The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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I play Bad Rats every day so that is how I found out. I did pre-order my copy from Panda's predecessor in Serbia, but really? To revoke it all these years later? Death to Gabe!
Steam doesn't like e-mail you or make a "Revoke" statement in your Account Details section?

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Would you do that via Steam?
Yeah. Under properties is an option for "verify the integrity of game cache." That is used, of course, to fix messed-up installs by restoring them to a certain state. If run on a modded game, this should restore the game to its base state. I used it to remove mods from SR2 prior to re-installing them.

I've never used Capsule, but if you say it is good, I will go and install it now.

Buy some capsule games first. 10 or 20 to be sure. At full price, of course...
Yeah. Under properties is an option for "verify the integrity of game cache." That is used, of course, to fix messed-up installs by restoring them to a certain state. If run on a modded game, this should restore the game to its base state. I used it to remove mods from SR2 prior to re-installing them.
Oh, thanks for that! I knew it was used to keep games up-to-date!

But, I didn't realize it's ALSO used to fix screwed-up installs.

{taking mental notes}

I don't think verify integrity will get rid of extra files in the game folder, for example a texture pack or something, but it would fix official files you actually altered.

I've never used TriDef Ignition. No clue on that program.

I never used that program and I don't have a 3D HDTV/monitor.

If you are just having errors w/ V:TM-B when you're ONLY using Steam and getting the "Can't Find Steam" error, see the thread I linked to earlier that deals w/ all kinds of V:TM-B issues:
Oh, I've been there and back, haha. You're not so tough, MysterD ;)

Only reason I'm screwing around with Tridef is for my Oculus Rift. I wouldn't expect a game like VTMB to be great in the Rift (considering how dated the graphics are), but I thought it would at least be neat to try out. At the very least, a very interesting world to be "in". As simple as a game like Minecraft is, it's amazing in the Rift for similar reasons. Ah, well. Like I said, worth a shot. It's unfortunate how many hoops have to be jumped through just to get this game to run to begin with.

I don't think verify integrity will get rid of extra files in the game folder, for example a texture pack or something, but it would fix official files you actually altered.
This is correct. I ran into this when screwing around with VTMB last night. It became a bit of a jumbled mess with all the changes I was making, and verifying the integrity did restore changed files...but anything additional gets left. So, unless you remember each file that needs to be deleted manually...or don't care if they just sit there, having a clean install backed up seems like a better idea.

Oh, I've been there and back, haha. You're not so tough, MysterD ;)

Only reason I'm screwing around with Tridef is for my Oculus Rift. I wouldn't expect a game like VTMB to be great in the Rift (considering how dated the graphics are), but I thought it would at least be neat to try out. At the very least, a very interesting world to be "in". As simple as a game like Minecraft is, it's amazing in the Rift for similar reasons. Ah, well. Like I said, worth a shot. It's unfortunate how many hoops have to be jumped through just to get this game to run to begin with.
Oh, you have the Rift? Damn cool - damn cool.

I'm jelly. ;)

So, yeah - no clue how to fix that issue w/ that Ignition program.

Also - if you on Win 7 (or above), you might want to make sure you jump into the game-folder and on the vampire.exe Properties (right click on EXE; then hit Properties; then hit Compatibility tab). You'll need to do the old-trick to help getting old-games (Win XP and older running): Check the boxes to Disable Desktop Themes (Aero crap); Disable Desktop Composition (more Aero crap); and make sure you run game as an Admin.

That Aero graphical-crap can often can cause older games themselves + games w/ videos embedded within them to just not run. It drove me nuts to much, I just turned all that garbage off also via Windows 7 itself. So, it's a general thing for old games Win XP and below, to keep in mind.

Unofficial Patches should make sure you won't need to run game in Compatibility Mode for either Win XP SP1/2/3 - but if you need to, might wanna give that a whirl, too. This game can be a major pain to get running properly.

Don't remember the exact time but it was before their stupid cutoff time of "these keys will be revoked but none of the others will".

Exactly. I would feel bad for the developer but not now. They lost my business in the future.
Have you considered emailing the developer about the situation?

Every time I've emailed Dave Gilbert (twice) he's gotten back to me quite quickly. He's a pretty cool dude.

For those who purchase Vampires Bloodlines, dont forget to install the unofficial patch:
Thanks for this.

And yeah, apparently the game won't even run on Windows 7 without unofficially patching it first. Yeesh.

I was thinking of getting Ninja Blade (no, I'm serious) for $1.99 at GMG, but it uses their Capsule client. Is Capsule that bad? Should I stay away from it?

I have a few capsule games left on my PC. It's worked fine for me, but you have to boot up the capsule client usually to run the game through it (since it unlocks the game each time).

