The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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Cool. I'll add it to my play queue then. I read the bloodbath arena is basically just to gain XP for your character so I think I can safely skip that one.
You can safely skip Ryder White as well. I only played it for about 30 minutes but I hated it. The things that stand out to me were no leveling up, no skills, no xp.

I ran into some areas with infinitely spawning enemies too, and I didn't like that cause it wasn't clear this was the case. I would keep fighting them and trying to clear the area but they kept coming! I don't recall that happening in Dead Island main game.

I'm seeing Minerva's Den for 75% off - maybe because I own Bioshock 1 on Steam?  Either way, it's probably time to finally get Bio 2 and MD for future gaming.

re: XCOM, you can read all you want about optimal strategy, or you can figure it out as you go along (my recommendation) and see how you like to play.  For example, I loved shotgunning with an assault and running double snipers.  Jeff from Giant Bomb is a proponent of all Heavy's.  Have fun with it :)

This is me at night with dark room and computer trying to find a game

"Heh, Anna EE's screenshots looks like a Dear Ester type of game, let's try that"

*Loads up Anna EE*

"What's this? I need an account AKA another DRM? Fine"

*Gets the account set up and loads game*

"Lets see how good this game is!"

*Watches intro, sees creepy face and mention of Anna*

"It's probably nothing, not intended to be scary"

*Reads "From my nightmares" in the subtitles*


And here I thought I should play that instead of Metro 2033 considering I'm a wuss with horror games.

2 skinheads in the same post lol

Hardware question:

I was looking at a GTX 770 video card and it said "Minimum recommended power supply with +12 Volt current rating of 42 Amps." From what I can tell my PSU supplies "Load Max 38A" on each +12v rail. Would I have to replace the PSU or would it still work? It almost meets the recommendation.

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Dead Island question:

Can I play Ryder White DLC without playing the campaign? I just finished the main game on PS3 but own the DLC on Steam.
You can safely skip Ryder White as well. I only played it for about 30 minutes but I hated it. The things that stand out to me were no leveling up, no skills, no xp.

I ran into some areas with infinitely spawning enemies too, and I didn't like that cause it wasn't clear this was the case. I would keep fighting them and trying to clear the area but they kept coming! I don't recall that happening in Dead Island main game.
Yes, you can play it separately and pretty much this^. One of my like for the main game was leveling and building my character. RW has none of this. It's actually better from the story and character development side of things which the main game lacked, but the gameplay is just too watered down and narrow for my taste. The infinite spawns were a small issue here because of the lack of skill/character progression and limited useful/interesting weaponry. This is, however, an aspect that carried over into Riptide, which while it can be annoying, is not nearly as problematic.

I'm seeing Minerva's Den for 75% off - maybe because I own Bioshock 1 on Steam? Either way, it's probably time to finally get Bio 2 and MD for future gaming.
If you can find someone with a pre-update gift or key for Bioshock2, you should get Minerva's Den for free. Or find someone with an extra retail copy as it seems those CD keys now activate both BS2 and MD as well.

Hardware question:

I was looking at a GTX 770 video card and it said "Minimum recommended power supply with +12 Volt current rating of 42 Amps." From what I can tell my PSU supplies "Load Max 38A" on each +12v rail. Would I have to replace the PSU or would it still work? It almost meets the recommendation.
If your PSU has multiple rails that can be identified, you can technically combine (parallel) them to increase their load capacity.

Yes, you can play it separately and pretty much this^. One of my like for the main game was leveling and building my character. RW has none of this. It's actually better from the story and character development side of things which the main game lacked, but the gameplay is just too watered down and narrow for my taste. The infinite spawns were a small issue here because of the lack of skill/character progression and limited useful/interesting weaponry. This is, however, an aspect that carried over into Riptide, which while it can be annoying, is not nearly as problematic.
Yeah, I thought RW did a much better job w/ focused storytelling & character development...

...but, yeah - there is unfortunately NO leveling-up or anything of that sort.

RW is only 5-7 hours, so....

{shoulder shrug}

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re: XCOM, you can read all you want about optimal strategy, or you can figure it out as you go along (my recommendation) and see how you like to play. For example, I loved shotgunning with an assault and running double snipers. Jeff from Giant Bomb is a proponent of all Heavy's. Have fun with it :)
While I do like the game (the turn-based combat system is awesome w/ its in-game cinematic moments and stuff) and I am trying to have fun w/ it (editing my Soldiers looks and stuff - even though they all seem to be dying!)...

