The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
You can find link to past threads at the bottom of this post. Read post #2 of this thread for Steam FAQs and more.

Steam Sales on Steam



Steam Sales Elsewhere on CAG - Updated 11/2

Indie Bundle Threads - Updated 8/26

Free Stuff - Needs Updating

There are quite a few free and free2play games and mods on steam. You can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.

Past Special Sales
Visit to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:

Past CAG Steam Deal Threads

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I'm going to keep the steam deals from other retailers section up-to-date in the OP. Did the Wiki fail again?

Also, time for a fresh topic?
I don't think I should be allowed to update the OP, otherwise it would just be pictures of burgers, moonshine, and bacon with some lame steam links. ;)

oh realy we like party fresh hmm toasty espically neuro ehh

i think so and not sure ask sunasun mysterd and thee elite
Count Burgula approves of and endorses the sentiments expressed in this statement.

©Sunasun DVG Steam Key Sales™

At that rate I don't see why they don't just lower all regions to Russian pricing.
this should apply to everything purchasable. ;)

Or the secret world at $5

You bought orion dino Horde too! Can you tell us how's the game after all the patches... and how's the player base, after trying it?
I don't play games, just buy them, and right now really can't play anything because of a failing fan on my videocard. I'm hoping for the replacement fan to be here soon though.

Steam just revoked my copy of Bad Rats. Those bastards will pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you lucky son of a gun ;)

Can anyone get me the mafia 2 dlc for $2?

And does anyone know if i can use my voucher to buy multiple copies of Brave New World?

The mafia 2 voucher only works once, so I assume it's the same for the Civ voucher.
well, feces

on the plus side I now own brave new world for a game I've actually played lol. still haven't touched mafia 2 since i bought it.

*edit Thanks EarthboundX5 for System Shock 2!!!!!!!!!!

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No problem, enjoy!

Also, since none of the elitist snobs felt Dear Ester was worth their steamgift points, here it is up for just an hour for all CAGs! :lol:

I already have it, bought it during a Steam sale and my wife and I both loved it (I can't get her to play very many games)

I already have it, bought it during a Steam sale and my wife and I both loved it (I can't get her to play very many games)
Ya...its a hassle to get my girlfriend to play anything...but I'm partially to blame, always pulling that "you're doing that wrong" or "how can you not do get passed this, you're playing on easy!?" etc, etc....oh, and the sims doesn't count as game, I think we've here had enough of that little addiction, hahaha

Thanks for Jericho!
No problem, have fun with it and keep the toilet paper handy. It's no Doom 3 or FEAR or whatever, but it has its moments.
I'm pretty sure that you can't just upgrade from regular to deluxe (ie: you'd need to buy a copy of deluxe.)
You can't upgrade regular to deluxe that way, Steam tells you you already own the game.

It might be possible with a key but the only place that sells them is GameFly and I already hate their guts.

I'm going to have my newb colours showing through me: How do I put in mods? I am running Windows 8.1 pro 64bit (if that helps) Just a guide will help thank you. This will be awesome!
For mod heavy games Nexus is my first goto place. The Fallout 3 Nexus has about everything you'll ever need or want (and some you never thought you wanted or definitely don't want). Nexus Mod Manager makes installing the mods easy and organized and BOSS helps gets them sorted in proper order if you start getting lots of them.

For mod heavy games Nexus is my first goto place. The Fallout 3 Nexus has about everything you'll ever need or want (and some you never thought you wanted or definitely don't want). Nexus Mod Manager makes installing the mods easy and organized and BOSS helps gets them sorted in proper order if you start getting lots of them.
I ain't played FO3/NV in a long time.

Do you know off the top of your head any good UI mods to namely lower font-sizes?

Alright I'm paying it forward thanks to Earthbound. I know most you guys probably already have it but maybe some BGCQ might not. If not will re-list

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I ain't played FO3/NV in a long time.
Do you know off the top of your head any good UI mods to namely lower font-sizes?
Unfortunately, no. I've started sorting through and installing some mods in FO3, but actually haven't played the game modded yet. (There is this one.) It's between FO3 and Batman:AA for my next game to play. I was going to go with Bioshock Infinite, but I'm going to wait until more DLC is released.

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There is no real reason, other than enjoyment, to play through the game(s) that many times...  Nothing major really changes.

You can get bigger changes in multiple play through of DA:O by itself...

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There is no real reason, other than enjoyment, to play through the game(s) that many times... Nothing major really changes.

You can get bigger changes in multiple play through of DA:O by itself...
I don't know about others, but the sole reason I play games is for the enjoyment. It's certainly not a necessity of life. I love pan fried shrimp parmigiana too and I most definitely won't limit myself to only having it once.

Edit: :dunce:

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Unfortunately, no. I've started sorting through and installing some mods in FO3, but actually haven't played the game modded yet. (There is this one.) It's between FO3 and Batman:AA for my next game to play. I was going to go with Bioshock Infinite, but I'm going to wait until more DLC is released.
I used DarN UI for Oblivion, back in the day.