As for Ninja Blade itself, it's very QTE heavy, so as long as you find that enjoyable.

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Oh, you have the Rift? Damn cool - damn cool.

I'm jelly. ;)

So, yeah - no clue how to fix that issue w/ that Ignition program.

Also - if you on Win 7 (or above), you might want to make sure you jump into the game-folder and on the vampire.exe Properties (right click on EXE; then hit Properties; then hit Compatibility tab). You'll need to do the old-trick to help getting old-games (Win XP and older running): Check the boxes to Disable Desktop Themes (Aero crap); Disable Desktop Composition (more Aero crap); and make sure you run game as an Admin.

That Aero graphical-crap can often can cause older games themselves + games w/ videos embedded within them to just not run. It drove me nuts to much, I just turned all that garbage off also via Windows 7 itself. So, it's a general thing for old games Win XP and below, to keep in mind.

Unofficial Patches should make sure you won't need to run game in Compatibility Mode for either Win XP SP1/2/3 - but if you need to, might wanna give that a whirl, too. This game can be a major pain to get running properly.
Yeah...I made an early decision that "The Rift is my 'Next Gen'", which allowed me to justify a $300 purchase of an unfinished product. The experience is unparalleled, but it definitely has its flaws. My hope is that I can sell it a few months before the consumer version comes out and recoup a good deal of my money. As it is now, I could sell it for about a $200 profit, lol. Although, I'm sure that will decrease as the wait becomes less and less (I waited about 1.5 months for mine).

And I should have mentioned, yeah, I'm running Windows I did have to use the XP SP3 compatibility mode. Oddly enough, Windows 8 doesn't have options for "disable visual themes" and "disable desktop composition". From my Googling, apparently, Windows 8 is like this by design (makes sense). I have been able to get the game running just normally through Steam though, so I don't think that's the problem.

Basically, Tridef adds an additional launcher to it. It has its own program that lists all your games you want to use with it. So, when launching through it, it loads the 3D driver, then loads the game. But with VTMB needing to be launched through Steam, it adds another layer. I've had other Steam games launch through it no problem...but I'm sure they weren't as particular as VTMB is either. If I had to guess, I'd think something is getting lost in the transfer from the Tridef launcher to Steam and then to the VTMB exe..and the various admin permissions/compatibilities needed. Am I making your head hurt yet? lol. Yeah, I'm going to figure this shit out. And even if it sucks horrendously, dammit, it's going to be cool! haha :lol:

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Have you considered emailing the developer about the situation?

Every time I've emailed Dave Gilbert (twice) he's gotten back to me quite quickly. He's a pretty cool dude.
Urahara, if you're going to be mad at someone, be mad at the assholes that stole those 30,000 keys, not at the guy that had all those keys stolen. Dave Gilbert's one of the nicest indie devs out there. Like Edredpe said, he may be able to help.

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Way to piss off a consumer.
Consumer of what exactly? You never purchased any of their games.

Exactly. I would feel bad for the developer but not now. They lost my business in the future.
And what business is that? You've never purchased any of their games. You're just a leach. Get off your high horse, you missed out on a freebie and then try to get all righteous about it? Classless. You belong over on Slickdeals.

Urahara, if you're going to be mad at someone, be mad at the assholes that stole those 30,000 keys, not at the guy that had all those keys stolen. Dave Gilbert's one of the nicest indie devs out there. Like Edredpe said, he may be able to help.
Emailed and tweeted. No responses. Maybe he's just busy/swamped(which I can expect) so I'll give it time but he seems to be responding to people who are showing support on Twitter but not those asking for support of course. We shall see.

I'm basically over it though. It was infuriating at first but now I've just accepted it. I actually wanted to try even though it's like the 4th game in the series? I heard there's another on the way though and it's a lot to trudge through so meh.

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I don't think verify integrity will get rid of extra files in the game folder, for example a texture pack or something, but it would fix official files you actually altered.
OK. As I said, I only used it for SR2, for which it worked great. It sounds like Vampire would work better with a clean install backed up.

Yeah...I made an early decision that "The Rift is my 'Next Gen'", which allowed me to justify a $300 purchase of an unfinished product. The experience is unparalleled, but it definitely has its flaws. My hope is that I can sell it a few months before the consumer version comes out and recoup a good deal of my money. As it is now, I could sell it for about a $200 profit, lol. Although, I'm sure that will decrease as the wait becomes less and less (I waited about 1.5 months for mine).

And I should have mentioned, yeah, I'm running Windows I did have to use the XP SP3 compatibility mode. Oddly enough, Windows 8 doesn't have options for "disable visual themes" and "disable desktop composition". From my Googling, apparently, Windows 8 is like this by design (makes sense). I have been able to get the game running just normally through Steam though, so I don't think that's the problem.

