The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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Steam Sales on Steam



Steam Sales Elsewhere on CAG - Updated 11/2

Indie Bundle Threads - Updated 8/26

Free Stuff - Needs Updating

There are quite a few free and free2play games and mods on steam. You can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.

Past Special Sales
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Past CAG Steam Deal Threads

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If I were to play AC 1 today I'd probably be very bored, but even though it was indeed repetitive then, the great feeling of running across rooftops and climbing incredibly tall buildings for the first time was quite strong and kept me going through the entire narrative.
Yeah, what he said. The core gameplay of AC 1 was just fantastic. Running, climbing, and jumping was a blast. What you needed to do with that basic core gameplay can be knocked, but the joy in just moving about the game world was a big draw. AC 2 took that great core and put more to do on top of it, and is undoubtedly better, of course, but that doesn't detract from just how cool AC 1 was. It reminds me of GTA 3 in that regard. Later games in the series did more with the basic gameplay concepts, but the first go round was fun in what it did that was new.

Amen! More card talk, less bitching about Humble Bundle key management.
Here's a potential positive about the key thang:

"Reducing game resale will enhance our ability to bring newer and bigger games to future"

Not sure how much of that is actually true, or if it's just PR spin, but if restricting key resale helps improve bundle quality, I'm all for it.

Here's a potential positive about the key thang:

"Reducing game resale will enhance our ability to bring newer and bigger games to future"

Not sure how much of that is actually true, or if it's just PR spin, but if restricting key resale helps improve bundle quality, I'm all for it.
I'll believe it when I see it but sounds like PR nonsense to me.

The other night idled 4 games and got 2 foils. Crazy! I sold one for $1.45, but the other is the only one of its kind currently so I am trying to sell it for $10.

This thread has been sorely lacking in card talk lately. That is all.
I was very happy to sell some cards for $0.70 last week when they were newly added, but apparently there's high demand for them and for a few days they were selling as high as $2.30 and even now it's still above a dollar. The moral of the story is that every decision I make about cards is the wrong one.

For those who purchase Vampires Bloodlines, dont forget to install the unofficial patch:

Thanks for bringing this up/posting a link. I'll be sure to install...emailed the link to myself.
Also, make sure you check THIS link:

This threads deals w/ a lot of the problems w/ dealing w/ Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.

Especially on modern-OS's and Windows 7 (and above).

And even more so ESPECIALLY the problems you might encounter w/ specifically the Steam-version.

There's other things you do need to do in Steam-version that you won't/don't need to do in the Retail-Boxed Version.

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Ahhh thank you thank you thank you. Now I won't have to search for all this stuff when I boot it up! Usually when I get a new game, I boot it up in steam to get all that "loading for the first time" crap out of the way, as well as install mods and fixes and stuff, so it's ready to go when i want to play. Didn't do that for some reason this week, which is awesome because I would've had to search around for stuff. Now I don't have to.

what is teboning, and why is he doing it to your car? do i want to know the answer to that?
tboning i just te to make sound more unique aka getting hit on the side of your car right in the middle that what happen and also neuro fault we have shitty weekend sale might as weell eat jbarney rage brains now

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Thanks for bringing this up/posting a link. I'll be sure to install...emailed the link to myself.
I'd advise you after you download V:TM - Bloodlines in its CLEAN unmodded state (which comes w/ Official Patch 1.2), back that folder up ASAP somewhere else. This game is KNOWN to have all kinds of problems, when trying to be modded - no matter whose at fault or what's at fault (using multiple different mods that might not get along; problems b/c of Steam back-patching you to V 1.2 if you don't turn off certain features before applying any unofficial patches; problems b/c of Steam itself; modding/installing things in wrong order; etc etc; or whatever the case might be).

This way, you can go back to a clean slate of V:TM-B w/out re-downloading all 3-4GB worth or so of the game, if something actually goes wrong - so that you can just ditch the broken modded-version; reinstall from clean-version; and mod up from there.

Actually, I advise doing the above for ANY Steam-game you download. Right BEFORE you decide to mod any Steam-game up (if you ever have any intentions to eventually do so) - back up your game folder somewhere else right BEFORE you mod it up. You never actually know if new official patches can be released and break a game (which I doubt would happen w/ this game, since it's old and since Troika's gone and since Activision sucks at supporting old stuff - but, hey, you never know).

