The Road Warriors' Wrestling Topic

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[quote name='mykevermin']Some no-name (Marty Garner?)[/quote]

I love it, on bytethis Vince says that he wouldn't reveal the name of MVP's opponent, making you think it might actually be someone, and it's a jobber. Figures.

If I were writing it, Benoit is his opponent, and he gives MVP the Orlando Jordan treatment.

I hate how Benoit came back too, unannounced, unpromoted, just shows up and beats Penis man. Why? Isn't Benoit worthy of some return hype? Christ almighty, they started hyping the Boogeyman's return before he was fired, and now that he's re-hired they'll probably air them again. Benoit deserves better, maybe he should go to TNA too.

At least both Hardy Boyz are champions again. Although, I bet Matt Hardy didn't expect to be where he's at now when he re-signed with the WWE. I really think WWE dropped the ball big time on not capitalizing on Hardy'd popularity right when he got back, instead they just used him to bolster Edge. Sucks for Matt!
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']
I hate how Benoit came back too, unannounced, unpromoted, just shows up and beats Penis man. Why? Isn't Benoit worthy of some return hype? [/QUOTE]

Penis man. :rofl:

That sucks that Benoit isn't hyped up.

On a related note, I was watching a tag match from NJPW where Scott Norton & Benoit were teaming up. Whatever happened to Scott Norton?
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Penis man. :rofl:

That sucks that Benoit isn't hyped up.

On a related note, I was watching a tag match from NJPW where Scott Norton & Benoit were teaming up. Whatever happened to Scott Norton?[/quote]
I think he's off boring people in new and exotic places.

And let me use this opportunity to recite his rant from WCW Thunder:

"You wanna take 'em down?! Well let's take 'em down! One, two, three - it's my game. This is my where I live; this ring is my squared circle, I live there, I fight there, I survive there! You want 'em, I got 'em, let's beat 'em!"
[quote name='2Fast']I think he's off boring people in new and exotic places.

And let me use this opportunity to recite his rant from WCW Thunder:

"You wanna take 'em down?! Well let's take 'em down! One, two, three - it's my game. This is my where I live; this ring is my squared circle, I live there, I fight there, I survive there! You want 'em, I got 'em, let's beat 'em!"[/QUOTE]

C'mon, you had to love NJPW theme music! It was from the classic Stallone masterpiece "Over the Top" :

♪Winner takes it all!
Loser takes a fall!♫
Regal at least managed to be entertaining tonight. His first segment with Vito was good for a laugh, and he had a great match with Benoit later in the night. That's a lot more than I Can say for the rest of the show except maybe the main event which was about as predictable a finish as you can get. Even Kennedy vs Undertaker was boring, those two guys' styles did NOT mix.

Overall, horrible horrible PPV, and don't even get me started about Montel Vonwhateverhisnameis Porter or the Miz segment (or the Miz in general for that matter)

Oh yeah that guy from Japan you're talking about is Danshoku Dino

I never heard of the guy before Firepro Returns came out on PS2, but now unfortunately I have
I thought it was fairly good, but maybe that was because I was there. Little pissed though since my friend knew someone who could have gotten us free tickets after I purchased mine.

(just in case you did not read the spoilers)
Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Sylvan was a good opening match as Jimmy finally got a win. I know you guys probably did not see it, but the crowd popped pretty big for Yang.

There were definately some good matches, but when they stepped away from the wrestling the segments were just painful. The main event and the UT match were also not up to par (the ending to the UT match was completely lame and watching Finlay carry the main event only to be the one who was pinned was a damn shame).

I do wish that Benoit would have come back to squash MVP (that was a complete waste of time and his tights were god awful) but the match with Regal was pretty good.

They did fuck it up on the video and gave it away early that Benoit was coming out (his name popped up while Regal's music was still playing).
Scott Norton is now a freelance guy in Japan, and has his own indy in the southwest. I'll be uploading the LAW show parts involving Antonio Pena, so if folks want to know just why his death is a huge blow for wrestling, you'll find out why when you hear it. In short, you wouldn't have lucha stars in the U.S. without him. Rey, Eddie main eventing 'Mania? Wouldn't have happened without him giving them chances in Mexico.