...I'm still getting my butt kicked, quite a bit. ;)


Nevermind getting my butt kicked - it's now over.

Failed on playthrough #1.

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While I do like the game (the turn-based combat system is awesome w/ its in-game cinematic moments and stuff) and I am trying to have fun w/ it (editing my Soldiers looks and stuff - even though they all seem to be dying!)...

...I'm still getting my butt kicked, quite a bit. ;)

Nevermind getting my butt kicked - it's now over.
Failed on playthrough #1.
You'll get it. Just choose the slightly overpowered things (also work on starting if not putting satellite coverage on S. America, instant autopsies are the best!) the game is hard, but still is fun
Enemy Unknown on normal is really easy if you just slow play it. I think I lost 2-3 soldiers on my last normal/ironman playthrough. Move slowly, get in cover, use overwatch. Moving backward and luring activated enemies into your overwatch works well when you feel overwhelmed.

The whole reason they added the new resource in Enemy Within on a timer was to add difficulty and get slow players out of their comfort zone.

Edit: Also, sattelites.
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Ok, I've got a little time now but I'm not at my computer and I haven't played in a while so you'll have to forgive me if I'm a little hazy on the details. When people talk about XCOM strategy they mostly refer to battle tactics, but in my experience the bigger issue for beginners is not how you manage your soldiers in combat, but ensuring that your economy and base progression are solid. If you fall behind in your research or don't have the funds to purchase the technology you need you will fall behind in the arms race against the aliens and then it's game over. The game is difficult when it comes to combat, but completely unforgiving in terms of base management. To that end:

Start in Asia to get the decreased squad training upgrade costs
Get South America and Africa asap
Get engineers asap. You need them to start building your satellite infrastructure.

Satellites and power are the most important resources in the early game. You want to launch as many per month as possible, so pour all your funds into them and everything they require. I think the progression is something like three the first month, then one more each month after that (so four, then five, then six) until you've launched them all. These will provide you with the funds you need to keep up with everything else. For the first couple missions, choose the ones with engineers as rewards so that you can build the structures you need. After that, choose missions in the most panicked countries so that you don't lose them. I prefer not to lose any countries although you can lose a couple and still be okay, particularly on your home continent. I haven't played on ironman yet and I expect on that setting it is very difficult if not impossible to progress as fast as you need to without losing a country to panic.

Get lasers asap and some kind of armor. For the item slot I use the stun gun on a couple guys to get the free research credits. In the early game, frag grenades on the rest; later, scopes.

Combat tactics. As has been said already, don't dash, and abuse overwatch. Abuse frag grenades in the early game. They one-shot Sectoids, destroy cover, and can't miss. Try to stay in full cover whenever possible. I abuse snipers with squad sight and heavies with their rocket launchers. Two of each is pretty powerful. Assaults with run and gun and rapid reaction are a lot of fun, but mine tend to get killed in ambushes whenever I send them in close, which is why I stay away from shotguns. It would probably work better if I could run three or four of them in a squad, but that's one class I'm always short on and never seem to have more than one or two...and they're not the easiest to level up.  The other reason I don't like assaults is because with their low shot accuracy with shotguns their overwatch is weak.  They are too often left exposed on the front lines.

There's lots more, but that should be enough to help you in your second playthrough. There's lots of room for different strategies when it comes to combat, so just get your economy and research going strong and then see what you like best. Have fun!

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Civilization sale today for 2K

Most Civ 5 stuff = 75% off

Civ 5: Gold Edition (Civ 5 + a bunch of DLC + Gods & Kings) = $12.49

Civ 5 (base game) = $7.49

Civ 5: Gods & Kings (expansion) = $7.49

Civ 5: Upgrade to Gold Edition (for base game owners) = $5

Civ 5: Cradle of Civilization - DLC Bundle = $2.49

ALL Civ 5 DLC = 75% off except...

...Brave New World (expansion) = only 33% off -> $20.09

Civ 4 games, expansions, etc = 75% off.

Civ 4: Complete Edition = $7.49

Civ 4 (base game) = $4.99

Warlords (expansion) = $1.24

Beyond The Sword (expansion) = $2.49

Colonization (stand-alone expansion) = $4.99

Civ 3: Complete Edition = 75% off -> $1.24

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I never looked too much into the Civ5 mods on Steamworks, but w/the daily deal I did some of throne maps? Elder Scrolls maps and civilizations? Mass Effect civilizations? I still haven't gotten a chance to put much time into Civ5, but now I'm scared if I get into it I'll never find my way back out.