Looks like he did some work for both FO3/NV:

FO3 ->

FO:NV ->

I love pan friend shrimp parmigiana too and I most definitely won't limit myself to only having it once.
Dear lord, do NOT google image search pan FRIEND shrimp parmigiana instead of FRIED shrimp, it is something completely different :puke:

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Good grief, I just realized I picked up 17 games from the Steam Halloween / Fall Sale. I'm such a backlog hoarder and collectionist.

I did set a budget before hand and spent it all ($50+$18 Steam Card Fun Bucks). Some of those 4-Packs were tough to pass up, thanks to those CAGs who helped out. Now if only there was more time in a day to actually play all of these games. Heh.

Did anyone else kind of go crazy during the Halloween sale?

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Good grief, I just realized I picked up 17 games from the Steam Halloween / Fall Sale. I'm such a backlog hoarder and collectionist.

I did set a budget before hand and spent it all ($50+$18 Steam Card Fun Bucks). Some of those 4-Packs were tough to pass up, thanks to those CAGs who helped out. Now if only there was more time in a day to actually play all of these games. Heh.

Did anyone else kind of go crazy during the Halloween sale?
Haul post? Nothing crazy, but more than I expected (partially because of 4-packs and our friendly black market panda smuggler).

7th Guest & 11th Hour Bundle

Damned 4-Pack

I Am Alive

Penumbra Collection

Rise of the Triad 4-Pack

The Sherlock Holmes Collection

Silent Hill: Homecoming

Got to save some room for the real sales upcoming.

^Spelunky is a Humble Bundle game if I ever saw one. I'd wait.

Here's a revised Greenlight list, thanks to Neuro5i5 and Deuterium7. Feel free to point out any omissions.

3079 (IR Alpha Collection 1, IndieFort 2, IndieFort Championship, IndieGameStand)

99 Spirits (IR The Alaska Bundle)

Beast Boxing Turbo (IR Debut 2.0)

Deadly 30 (Groupees BAB2, Groupees Build a Meridian4 Mega, IndieGameStand)

Eryi's Action (Groupees BAGB1, Indie Gala October)

Frozen Hearth (Groupees BAGB4)

Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead (Groupees Bundle of the Undead, Groupees Build a Meridian4 Mega)
I Shall Remain (Groupees BAGB1)
Oozi: Earth Adventure (IR Valentine's Bundle 2.0, Groupees BAGB1)

Particulars (Groupees BM9)

Private Infiltrator (Groupees BAGB1)
The Real Texas (IR Spring Sun, IndieGameStand)

Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages (Groupees BM9, IndieGameStand)

Suguri Collection (Suguri + Acceleration of Suguri X-Edition HD) (Groupees Let's Build a Doujin 2, IR The Summer Bundle)

Survivor Squad (Indie Gala June)

Tales of Maj'Eyal (IR Debut Bundle 3)

Vanguard Princess (Groupees Let's Build A Doujin 2)

Zigfrak (Groupees BAGB4, IndieGameStand)
Any chance we're going to see keys for these games on Groupees? Also, IR? I hate waiting.

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Good grief, I just realized I picked up 17 games from the Steam Halloween / Fall Sale. I'm such a backlog hoarder and collectionist.

I did set a budget before hand and spent it all ($50+$18 Steam Card Fun Bucks). Some of those 4-Packs were tough to pass up, thanks to those CAGs who helped out. Now if only there was more time in a day to actually play all of these games. Heh.

Did anyone else kind of go crazy during the Halloween sale?
I spent a little more than I wanted. About $13 in steam bux and $23 in actual money. So not to bad though I did grab a game or two more than I intended. But I got some good buys at decent prices I feel.

Haul post? Nothing crazy, but more than I expected (partially because of 4-packs and our friendly black market panda smuggler).

7th Guest & 11th Hour Bundle

Damned 4-Pack

I Am Alive

Penumbra Collection

Rise of the Triad 4-Pack

The Sherlock Holmes Collection

Silent Hill: Homecoming

Got to save some room for the real sales upcoming.
well i think it kind of weak for once thank god

Brought for myself: (steam and amazon)

PKHD dlc heaven above

Walking dead surviival instict dlc(amazon)(amazon gc)

Bloody good time

Brought for friend

Bloody good time

Cliver barker jericho(amazon and gc)

Friend brought for me

Walking dead Survival instict (pay him back in future with re6 complete sale prolly for 75% off)

Damned(neuro give me )

wow that is low hey day thank god heh

there sale while steam halloween stil on

LP3 (dlgamer)

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My Halloween Sale Haul:
- Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack $1.99

Holding out for Black Friday/Winter sales.

My Halloween Sale haul: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

I love The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour, but I own them so many times over already. They were in a digital bundle on Amazon once of ten games for $9.99, I believe, and I think I have three boxed copies of the first. Now that they're on Steam, I'd like them there as well, but I can be patient.

Shadowgate just posted on Greenlight! VOTE!!

EDIT: Reminder link for those who may have kickstarted and forgotten about it
Thanks for linking! I was one of those who Kickstarted at the level to get a physical box with the game. Love the posters they sent. Voted yes immediately as I'd like it in my Steam library as well as on my shelf.

