The - PERSONA 3 / PERSONA 3 FES - Thread! (FES OUT NOW! $30!)

So I just got this game yesterday (I had $48 to gamestop and wanted to get the limited edition before it went bye bye) and have a question: do you have to beat the game in a year (in game of course) and is there enough time to do everything? What happens if you don't do it before the year is up, does the game just end and thats it?
So I just finished re-reading Berserk Vol. 13, and I found it weird how it still pissed me off after all these years.

So I decided to play some Persona 3; I figured some Tartarus exploring and social-linking would get my mind off it. Then I realized that this girl I'm going after in the game kind of looks like Casca from Berserk.

Screw P3 tonight - I'm going to throw a few back. =/
Should I be raising my S. Links equally, or trying to finish 1 before I start another? How often does the police station change it's inventory? How many points does it take to rank up in charm, academics, courage? And why did I find so many Grave Beetles before accepting the quest, and so few after?
Some people try to max out all of the links, but I usually just hang out with whomever I like, just be sure to max out some levels so that the unlocked Persona will carry over to New Game+.
[quote name='pete5883']Should I be raising my S. Links equally, or trying to finish 1 before I start another? How often does the police station change it's inventory? How many points does it take to rank up in charm, academics, courage? And why did I find so many Grave Beetles before accepting the quest, and so few after?[/QUOTE]

I would raise them all a couple levels ,but concentrate on maxing out a few at a time. Some people are availible only on certian days, so keep that in mind when choosing who to max out. Try to pick people who are availible on diffrent days of the week.

I'm pretty sure the police station changes inventory by the level of your main character.

Academics take 59 points, while Charm & Courage only take 14 points to level up.

As for the Bettles as far as I know it's all luck. Sometimes you hit the jackpot with what you need, sometimes you don't.
So tonight I killed the floor 36 boss, then went up about 7 or 8 floors and forgot I hadn't saved. But right after I died I remembered though! D'oh!

So I went back and then it took me 3 more tries to kill the stupid thing, he kept getting cheap shots in, even though I was loaded with dis-poisons and revival beads and med powders. Funny thing is, the last time was almost like fighting a completely different enemy, it was that easy! I guess luck has a huge effect on the battles.

Got up to the floor right under the next boss and died again on a lucky crit. ARGHHHH!! Back to 36 I go...
Well I've finally hit my stride and things are going very smooth. I'm always getting advantages in battles thanks to some tips (stairs, menu trick, etc.) and my main persona has all 4 elements for easy knowdowns.

Lvl 21.
Crap, I haven't touched this since Metroid Prime 3 came out. I'll probably finish Metroid then get back to this. I expect MP3 will only take about a week to beat while P3 could take me another month.

It's funny cause nothing of my intrest came out for about 2-3 months. I was playing a backlog of crap till these came out.
How can I catch the yellow/rare monsters that run away quickly?
Edit: Nevermind, GameFAQs says they have a bigger field of vision, I will try the bow next time.
[quote name='pete5883']How can I catch the yellow/rare monsters that run away quickly?
Edit: Nevermind, GameFAQs says they have a bigger field of vision, I will try the bow next time.[/QUOTE]

Even with a bow I haven't been able to get close enough to tag one. Although all I have is one of the starter bows, I'm not sure if there's a difference to using a better one.
you can hit them with a sword, i've done it twice so far however it's killing them before they decide to flee that's the real problem. yukari's bow pierces them (the golden wealth hand monster) nicely for max damage but then she and junpei try to use their personas (which do no damage) and the thing runs away.
[quote name='bigl523']you can hit them with a sword, i've done it twice so far however it's killing them before they decide to flee that's the real problem. yukari's bow pierces them (the golden wealth hand monster) nicely for max damage but then she and junpei try to use their personas (which do no damage) and the thing runs away.[/QUOTE]

It seems that the rare forms have a shifting weakness to physical attacks. I've found the best way to kill it before it flees is simply throw on Rush Mode.
I defeated about 80% of the gold hands that I saw. I would wait until it turned away from me, then run up and strike it with the short sword. Upon entering battle, I would initiate rush mode. The hands alternate weakness between the three physical attacks.

