The Road Warriors' Wrestling Topic

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Watching SD this morning(taped it since Galactica was on at the time), I had a sense of deja vu with the divas match. Seems like they're doing the same fucking storyline from last year, except last year's had LOD w/ Christy vs. MNM. Now this year has Ashley, Kendrick & London facing Michelle McCool's team. Just hope they don't fire Ashley like they did Christy around this time last year.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']How can you not love someone who put an end to Shannon Moore on TV?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure Shannon Moore's persona is what put an end to him on TV. Sad to think Moore was "more" over as a member of 3-count.

I don't know why, I just don't like CM Punk so far.
Vince's Byte This appearance rules all. I'm halfway through, and he's discussed Angle's poor health, his release by WWE, the Marine, the lack of wrestling in the women's division, Todd Grisham being an idiot, and Bischoff rewriting history in his book.
Has anyone seen a documentary released this year called "Heroes of World Class" ?

A friend of mine bought it and lent me his copy to watch. It looks pretty interesting from the trailer I saw for it.
No, but I've seen "Of Birth and Blood" - another World Class documentary that showed just how fucked up the Von Erich clan was, and the rise and fall of World Class.
This is good....

According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Marty Jannetty has been fired again. He was fired on September 29th for going AWOL and not returning calls, a la Justin Credible. He was hired on September 15th. This marks the 9th time in which he has been fired from WWE, including three firings in the past year and a half - if this is true that is.

On the otherhand, Jannetty posted the following blog entry on his MySpace page ( earlier this morning. He is disputing Meltzer's claim that he was fired.

OOPS, I just got fired again!!!

Well according to Meltzer's .."always so accurate" pffft, yeah right.. Wrestling Observer..I just got fired AGAIN, and this time for not returning a phone lame..what will they think of next...damn, don't their writers got any imagination??? Hey Meltzer me bro , I give you much better stories than you or your guys are coming up with..hell Mustafa could dream up better stuff...Sheeee-it!!

ps..just think how stupid this one is..I've trained and busted my azz harder than anyone can imagine trying to make it back home..and I finally make it..then I'm not gonna return a phone call?? Shuuut up steewpids!!!-

I really want to punch Marty after reading his blog. Maybe he could come back to the WWE and talk like that... he'd be easily the most annoying personality in WWE history.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']This is good....

I really want to punch Marty after reading his blog. Maybe he could come back to the WWE and talk like that... he'd be easily the most annoying personality in WWE history.[/quote]



[quote name='JaytheGamefan']No, but I've seen "Of Birth and Blood" - another World Class documentary that showed just how fucked up the Von Erich clan was, and the rise and fall of World Class.[/QUOTE]

Never heard of that. I did a quick Google search, and it looks like it is on YouTube in several pieces. Thanks for telling me about this.
No problem. I'm glad it's still up on youtube - I'm surprised WWE hasn't had it removed since they now own the World Class footage. Due to that, I want to buy the Heroes of World Class DVD, but it'll have to wait until after I get the Hogan and Piper sets.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']No problem. I'm glad it's still up on youtube - I'm surprised WWE hasn't had it removed since they now own the World Class footage. Due to that, I want to buy the Heroes of World Class DVD, but it'll have to wait until after I get the Hogan and Piper sets.[/QUOTE]

They finally bought ALL of the WCCW footage? Shit... :bomb:

I guess there's zero chance of the great entrances being uncut, then. Damn shame. I mean, you knew that when you heard "Tom Sawyer," Kerry Von Erich was heading to the ring... when you heard "La Grange," one of the Von Erichs was headed to the ring... when you heard "We are Family," Iceman Parsons was headed to the ring... and of course when you heard "Badstreet USA" or "Freebird," The Fabulous Freebirds were headed to the ring.

It's a damn shame to hear that. Kevin actually put out a "The Best of the Von Erichs" DVD that was supposed to be the first of many DVD volumes to come out, and those had uncut entrances and classic matches on there.

So is this "Of Birth and Blood" available on VHS or DVD anywhere, in case the YouTube link dies before I can sit to watch it?
Road warriors are a bunch of ripoffs.

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Hmm, I'm starting to hate CM Punk for some reason. I don't care if he can wrestle or not (if given the time), he just irks me.[/quote]

I feel the same way about Paul London. I heard all the hype and then I see them on TV and they are ok, not great. Their personalities just irritate the hell out of me.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I feel the same way about Paul London. I heard all the hype and then I see them on TV and they are ok, not great. Their personalities just irritate the hell out of me.[/quote]

I think it's the "Look at me, I'm straigh-edge! I'm so cool for being pure" thing, tah tmakes me want to kick his ass. He's got the look (the tats, piercings, long hair, etc) of a guy that would go out and party with you like crazy. Plus he calls himself "punk" yet then he goes off about how he's "straight-edge". Well fuck-you for being so goddammed better than the rest of us, asshole. Whoever told him to include that in his promos should be hit too, unless it was his idea.

