The Stay-Puft OTT

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[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']maybe he's just really good at selling his ideas. There arent generally simple ways to make anyone, much less everyone, happy.[/QUOTE]

Actually, his take is quite ingenius. It's one of those, "Why didn't I think of that." ideas and that's usally what I take as a mark of genius.

His idea is to set up a dual exchange rate for exporters to reduce the trade deficit. For example, lets say our exchange rate with China is 8 Yuan for 1 dollar. 8Y=1D.

The problem is, if the Chinese reduce the deficit, it doesn't do anything, because the exchange is even. For example, lets say the Chinese reduced the difference to 6Y=1D. There are lots of problems. One, Chinese products become more expensive, So things cost more at Walmart. But the idea that Americans will buy less CHinese goods and more American is BS. Because even if there is a 20-25% difference most people will absorb it. Say prices increase 10% at Walmart. It's not going to stop people buying chinese. Especially because, there are no US products to buy. Less than 11% of the US workforce is in manufacturing. That's below pre Civil War Levels. There are no US products for them to buy.

Alternatively, it's supposed to make US prices cheaper. SO the Chinese buy more US products. But again, there are no US products to buy. We export more raw materials than manufactured goods. And in some ways that makes things just as bad. Because the raw materials assembled in China will be less countering out somewhat the increase in costs. So this wole idea that if China floats it's currency will help out is just wrong.

But what if the US for a short ter adjutory period, say a decade, creates a two tiered unilateral import/export exchange rate.

Here's how it works.

Again, lets set things at 1D=8Y in China. The US Federal Goverment says, "Look, if you buy American products, we're going to make the rate 1D=6Y. At first it sounds like a subsidy but it really isn't because it's an currency exhcanged and it involves ALL US Goods Exported. So when the China Businessman goes to buy US Dollars is he going to go to the CHinese Gov. at the 8Y=1D rate. Hell no, he's going to go straight to Uncle Sam becayuse we'll give him 6Y=1D. His buying power in American markets improves substantially. And again, this doesn't necessarily mean the Chinaman will buy more American. But it's a start.

And the argument against this is two fold. First, the Chinese will get pissed. But for the Chinese man on the street his buying power has just improved considerably. And the value of the US Dollar in the free Market has not because for all other financiial transactions involving US Dollars are tiered to the 8Y=1D ratings. So there may be a slight downward adjustment but overall the dollars held by the Chinese Gov. will keep their relative value while at the same time actually adding money to the Chinese Economy ebcause now the average Chinese person has greater buying power.

The second argument is that other nations will be pissed. But that's why you do it for every country on earth. If you buy American, you get this same % cut on exports in the currency exchange. That way no one feels like they're getting screwed. And they'll go along with it because 1) their buying power improves, 2) they're getting the same deal as everyone else, 3) their currency holding will remain relatively strong and 4) We're the US and the rest of the world does what we tell them.

But this is only for US Exports. For US imports, the exchange rate will stay the same. For example, if then Walmart had to buy goods at 6Y=1D they would be pissed, because again, chinese goods have just become more expensive. But Imports stay at the same free market floating 8Y=1D so imported goods from the outside will remain as cheap.

In a nutshell, it's basically saying, Look, people won't import less foreign goods. It just isn't going to happen. So we need to look at the export side and give a better incentive for foriegn countried to buy more US goods. And while it won't happen over night, eventually as those overseas economies grow they will slowly start buying more American goods, which will cause more manufacturing jobs to be created and more people to get employed yet not negatively effect the development of the rest of the world because we're still buying at the same rate. Then, once the trade deficit is reduced by say, 50%, we slowly merge back the exchange rates to a more manageable level.

In a sense, it's like the ADV fire sales they have. They're in debt. They need cash. And the more people buy their stuff the more likely they'll get more purchases and Cash to pay off their immediate debt. So they slash prices by 40 to 50% for a short term. It would basically be the same thing. The difference is, ADV may lose money because they're making production goods. The US doesn't lose money, it just gains money, because the Gov isn't the producer. It's the business. The US just gets cold hard cash. On paper it would be a slight loss but in reality it would be an economic gain because the US wasn't getting those dolalars anyway nd not producing anything.

I mean, it's a sheer genius idea.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I wouldve guessed he wouldve left the building if there is a Babies R'US next door.[/QUOTE]

Ok, now that is a bit low. He likes them preteen/teen. Unless you are insinuating that he is there to pick up unwed teenage mothers.
I'm out, got to head to CC and/or BB for Constantine, then to school for the tourney and to get some math homework scanned which I'll probably be there all night again playing Smash Brothers and Naruto 3. :D
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']I think I'm about to order my laptop.