Now if only there was more time in a day to actually play all of these games. Heh.
If your location follows Daylight Saving Time, you'll have 25 hours tomorrow. Hit that backlog!
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Good grief, I just realized I picked up 17 games from the Steam Halloween / Fall Sale. I'm such a backlog hoarder and collectionist.

I did set a budget before hand and spent it all ($50+$18 Steam Card Fun Bucks). Some of those 4-Packs were tough to pass up, thanks to those CAGs who helped out. Now if only there was more time in a day to actually play all of these games. Heh.

Did anyone else kind of go crazy during the Halloween sale?

I know I'm a big horror buff, but this smaller sale seemed to have more games on sale that I wanted than the summer sale did.

My haul:

Vampire - The Masquerade (Amazon price match since I had credit)

Damned (Thanks to the evil Neuro5i5!)

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Tin Foil Hat Bundle)

I Am Alive (later saw for cheaper on PSN :(

Rise of the Triad (4 Pack with you :)

Natural Selection 2 (Generous gift from LN3000)

Jericho (Steam Gifts win from EarthboundX5)

So like $5 Amazon Credit, $3.75 Steam Credit), $3.13 out of my own pocket, and three games from this awesome community!

If I had more Steam credit I might have gotten a few more things, but I didn't finish my idling for cards until today.

I just got the Sherlock Holmes collection from JN for five bucks.  Saving my Steam credit for the big sales coming up.  My wishlist has grown quite a bit in the last couple weeks, with titles that are not cheap.  (Yet.)

My Halloween Haul:

This saddens me. :whistle2:(

I ended up getting these in the Halloween haul:

  • Giana Sisters: Twisted Bundle
  • Joe Danger + Joe Danger 2: The Movie
  • Outlast
  • The Swapper
  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
  • Rise of the Triad
  • Mercenary Kings
  • Full Mojo Rampage
  • Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
  • Damned
  • Natural Selection 2
  • Prototype
  • Miasmata
  • Foul Play
  • Clive Barker's Jericho
what did the neighbours not like your costume? shoulda went with sexy/slutty "x"
I didn't buy any games during Halloween sale.

Wait - does Groupees Bundle of the Damned 2 count?

I bought it not too long after it 1st dropped.

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My Halloween Haul:


I got whatever was in all those halloween bundles. Thought about getting Typing of the Dead, but when it got added to that SEGA bundle on the steamdb, I got all sorts of excited. Then that turned out to be a SEGA bundle from SEGA. :whistle2:(

My Halloween Haul:

really relay u sure bout that u were getting AJ Lee spanking party

what did the neighbours not like your costume? shoulda went with sexy/slutty "x"
llol mysterd is guy isnt he if mysterd was girl then im sorry but why not men lloves hots slutty girls

I never get dressed-up for Halloween, go out Trick-Or-Treating, or get invited to any crazy Halloween Parties!
33 if u do they say ur old where ur kdis ehh . and what bout ur teenage yearS?

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really relay u sure bout that u were getting AJ Lee spanking party

llol mysterd is guy isnt he if mysterd was girl then im sorry but why not men lloves hots slutty girls

33 if u do they say ur old where ur kdis ehh . and what bout ur teenage yearS?
MysterD is a guy, yes. :p

Even during teenage years, nope - I didn't really dress-up or go to parties or anything.

Not like I got invited or anything, either.

What do you expect from an introverted nerd?

{MysterD shoulder shrug}


It's Halloween. You don't need an invite. Just put on a cool costume and show up. They'll let you in.
LOL @ me in a cool costume. Like that would happen.

And when was I ever cool?

{MysterD's eyebrow raised}

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Outlast is a pretty awesome game, just finished it last night. Here's my Halloween Haul:

Full Mojo Rampage Gift

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Ultimate Edition

Foul Play 2-Pack

Silent Hill: Homecoming

Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack

Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime

Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain

Ninja Blade

Devil May Cry 3 and 4 Bundle

Another World

Joe Danger + Joe Danger 2: The Movie + Bonus Content

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

x2 copies of The Walking Dead Season 2

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I don't know about others, but the sole reason I play games is for the enjoyment. It's certainly not a necessity of life. I love pan fried shrimp parmigiana too and I most definitely won't limit myself to only having it once.

Edit: :dunce:
I won't eat my favorite foods more than once because of my food backlog. I'll never get to the end of my backlog (fried spam) if I keep re eating my favorites.

Halloween Haul:​
Orcs Must Die 1/2​
I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream​
Killing Floor​
Giana Sisters Bundle​
Vampire Bloodlines: the Masquerade​
The Void (given key from Neuro - thanks again!)​
Alone in the Dark 1-3​
Gabriel Knight Trilogy​
Clive Barker's Undying​
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didn't buy anything from the Halloween sale this time, there were a few games I wanted but I'm trying to save for black friday so I had to sit this one out. I did get this nice treat from CSGO though:


chicken dressed as a ghost

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bread's done