*** OH I read the Vince interview from byte this, EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH OR READ THAT! absolutely classic Vince McMahon. ***
I never liked gimmicks based on music anyway. The only one that I really liked was the Honky Tonk Man because it was so absurd. I have a pet peeve about people basing most of how they live off of music anyway. People that live their music always irritate me to some degree regardless of the type of music. *Apologies to anyone here that might be like that, but that is how I feel in general.*
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I never liked gimmicks based on music anyway. The only one that I really liked was the Honky Tonk Man because it was so absurd. I have a pet peeve about people basing most of how they live off of music anyway. People that live their music always irritate me to some degree regardless of the type of music. *Apologies to anyone here that might be like that, but that is how I feel in general.*[/QUOTE]

I want to agree wholeheartedly (I ceased being that kind of person about 5 years ago, give or take), but to some degree, I find the "realism" of them as characters compelling.

I've met people like CM Punk. I've met people like Shannon Moore. I've met people like John Cena (early on in his hip-hop gimmick, anyway). I've met people like Raven.

I've never met anyone like The Boogeyman, or Ken Kennedy, or numerous other guys. While guys like CM Punk aren't the most realistic guys in pro wrestling, they add a layer of desperate realism in the middle of Kanes and Umagas.

Special K, a faction of candy-ravers in ROH from a few years back, was hilarious as well. I loved seeing them get dropped on their head, b/c I fucking hate ravers.
Well looks like this might be a possible spoiler for tonight, since WWE's airing updated Cyber Sunday commericals here in cincy.

They're airing that the main event for CS will be John Cena(WWE Champion) vs. Big Show(ECW Champion) vs. King Booker(World Champion) in a Triple Threat

Also seems that the main event will be a "pick the match type" and not "pick the champion's opponent" this year.
[quote name='mykevermin']I've never met anyone like The Boogeyman, or Ken Kennedy, or numerous other guys. While guys like CM Punk aren't the most realistic guys in pro wrestling, they add a layer of desperate realism in the middle of Kanes and Umagas.[/quote]

I agree with that.
Evidently Regal's cock made it onto TV for a second or two tonight. Way to go, guys. Way to go. I suppose you finally realize that your customers need their money's worth for a PPV and they rarely get it in in-ring action, but flashing a penis on screen ain't gonna make people too thrilled, either.

Ironic that this will be the only nudity on WWE tv this week, given the amount of hype behind ECW's strip poker segment.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Well looks like this might be a possible spoiler for tonight, since WWE's airing updated Cyber Sunday commericals here in cincy.

They're airing that the main event for CS will be John Cena(WWE Champion) vs. Big Show(ECW Champion) vs. King Booker(World Champion) in a Triple Threat

Also seems that the main event will be a "pick the match type" and not "pick the champion's opponent" this year.[/quote]

Ya know, I (since the brand split got rolling and each show had their own champion) have thought that WWE needs to bring back the classic WCW special "Clash of the Champions" I believe that was WCW's answer to SNME.

Anyway, my proposal, is every few months they have the champions from both shows face each other in various matches, and do this on NBC to showcase essentially what should be the best WWE has to offer.

In theory the card would have been something like this:

Booker T vs John Cena

Jeff Hardy vs Ken Kennedy

London & Kendrick vs Two Spirit Squad members

All of those would be non-title.

Then two more matches, that would be title matches:

Greg Helms vs CM Punk

Women's Champ vs a woman on SD.

That way those belts could swap shows. In fact, I suddenly like the idea of putting the cruiserweight title on an ECW guy for some reason.

Hell you could even add a few more Raw vs SD vs ECW matches and make it a big ppv once a year. Maybe WWE will do something like this, I sure hope so.
[quote name='mykevermin']Evidently Regal's cock made it onto TV for a second or two tonight. Way to go, guys. Way to go. I suppose you finally realize that your customers need their money's worth for a PPV and they rarely get it in in-ring action, but flashing a penis on screen ain't gonna make people too thrilled, either.

Ironic that this will be the only nudity on WWE tv this week, given the amount of hype behind ECW's strip poker segment.[/QUOTE]

WHAT THE fuck?!

Regal's dick on TV? Was it during a match or some kind of segment? That's fucked up!
A backstage segment with him walking out of the shower. I can't tell if it was done intentionally or not, but my guess is obviously the latter.
[quote name='mykevermin']A backstage segment with him walking out of the shower. I can't tell if it was done intentionally or not, but my guess is obviously the latter.[/QUOTE]

That'll probably be up on YouTube tomorrow. I can only imagine what Regal is saying after saying the playback...