The thought scares the living hell out of me.[/QUOTE]

You need to...
Relax. Go to it. :lol:

You know, that Frankie goes to Hollywood song is actually pretty messed up.

Oh oh

Relax don’t do it
When you want to go to it
Relax don’t do it
When you want to come
Relax don’t do it
When you want to come
When you want to come

Relax don’t do it
When you want to to go to it
Relax don’t do it
When you want to come
Relax don’t do it
When you want to suck it to it
Relax don’t do it
When you want to come
Come-oh oh oh

But shoot it in the right direction
Make making it your intention-ooh yeah
Live those dreams
Scheme those schemes
Got to hit me
Hit me
Hit me with those laser beams

I’m coming
I’m coming-yeah

Relax don’t do it
When you want to go to it
Relax don’t do it
When you want to come

Relax don’t do it
When you want to suck it to it
Relax don’t do it (love)
When you want to come
When you want to come
When you want to come

Get it up
The scene of love
Oh feel it

Relax relax relax
Higher higher relax

Now’s the time, it’s party time


I mean, yikes. There's not much misinterpretting to do there.
[quote name='JSweeney']You need to...
Relax. Go to it. :lol:

You know, that Frankie goes to Hollywood song is actually pretty messed up.

Oh oh

Relax don’t do it
When you want to go to it
Relax don’t do it
When you want to come
Relax don’t do it
When you want to come
When you want to come

Relax don’t do it
When you want to to go to it
Relax don’t do it
When you want to come
Relax don’t do it
When you want to suck it to it
Relax don’t do it
When you want to come
Come-oh oh oh

But shoot it in the right direction
Make making it your intention-ooh yeah
Live those dreams
Scheme those schemes
Got to hit me
Hit me
Hit me with those laser beams

I’m coming
I’m coming-yeah

Relax don’t do it
When you want to go to it
Relax don’t do it
When you want to come

Relax don’t do it
When you want to suck it to it
Relax don’t do it (love)
When you want to come
When you want to come
When you want to come

Get it up
The scene of love
Oh feel it

Relax relax relax
Higher higher relax

Now’s the time, it’s party time


I mean, yikes. There's not much misinterpretting to do there.[/QUOTE]

The last time I heard that song, I couldn't discern the lyrics. Now I know, and FGtH will never be the same again.
Well that sucked. I thought I bought the first two volumes of Gantz, when apparently I bought volume 1 and 3. Guess I'll have to go buy volume 2 tomorrow sometime. Though I did get DOA:U while I was out.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Cool. A JLU that focuses on Terry from Batman Beyond[/QUOTE]


I'll be glad when they release the complete Batman Beyond seasons on DVD.
D'agh! Was just playing that Letters game and got to like 650+ points at which point it was moving so fast I don't what I pressed but somehow I locked up windows. I don't mean it froze either, I got a message saying "This Computer has been locked and may only be unlocked by the admin or owner," or some such drivel. Simply clicked cancel but it shot my score to shit!

EDIT: If you'd like to lock XP yourself, a simple search turned up:

Different Ways to Lock Windows XP
[quote name='Spruce']D'agh! Was just playing that Letters game and got to like 650+ points at which point it was moving so fast I don't what I pressed but somehow I locked up windows. I don't mean it froze either, I got a message saying "This Computer has been locked and may only be unlocked by the admin or owner," or some such drivel. Simply clicked cancel but it shot my score to shit!

EDIT: If you'd like to lock XP yourself, a simple search turned up:

Different Ways to Lock Windows XP[/QUOTE]
thats what they all say

Nice Sig :)
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Some say he's robbing the cradle, I say, they're robbing the grave[/QUOTE]
Futurama, cant remember what episode, but farnsworth said it
[quote name='Ozzkev55']thats what they all say[/QUOTE]

Have you played the Letters game? Seriously, get past level 60 and it's moving at a brisk pace. Must have hit the Windows Key and L at the same time instead of shift. I hate that damned key! It makes it so much harder to Ctrl Alt Delete one handed.

[quote name='Ozzkev55'] Nice Sig :)[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I really liked the final edition of Gamespotting so I went ahead and threw it in a sig.
The Letters game annoys me now. :(

I can type around 100 wpm... but once I get around 700 points, I can't even read the letters because they move down too fast.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']New sig and Avy, because the other one got boring.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry Morbid but your Sig's and Avy's have to stop taking themselves so seriously for at least a month.

You need something more like this.