The higher floor hands were always killed by the first hit, which would take off ~150 HP if it was not a critical attack or weakness.
[quote name='Moxio']I've gotten a few golds by simply sneaking behind them and using menu trick.[/QUOTE]

Could you explain the menu trick for me? Thanks.
Oh, it's just having the monster on screen, and if it's not desirably facing away, go to the menu (sometimes it takes a few tries) and almost always it will turn away from you. But make sure it's not chasing you.
[quote name='bigl523']thanks for the rush tactic, i'll have to try that out the next time i see one. so what do they drop?[/quote]

If you have accepted Elizabeth's quest, you'll get a medal. Otherwise (and after fulfilling Elizabeth's quest) you'll get a coin that can be sold for oodles of money.
Ok there are 2 simple tricks for gold form. To get into battle when you see one tell your party to split up and attack shadows. They will rush out and engage in battle, then just hit it to join them. Since it only runs from you it wont see your party members and run away.

In battle its weak to either slash, pierce, or smash so just try all 3 attacks until one works.
[quote name='Moxio']Oh, it's just having the monster on screen, and if it's not desirably facing away, go to the menu (sometimes it takes a few tries) and almost always it will turn away from you. But make sure it's not chasing you.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, will try that out when I get around to playing P3.
[quote name='Brian9824']Ok there are 2 simple tricks for gold form. To get into battle when you see one tell your party to split up and attack shadows. They will rush out and engage in battle, then just hit it to join them. Since it only runs from you it wont see your party members and run away.
fuck, this trick would have helped so many times while I was playing. :wall:
[quote name='62t']is there any more news of the Mitsuru figure getting a US release?[/quote]

It's set for Q3 2007, but I haven't been able to find a more accurate date. Other than that, the retail price will be $34.99 (or so various online retailers are stating).
I can't think of any game where having 50 hours of play ahead of me was so appealing. Just maxed out my first S. Link (Chariot.) Two oddities:
In the dorm, I watched the news and they said someone was found dead by the bar. Then later on I see a cutscene where 3 people shoot a guy by the bar. Was this a mistake, or was there supposed to be 2 shootings? Also the translation is kind of wrong sometimes. When Kenji walks by looking happy, and my dialog choices are "hey" or "you look happy", I choose hey and he responds "I AM happy!"
[quote name='pete5883']I can't think of any game where having 50 hours of play ahead of me was so appealing. Just maxed out my first S. Link (Chariot.) Two oddities:
In the dorm, I watched the news and they said someone was found dead by the bar. Then later on I see a cutscene where 3 people shoot a guy by the bar. Was this a mistake, or was there supposed to be 2 shootings? Also the translation is kind of wrong sometimes. When Kenji walks by looking happy, and my dialog choices are "hey" or "you look happy", I choose hey and he responds "I AM happy!"

There was more than one shooting.

Can anyone tell me what happens at the end of Kenji's S. Link? I'm kind of curious to see what happens to him and the teacher. Sounds like he got burned from whatever level I got up to. :lol:
[quote name='Dead of Knight']There was more than one shooting.

Can anyone tell me what happens at the end of Kenji's S. Link? I'm kind of curious to see what happens to him and the teacher. Sounds like he got burned from whatever level I got up to. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Well, Kenji's like, "yo Sasuke (or whatever your character's name is), that teacher I'm tryin' to shack up with. Yeah, well somebody found out and now the whole school knows and that teacher lady has to leave now. She won't let me go with her cause she wants to protect me." What a bitch. Well, eventually, Kenji decides to get married to teacher bitch so he can be with her, but... oh noz! One day at the station, he sees her with: GASP! Her fiancee!!! Kenji's heart is broken! Oy vey! But... he gets over it. He realizes what a good friend you are. Touching.

