The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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I didn't end up buying as much as I originally thought I would.  Here is my mini haul:

Atom Zombie Smasher

Giana Sisters bundle

VODO bundle that included Mouth/Scream

Groupees Bundle of the Damned 2

Walking Dead 400 Days

Mafia II DLC

On another note I did manage to accidentally buy the Groupees current BAGB twice.  Apparently my memory banks can no longer hold activities performed beyond a 24 hour period .  *sigh*

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I won't eat my favorite foods more than once because of my food backlog. I'll never get to the end of my backlog (fried spam) if I keep re eating my favorites.

Halloween Haul:​
Orcs Must Die 1/2​
I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream​
Killing Floor​
Giana Sisters Bundle​
Vampire Bloodlines: the Masquerade​
The Void (given key from Neuro - thanks again!)​
Alone in the Dark 1-3​
Gabriel Knight Trilogy​
Clive Barker's Undying​
damn u i forgot bout clive barker's undying!

I didn't pick up anything from Steam. Nothing really stood out as a particularly good deal for anything that I didn't already have.
Same. Nothing stood out for me, either. Either I owned it already or didn't feel it dropping $ on what was on sale.

I already owned many of the "horror" games I wanted that were dirt-cheap like...

Vampire Bloodlines (though, I own that from Retail, not Steam);

Bioshock franchise pack (own Bioshock 1 on Retail + GameFly, though);

RE6 + RE: Revelations; etc etc.

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There were some games I wanted on the sale, but nothing that won't be at the same price or cheaper at winter sale.

I'm trying warframe right now, it's nice, but I can't get into it, don't know why, maybe because I'm not used to that kind of games. Also, there are some game breaking bugs.
I was told the very opposite is true...
I liked it. As a horror game I thought it was pretty excellent. Good creepy atmosphere all the way thru, had the sense of something bad is gonna happen almost the whole time. It doesn't dick around and make you wait for the creepy action for 2 hours like Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. I would say for anyone who likes creepy horror games Outlast is a must buy.

edit: Took me around 6 and 1/2 hours to get thru in 2-3 play sessions if I remember correctly.

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That's probably because Dear Esther isn't a game.

You have to admit that you walked right into that one.


Guys, sorry about the lack of updates in the OP. I got back from my vacation Thursday and I got a backlog of work to get done.

It'll get some love soon, I promise. 

That's one I'm considering although I'm leaning more towards an AMD 280x given: 1) They're cheaper, 2) have another GB of VRAM, and 3) seem to perform better than Nvidias. Still a bit leery about going to AMD, though.
They aren't that much cheaper now that 770 has dropped to $330 MSRP for a base model. I was initially looking at the 280x, did the research and the choice was clear to me, went with the 770 and have no regrets. I was going to buy my card for $400 but then they did the price drop and I paid $350 Canadian.

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They aren't that much cheaper now that 770 has dropped to $330 MSRP for a base model. I was initially looking at the 280x, did the research and the choice was clear to me, went with the 770 and have no regrets. I was going to buy my card for $400 but then they did the price drop and I paid $350 Canadian.
Do you think the GB difference matters? I doubt I'll be going past standard 1920x1080 for a while. I guess I'm just brainwashed into thinking more RAM means MOAR POWAH!

Originally Posted by Videocardz

The new NVIDIA’s flagship is much more than GeForce GTX 780 replacement. Despite the fact that reference card will only arrive with 3GB memory, it does not mean that there won’t be the cards with more memory. The rumor has it that NVIDIA GTX 780 Ti will be available in 3 versions: 3GB, 6GB and even 12GB. Which version are you going to choose will only depend on how deep your pockets are.

12gb cards coming soon tho

I've never heard of Infirst. Is it on Steam?
No, but its pretty common to be found and played on cag and other forums during new thread creation. Wait a few more posts and you can play it first hand in V10.

