The - PERSONA 3 / PERSONA 3 FES - Thread! (FES OUT NOW! $30!)

[quote name='Rodimus Donut']All this chessy dramatic shit kinda kills the story. One girl misses her daddy, one boy misses his mommy..... What's next, Santa dies? I'm older than 12, the "My Parent's left me routine," doesn't work anymore.

Gameplay-wise it's great, but a game based on a ton of side quests should give me a quest better than "My Knee hurts, but I promised my cousin I'd win the nationals."[/quote]

All that stuff about people missing their family is actually central to the plot and backstory. What month are you in?
[quote name='Brian9824']All that stuff about people missing their family is actually central to the plot and backstory. What month are you in?[/QUOTE]

I just started November. I really hope it's got more to do with the story. I'll see where it goes, but this orphan element is a very annoy ploy to get symphaty for characters.
I was curious and got bad ending last night.
I have been side tracked trying to make all possible personas, and trying now to get back into the plot.

Can anyone tell me how rough the final battle is?
I'm at the end of December, so I think I have a bit more time.
I'm level 72, my party is level 67. ...should I be leveling up any more?
[quote name='squid']ICan anyone tell me how rough the final battle is?
I'm at the end of December, so I think I have a bit more time.
I'm level 72, my party is level 67. ...should I be leveling up any more?[/quote]

Level 92-93 with the party around 85 was overkill. There was no challenge and little healing required.
[quote name='pete5883']Nearing the end of the game...
maybe. I assume that since I haven't reached this Monad that people are talking about, that 1/31 isn't the end of the game? I'm going to guess the world probably ends anyway and I have to keep fighting.
The fake/bad ending was kind of cool though. Anyone know if the Medicated Patch that you get from
Yuko on Christmas Eve
does anything?[/quote]
1/31 is the end of the game no matter what. Once you get to January, try your best to finish off Tartarus as quickly as possible to leave time for leveling in Monad (Monad opens when you go as high as possible.
The mediacated patch acts like a Balm of Reviving.
okay,how come I can't go up anymore?it says the stairs are blocked?Another question,Why does Narcissus (Love) have a black heart next to it's name?The guy said to train it for an item or something.
[quote name='snakelda']okay,how come I can't go up anymore?it says the stairs are blocked?Another question,Why does Narcissus (Love) have a black heart next to it's name?The guy said to train it for an item or something.[/quote]
The stairs will be blocked until you finish the full moon event / boss fight. You will receive a call from elizabeth saying the way is cleared.

Heart Items:

Certain Personas, when fused, are capable of bearing pieces of equipment that
are either unique or, at the very least, significantly rare. Aside from the
ultimate armors that Messiah produces, all of these items are accessories that
provide the equivalent of one or more passive skills.

To obtain the "heart item", so called due to the fact that a heart appears next
to the Persona's name in the menu, you have to level up enough to learn all of
that Persona's innate skills. If all skills are learned as a result of S.Link
bonus experience, you have to gain another level after that in order to obtain
the item.

You are not required to keep all of the innate skills upon learning them, i.e.
you can toss them if there is an overflow and you are forced to discard one or
more skills.

There is only about a 40% for the emergence of a heart item upon fusion, so you
may want to keep a save handy for reloading if you don't get the result you
want, since you won't be able to tell whether or not the heart item is there
until after Igor does his thing. This percentage doubles, to approximately 80%,
if the current moon phase is New or Full.

Is the guide just as good as that FAQ that StillFree posted?

I don't wanna waste my money on something I could find on the internet.
[quote name='martin8me']Is the guide just as good as that FAQ that StillFree posted?

I don't wanna waste my money on something I could find on the internet.[/QUOTE]

I am not sure of StillFree's FAQ but the guide has all the information you need.

I rarely buy any guide but this one is pretty good.
Finally got a email from today admitting that they never sent me the copy I ordered and they are trying again... Can't wait to play this.
[quote name='harunim']I am not sure of StillFree's FAQ but the guide has all the information you need.

I rarely buy any guide but this one is pretty good.[/quote]

LOL I meant the FAQ he posted on this thread, I know its not his.

Oh well I guess I'll get it.:)
[quote name='StillFree']The stairs will be blocked until you finish the full moon event / boss fight. You will receive a call from elizabeth saying the way is cleared.

Heart Items:

Certain Personas, when fused, are capable of bearing pieces of equipment that
are either unique or, at the very least, significantly rare. Aside from the
ultimate armors that Messiah produces, all of these items are accessories that
provide the equivalent of one or more passive skills.

To obtain the "heart item", so called due to the fact that a heart appears next
to the Persona's name in the menu, you have to level up enough to learn all of
that Persona's innate skills. If all skills are learned as a result of S.Link
bonus experience, you have to gain another level after that in order to obtain
the item.

You are not required to keep all of the innate skills upon learning them, i.e.
you can toss them if there is an overflow and you are forced to discard one or
more skills.