I figured that would happen ever since I saw the Maya S. Link and she said that this co-worker of hers was engaged but also was into a student. :lol:
I was lurking the forums here and was interested in this Persona 3 that people were recommending, so I did my research and was sold. I went to Gamecrazy a few hours ago and bought it.

I like it a lot. Thank you, CAGgers!
Chacrana: you named your character Sasuke........

[quote name='d00der']I was lurking the forums here and was interested in this Persona 3 that people were recommending, so I did my research and was sold. I went to Gamecrazy a few hours ago and bought it.

I like it a lot. Thank you, CAGgers![/QUOTE]

Hi, welcome aboard! P3 is awesome.
[quote name='pete5883']Why does the support character tell me what Arcana each boss is? Does it really matter?[/quote]
Certain weapons do more damage to shadows of a certain arcana. The property says strong against ______.
Unfortunately I've reached the point in the game when they stop being nice and start making instant death a good possibility. My terrible memory can be quite frustrating when I don't remember after battle to switch my Persona back to one with less weaknesses, get surprise attacked by the enemy, who uses Magarula 3 times in a row, when the main character is currently weak to wind. Waste of a half hour.
[quote name='TheMaidenOfSorrow']I just got Amrageddon + Victory Cry. Is this this your reward for getting severly raped early on?[/quote] Yes. Any sense of difficulty in the game is now out the window.
Edit: Anyone know the reward for completing the Persona Compendium? Like how in Nocturne all summons would be half priced once you finish the Demon Compendium.
Random Mini-Review

The Mitsuru figure is very detailed and the paint job looks good. The base stand opens up to hidden storage for the extra limb and accessories. The only way it would be better is if it wasn't pvc.

The base stand isn't actually the "wood" one seen in many pictures but an ABS plastic stand. NCSX has a good description of the base.

The Mitsuru figure measures 21cm (8.26") tall and a multi-function circular base is included for mounting, display purposes, and storing the accessories included in the package. The text on the base reads, "Gekkoukan Private High School - Since 1982" and two little pegs rise up from it which is where Mitsuru's boots are plugged into for stability.


$34.99 is a great price if it comes to the US. Considering that the price of the import is nearly $50 and shipping only adds to that since the box is rather big.
Was thinking about picking up another guide for collection purposes, but it seems it's kinda pricey now unless your EB/GS still has them.
[quote name='suko_32']Was thinking about picking up another guide for collection purposes, but it seems it's kinda pricey now unless your EB/GS still has them.[/quote]

Im just looking for one. haven't been able to find one at all. Will probably try to just order one from DJ even though its on backorder.
I'm in late-November (24th?) already, and this game is every bit as fun as it was when I started playing.

The boss on 180 was a bit of a pain; I couldn't keep my party alive, with the three of them all doing serious damage. Healing would only work so well, then invariably I'd get an untimely crit. and have half my party dead.
Eventually, I just gave up on healing, picked a persona that would nullify their physical damage type, and just started wailing on the three bosses until all but one of them were dead, then I rez'd my party. It felt so cheap....but it worked.

Also, out of curiosity, am I the only one who cancels and retries fusions over and over until they get the moveset they want? At my current levels (63), I usually try to get Growth 3 and two 'all enemy' elemental attacks and/or a recovery spell....provided that the persona to be fused have those skills to offer. It's just not something I've seen discussed in the thread very often.
[quote name='bjkrautk']Also, out of curiosity, am I the only one who cancels and retries fusions over and over until they get the moveset they want? At my current levels (63), I usually try to get Growth 3 and two 'all enemy' elemental attacks and/or a recovery spell....provided that the persona to be fused have those skills to offer. It's just not something I've seen discussed in the thread very often.[/quote]

I had to do a lot of cancel/retry on the fusions to fulfill Elizabeth's requests.

Once I got a hold of Alice, nearly every fusion thereafter had "Die for Me"... in fact, about 50% of my compendium has that in their arsenal now.
I finally beat this game! It only took me 109 hours. lol This was a very enjoyable experienece and I'm a little depressed that it had to come to en end. Man...I dont have anything new to play now. :/
bread's done