This might be old news to some of you, but there's a Grid 2 Steam key giveaway on Facebook that's easy to win.

They're giving out 100 keys every day for 100 days. Supposedly you get one if you're in the top 100 high score list, but I've heard they distribute them randomly. There's an easy way to "cheat" your time too.. just keep switching tabs in your browser until you need to click on obstacles, then switch tabs again and repeat the process. They don't check the times.. but I've heard of people winning with legitimate times too, so it may be randomly distrubuted.

It took me a few days to get one, but I won a key today. Don't forget to confirm your email address. I believe they send out keys at 1 pm est every day.
Thanks for posting this. Ran through it once yesterday and got a key today. Selection must be random since I know my time was terrible.

Also a bit late to the steam friendings but for anyone who wants someone else to sit at the bottom of their pinball fx2 leaderbaords:

Does anyone know if the Civ V Gold Upgrade comes with the Gods and Kings expansion? I think I have all the DLC except that, but the Gold Upgrade is $5 and the expansion alone is $7.49 so it would make more sense to buy that if it really is included.

Yes as I remember the gold upgrade includes G&K. Also for those interested in civ 5, get G&K and BNW if your able. The game is 3x more interesting with those 2 expansions. The trade routes, religion, world Congress and city States add a lot of dimensions to the game.

It's not about just conquering everything. Because a civ with alot of pull in Congress can easily beat you, same as with a civ with a lot of influence in religion.
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Does anyone know if the Civ V Gold Upgrade comes with the Gods and Kings expansion? I think I have all the DLC except that, but the Gold Upgrade is $5 and the expansion alone is $7.49 so it would make more sense to buy that if it really is included.
It does. I bought that upgrade pack during the summer sale and Gods & Kings is part of it.

It does. I bought that upgrade pack during the summer sale and Gods & Kings is part of it.
Cool, grabbed it even though I've got all the other DLC. $5 for Gods and Kings seems pretty fair.

I can't quite bring myself to buy the Brave New World expansion though. $20 just seems like too much when I still haven't spent as much time with Civ 5 as I should have. Someday I suppose.

Was tempted by Magic 2014, so I figured I should check out the demo before I buy it.  I enjoy Magic, but I think that punitive timer is going to make it a 'no go' for me, by the looks of things.

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Cool, grabbed it even though I've got all the other DLC. $5 for Gods and Kings seems pretty fair.

I can't quite bring myself to buy the Brave New World expansion though. $20 just seems like too much when I still haven't spent as much time with Civ 5 as I should have. Someday I suppose.
it was 8bucks on few weeks ago salee on gamefly sucks it should be 50% off but amazon proly make it cheaper in the future so i wait till maaozn

Does anyone know if the Civ V Gold Upgrade comes with the Gods and Kings expansion? I think I have all the DLC except that, but the Gold Upgrade is $5 and the expansion alone is $7.49 so it would make more sense to buy that if it really is included.
I think it includes everything up to Brave New World. I'm positive it includes Gods and Kings.

I finally got to the final battle in FTL, and had the enemy ship down to its last couple bars of health on its hull...I was thinking HOLY CRAP I DID IT...then they warped out. I followed them and was destroyed. That was demoralizing. I don't know if I can play this for a long time.

Cool, grabbed it even though I've got all the other DLC. $5 for Gods and Kings seems pretty fair.

I can't quite bring myself to buy the Brave New World expansion though. $20 just seems like too much when I still haven't spent as much time with Civ 5 as I should have. Someday I suppose.
I bought BNW for $8 last month in gamefly. And it comes with a free mafia II.
Cool, grabbed it even though I've got all the other DLC. $5 for Gods and Kings seems pretty fair.

I can't quite bring myself to buy the Brave New World expansion though. $20 just seems like too much when I still haven't spent as much time with Civ 5 as I should have. Someday I suppose.
Wait. It's already been on sale for less than 20 multiple times. I'm willing to bet it'll get below that again in less than 2 months. SOMEBODY will have it below 15, probably, for black friday or winter sales.

I bought BNW for $8 last month in gamefly. And it comes with a free mafia II.
Did the same, have put in a couple games with BNW. On the whole I like what it adds with the trade routes and culture tweaks, each expansion has made the game feel progressively more complete. The only complaint I have, and this may be a product of me being bad at the game and rarely playing above difficulty level 3, but it seems it's a little too easy to win by culture. Last game I set out for a science victory using Korea and well before I got to that point, I had another culture victory in place. My only other quibble is I wish the cultural influence did more than sway policy/citizen satisfaction, or if it does I wish it was more clear about those benefits.