Basically, Tridef adds an additional launcher to it. It has its own program that lists all your games you want to use with it. So, when launching through it, it loads the 3D driver, then loads the game. But with VTMB needing to be launched through Steam, it adds another layer. I've had other Steam games launch through it no problem...but I'm sure they weren't as particular as VTMB is either. If I had to guess, I'd think something is getting lost in the transfer from the Tridef launcher to Steam and then to the VTMB exe..and the various admin permissions/compatibilities needed. Am I making your head hurt yet? lol. Yeah, I'm going to figure this shit out. And even if it sucks horrendously, dammit, it's going to be cool! haha :lol:
I'm trying to avoid Win 8 like the least, for now. I have used it, as my neighbor has it - I don't like the lack of Start Menu and Metro UI, for starters.

Nope, my head's not hurting. It makes sense - Steam's extra layer has causes issues before w/ other games; especially when there's multiple versions out there besides just a Steamworks-only DRM-laced version.

Good luck w/ trying to get TriDef and 3D going w/ V:TM-B Steam-version. Depending on where you buy V:TM-B, the DRM might differ - since it was NOT a full-blown Steamworks game everywhere. I have V:TM-B from Retail - and that retail-disc version just uses a disc-check DRM. It's known that DotEMU at one time actually sold it DRM-FREE for a while - but for some reason, they just don't sell it anymore. I don't know how much easier or if even at all that would be enough to get Oculus Rift and TriDef to work with it.

Hope you can find a way around the issue and get Steam-version going through the Rift w/ TriDef. G'luck w/ it!

And yeah, apparently the game won't even run on Windows 7 without unofficially patching it first. Yeesh.
The patching process is incredibly easy. It's just an installer. You point it at the steamapps VtM folder and it installs everything on its own.

My experience with VtM on Win 7 64-Bit was to run the mod package installer, set the resolution in the widescreen patcher, and everything worked flawlessly. I think some people might be overblowing the amount of work it takes to get the game running.

I heard there's another on the way though and it's a lot to trudge through so meh.

They're all pretty short. You can probably play all 4 games in 10-12 hours.

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Awesome! Now it just needs an MSRP drop to $20 and 75% off. ;)

I do want this, actually...will have to see what Jake's pricing it at. I'll probably wait for the winter sale, though.
The Panda Price on this will be somewhere in the $9.50-10 range, if I am recalling his methods correctly.

I'm trying to avoid Win 8 like the least, for now. I have used it, as my neighbor has it - I don't like the lack of Start Menu and Metro UI, for starters.
The start menu is back in 8.1 and it's a huge improvement. I haven't noticed any other big changes in the week or so I've been using the 8.1 upgrade.

However, I will say that if you're running 7, 8 does seem unnecessary. I've read about some ostensible speed differences but it's nothing I've really been able to perceive. 8 looks great if you're using a tablet PC, but it's a bit goofy if you're using a desktop (or a laptop for that matter). And if I'm completely honest I have to admit that vanilla Android is a much more attractive (and more highly customizable) UI for a touchscreen device.

Expeditions: Conquistador on sale at gamefly $5.49 if you use the code GFDNOV20. Activates on steam.!/download-expeditions-conquistador/5005985
That's slightly more expensive than my target price of 75% off but I may bite anyway.
This is correct. I ran into this when screwing around with VTMB last night. It became a bit of a jumbled mess with all the changes I was making, and verifying the integrity did restore changed files...but anything additional gets left. So, unless you remember each file that needs to be deleted manually...or don't care if they just sit there, having a clean install backed up seems like a better idea.
Yeah, I back up all my games and just the other day I was able to restore my modded Skyrim to regular condition by restoring the backup, very easy.

They don't seem to have revoked my blackwell deception. Too bad I can't give it away to one of you cause I'll never play it.

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Yeah, I back up all my games and just the other day I was able to restore my modded Skyrim to regular condition by restoring the backup, very easy.
Couple months ago I migrated my Skyrim mods to Mod Organizer, ended up just wiping everything out and doing a fresh install. Made myself a clean backup for the next time...kinda wish I had done that in the first place. Took me about 2 full days of rejiggery to get it up and running properly.

Couple months ago I migrated my Skyrim mods to Mod Organizer, ended up just wiping everything out and doing a fresh install. Made myself a clean backup for the next time...kinda wish I had done that in the first place. Took me about 2 full days of rejiggery to get it up and running properly.
I haven't played Skyrim in 2 years, I figured that all my mods would be out of date any way and the next time I play (probably when I can get the DLC for 75% off) I want to start a brand new character, so starting over fresh with mods seems like the right move. I had been using Nexus Mod Manager.