"Me bloody sausage was on the telly!" :rofl:
[quote name='mykevermin']Evidently Regal's cock made it onto TV for a second or two tonight. Way to go, guys. Way to go. I suppose you finally realize that your customers need their money's worth for a PPV and they rarely get it in in-ring action, but flashing a penis on screen ain't gonna make people too thrilled, either.

Ironic that this will be the only nudity on WWE tv this week, given the amount of hype behind ECW's strip poker segment.[/quote]

They should put the strip poker on the next ppv to make up for this crap... what happened to the good ol' days of women wrestilng mostly naked in the mud and the kat taking her shirt off? I mean, it wasn't great as far as wrestling is concerned, but we need to head back in that direction and away from the surplus of male ass, and now well... Regal's penis.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']They should put the strip poker on the next ppv to make up for this crap... what happened to the good ol' days of women wrestilng mostly naked in the mud and the kat taking her shirt off? I mean, it wasn't great as far as wrestling is concerned, but we need to head back in that direction and away from the surplus of male ass, and now well... Regal's penis.[/QUOTE]

You know that I'm not a fan of female cheesecake on my wrestling shows (Ariel's nice to admire, though), *however*...

William Regal searched backstage for Finlay. He said it "smelled of Guinness." He ran into Vito jump-roping. Regal said he didn't know how to jump rope correctly. Vito raised his skirt and revealed his white bikini briefs. Regal said he disgusted him. Regal quickly turned and fell onto a cart of ketchup and mustard. He slipped around in it for a minute and made facial expressions.

Teddy Long stood in center-ring with a huge gift wrapped box. Long said it was time for a 26th birthday party for a reality TV star, The Miz. Miz came out and acted as obnoxious as ever. Long said he's been hitting on one of his Smackdown divas lately. Long said even though she hasn't been receptive, she wants to come out and help him celebrate. Miz made ridiculous faces. Leila walked as Miz's jaw dropped. Miz said he got his birthday wish. She asked for a chair and gave Miz a lapdance. She put a blindfold on him, and then the bald fat guy in a g-string, "Big Dick Johnson," took her place. Miz reached out and fondled him, then Leila removed is blindfold. Miz tipped over in his chair and Cole laughed uproariously. JBL said he could watch that all night.

They went backstage to William Regal stepped out of a shower. He was wrapping his towel around his waist, but his penis was shown in full view for a second, which is a PPV first and will surely get them complaint calls and emails, especially from parents. If someone watched the replay, let me know if that's edited. There was no reason for that segment to be live, so it was probably pretaped and they probably had full knowledge of that brief but clear shot. Vito walked into the room and revealed himself to Regael and laughed at him, and asked Regal if he was shortchanged. Vito bragged about his size. Regal asked if his father was a donkey. scurried out of the locker room, with his bare ass in full view. Long scolded him as women ran away from him. Long told him to cover himself. He told him to put his gear on because he had him booked in a match.

(all taken from PW Torch: )

Given that this is what they think the public wants to see on PPV and on tv, perhaps I'll gladly settle for some good ol' tits and ass. I'd rather see them shaking their ta-tas then pretending to wrestle in that eight-woman women's title tourney on Raw (with two - Victoria and Mickie James - trained wrestlers?!??!?!).

On the whole, though, there's just too much sex and sexual innuendo on WWE tv right now; it's like watching the brain child of a mentally handicapped person trying to rekindle the comedy genius of the "American Pie" films 52 weeks a year.
[quote name='mykevermin']Evidently Regal's cock made it onto TV for a second or two tonight. Way to go, guys. Way to go. I suppose you finally realize that your customers need their money's worth for a PPV and they rarely get it in in-ring action, but flashing a penis on screen ain't gonna make people too thrilled, either.

Ironic that this will be the only nudity on WWE tv this week, given the amount of hype behind ECW's strip poker segment.[/QUOTE]

I would say it could be worse, but what is?
[quote name='mykevermin']Evidently Regal's cock made it onto TV for a second or two tonight. Way to go, guys. Way to go. I suppose you finally realize that your customers need their money's worth for a PPV and they rarely get it in in-ring action, but flashing a penis on screen ain't gonna make people too thrilled, either.

Ironic that this will be the only nudity on WWE tv this week, given the amount of hype behind ECW's strip poker segment.[/quote]

[quote name='WeaponX2099']I would say it could be worse, but what is?[/QUOTE]

A Johnny Nitro promo?



Mike Knox?

Your ECW World Champion, The Big Show?

"Vince loves cock?"

EDIT: evilmax wins. forever.