Booker's also on the show talking about Angle, and how he's overlooking the dangers of what he's doing. He admires Kurt for wanting to die in the ring, but he's scared for his well-being.
Well, my friend went to the bar and watched the show. I asked him if he liked seeing Regal's penis, to which he replied he missed it. Lucky bastard was chomping on a buffalo wing at the time.

He also said that Michelle McCool had a wardrobe malfunction too, exposing her boobies. So... why is all the talk about Regal's wang :shock: :puke: Can we get a McCool pic up at some point too please?
[quote name='mykevermin']Evidently Regal's cock made it onto TV for a second or two tonight. Way to go, guys. Way to go. I suppose you finally realize that your customers need their money's worth for a PPV and they rarely get it in in-ring action, but flashing a penis on screen ain't gonna make people too thrilled, either.

Ironic that this will be the only nudity on WWE tv this week, given the amount of hype behind ECW's strip poker segment.[/quote]

I knew all those DX, "Vince loves cocks" jokes would build some negative karma.

WWE apologizes
Oct. 9, 2006

World Wrestling Entertainment would like to apologize to anyone who watched WWE No Mercy and was offended by the William Regal locker room incident. Conduct of this kind is unacceptable in a family-friendly environment, and WWE accepts full responsibility. Nudity of any kind, even in a live television environment, is offensive to our audience and to the reputation of our company.
[quote name='Scorch']:rofl:[/QUOTE]



Then again... once it all boils down to it, we are watching a bunch of large men in their underwear suplexing each other. :lol:
Penis-free video.

Mr. Kennedy's entrace, which was taken from an IGN simulation of last night's No Mercy PPV.

It's mighty good, I do say.

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I think it's the "Look at me, I'm straigh-edge! I'm so cool for being pure" thing, tah tmakes me want to kick his ass. He's got the look (the tats, piercings, long hair, etc) of a guy that would go out and party with you like crazy. Plus he calls himself "punk" yet then he goes off about how he's "straight-edge". Well fuck-you for being so goddammed better than the rest of us, asshole. Whoever told him to include that in his promos should be hit too, unless it was his idea.[/QUOTE]

Ah, but this is why heel Punk is going to be over like mad. It has happened before; all he has to do is take his lifestyle and aim it at the fans and opponents (instead of himself, which he does as a good guy), and people haaaate him.

I was really close to buying tix (FORTY fucking dollars) for the TNA meet and greet the day before Bound For Glory, but the thing that stopped me in my tracks: "no still cameras or video cameras." Are you fucking kidding me? I pay 40 bucks to get in to your B-level wrestling promotion's meet & greet, am guaranteed nothing but a vague "appearances by" list, and I CAN'T bring a camera? fuck you! The only reason I'd go to that is to get a picture with Don "MICHAEL JORDAN ROOKIE CARD!!" West.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I think it's the "Look at me, I'm straigh-edge! I'm so cool for being pure" thing, tah tmakes me want to kick his ass. He's got the look (the tats, piercings, long hair, etc) of a guy that would go out and party with you like crazy. Plus he calls himself "punk" yet then he goes off about how he's "straight-edge". Well fuck-you for being so goddammed better than the rest of us, asshole. Whoever told him to include that in his promos should be hit too, unless it was his idea.[/QUOTE]

Ah, but this is why heel Punk is going to be over like mad. It has happened before; all he has to do is take his lifestyle and aim it at the fans and opponents (instead of himself, which he does as a good guy), and people haaaate him.