Did the same, have put in a couple games with BNW. On the whole I like what it adds with the trade routes and culture tweaks, each expansion has made the game feel progressively more complete. The only complaint I have, and this may be a product of me being bad at the game and rarely playing above difficulty level 3, but it seems it's a little too easy to win by culture. Last game I set out for a science victory using Korea and well before I got to that point, I had another culture victory in place. My only other quibble is I wish the cultural influence did more than sway policy/citizen satisfaction, or if it does I wish it was more clear about those benefits.
I'm on the process of trying to win by spreading my religion all over the world. I haven't tried to win by culture yet as I like to play on Kings/Emperor difficulty and Epic settings. And this game takes a lot of time especially in higher difficulty as I cant just put my workers in automated mode.

Have you check this one?

I'm on the process of trying to win by spreading my religion all over the world. I haven't tried to win by culture yet as I like to play on Kings/Emperor difficulty and Epic settings. And this game takes a lot of time especially in higher difficulty as I cant just put my workers in automated mode.

Have you check this one?
Looking at that, yeah I get how culture and tourism works, bonuses for wonders, trade routes, borderes and all that. Generating culture has not been a problem, quite the opposite as I end up winning through culture before I finish researching all the tech I want (winning the world games late, especially after getting the internet is ridiculous). My main point was just that I wish there was some greater/more tangible bonus to getting to a culture level of dominant over another civ. You only need to be influential to start hitting victory conditions, and by the time you get to dominant over one you'll probably be close enough to hitting influential against the rest and even then the benefits only appear significant if they are following a different social policy. I kind of wish as your cultural influence ramped up there was a more noticeable impact with that civ, maybe it would be easier to supplant them as city-state allies or something, or it would mean something within the ranks of the world congress. Granted I suppose that could make cultural even more powerful and imbalanced.

All in all though, still really dig BNW, and Civ remains the most dangerous game for me to start because I have no concept of time while playing.

I finally got to the final battle in FTL, and had the enemy ship down to its last couple bars of health on its hull...I was thinking HOLY CRAP I DID IT...then they warped out. I followed them and was destroyed. That was demoralizing. I don't know if I can play this for a long time.
That happens to me on every level

yet I keep going back :joystick:

All in all though, still really dig BNW, and Civ remains the most dangerous game for me to start because I have no concept of time while playing.
That's what I feel too. I remember back in high school that I'm absent for two days because I'm playing Civ non stop (only game where I eat in front of the computer and only rest I got is bathroom break). Even now I always made sure that I have an alarm after 4 hours of playing Civ or else I wont stop. And with a huge backlog I always try to ignore an urge to play Civ.

That's what I feel too. I remember back in high school that I'm absent for two days because I'm playing Civ non stop (only game where I eat in front of the computer and only rest I got is bathroom break). Even now I always made sure that I have an alarm after 4 hours of playing Civ or else I wont stop. And with a huge backlog I always try to ignore an urge to play Civ.
One of the worst parts about my backlog is it really makes me hesitant to play Civilization, or nearly any strategy game for that matter. I never really played Civ IV, so the last one I was into was III. But when I got into it, entire days would go by with ease. I'm really wary of getting into V because the Civ games are ones that have no real end to them.

It has a +12v number one and a +12v number two, each at 38A.

I did something similar with my GTS250. I don't remember the PSU's ratings, but the end result -> I blew my PSU. I would recommend getting a PSU rated high enough for your GPU. Screwing around with electronics specs tends to break (blow) things. Just my humble opinion based on personal experience.
Sucks man, every time I upgrade my video card I have to upgrade the PSU, this would be the third time. :(

I just did a little bit of reading and if your two PCI-E connectors are on different rails then you add the amps together (the total is not always exactly double, but if each is 38 then the total would have to be more than 42).

Did more reading, appears that my PSU has a total 54A when combining both 12V rails. I don't know how many amps my other devices are taking up, though.