It's often why I likely won't mod a game UNTIL the game's old and it ain't being supported officially much anymore (with official patches, DLC's, expansions, etc) by the dev's/pub's. This way, you won't often have to deal w/ your game becoming broken. I remember when Dead Island (original) first came out and was modded like crazy by the Community and it still was getting official patches - and anytime a new Official Patch came out, it would BREAK their modded-game entirely. It's the job of dev's/pub's to patch official-versions of the game, not take into account modded-versions. Who knows what mods people are using for mods and how many of them.

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tboning i just te to make sound more unique aka getting hit on the side of your car right in the middle that what happen and also neuro fault we have shitty weekend sale might as weell eat jbarney rage brains now
Not sure how it's my fault, though I could go for some rage brains. Maybe salt and vinegar style.

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I have had Woody Two-Legs: Attack of the Zombie Pirates on my wishlist for quite a while. Age of Booty would be there too if it didn't have SecuROM. Was Pirates of Black Cove mentioned? Guild II Pirates of the European Seas? Port Royale 3 has Dawn of Pirates DLC but the game isn't that great.

Speaking of Sid Meier's Pirates, I waited for that game to go on sale (75%off) for YEARS and now it has been $2.49 twice in the last month and a half. Sid must be getting soft in his old age.
A friend of mine bought Age of Booty a couple weeks ago and said it also requires an account with the publisher or something, similar to Tropico with Kalypso. So yet another layer.
GOG winter sale is probably less than just two months away, I'd hold off for a chance at better than 60% off (or for a GOG bundle).
Ubisoft sales are more rare at 60% off on GOG. I missed out on the last 60% off Ubisoft sale and that was quite a while ago.. I don't remember any Ubisoft games in the bundles they've done.
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Huge Ubisoft sale at GOG:

I might pick up the old Rayman games, dunno yet. Definitely in for Rayman Forever, used to have that as a kid, never came close to beating it.
What is Rayman forever? Some sites say it is an alternate name for Rayman 2. Other sites say it is three Rayman games in one. I remember the first game on Sega Saturn. I was terrible at it, but it was still fun.

What is Rayman forever? Some sites say it is an alternate name for Rayman 2. Other sites say it is three Rayman games in one. I remember the first game on Sega Saturn. I was terrible at it, but it was still fun.
It's the first game enhanced for PC. As someone who has been playing it again after so many years, it honestly holds up pretty poorly. Extremely challenging with some fairly clunky controls, and the fact you have to gather EVERY electoon in the game to complete the last level assures I will never come close to finishing it :joystick:

Ubisoft sales are more rare at 60% off on GOG. I missed out on the last 60% off Ubisoft sale and that was quite a while ago.. I don't remember any Ubisoft games in the bundles they've done.
I've looked it up and 60% off does not satisfy a number of commandments in the CAG bible.

Please report to your nearest CAG temple for reconditioning and indoctrination, or roll a d20 for a chance at divine forgiveness.

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It's the first game enhanced for PC. As someone who has been playing it again after so many years, it honestly holds up pretty poorly. Extremely challenging with some fairly clunky controls, and the fact you have to gather EVERY electoon in the game to complete the last level assures I will never come close to finishing it :joystick:
Thanks. I'll be skipping it then. The newer ones successfully captured the feeling of the older games without being clunky or frustrating.

I've looked it up and 60% off does not satisfy a number of directives in the CAG bible.

Please report to your nearest CAG temple for reconditioning and indoctrination...
LOL! This gives to new meaning to the Indoctrination Theory for ME series. ;)

...or roll a d20 for a chance at divine forgiveness.
Dammit, I crapped-out here.

I blame Tiny Tina. ;)

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Just leave "Huge Magicka sale" in the title and it will probably be fine.
You had to go and mention Magicka didn't you. Now we get a free weekend and the winter sale. Thanks. No, really.

Edited to add: It looks like a new DLC was added yesterday - Dungeons and Gargoyles which is 50% off at Gamestop. Run there now to complete your set.

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Actually, I advise doing the above for ANY Steam-game you download. Right BEFORE you decide to mod any Steam-game up (if you ever have any intentions to eventually do so) - back up your game folder somewhere else right BEFORE you mod it up. You never actually know if new official patches can be released and break a game (which I doubt would happen w/ this game, since it's old and since Troika's gone and since Activision sucks at supporting old stuff - but, hey, you never know).
With a game like this, where new patches aren't going to be an issue, couldn't you just repair your install in order to get it back to a clean state?

