The Stay-Puft OTT

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[quote name='AlbinoNinja']damn custom UIs, screwing up my World of Warcraft and forcing me to reinstall everything...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='AngellicLulu']:high pitched scream: WAAAAAAAAAAAH![/QUOTE]

Oh, stop being a crybaby. It didn't hurt THAT much.
[quote name='shrike4242']Indeed, items of small size don't hurt that much.[/QUOTE]

I guess you'd have long years of experience field testing that hypothesis, eh Shrike?
[quote name='AngellicLulu']Lies, dirty, dirty lies! :cry:[/QUOTE]

Aw. Poor Lulu. Do you want me to kiss it and make it all better? :)
[quote name='JSweeney']I guess you'd have long years of experience field testing that hypothesis, eh Shrike.[/QUOTE]

No field testing, without the proper frame of reference.

I know others have resolved that testing, as I had no need for that.
[quote name='JSweeney']Aw. Poor Lulu. Do you want me to kiss it and make it all better? :)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you'd like that much too much.
[quote name='shrike4242']No field testing, without the proper frame of reference.

I know others have resolved that testing, as I had no need for that.[/QUOTE]

You mean, you're a eunuch?
Does that mean ZL's a gelding?

Oh no! That's so terrible!!
[quote name='JSweeney']You mean, you're a eunuch?
Does that mean ZL's a gelding?

Oh no! That's so terrible!![/QUOTE]


Uh, no. At least not in regards to me.

Can't speak for ZL, I'm not up on my horsespeak.
[quote name='shrike4242']Yeah, you'd like that much too much.[/QUOTE]

Of course. But only because it would make Lulu feel better.
[quote name='shrike4242']:roll:

Uh, no. At least not in regards to me.

Can't speak for ZL, I'm not up on my horsespeak.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry, Shrike, you're in a safe place. It's ok to talk about what all those horrible people did. We're not going to judge you. (***pftt, look at the nutless wonder.. Bwa ha ha ha!!***)
I feel odd right something a metaphysical is going on in my mind. I don't tend to go in for stuff like that, though.
[quote name='JSweeney']Don't worry, Shrike, you're in a safe place. It's ok to talk about what all those horrible people did. We're not going to judge you. (***pftt, look at the nutless wonder.. Bwa ha ha ha!!***)[/QUOTE]

Wow, nice to see some people are still under the delusion that the OTT is a place to go open up and talk about things. :roll:

I'd lay off the bottle, it's warping your brain a tiny bit more than necessary.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']more lies.[/QUOTE]

Aw, you doubt the benevolence of my actions, the veracity of my word, kind Lulu? :cry:
[quote name='shrike4242']Wow, nice to see some people are still under the delusion that the OTT is a place to go open up and talk about things. :roll:

I'd lay off the bottle, it's warping your brain a tiny bit more than necessary.[/QUOTE]

But, you put the lime in the coconut, drink it all up.
You put the lime in the coconut. Drink them both together!
After working 6 days this week...I may sleep through tomorrow. Standing for hours on end in a hot environment tires the fuck outta me.
[quote name='punqsux']i was thinking about picking up one of those, they are $130 at walmart for the gigs.[/QUOTE]
I know I looked up a review on it for pure curiosity. I wish I had money.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']have you been drinking again?

Come on. I'm Irish. Do you actually even have to ask?
[quote name='punqsux']yeah really, i have to make the new ott guys..[/QUOTE]

Make the new one and lock it. Unlock it when this one is done.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']I know I looked up a review on it for pure curiosity. I wish I had money.[/QUOTE]
see if i really wanted it, i could get it, but i wish i had a use for it :lol:
[quote name='shrike4242']Make the new one and lock it. Unlock it when this one is done.[/QUOTE]
hahahaha im kidding shrike, i already cockblocked jimmies ott once, another time just wouldnt be gentlemanly.
[quote name='punqsux']see if i really wanted it, i could get it, but i wish i had a use for it :lol:[/QUOTE]
It's the size of a quarter... and plays music... what more use do you need?
[quote name='JSweeney']Sorry Jimmie, but the best I can do is once every 45 seconds, you know. :)[/QUOTE]
oh, so only mods can spam the boards?
[quote name='AngellicLulu']It's the size of a quarter... and plays music... what more use do you need?[/QUOTE]
i have a 20 gig ipod that works for my musical needs
[quote name='punqsux']see if i really wanted it, i could get it, but i wish i had a use for it :lol:[/QUOTE]

Out of context, that could be a rather disturbing statement.
[quote name='punqsux']hahahaha im kidding shrike, i already cockblocked jimmies ott once, another time just wouldnt be gentlemanly.[/QUOTE]

We wouldn't want your rep to be ruined, now would we? And there's an ace in the hole in response to that action of yours, as you know.

It's just proper planning I'm thinking of. ;)
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