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[quote name="Solid-Snake-Eyes" post="11115691" timestamp="1381096084"]Sucks man, every time I upgrade my video card I have to upgrade the PSU, this would be the third time. :([/quote]I feel ya. I'm on my third, too. It's a vicious cycle. But a job worth doing is worth doing right. Unless you are a US congressman (or congresswoman).
I just did a little bit of reading and if your two PCI-E connectors are on different rails then you add the amps together (the total is not always exactly double, but if each is 38 then the total would have to be more than 42).

Did more reading, appears that my PSU has a total 54A when combining both 12V rails. I don't know how many amps my other devices are taking up, though.
You would have to look up each component individually and check your PSU specs for total output and output from each connector. You may be OK...
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Man, every day that I visit this thread, it makes me really want to play a different game RIGHT NOW. X-Com, Civ V, Terraria, FTL...
Just for those who care, expect a friend invite :)

Also XCOM: EU is making me want to pick up the $9.99 bundle, I'll wait for it to possibly go cheaper. Also Just wanted to say Mark of the Ninja is a stellar stealth game. My only quirk: map R to the grapple hook, it feels more natural with the control scheme. The game is absolutely amazing though, moral ambiguity everywhere with that one, really makes you think near the end. If enough people want I can give a full review.

I feel ya. I'm on my third, too. It's a vicious cycle. But a job worth doing is worth doing right. Unless you are a US congressman (or congresswoman).

You would have to look up each component individually and check your PSU specs for total output and output from each connector. You may be OK...
Yeah, I guess it all depends on how many amps all my other components are using. If I have 54A and the video card is using 42 that doesn't leave much left over. I don't know if any of them are using other rails than the two 12V ones. It seems like every connector is connected to one of the 12V rails, what's the point of the 3.3 and 5v rails then?

I know jack shit about electricity so that's why i sound stupid. I even took a class on it but didn't retain any of the info. :(

Maybe I should stick with the GTX x60 range vs moving up to x70. Apparently the 760 is a much bigger improvement over my 560 Ti than I had thought...

Whoa some dude on kijiji is selling evga 770 for $370 brand new. Costs like $415 after 2 rebates in the store + 13% tax.

Sorry if this is too off-topic.

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Yeah, I guess it all depends on how many amps all my other components are using. If I have 54A and the video card is using 42 that doesn't leave much left over. I don't know if any of them are using other rails than the two 12V ones. It seems like every connector is connected to one of the 12V rails, what's the point of the 3.3 and 5v rails then?

I know jack shit about electricity so that's why i sound stupid. I even took a class on it but didn't retain any of the info. :(
The 42 amp recommendation includes total system power consumption; 42 amps on the 12V rail is 504 watts which is double what a GTX 770 needs. You'll be fine with what you have. For extra insurance, do you know what specific model it is?

The other rails are for small things like fans or USB and such.

The 42 amp recommendation includes total system power consumption; 42 amps on the 12V rail is 504 watts which is double what a GTX 770 needs. You'll be fine with what you have. For extra insurance, do you know what specific model it is?

The other rails are for small things like fans or USB and such.
Oh... that clears up a lot! I know the model of my PSU, it's Antec EA-650W Green, 80 Plus Bronze. The math I did came out with total 12V output of 54A. 650W/12.

Damn, I was just reading the GTX 800 series is coming out in Q1 2014 and will have a significant performance leap. But I wanna get those vegetation and weather effects at max settings in Assassin's Creed 4 in November! :headache:

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Big Borderlands 2 contest starting next weekend. Get loot just for participating, with $100,000 worth of prizes given to top placers. Sign up here.

Hellooo Vault Hunters

If you're interested in shooting things in the face, picking up loot, and then shooting NEW things in the face with the NEW loot you picked up, then congratulations — your face is about to be blown right the heck off!

In the coming weeks, some of Pandora's craziest guns will start dropping in a bunch of unusual places. Imagine what it'd be like if Knuckle Dragger dropped Gwen's Head (except you won't really have to imagine, because that's literally the first thing that's going to happen once the fun starts)!

Once you get the special gun, then you get to be part of what we're calling Community Goals. Basically, a Community Goal involves killing a special type of enemy with that day's unique gun. If you guys cumulatively kill enough enemies singled out in the daily Community Goals, then you'll unlock a Community Reward (read: uniquely super-awesome gun) at the week's end!

So what are you waiting for — REGISTER NOW!

...then check back October 11 to GET. YOUR. LOOT. ON!