EDIT2: I'd totally stare at Regal's cock for this:


Regal's surprise opponent was Benoit.
[quote name='mykevermin']A Johnny Nitro promo?



Mike Knox?

Your ECW World Champion, The Big Show?

"Vince loves cock?"

Reminds me of that Chris Jericho promo with The Rock.

"You and your 'Just Bring It!' Bring what? A vomit bag? A Fig Newton?!" :lol:

For some reason, I also thought of another great quote from Mr. Sausage, er, Regal. :lol:

"I've had more ups and downs than a whore's drawers."
[quote name='mykevermin']A Johnny Nitro promo?



Mike Knox?

Your ECW World Champion, The Big Show?

"Vince loves cock?"

EDIT: evilmax wins. forever.[/quote]

I think this is worse...


Oh, and Hard Gay is pretty bad too, but mainly for stealing Razor Ramon's good name and pelvic thrusting in children's faces, despite the fact that he's not really gay.

Edit... thrusting in children's faces would definitely be bad if he was gay too... but the particuliar incident I'm speaking of involves a little Japanese girl, you'd just have to see the videos.
The name of this one wrestler I saw on Lucha Libre a while back escapes me, but he had a disturbing gimmick. I think his name was Dino; he's a Japanese wrestler. He would hump audience members on the way to the ring.
[quote name='mykevermin']I never noticed that Angel was holding a barbed-wire wrapped dildo. That's something else.[/quote]

I've asked my girlfriend if she's consider letting me use something of that nature... her response is always the same :roll:. Still, I think the whole concept of a dildo wrapped in barbed-wire is hilarious.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']The name of this one wrestler I saw on Lucha Libre a while back escapes me, but he had a disturbing gimmick. I think his name was Dino; he's a Japanese wrestler. He would hump audience members on the way to the ring.[/quote]

At least he doesn't lick them...

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I've asked my girlfriend if she's consider letting me use something of that nature... her response is always the same :roll:. Still, I think the whole concept of a dildo wrapped in barbed-wire is hilarious.[/QUOTE]

I agree. It's not WWE or TNA appropriate, in my opinion, but it could float in ECW if they actually wanted to have "extreme" storylines, instead of up-and-comer beating all the odds against the insane owner/boss like Raw has had for years.

I still think they should have CM Punk go heel at the peak of his popularity in a few months, and start a feud against the Sandman. Punk did the "I'm sXe, that means I'm better than you" so well in ROH, it'd be throwing away money to not try it again.
[quote name='mykevermin']I agree. It's not WWE or TNA appropriate, in my opinion, but it could float in ECW if they actually wanted to have "extreme" storylines, instead of up-and-comer beating all the odds against the insane owner/boss like Raw has had for years.

I still think they should have CM Punk go heel at the peak of his popularity in a few months, and start a feud against the Sandman. Punk did the "I'm sXe, that means I'm better than you" so well in ROH, it'd be throwing away money to not try it again.[/quote]

And I already dislike him for it! I think he'd be a great heel. Sandman vs Punk could definitely work, maybe a barbed-wire match... or you could through Angel in there and make it a barbed-wire dildo on a poll match! It's kind of like a paddle match, but much worse.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']At least he doesn't lick them...

They were pretty cool in-person. I remember seeing them wrestle and they stopped at the rail where I was sitting, during their ringwalk. I got to pat them on the back.
I've never seen Angel wrestle, truth be told, and everything I've heard about XPW is that it was dogshit awful. But, what else do you expect when a porno film entreprenuer is the booker?

If they decide to go this route, they'd truly have to separate ECW and Raw/Smackdown tapings. Then again, they evidently think that William Regal's cock is family friendly, so what's a barbed wire "rambone," relatively speaking?
I've long thought that WWE needed to do something to really distance Raw and Smackdown from each other, have them be "different brands" rather than WWE Monday and WWE Friday. Now with ECW (WWE Tuesday) Vince really has a chance to do something different. If it were up to me, ECW would do nothing but cater to the smarks and internet fans, screw the casual I wanted to see some rasslin' fans. Then toss in a dash of the old ECW, no more "ECW rules matches" since this IS ECW, EVERY match should be ECW rules. It could fly.

[quote name='Saucy Jack']They were pretty cool in-person. I remember seeing them wrestle and they stopped at the rail where I was sitting, during their ringwalk. I got to pat them on the back.[/quote]

Whatever the case may be the sheepherders/bushwhackers did a hell of a job playing their characters. I think with a little work The Highlanders could be like that.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']
Whatever the case may be the sheepherders/bushwhackers did a hell of a job playing their characters. I think with a little work The Highlanders could be like that.[/QUOTE]

That's when I got to see them... The Sheepherders. :)

Yeah, The Highlanders could really be over with the little kids if they marketed them like The Bushwhackers.
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