devil, Justice), I maxed out Heirophant, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Hanged Man, Devil, Tower, and Judgement. Every other I had at level 5 or higher, figuring I had plenty of time to level them up.

I'm on my second play through (end of June) and I've maxed Magician thus far, though several others are really close.
seriously? i'm not quite done, i'm in early december, but i don't see how i can max out all those s. links. maybe i'm doing something wrong..
[quote name='Moxio']Just lost
Shinjiro. :roll:
I'm right there with you. Regular Tartarus encounters with things that cast Mamudo are not much fun. I could do without this tower.
Anybody completed Elizabeth's request for Lilith with mabufudyne? Lilith is a special fusion (cross fusion I believe) but I don't believe any of the personae needed to create her have mabufudyne.

I know Byakko and Gabriel have Mabufudyne, is there any fusion combination involving either one that results in Lilith?
[quote name='work88']Anybody completed Elizabeth's request for Lilith with mabufudyne? Lilith is a special fusion (cross fusion I believe) but I don't believe any of the personae needed to create her have mabufudyne.

I know Byakko and Gabriel have Mabufudyne, is there any fusion combination involving either one that results in Lilith?[/QUOTE]

You can use the 4-elemental lilim above, vetala(stock it doesn't matter), the two personas that matter here are incubus and succubus, they need to be similar to this:

Incubus: Life Drain, Dodge Ice, Mabufudyne, Dodge Wind, Die For Me!, Maragion, Stagnant Air, Spirit Drain

Succubus: Sexy Dance, Agidyne, Magarudyne, Maragidyne, Mamudoon, Mudo Boost, Mudoon, Ailment Boost

Here's how you get them.

If you do not have Byakko you can use: Gabriel, Scatha (spelling?), Scadi... etc. they all carry Mabufudyne, most of them happen to be Empress or Priestess. Just becareful on what you inherit. Thanks to Penguin_knight for the suggestion.


Temperance Byakko + Devil Incubus(or succubus, standard doesn't matter) -> Death Mot(mabufudyne, mudo boost)

Death Mot + Death Alice -> Death Samael(mabufudyne, die for me!, mudo boost)

Death Samael + Lovers Queen Mab -> Devil Incubus (Mabufudyne, Die For Me!, Mudo boost) If you don't get mudo boost it's no big deal Succubus will get it, having two with it just increases chances.


Moon Seth + Star Garuda -> Empress Hariti(Maragidyne and Magarudyne)

Empress Hariti + Devil Incubus(fused previously) -> Lovers Titania This Titania can have all 3 elements but only needs two I got Magarudyne and Mabufudyne, if you want to put all 3 elements on here it increases your chances but isn't necessary. Just get Mabufudyne and Magarudyne and continue on.

Death Mot (from the Loki fusion) + Lovers Titania - > Devil Succubus (magarudyne, maragidyne)

Succubus can get 3 -madyne spells, maragidyne, magarudyne, and mabufudyne, but only needs two. Just depends on how long you want to select and reselect. I tried to make it as easy as possible until the Lilith which took me almost 4 hours of selecting and reselecting.

Lilim + Vetala + Incubus + Succubus -> Devil Lilith (Maziodyne, Magarudyne, Maragidyne, Mabufudyne, Die For Me!)
This is a strange little game. It seems most of the game is social and not battle or I'm playing wrong. I also find it strange that thier evoker is shaped like a gun. I wonder if some of the story was left out of the US version. Seems like it would have been easy to put a screwed up reason behind it. Maybe have the evoker made up evoker energy and one real bullet. In order to releason you inner persona you must risk your life but if your will is strong you'll never get the bullet though the chance is still there.
^ I don't think there's any reason behind it (but I haven't beat it yet, so I may be wrong) They just do it to make the game look cool.
Question for those of you in January (relatively spoiler-free):

When did you start going to Monad? I opened it on 1/4, when my character's level was in the upper 70's. I just hit Level 82 with my main last night....but I still don't feel comfortable heading in for a sustained period of time. I usually duck in, fight 1-2 battles....(hope to get the EXP multiplier in a shuffle), and hit the teleporter to save.

Vorpal Blade owns me; that group of 4 samurai (I don't remember the name) is practically an automatic kill...unless I get initiative....and my Zio spell(s) don't miss. (Even if I have a Persona that nulls the attack, or use Tetrakarn, my team can't hold up against groups of this enemy.)

Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed that the strategy guide doesn't address Monad to any real length. Anyone else running into the same issue(s)?

Right now, my plan is to just use the guerilla technique described above to level up to ~ L. 90 (so I can create all the Persona available to me).

Also, the more I play....the more I feel like I wasted so much time in the early months. I didn't even realize for quite awhile that I could go out to the Mall in the evenings. Fortunately, I caught on to the ability to go to the shrine every school day relatively quickly, but I put in entirely too much time working on my Charm stat during the 'after school' periods. I could probably have maxed out at least one more S-Link had I known how much time I was wasting.
[quote name='bjkrautk']Vorpal Blade owns me; that group of 4 samurai (I don't remember the name) is practically an automatic kill...unless I get initiative....and my Zio spell(s) don't miss. (Even if I have a Persona that nulls the attack, or use Tetrakarn, my team can't hold up against groups of this enemy.)[/quote]

Die For Me works relatively well. I found that if I set Akihiko to knock-down and used Die for me, they were a piece of cake.
Thanks for the response Moxio. Fused Lillith with mabufudyne and she's currently my default persona. She has a pretty good skill set with zio,bufu, and almighty attacks plus her high magic stat.

Now I have to level up Loki to 63+ for what I hope is the last fusion request.
"Die for Me" is a "dark" skill that works 80% of the time correct? Even on enemies that aren't weak to dark? If so I'm 4 levels away from making Alice & I can't wait.
[quote name='Baron O Hell']This is a strange little game. It seems most of the game is social and not battle or I'm playing wrong. I also find it strange that thier evoker is shaped like a gun. I wonder if some of the story was left out of the US version. Seems like it would have been easy to put a screwed up reason behind it. Maybe have the evoker made up evoker energy and one real bullet. In order to releason you inner persona you must risk your life but if your will is strong you'll never get the bullet though the chance is still there.[/quote]
Nothing was cut for the US version. The evoker is, just well, shaped like gun.
I heard somewhere that the evoker is a reference to Devil Children (That's part of SMT series, right?), though.
All this chessy dramatic shit kinda kills the story. One girl misses her daddy, one boy misses his mommy..... What's next, Santa dies? I'm older than 12, the "My Parent's left me routine," doesn't work anymore.

Gameplay-wise it's great, but a game based on a ton of side quests should give me a quest better than "My Knee hurts, but I promised my cousin I'd win the nationals."
Nearing the end of the game...
maybe. I assume that since I haven't reached this Monad that people are talking about, that 1/31 isn't the end of the game? I'm going to guess the world probably ends anyway and I have to keep fighting.
The fake/bad ending was kind of cool though. Anyone know if the Medicated Patch that you get from
Yuko on Christmas Eve
does anything?
bread's done