I liked it. As a horror game I thought it was pretty excellent. Good creepy atmosphere all the way thru, had the sense of something bad is gonna happen almost the whole time. It doesn't dick around and make you wait for the creepy action for 2 hours like Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. I would say for anyone who likes creepy horror games Outlast is a must buy.

edit: Took me around 6 and 1/2 hours to get thru in 2-3 play sessions if I remember correctly.
I second Mr. Proz. I've loved what I've played. The only complaint I heard was that it was short, but it is also not priced like an AAA title.
Haven't played, but I've heard nothing but good things about it.
Well good, 3 against the one person who said otherwise! I wanted to play it (its in ma wishlist regardless of quality!), but just relaying what I heard. In my opinion, I could give a shit about quality so long as its creepy or scary. Same applies to movies...

Reposting this here in case people don't check the GMG thread. If you chose Mafia II during the free Golden Joystick promo from GMG a while back, and got a voucher for the Mafia II DLC pack.. theres a 75% off sale on the Mafia 2 DLC pack right now that you can stack the voucher with. Makes the DLC pack cost $2.

I doubt the DLC will ever be cheaper than this.

You want regrets? Apparently I deleted the email with the voucher. Sadface.


Just threw it into the google and got a whole bunch of hits, so it's not unique or anything.

I couldn't use the voucher on my main GMG account, I had created a second account inadvertently to redeem the free Mafia 2 and the discount code only worked on that account. Too bad cause I had 50 cents credit in my main account!

Can't seem to add the vouchers to my purchase. The "Add Voucher" button is grayed out. Probably because I'm in the Aus/NZ region and the coupons aren't eligible here or some bullshit.

That TAREM-8HHS6-BSYEQ coupon doesn't work for me. :(

I got that Russian Mafia II DLC pack as well, it's in my inventory. I need to figure out how to upgrade my Mafia II to Digital Deluxe first.

I can't get the coupon to work for the Maifa II dlc pack either. I tried using a new account and everything else I could think of to get it to work. I am guessing you had to have got the email from them and therefore had it associated to your account for it to work. Is there anyone here who can get it to work and buy an extra copy at the 2 dollar price tag or is not planning on using it and is eligible to get it because I would be happy to reimburse you for the cost with like an amazon gift card or something. Hoping someone can help me out as I have been waiting to play this game till I pick up the dlc and now seems like the perfect time to get the dlc. If anyone can help me out send me a PM.

I couldn't get my code to work. So, thank you for dropping yours. :bow:

I think the Mafia 2 DLC coupon only works if you bought the main game from them, as I mentioned earlier it wouldn't work on my main account but it worked on the account I redeemed the golden joystick prize on.

The mafia 2 voucher only works once, so I assume it's the same for the Civ voucher.
Try this code if you can't get the one above to work, or if you want to try to double dip for something else (like Civ V: Brave New World: GMG20-P6Y1F-KC19F

By the way, how much is the Mafia 2 Russian DLC right now?

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OMG @ 12GB cards.

Ultra HD 4K textures/res's really are coming! :whistle2:x

And I've been happy for the most part w/ my 1 GB GeForce 560 Ti...for now... :whistle2:x


Do you think the GB difference matters? I doubt I'll be going past standard 1920x1080 for a while. I guess I'm just brainwashed into thinking more RAM means MOAR POWAH!
My guess - if there's higher graphical settings & technology, more VRAM should make it easier to run the game w/ more settings on; more settings turned way up; and even maxed.


I bet more VRAM probably will also make big difference w/ games when higher texture quality & resolutions are supported - if you want to really utilize them.

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Expeditions: Conquistador on sale at gamefly $5.49 if you use the code GFDNOV20. Activates on steam.!/download-expeditions-conquistador/5005985
I got it for $5.09 with code LCCW3KNNLNCC3WCF

Code was given via email for trying out the new site and them killing off the client, don't know whether it's account specific or not. It gives 25% off order. If it doesn't work, check your email/Spam folder for the following: "Important Information regarding the GameFly Client"

You don't have to download the new desktop client to get your Steam keys either, they are in the account history under the order number and also you are sent a separate email with the key.