I was really close to buying tix (FORTY fucking dollars) for the TNA meet and greet the day before Bound For Glory, but the thing that stopped me in my tracks: "no still cameras or video cameras." Are you fucking kidding me? I pay 40 bucks to get in to your B-level wrestling promotion's meet & greet, am guaranteed nothing but a vague "appearances by" list, and I CAN'T bring a camera? fuck you! The only reason I'd go to that is to get a picture with Don "MICHAEL JORDAN ROOKIE CARD!!" West.
[quote name='Scorch']Wow.. they did a great job with Kennedy's entrance.[/quote]

agreed, that is quite impressive.

Maybe Regal's next gimmick...

If I remember correctly Naked Mideon's only feud was actually with Regal. Well, only official feud, his other one was with my eyes...
[quote name='KaneRobot']Ah, but this is why heel Punk is going to be over like mad. It has happened before; all he has to do is take his lifestyle and aim it at the fans and opponents (instead of himself, which he does as a good guy), and people haaaate him.[/QUOTE]

Punk is an amazing heel, of course i've always liked heels more than babyfaces.
[quote name='mykevermin']

Jacques Cousteau debuted at No Mercy tonight.[/quote]
What's with the Flash Funk costume? As much as I like WWE bringing new guys to change things, I'd actually enjoy watching Mark Henry in a match than this assclown.

Also, got a feeling that Kurt Angle's appearance on Impact will be a taped promo. Why? Cause he's scheduled to be on Spike's Scream Awards show tomorrow, which is the same night that Impact tapes.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Also, got a feeling that Kurt Angle's appearance on Impact will be a taped promo. Why? Cause he's scheduled to be on Spike's Scream Awards show tomorrow, which is the same night that Impact tapes.[/quote]

Impact tapes tonight, I'm about to leave for it in 15 minutes. All signs point to Angle being there in-person, but if it's a taped promo I will riot. I'll let you guys know either way.
ROH tickets are now on sale for Wrestlemania weekend in Detroit. They're running two shows, 3/30 and 3/31. Last I checked, 2nd and 3rd row seats were still available. I picked up a pair of 2nd row seats for 3/31 although I have no one to go with yet. I'm sure I'll be able to change that without a lot of trouble.
WWE's already revealed who the artist is behind the new music for Raw, Papa Roach. WTF? I'm getting tired of them picking all these crappy bands for their music.

Also, Umaga & Chris Masters' entrances are up on IGN(Ps2 section right now). WTF, why does Masters not have his cape during the entrance?
"To Be Loved" is the new Raw theme, and I like the new Raw logo, although it's way too similar to the new one if they plan on doing a "new era in Raw begins TONIGHT" angle.
As shitty as Papa Roach is, I'm glad they're FINALLY changing that goddamn intro. Smackdown has probably changed 4 times since Raw has adopted that crappy Union Underground song.
Raw is getting revamped? Hmmm. I might have to watch it tonight, then change the channel about 3 minutes later because it's so horribly unwatchable these days.

Kurt arriving @ TNA.

I see they made sure to put in Rooster saying "you look healthy!"

*Edit* - here's an idea: jump in the CAG Chatroom during Raw if you have a TV nearby. I'll be there in case anyone shows up.

*Edit 2* - minor spoiler about Kane vs. Umaga (not regarding who is going to win), via Meltzer:

Regarding the loser of tonight's Kane vs. Umaga match, the plan was for the loser to go to Smackdown. I'm told that over the weekend the idea was changing every minute. It is still probably Smackdown, but it is possible it will be changed to ECW.
Reminder.. Raw's on. New theme sucks balls.

JR/King, Styles/Tazz, Cole/JBL announcing tonight. I'm pretty hyped, I've never heard JBL commentate.
I was hoping that with this "season premiere" the show would feel different... and then it opened with a 15 minute interview and WACKINESS backstage. At least the Ready to Rumble mention and JBL knocking Lawler made me laugh. Mentioning the Hollywood records of the champions was a unique way to build a feud up.
[quote name='mykevermin']

Sums it up for me.[/QUOTE]


Classic, Mike. I just remembered that Raw was on early tonight, so I rewound the DVR. Total crap so far with this Booker / Cena / Show promo. I don't know why I bother recording this crap.