[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']New sig and Avy, because the other one got boring.[/QUOTE]

Sounds just like 'Taker...:lol:
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I'm sorry Morbid but your Sig's and Avy's have to stop taking themselves so seriously for at least a month.

You need something more like this.


:rofl: Nice.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I'm sorry Morbid but your Sig's and Avy's have to stop taking themselves so seriously for at least a month.

You need something more like this.

It is a cool sig.
[quote name='Darkside Hazuki']Shameless 250th post.[/QUOTE]

Shame, shame. Your shameless post count boosting has killed the thread.
They'll make you pay for this, Hazuki! They'll make you PAY!!! :lol:
Ok, I know it's actually Sunday morning, but whatever.
Mr. Cat Stevens...

Another saturday night and I ain't got nobody
I've got some money 'cause I just got paid
Now how I wish I had someone to talk to
I'm in an awful way.

I got in town a month ago
I seen a lot of girls since then,
If I could meet 'em I could get 'em
But as yet I haven't met 'em
Thats how I'm in the state I'm in.


Another fella told me
He had a sister who looked just fine
Instead of bein' my deliverance
She had a strange resemblance
To a cat named Frankenstein.


Its hard on a fella
When he don't know his way around
If I don't find me a honey
To help me spend my money
I'm gonna have to blow this town.

Another saturday night and I ain't got nobody
I've got some money 'cause I just got paid
How I wish I had someone to talk to
I'm in an awful, ooh, I'm in an awful way,
He's in an awful way, I'm in an awful way,
I'm in an awful way, He's in an awful way.
[quote name='JSweeney']Ok, I know it's actually Sunday morning, but whatever.
Mr. Cat Stevens...

Another saturday night and I ain't got nobody
I've got some money 'cause I just got paid
Now how I wish I had someone to talk to
I'm in an awful way.

I got in town a month ago
I seen a lot of girls since then,
If I could meet 'em I could get 'em
But as yet I haven't met 'em
Thats how I'm in the state I'm in.


Another fella told me
He had a sister who looked just fine
Instead of bein' my deliverance
She had a strange resemblance
To a cat named Frankenstein.


Its hard on a fella
When he don't know his way around
If I don't find me a honey
To help me spend my money
I'm gonna have to blow this town.

Another saturday night and I ain't got nobody
I've got some money 'cause I just got paid
How I wish I had someone to talk to
I'm in an awful, ooh, I'm in an awful way,
He's in an awful way, I'm in an awful way,
I'm in an awful way, He's in an awful way.[/QUOTE]

It's not Sunday morning for me, and it's not Sunday morning until I wake up.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Damn this OTT is slow and boring...I should've ended it last night when I had the chance.[/QUOTE]

Yes. I does seem to have slowed drastically.
Pity, that.
[quote name='JSweeney']Yes. I does seem to have slowed drastically.
Pity, that.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure it'll pick up soon enough when the hour gets late enough and no one seems to care.
[quote name='shrike4242']I'm sure it'll pick up soon enough when the hour gets late enough and no one seems to care.[/QUOTE]

Well, I don't care. I have a feeling as a couple of those bottles in the fridge are a little emptier, I'm not going to care even more. :lol:
[quote name='JSweeney']Well, I don't care. I have a feeling as a couple of those bottles in the fridge are a little emptier, I'm not going to care even more. :lol:[/QUOTE]


In my case, I just don't care, bottles not needed in that.
I see I'm being discussed even in my absence. I'll have you know I just watched Three Kings, and not just to get a glimpse of a 10 year old "Maeby". It's also a damn good movie that I hadn't seen in 6 years. (It was only the second time I've seen it too)
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I see I'm being discussed even in my absence. I'll have you know I just watched Three Kings, and not just to get a glimpse of a 10 year old "Maeby". It's also a damn good movie that I hadn't seen in 6 years. (It was only the second time I've seen it too)[/QUOTE]

Not by me.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']I can easily make the OTT pick up[/QUOTE]

No, you're not making us take little blue pills again!! :lol:
It wasn't funny the first time :cry:
[quote name='JSweeney']No, you're not making us take little blue pills again!! :lol:
It wasn't funny the first time :cry:[/QUOTE]

Speaking of pills, where are the resident pill heads of the OTT?
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I see I'm being discussed even in my absence. I'll have you know I just watched Three Kings, and not just to get a glimpse of a 10 year old "Maeby". It's also a damn good movie that I hadn't seen in 6 years. (It was only the second time I've seen it too)[/QUOTE]

I loved that movie. I should probably watch that sometime soon. Been awhile since I've seen it.
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