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I got it for $5.09 with code LCCW3KNNLNCC3WCF

Code was given via email for trying out the new site and them killing off the client, don't know whether it's account specific or not. It gives 25% off order. If it doesn't work, check your email/Spam folder for the following: "Important Information regarding the GameFly Client"

You don't have to download the new desktop client to get your Steam keys either, they are in the account history under the order number and also you are sent a separate email with the key.
Got that e-mail.

But, my code itself is different.

OMG @ 12GB cards.

Ultra HD 4K textures/res's really are coming! :whistle2:x

And I've been happy for the most part w/ my 1 GB GeForce 560 Ti...for now... :whistle2:x


My guess - if there's higher graphical settings & technology, more VRAM should make it easier to run the game w/ more settings on; more settings turned way up; and even maxed.


I bet more VRAM probably will also make big difference w/ games when higher texture quality & resolutions are supported - if you want to really utilize them.

That's a forum I found that was made in 2011. Based on very uneducated and elementary guess would be that you should definitely go for the 2gb, assuming you want to play recent games on higher settings, or mod the crap out of something.

Try this code if you can't get the one above to work, or if you want to try to double dip for something else (like Civ V: Brave New World: GMG20-P6Y1F-KC19F

By the way, how much is the Mafia 2 Russian DLC right now?
I got mine for $2.50 during the summer sale. I assume regular price is like $10? Or whatever the Russian equivalent of it is.

That's one I'm considering although I'm leaning more towards an AMD 280x given: 1) They're cheaper, 2) have another GB of VRAM, and 3) seem to perform better than Nvidias. Still a bit leery about going to AMD, though.
AMD does have a nicer price point and the bundled games were really helping sales I think but it is starting to become harder to choose a card based on power alone. Nvidia has PhysX (more games are coming out with it again), better 3D (most don't care about this but I do), Gsync (not proven but sounds interesting), Nvidia game bundles are getting better, SLI still seems better than Crossfire (if you want to add an extra card for a cheaper upgrade) and shadowplay (great for gamers who want to record gameplay with almost 0 performance hit but it is limited to 1080p right now). In my opinion, I would say Nvidia still makes better drivers but AMD is getting much better. It will be interesting to see how AMD owning the console market will affect the PC market though and we'll have to see how Mantle really is and if developers will choose it over other APIs.

I got it for $5.09 with code LCCW3KNNLNCC3WCF

Code was given via email for trying out the new site and them killing off the client, don't know whether it's account specific or not. It gives 25% off order. If it doesn't work, check your email/Spam folder for the following: "Important Information regarding the GameFly Client"

You don't have to download the new desktop client to get your Steam keys either, they are in the account history under the order number and also you are sent a separate email with the key.
yeah I got the e-mail too and I used my 25% off code. But I figured it was a unique code given the format so I only listed the generic coupon code.

Guys, sorry about the lack of updates in the OP. I got back from my vacation Thursday and I got a backlog of work to get done.

It'll get some love soon, I promise.
shamefull eperson u disgrace to op we almost overthrow u heh jk

Haven't played, but I've heard nothing but good things about it.

You horrible person and your vactationing.
lol hhe we going to get neuro Mrninjasquirrel to eat his brians m aahha

If that's what AMD is modeling mantle after, I'm going to worry about them being initially amazing performance wise, but having a short shelf life due to alcoholism.

Personally, I think AMD would be best-utilized w/ their lower-level Mantle API on SteamOS. Windows has gotten so bloated over the years (especially since Aero got introduced and since it's now forced always on Win 8), that something lower-level like Mantle would probably push much more performance on something likely not as bloated and gaming-orientated like SteamOS/Linux.

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