I've never used Capsule, but if you say it is good, I will go and install it now.

I'm not much of a fan of GMG's Capsule, TBH.



I've had matches from California to Florida that played pretty well but most of the time the online is empty. Still pretty fun just against the computer though.
We need a SNK Humble Bundle. ;)

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So about that Blackwell Deception promo that was used and abused . . . I got a key that only activated Blackwell Deception so I used it. All is fine and dandy and then I happen to win a copy on another site so I give that key to a friend. He activates it and then asks why I didn't use it since I don't have it but I do . . . right? Nope. Steam decided to revoke it from my account. Why? Because the developer was a crybaby about it.

Yeah Steam screwed up and gave away a bunch of your games by accident, but they fixed it! Why did you have to take my copy of the game? I didn't get all of the games, I only got the one that was meant to be free. Way to piss off a consumer.

It's like "Here's your free sandwich!" so I take one and a bunch of people grab 10 sandwiches. The developer walks around slapping the sandwiches out of the hands of people while crying about how they were supposed to only get one. I sympathize and when I go to take a bite they run up and slap it out of my hands while bawling in my face about how they are the victim. I won't sympathize with those who will treat me like a criminal when I'm not.

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So about that Blackwell Deception promo that was used and abused . . . I got a key that only activated Blackwell Deception so I used it. All is fine and dandy and then I happen to win a copy on another site so I give that key to a friend. He activates it and then asks why I didn't use it since I don't have it but I do . . . right? Nope. Steam decided to revoke it from my account. Why? Because the developer was a crybaby about it.

Yeah Steam screwed up and gave away a bunch of your games by accident, but they fixed it! Why did you have to take my copy of the game? I didn't get all of the games, I only got the one that was meant to be free. Way to piss off a consumer.
What time did you get your copy? The only ones that should have been revoked were after the steam key button was removed from the page.

So about that Blackwell Deception promo that was used and abused . . . I got a key that only activated Blackwell Deception so I used it. All is fine and dandy and then I happen to win a copy on another site so I give that key to a friend. He activates it and then asks why I didn't use it since I don't have it but I do . . . right? Nope. Steam decided to revoke it from my account. Why? Because the developer was a crybaby about it.

Yeah Steam screwed up and gave away a bunch of your games by accident, but they fixed it! Why did you have to take my copy of the game? I didn't get all of the games, I only got the one that was meant to be free. Way to piss off a consumer.
Yup, mine is missing too.

Yeah Steam screwed up and gave away a bunch of your games by accident, but they fixed it! Why did you have to take my copy of the game? I didn't get all of the games, I only got the one that was meant to be free. Way to piss off a consumer.
Because they can and they don't give a shit what you think about it. There's nothing you can do - welcome to Steam and enjoy your game subscriptions!

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What time did you get your copy? The only ones that should have been revoked were after the steam key button was removed from the page.
Don't remember the exact time but it was before their stupid cutoff time of "these keys will be revoked but none of the others will".

Because they can and they don't give a shit what you think about it.
Exactly. I would feel bad for the developer but not now. They lost my business in the future.

I was thinking of getting Ninja Blade (no, I'm serious) for $1.99 at GMG, but it uses their Capsule client. Is Capsule that bad? Should I stay away from it?
It's not that bad, but it's nothing special. It's only a platform to download and for some, launch games. Nothing much else to it, beyond that.

I was thinking of getting Ninja Blade (no, I'm serious) for $1.99 at GMG, but it uses their Capsule client. Is Capsule that bad? Should I stay away from it?
It's mostly a download manager. Gets most of its hate for not really providing any benefit to consumers. It's just an unnecessary step added when GMG could just provide a download link like Amazon does. Heck, even the "STORE" button in the client just opens up the web store in whatever browser you're using.

I know MysterD is very well-versed in all things VTMB, but I'm not sure if he'd have any insight on this. Figured I'd give it a shot anyway.
I've never used TriDef Ignition. No clue on that program.

I never used that program and I don't have a 3D HDTV/monitor.

If you are just having errors w/ V:TM-B when you're ONLY using Steam and getting the "Can't Find Steam" error, see the thread I linked to earlier that deals w/ all kinds of V:TM-B issues:

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