There is only about a 40% for the emergence of a heart item upon fusion, so you
may want to keep a save handy for reloading if you don't get the result you
want, since you won't be able to tell whether or not the heart item is there
until after Igor does his thing. This percentage doubles, to approximately 80%,
if the current moon phase is New or Full.

source:[/quote]ok thanks.I think yesterday it was a new moon so that is why I got it I guess.So I have to wait for 14 days for the stairs to open up?I guess I have some leveling up to do.
At 100 hours and 4 minutes, I have reached the top of the tower. What's a good level to fight the boss that won't make it too easy? I kind of want these high 70's, low 80's Personae, but I'm not sure I want to breeze through the last boss to do it.
this is seriously been the only rpg i have not fallen asleep while playing since..shadow hearts 1 and 2!
im in the "last month" i think..with the last block of tartarus, im kinda hoping it wont end :whistle2:x since the game rocks
i love the intros :p
I guess I'm nearing the end. This is a very long game. It's been years since I spent over 100 hours on an RPG. I have a pretty badass team of Personas. Not the best.... yet, but I've fitted them with some very nice skills to have a good balanced team:

Thor - A power house with good magic, I used alot of stat boosting items on this guy. Probably my favorite Persona. I always liked Thor in the other SMT games. I also got him with Samsara & Hama Boost.
Ganesha - Another power house but has more physical skills, also the best Garu skills
Thanatos - The Mudo Persona, nuff said
Lilith - My most effective magic Persona so far, it's got the best Zio, Bufu & Panic skills
Uriel - Getting a little out dated, but some great Agi magic, so I keep him around, gonna use him and the other angels for a Metatron later.
Mother Harlot - Haven't used much of her yet, but she's got some decent magic and Mudo skills
Abbadon - This guy nulls everything Physical, I mainly got him hanging around to fuse a Belezabub later. Probably the ugliest Persona

My fights are generally over in 1 or 2 turns. The CPU barely gets a chance to attack. I'm aiming for Belezabub, Metatron, Alilat, Satan, Asura. Plus I've registared about 80% of the Personas so far, and maxed out 7 S-Links. I think I can fit in 3-4 more before the end.
I was just reading EGM, and saw that Persona 3 was #8 on the Amazon sales chart for August. That's pretty good for a SMT game! Maybe there's hope for FES...I can hope.:D
I probably should finish the game, but I really don't want to stop playing. I just keep going back to Monad, getting a few more levels, and then fusing the next Persona I can get.
About done with game myself. Boss of floor 244 was a bitch with the vorpal blade attacks that could kill my party members in one hit. Ended up forgetting about them and just fused an Abbadon with immunity to ALL physical attacks and set my main guy to auto attack and went afk.

Came back and I had won :)
So I've finished the game at ~110 hours. Great ending sequence, but in the second half of
Nyx Avatar I was getting impatient from doing little damage and just Armageddon'd it. The music for the battle after that was superb.
Unfortunately thanks to some assome youtube commentors, I found out that (FES Spoiler:)
in the ending of FES, the main character is dead on Aigis' lap in the ending. Of course I missed the part about this being in FES, so I'm waiting for the guy to die and it just doesn't happen. Which was fucking annoying.
I thought I'd go through it a second time, but if FES has some additions to the main game, then I'll just wait to see if that comes out.
you can only increase the SEES S.Link and Pharos' S. Link each month after beating the boss right?What is the Max level of the S. Link?
While everyone has beatin it I finally got to the last month where you decide
to kill or not to kill Ryoji

What level did you guys beat the game at? I'm at level 72 and everyone else is 65 and up. I'm seriously tired of going to Tartarus。I just want to blaze through the rest of the game.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']While everyone has beatin it I finally got to the last month where you decide
to kill or not to kill Ryoji

What level did you guys beat the game at? I'm at level 72 and everyone else is 65 and up. I'm seriously tired of going to Tartarus。I just want to blaze through the rest of the game.[/quote]
All my characters were Level 99 when I fought the final boss (When you hit Lv 99, you HP and SP jump up to 999 and 999, respectively), just because I hate getting stuck on final bosses. You can, however, beat the boss with lower levels.
I'm in Monad and the enimies don't seem to be giving any good EXP. Averaging about 500 exp per fight. How the hell did you guys get to level 90+? Just endless farming or do they start dropping more EXP?
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I'm in Monad and the enimies don't seem to be giving any good EXP. Averaging about 500 exp per fight. How the hell did you guys get to level 90+? Just endless farming or do they start dropping more EXP?[/quote]
Are you getting XP Multiplying cards in the Oracle Shuffle?
I just run from battles that give low exp. One time I got 75k with 2 level 10 XP multiplying cards. All in Monad of course.

Went from 77 to 81. haha.