[quote name='Scorch']Arby's sounds real good right now.[/QUOTE]

Yes it does, my friend.

But how do you kill a man after bringing him delicious, piping-hot Arby's?
[quote name='KaneRobot']ROH tickets are now on sale for Wrestlemania weekend in Detroit. They're running two shows, 3/30 and 3/31. Last I checked, 2nd and 3rd row seats were still available. I picked up a pair of 2nd row seats for 3/31 although I have no one to go with yet. I'm sure I'll be able to change that without a lot of trouble.[/quote]

You could take me ;)

I'm going one way or another, where exactly is the show going to take place? I'm also gonna have to get tickets to Wrestlemania, probably the $100 seats, although I may go crazy and jump up to the $250, it is Wrestlemania afterall.


What happened during the first 30 minutes of Raw? The hotel I was checking into had a worthless front counter staff that took about 15 minutes to check me in, so the first thing I saw was the end of the Kane/Umaga bullshit. I know this is best for Kane, but dammit, I hate Jamal, he's absolute crap, why are they pushing him?
[quote name='Saucy Jack']I don't know why I bother recording this crap.[/QUOTE]

I do (for me anyway). It's built on the naive belief that this week will feature a big surprise, the likes of which we haven't seen since the Monday Night Wars. Like Rick Rude on Raw and Nitro simultaneously. Or a debuting guy from another show. Or an awesome match, or a great promo.

The only surprise you get these days is William Regal's lil' Winston Churchill shrivelling in the breeze.

There's still a hope, naive as it may be, that something like that might happen again. VERY VERY naive, but still present.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I hate Jamal, he's absolute crap, why are they pushing him?[/QUOTE]


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em steal it from them.
[quote name='mykevermin']I do (for me anyway). It's built on the naive belief that this week will feature a big surprise, the likes of which we haven't seen since the Monday Night Wars. Like Rick Rude on Raw and Nitro simultaneously. Or a debuting guy from another show. Or an awesome match, or a great promo.

The only surprise you get these days is William Regal's lil' Winston Churchill shrivelling in the breeze.

There's still a hope, naive as it may be, that something like that might happen again. VERY VERY naive, but still present.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's the same for me. For all the crap we are fed each week, maybe there'll be a small bright spot to enjoy.

I guess we're all just addicted to wrestling, and that's why we keep coming back.

I have a little faith in humanity. I would think that someone would have found a YTMND page or something with Regal's little "accident" by now. :lol:
I don't get the Umaga/Joe comparison. They have entirely different gimmicks. All WWE did was steal his nickname. DX's pre-fight promo is taking forever - shouldn't their opponents be kicking their asses like now? Speaking logically and all.
[quote name='mykevermin']I do (for me anyway). It's built on the naive belief that this week will feature a big surprise, the likes of which we haven't seen since the Monday Night Wars. Like Rick Rude on Raw and Nitro simultaneously. Or a debuting guy from another show. Or an awesome match, or a great promo.

The only surprise you get these days is William Regal's lil' Winston Churchill shrivelling in the breeze.

There's still a hope, naive as it may be, that something like that might happen again. VERY VERY naive, but still present.[/quote]

Ya, maybe Austin will show up. I was supposed to stay in Room 316 tonight at my hotel, but I got moved, probably a bad sign.

Oh ya, questions for you myke, since you've probably been to more ROH shows than anyone else here:

#1 Are both the Friday & Saturday shows generally the same?

#2 Which is generally better to go to...?

#3 How is the seating set up there usually, I'm thinknig I'm gonna go buy a couple of 3rd row seats now for one of those shows, if not both.
Man, too bad that rooster couldn't come out. I'd mark out if the gamecock showed up, and then it was Austin in disguise and he gave DX stunners!
Is TNA trying to start their own morgue? I'm glad they're getting some big names to try and compete, but come on now... it's a miracle that guy isn't dead already.
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