"Ambitious loot hunters can enter the sweepstakes simply by taking down the daily targets once a day for a total of 28 entries. In addition to the many weekly sponsored prizes, one lucky loot hunter will win a grand prize of $50,000, and four others will win varying amounts of cash totaling another $50,000. Only US players are eligible for cash prizes and sponsored prizes. However, all players worldwide can participate in the Loot Hunt, and the exclusive community goals granting access to unique in-game loot.

Along with the cash, here's a look at the other great prizes available:

  • PlayStation Vitas with copies of Borderlands 2 for the PS Vita once it's out
  • Custom Borderlands 2 Turtle Beach headsets
  • An Nvidia Shield PC Streaming set-up with a Tiki PC by Falcon Northwest
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti GFX cards
  • Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition Strategy Guides by BradyGames
  • Lifetime supplies to all 2K titles on Steam – past, present, and future"
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Oh... that clears up a lot! I know the model of my PSU, it's Antec EA-650W Green, 80 Plus Bronze. The math I did came out with total 12V output of 54A. 650W/12.

Damn, I was just reading the GTX 800 series is coming out in Q1 2014 and will have a significant performance leap. But I wanna get those vegetation and weather effects at max settings in Assassin's Creed 4 in November! :headache:
I hate how when you get a card, even if it's top of the line, it's outdated so fast. And now that I'm used to being able to play at Ultra settings even w/mods, it's so hard to be content with the thought of playing upcoming titles at "merely" recommended settings or whatnot.

Damn, I was just reading the GTX 800 series is coming out in Q1 2014 and will have a significant performance leap. But I wanna get those vegetation and weather effects at max settings in Assassin's Creed 4 in November! :headache:
Hold the phone!

You're telling me that in 6 months there will be a new line of computer components with significant performance gains?

I'm having trouble believing that, Snake.

(Seriously, you're going to have to upgrade eventually. If you wait every time a new line is announced you will never upgrade.)

Hold the phone!

You're telling me that in 6 months there will be a new line of computer components with significant performance gains?

I'm having trouble believing that, Snake.

(Seriously, you're going to have to upgrade eventually. If you wait every time a new line is announced you will never upgrade.)
I know what you're saying, but... it's supposed to be way more powerful! I had been thinking about waiting and see if AMD is a better bet also, considering both consoles are AMD powered. I don't know if games will run better on that. But dat AC4 vegetation...

I hate how when you get a card, even if it's top of the line, it's outdated so fast. And now that I'm used to being able to play at Ultra settings even w/mods, it's so hard to be content with the thought of playing upcoming titles at "merely" recommended settings or whatnot.
When I can't run a lot of new games period; new games at decent framerates (30 frames consistent or above); and/or new games at graphical settings I'm fine with for (that can depend from game-to-game, by the way) - then it's time to upgrade.

I normally try to wait a few vid-card generations, before upgrading.

i.e. I have a GeForce GTX 560 Ti, so I likely won't upgrade to a higher-model # in the 600 or 700 series card - unless I can get one of those REALLY cheap.

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I'm using my PC as my excuse not to buy PS4 at launch, so I really need my PC to run games at least as good as the PS4. I haven't had any real trouble yet, aside from that stupid hair effect in Tomb Raider.

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I'm using my PC as my excuse not to buy PS4 at launch, so I really need my PC to run games at least as good as the PS4. I haven't had any real trouble yet, aside from that stupid hair effect in Tomb Raider.
For me, that ain't super-important. It's all about $ for me.

About upgrading - if the price ain't right; and there ain't enough newer-titled games slaughtering me performance-wise & graphical settings-wise - then it just ain't time yet for me.

And with my huge backlog - that just gonna make it easier for me to not upgrade, too. I can dive into that stuff, if need be.


I think the other thing that gonna make it easier - for me to wait and see where the market goes, b/t Windows OS's vs. SteamOS. I might want to wait & see how the dust actually settles, first.

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Upgrading is pretty simple in my mind.  I either A) pay for the best current gen (I can afford) and ride the tech as long as I can, B) buy last gen top of the line for a discount at the cost of maybe needing to upgrade sooner or C) buy last-last gen at a major discount and possibly upgrade more often.  My current build utilizes option C), my new build scheduled for BF 2014 will likely be option A) (or maybe B) according to release schedule and sales).

Edit: And concerning PSU's, I always get the largest reasonable option.  If there's a chance I may need 1000W in my build, I'd just get it.  It's, barring failure, a one time cost.  It's not like you're wasting the extra power by it not being used.  And the fact is larger PSU's are generally built more robust to handle that power, so if anything it should have better reliability than one sized "just right".

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