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Couple months ago I migrated my Skyrim mods to Mod Organizer, ended up just wiping everything out and doing a fresh install. Made myself a clean backup for the next time...kinda wish I had done that in the first place. Took me about 2 full days of rejiggery to get it up and running properly.
I haven't played Skyrim in 2 years, I figured that all my mods would be out of date any way and the next time I play (probably when I can get the DLC for 75% off) I want to start a brand new character, so starting over fresh with mods seems like the right move. I had been using Nexus Mod Manager.
Please restrain the Skyrim talk. I'm already coming to grips with having to play through Mass Effect now that I have it on Steam. I don't need another seed planted in my head that will end up stealing countless hours from my backlog. Thank you.

I haven't played Skyrim in 2 years, I figured that all my mods would be out of date any way and the next time I play (probably when I can get the DLC for 75% off) I want to start a brand new character, so starting over fresh with mods seems like the right move. I had been using Nexus Mod Manager.
NMM is fine, easy to use and most mods work fine with it. Mod Organizer gives you the ability to create virtual "mod profiles," basically collections of mods that you can change out with a few clicks. This lets you easily switch between your extreme graphics/nudie screenshot mods and your realism gameplay mods. Of course, with that hot new video card, you shouldn't need to be overly selective in your choices. Mod Organizer is pretty slick, slightly higher learning curve than NMM, but it has lots of cross-functionality with behind-the-scenes programs like wyrebash and uncapper.

Really hope that Bethesda can work more Steam Workshop functionality into their next game. I would prefer to just use that, but it's not really uh...tweakable enough.

Please restrain the Skyrim talk. I'm already coming to grips with having to play through Mass Effect now that I have it on Steam. I don't need another seed planted in my head that will end up stealing countless hours from my backlog. Thank you.
Don't worry, you'll be done with Mass Effect in 200 hours.

In other news: Pinball Arcade is delayed again. Back to Worms Pinball for me.

NMM is fine, easy to use and most mods work fine with it. Mod Organizer gives you the ability to create virtual "mod profiles," basically collections of mods that you can change out with a few clicks. This lets you easily switch between your extreme graphics/nudie screenshot mods and your realism gameplay mods. Of course, with that hot new video card, you shouldn't need to be overly selective in your choices. Mod Organizer is pretty slick, slightly higher learning curve than NMM, but it has lots of cross-functionality with behind-the-scenes programs like wyrebash and uncapper.

Really hope that Bethesda can work more Steam Workshop functionality into their next game. I would prefer to just use that, but it's not really uh...tweakable enough.
That sounds like a cool ability to have. You might be going for two different looks and you could switch back and forth. I'll look into that next time.

So uh, anyone know of another source for cheap games? I checked JakeNome's thread and he seems to be closed for the moment. :(
There's some brown bears in Panda clothing that post in the trade thread. On rare occasion their prices are the same or a dollar cheaper than Panda, but most of the time they are a little higher. Don't know if you could haggle with them a bit.

Maybe we should try to make some Serbian friends. I'll start working on stock piling TF2 items and will replay the STALKER series to get myself in the poor nuclear wasteland state of mind.

The only way I can imagine playing mass effect for 200 hours is if you played through, then let it idle for a week. I was pretty thorough on my 40 hour playthrough.
The only way I can imagine playing mass effect for 200 hours is if you played through, then let it idle for a week. I was pretty thorough on my 40 hour playthrough.
2 thorough playthroughs of the entire trilogy (one renegade, one paragon) would be about 200 hours, I guess.

The only way I can imagine playing mass effect for 200 hours is if you played through, then let it idle for a week. I was pretty thorough on my 40 hour playthrough.
You aren't factoring the hours of staring at the screen and pondering the philosophical ramifications of your choices as one tear slowly slides down your cheek.

The only way I can imagine playing mass effect for 200 hours is if you played through, then let it idle for a week. I was pretty thorough on my 40 hour playthrough.
Stupid Mako exploration + stupid planet scanning = me spending waaaaay more time on a game than is necessary.

Reposting this here in case people don't check the GMG thread. If you chose Mafia II during the free Golden Joystick promo from GMG a while back, and got a voucher for the Mafia II DLC pack.. theres a 75% off sale on the Mafia 2 DLC pack right now that you can stack the voucher with. Makes the DLC pack cost $2.

I doubt the DLC will ever be cheaper than this.
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Before Extended Cut or After?

Or both? :p
While the original ending did leave some questions lingering, I never really found it offensive. I guess I saw it as inevitable from the beginning. With Extended Cut and Leviathan installed, I found the ending quite satisfactory from a narrative standpoint. Though, I can understand the grief over the lack of choice.

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