After level 85 - the final boss is a piece of cake. My HP never dropped below half and I only healed about three times total.
Maybe I've just been getting unlucky with the "quality" of enimies I'm fighting. I just need to do a 2 hour level grind marathon.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']I just run from battles that give low exp. One time I got 75k with 2 level 10 XP multiplying cards. All in Monad of course.

Went from 77 to 81. haha.


You can only get 1 xp multiplying card. Any extra draws after first are always persona only
[quote name='Brian9824']You can only get 1 xp multiplying card. Any extra draws after first are always persona only[/QUOTE]

Nope.. I had a level 10, then had a doubledraw for another. How else would I get so much? The most I ever got before that was 35k or so.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']Nope.. I had a level 10, then had a doubledraw for another. How else would I get so much? The most I ever got before that was 35k or so.[/QUOTE]

Really?! Everytime I go for the "Double Up" it's a bunch of crappy Personas, so I usually decline the chance. I'm gonna start accepting it now, thanks!
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Really?! Everytime I go for the "Double Up" it's a bunch of crappy Personas, so I usually decline the chance. I'm gonna start accepting it now, thanks![/QUOTE]

I always accepted it... maybe it's different in Monad, because before that I never saw it. Then the first doubledraw I got had no persona even. Crazy.

I wasn't a fusion guy, I beat the last boss with Raphael at like 83.. I just used a shitload of cards to bulk him up.

Game is way to easy if you want it to be. Kind of refreshing after getting raped in Nocturne.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']I always accepted it... maybe it's different in Monad, because before that I never saw it. Then the first doubledraw I got had no persona even. Crazy.

I wasn't a fusion guy, I beat the last boss with Raphael at like 83.. I just used a shitload of cards to bulk him up.

Game is way to easy if you want it to be. Kind of refreshing after getting raped in Nocturne.[/QUOTE]

I'm the oppisite, I love fusion. Probably why I haven't beatin it yet, I spend so much damn time doing it. ;) I'm always looking for the bigger badder Persona.

The game is easy, especially for a Nocturne veteran. I'm sure I could beat the rest of the game no problem without doing another fusion, but it's like Pokemon "Gotta Catch em' All"
Bah, I never fused Messiah. Once I got the 2 persona's that you need, I thought hmmm, I wonder if these two would fuse to something good? But never bothered to do it.:bomb:
When the double-up occurs in Monad, it can provide you with money, item, or experience cards in addition to Persona.

Also, double-up isn't limited to one time. When I was in Monad I had a 3x double-up (4 cards). I had 2 10x exp, 1 7x exp, and 1 10x yen.

It was a happy day.
I'm sorry guys, I was getting the last block of Tartarus (I forgot the name, but it's the block where you actually beat the game) confused with Monad. I'm racking up EXP like crazy now, went up like 5 levels in 15 minutes. And yeah, I can also confirm that the Double Up also hands out EXP in Monad. Now all I need is Messiah, Lucifer & Asura then I got the Persona team of kicking ass.
I'm way late on this game :)

A friend of mine was showing me this game last night and I had to pick it up today. I'm not big on RPG's in general but the game looked really fun.
Finally beat this sucker. It was a good ending, but like most people already wrote the last boss was hella easy. Here's my last stats:

Hours: 159
Level: 99
Completed S-Links: 14

That Armeggedeon skill just kills the difficulty. Now on to Eternal Sonata.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Finally beat this sucker. It was a good ending, but like most people already wrote the last boss was hella easy. Here's my last stats:

Hours: 159
Level: 99
Completed S-Links: 14

That Armeggedeon skill just kills the difficulty. Now on to Eternal Sonata.[/QUOTE]

Wow, another rpg? After P3 I kinda took it easy, the next RPG I play is the FF Tactics remake on the PSP.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']Wow, another rpg? After P3 I kinda took it easy, the next RPG I play is the FF Tactics remake on the PSP.[/QUOTE]

I don't think I'll jump right into it. I do kinda feel burnt out. But it feels good to finally beat it. I was surprised their weren't any super difficult optional bosses (besides the final quest w/ Elizibeth) Most SMT games have a few.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I don't think I'll jump right into it. I do kinda feel burnt out. But it feels good to finally beat it. I was surprised their weren't any super difficult optional bosses (besides the final quest w/ Elizibeth) Most SMT games have a few.[/QUOTE]

As a whole, this game really wasn't that hard. Only one boss ever killed me.. was three things on Floor 244. God I hated that boss.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']As a whole, this game really wasn't that hard. Only one boss ever killed me.. was three things on Floor 244. God I hated that boss.[/QUOTE]

I think most difficult time in the game was the begining. Once I started createing Personas and having a balanced team it just got easier. I think I may have died about 3 times, but just cause the enemey would break out a Mudo or Hama skill and I didn't have any Humoculus.
Someone on GAF noticed the site for a voice actor indicated he was working on a "Persona 3 Expansion," so start the rumor mill regarding FES' domestic release.
bread's done